《Her love & her regrets》chapter #14 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

Faraaz pov:

My heart was bleeding, I didn't know what to do. Everytime I was looking at Hania, Niala's memory was flashing in front of me. She took my piece of heart with her. I was feeling empty without her and I knew that this void is never going to be filled.

Hania and Naila both were different from each other. Naila was mature and she always took care of other's emotions, she was also very introvert. Whereas as much as I'd assumed, Hania was immature and was extrovert. I know she was not talking to me much but the way she did prank on me, I was so unhappy with that. It only infuriated me more when she pranked on me and then started laughing like an old illetrate aunty.

It's just so much difficult for me to move on when Naila is always on my mind, I can't forget her no matter how much I try.

People say that men don't cry but they do not know how it feels when your heart is always crying and you can't take it to your eyes. It feels like my soul is snatched from me and my body is just going with the flow, my body is acting like a normal person but only my heart knows how much I'm messed up.

I was having severe headache cause of constantly thinking about Naila and Hania, but still I had to keep smiling in whole function today, predenting that I'm happy which I was not.

I was wearing this blue kurta because I didn't want to wear the tux, if I was getting engaged to Naila then surely I would have wore the tuxedo to look Prince Charming of my soon to be wife but here the case was different. I was not getting married to the girl of my dreams so I wanted to be as simple as possible.

Ya Allah make it easy for me, today is the big day of my life, I'm going to be someone's fiancee today and I was so excited as well as nervous at the same time.

"Ya Allah what are you gonna do to my face now" I was already stressed out and here Ayesha(my best friend) made it more miserable by putting lots of makeup stuff in front of me. Actually Ayesha was running her own beauty salon so it was easy for me to not take tension of makeup artist.

"You know what just close your eyes and shut your mouth so that I can paint your face like joker that you already are" She mocked to which I just rolled my eyes, but still I closed my eyes because I really wanted to look beautiful today for my Prince Charming.

I didn't know that I was smiling to myself like a fool until Ayesha nudged me and started laughing like maniac that she was.


As she was doing my makeup, my mind drifted to yesterday's event.

I was roaming around streets as I wanted to keep my mind occupied because I was getting bore at home and to be honest I was scared as hell thinking about my life with Faraz. So I decided why not go to park as it was still 5:00pm so I could go and come back after few hours when I would be tired.

Clad in black hijab and black Abaya, I didn't take car with me because it was super comfortable in walking.

After being tired I bought a coffee for me and went in the park to chill.

I was humming to myself when I felt a presence beside me.

"Hyy" I took a sharp intake of breath. It was the same guy into whom I bumped that day in mall.

Standing up quickly, I clenched my jaw and glared at him.

"Are you stalking me?" My voice was cold and dangerous. I felt a hint of amusement in his eyes, that's what infuriated me and I slapped him hard.

People turned their gazes at us and I was sure as hell that he was also shocked.

He stood up, tightly griped my arms, hovering me.

"This was your grave mistake that you'll regret." Now it was my turn to shiver at his words because his eyes were the most dangerous about him, which were warning me at that moment.

"By the way my name is Aaliyaan... See you soon baby till then enjoy your engagement" With that he left my arms and winked at me. I didn't miss the evil smirk on his lips before he left from the park.

I was curious as to who the hell he was but was not scared because I've seen so many wandering guys like him, who try to frighten the girls and succeed in their evil plans. I've gone through this shit before but I was lucky enough that Allah saved me and this time also I trust Allah that He will keep me safe.

Ma Shaa Allah you're looking beautiful" Ayesha kept her hand on my shoulder, making me come out of the thoughts about that mysterious man.

She perfectly did her part to which I was so happy that finally I was looking good.

I was wearing peach long maxi, hijab from the veil that was given with it, peach Heels, silver bracelet and watch in other hand, silver earrings and necklace.

"Oh Ma Shaa Allah you're looking breath taking my beautiful daughter" Khala complimented as she entered in my room and saw me ready for the event. Her eyes were glistening as she came near me and kissed my forehead. Today I was missing my parents alot, but I thank Allah that He gave me Khala(Aunty)'s love. She's best.


"Beta(child) should we go, guests have arrived in Uncle Ismail's house" She asked, I smiled and nodded, though I was nervous.

As we arrived and I got out of the car, Uncle Ismail came with a huge grin on his face. He hugged me and patted on my head, seriously after so many years I felt like my father was hugging me.

He guided us inside the house, my heartbeat was accelerating as I was taking steps forward.

I was looking down until a hand tapped on my shoulder, I sighed a breath of relief as I saw Hoorain glowing and brightly smiling at me.

"Ma Shaa Allah you're looking beautiful" She beamed.

Grabbing my hand she took me to the hall, loud music and chattering of people welcomed me, which slowed down as soon as they all saw me coming.

Oh Allah!

And as I gazed upwards, my eyes landed at the very same person who stole my heart and most important for whom I was slowly dismissing my ego.

I quickly looked at the floor because by then I was blushing hard. Hoorain giggled beside me, which increased my heartbeat even more.

Finally we reached at stage and I sat at sofa. Faraz was sitting at another sofa. It was my request to uncle that Faraz would not wear me ring because we are still unmarried and Na Mehram.

All close relatives gathered at the stage including my bestie Ayesha. Khala Aasia slipped the ring in Faraz's finger and all people applauded. Then Uncle Ismail slipped the beautiful diamond ring in my finger and again huge applaud was heard.

All people were busy in eating and chatting while I was sitting at one of the table waiting for Fahad. Some of his friends took him with them and I had no problem, because he also had right to enjoy with them.

So to keep myself busy I started using my i phone which Fahad gave me few days ago. I was so delighted that the first person who called me was my mother. I remember Ammi talked to me for almost an hour and Alhamdulillah baba was also out of coma, doctors discharged them few days ago... I was happy but at the same time very much hesitant that how would face my own father... Fahad had assured me that he would take me to my parents and would talk to them... I was hoping for the best.

As I was using my mobile, a girl of my age came and sat in front of me.

"You are Hoorain... Right? " she confirmed, I smiled.

"Yes I'm Hoorain Fahad's wife.. I'm sorry I don't know you" it was awkward situation for me where she knew me but I didn't know her.

"No no it's okay.. I'm Fahad Sir's employ and Faraz's friend...Actually I was curious to see Fahad's wife... You are beautiful no doubt" I blushed.

"Thanks but you are more pretty than me" I also praised her and seriously she was beautiful with sense of style.

"Yeah I know but look at your husband who never looks at me" Her words snatched all colors from my face.

"But you are smart who took advantage of your beauty and married him...I know girls like you who with their pretty faces and fake innocence trap rich men and then marry them.... And girls like me who truly love someone but still don't get that person... By the way I've also heard that you were planning all this with your lover... Is that true? And I've also heard that you were not virgin before marriage... Did you and your lover... "

"Enough! Don't you dare talk to my wife like this again" Fahad roard and her eyes went wide due to fear.

All people were looking at us curiously even Faraz bhai came worried. I was so embarrassed, tears were streaming down.

I moved from there and started walking not knowing where I was going in that large house.

As I was going someone tightly kept their hand on my mouth and dragged me with them. I was horrified... He was a man..I tried to get out of his hold but he was strong.

I was wiggling in his grip and suddenly he pushed me from stairs, in that moment everything was stilled, everything was finished, my happiness, my child, my hope, everything.... Everything faded as my body hit on the stairs... Immense pain erupted in my stomach as I knew my child is no more... I wished for my death also... With tears and blood darkness consumed me...

How dare she talk to my wife like that... I was furious as how people assume things and accuse someone so easily....

I was about to throw her out of the function when a loud scream with the sound of thud caught all of our attention.

My mind became numb as my body shuddered at the sight in front of us....

In that moment I realised that I have no right to be happy.... happiness is not made for me... Only pain.. Pain is written in my fate...

Everyone ran towards Hoorain who was laying on the floor with blood oozing out of her body.... In few minutes ambulance came and took her to hospital but I was there standing...

My legs were draining out of energy and I was on my knees.... Why I was not there to protect her..

Why I was not there when I promised myself that I will keep her safe and secure...


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