《Her love & her regrets》chapter#15


Aslam o alaikum guys

I was sitting there like a statue and I felt my heart going cold, like it would stop pumping in few seconds.

Nothing was I thinking, nothing was I feeling...

Only a horrible sight of Hoorain laying on floor with blood around her legs was swirling in front of me, suddenly another image of my sister's dead body came in front my eyes, then my mind went to that little innocent baby who was about to come in this world, who was preparing himself for this cruel world but he was murdered before even coming to us... but I was silent.. Grave silence.

My phone was ringing continuously which was lying on floor beside me, I frowned for who was disturbing me right now when I preferred silence over anger.

With shivering hands I took the mobile and pressed the answer button.

"Hello Fahad why are you not picking my call" Faraz's tensed voice was like a Echo to ear. I wanted to answer him but I felt like someone has sealed my lips so that I can never speak.

"Here Hoorain needs you, come fast she is in pain" my eyes shot up as my heart started beating up again. "My Hoorain was alive" with Hasty movements I stood up from floor and started running towards my car.

My mind was again thinking about my wife who was in hospital and needed me.

Today as I sat in car, I doubted on my driving skills, I wasn't able to drive and then one of Faraz's driver came and dropped me at hospital.

Upon entering in hospital, Uncle Ismail saw me and his eyes held sympathy for me. Sympathy! That's what I deserve.

He gestured me and I followed him, where everyone was standing in front of operation theatre.

I stared at Faraz who kept his hand on my shoulder guilt and sorrow written on his face

"Baby is no more, Hoorain's condition is also critical, they're doing operation to take out the baby" He crushed my little hope which was still residing in me waiting for some miracle for my child... Miracle I knew won't happen.

suddenly a sharp pain in my head occured, like it'll explode my head any second.

Faraz made me sit down and gave me medicine to lessen my headache but this ache won't vanish from medicines. It'll vanish when I would see my Hoorain.

After an hour doctor came to tell about Hoorain, I stood up gathering up the courage to listen about my wife's health.

"She is out of danger but due to heavy medicines she might take few hours or maybe few days to wake up" doctor announced and went from there.

All were happy, except me. I was also happy that my Hoorain is fine but knowing that the person who did that to her and who is still freely roaming around us was making me restless.


"Hoor I'm sorry, if only I were there for you then I would've never let that happen to you" Someone spoke as I was struggling to open my eyes. My whole body was groaning in severe pain.

My vision blurred when I opened my eyes and whole incident replayed in mind when I stared at the hospital room.


I looked at my stomach and there was no little bump in it.... Tears made their way through my temples, hopelessly I sobbed which was pricking my soul....

Fahad grabbed my hand and wiped my tears...

I looked at him and believe me never had I seen a man this much vulnerable and weak.... Dark circles, grown beard, messy hair like it took years to see him, more tears flowed...

He didn't utter a word, slowly and carefully he made me sit and made me drink some water, I obeyed him... Finally he looked at me and I hugged him...

"Our child" I choked on my words as I sobbed hard. He was continuously rubbing my back but was not saying anything...

" Please say something, your silence is killing me Fahad" I pleaded him and he pulled apart.

"You need rest, you were having nightmares from past two weeks and unconsciously you were physically hurting yourself.... I was waiting for this day when you would wake up in your conscious state" He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. I was just looking at him at how he was behaving like a robot.

I wanted him to console me, I wanted him to embrace me in his warmth but I felt him going very far from me...

While he was about to go, I caught his wrist and gestured him to sit, he sat again and I looked at his lips... Today I won't let him go away from me. Never...

I did what I should've done before... I kissed on his lips but maybe I was late because he didn't respond and I felt my heart twisting in agony.

I backed away because I was shocked when I stared at his blank eyes... instead of showing care to me in my vulnerable state, he was distancing away from me...

Not caring about me, he just left and nurse came within seconds after him... I was left alone again with tears and heart break...

Nurse attached a drip on my back hand and checked my temperature, after some time one by one all came and met me including Hania, uncle Ismail, my mother and in last Faraz bhai...

I cried hard when he kept his hand on my head like a big brother....

"Faraz bhai why Fahad is not talking to me" I asked him while sniffing.

" I thought he is only ignoring us... Actually he is blaming himself for this entire incident, I know he has nothing to do with it... Don't worry I'll teach him a lesson for stressing my sister" He faked anger, small smile appeared on his face but I was still not satisfied.


I was feeling my throat becoming dry and suddenly air around me was suffocating me... I jolted my eyes open as I took heavy breaths... Dim light of room came in view, slowly I was analyzing my surroundings...

White bed, white ceiling, white room and dark sky through glass window...

I was scanning the room when someone came and stood in front of me, Everything that happened to me flashed like a speed of light leaving me shuddering in fear.

I was about to scream when he kept his hand on my mouth and whole room illuminated with light...


Honey brown eyes twinkling with emotions and a smile on his lips...

I didn't blink due to the immense shock that I experienced...

He removed his hand from lips and smirked while I was unable form any word.

"Aa--Aaliyaan" I whispered.

Fahad was being ridiculous, he thought that Hoorain's miscarriage was entirely his fault because he wasn't there for her, and that's why he was ignoring all of us including Hoorain.

Today when Hoorain woke up almost after 14 days, he even didn't talk to her. I know how much he wanted to be with her but still he was becoming hard on himself.

I had a feeling that there is some other reason behind Fahad's behaviour and I had to find it.

I was in my room going through some files but was unable to concentrate so I closed them and laid down on my bed facing the ceiling and again going in deep thoughts.

As I closed my eyes Hania's face flashed in front of me, my eyes snapped open.

No! I'll never let that happen...

I again closed my eyes but was unable to sleep due to constantly thinking about incident on the day of my engagement...

Slight knock on the door indicated that it was my father... Dad was living with me for a while.

"Yes Dad come in" I said and sat up straight. Door creeked open and he came inside.

He sat on bed beside me, and for the first time I felt him growing old and weak. I noticed tiredness on his once fresh and proud face. He looked at me and all my other issues subsided as I looked at his blood shot eyes.

" Dad What happened? A-Are you crying? " It was hard for me to ask that question but someone had to break the ice.

" I know you've always blamed me for your mother's death but the truth is something which is still hidden from you" he was talking so softly today and I wanted to know the truth that's why I preferred to be silent today and listen to him.

"Your mother and I did love marriage. We thought we are perfect for eachother, but after marriage we realized that it was our wrong decision. We tried our very best to keep the peace in our relationship for you but we failed... We failed. Love disappeared from our hearts like it was never there.."

He sighed heavily and paused, a lone tear escaped from his eyes... I wanted to stop him if it was hurting him but it was better for both of us that he was opening his heart in front of his son...

"After 14 years of our marriage my old friend Murtaza met me accidently, He came in Islamabad for his job interview and unluckily he got the job.. So I invited him on dinner in our house where I requested your mother to cook some dishes because she was great cook, for the sake of my reputation she prepared delicious meals.

I was so happy for the reunion with my friend and with the warm welcome my wife gave to my guest that I didn't notice the wrong things happening behind my back....

Murtaza and Sofia..."

This time dad's shoulders were shaking as he was crying. My heart torn into pieces seeing him like this...

"Dad please stop, I don't want to hear anything" I softly pleaded him but he shook his head and continued...

"He started coming to my house oftenly, I was also little bit suspicious but never had I thought that he and my wife were cheating on me. They were having affair"

"Dad you are talking about my mother.. Accusing someone for the sin they haven't done is like calling Allah's wrath" I warned him, he was not shocked at all but I was crushed...

"I knew you would never believe me but I have no proof against them except that man himself who is still alive and happy with his family" He clenched his jaw.

"Sofia never thought about you, Murtaza also didn't think about his wife and daughter, who were waiting for him in this city and he was having good time with your mother in Islamabad... Murtaza was very handsome likewise your mother was beautiful and I was average looking but the difference we both men had that I was rich and he was ordinary" I was numb, completely numb that how my mother could do this to me.

" I think you're not ready to listen anything" he was about to go when I stopped him.

"No dad I want to listen each and everything" I demanded.

"One day I forgot my files in the house and of course you were in school, when I came to the house, I felt a man murmuring in corridor. Servants also used to come after 11:00 am and it was only 10:00 am so I was scared that who the hell was He..... As I came forward, I saw Murataza and Sofia so close to each other...." Once again dad choked on his words.

" They were alarmed when they saw me, I didn't take a moment and attacked him, fought with him like a mad man but I was shocked when your mother saved him and Slaped me.... I shouted at her as well so she quickly went to her room, packed her suit case and left the house along with Murtaza.... After one hour I heard that Sofia had died in car accident and Murtaza was injured badly.....

That night after funeral someone from neighbors told you that I kicked your mother from house and she was crying, you came shouting towards me and accused me.... That day I realized that I had lost everything, wife along with my son" Dad started crying and I hugged him. I didn't realize all these years that I was making my dad's condition more miserable by keeping distance from him.

He needed me and I hated him in misunderstandings...

" Dad I'm sorry please forgive me" I pleaded.

" No I'm not angry at you... I just want one favour from you" he said usurely.

"Anything for you dad.. Just say"

" I want you to Marry Hania Next month because I'm getting old, I know I won't live long to see you happy with your family" He said making me again miserable....

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