《Her love & her regrets》chapter# 16


Aslam o alaikum guys

" I want you to Marry Hania Next month because I'm getting old, I know I won't live long to see you happy with your family" He said making me again miserable....

"Dad may Allah give you a long life please don't say like this" I choked on my words.

"This is not the answer of my question" his voice again held the firmness. All broken feelings that he displayed few minutes ago, flew away in a blink of eye.

"Alright I'm ready to marry her next month" I lowered my head because I accepted my defeat. My dad defeated me.

I'm sorry Hania that I'm marrying you forcefully...

" I knew it may Allah give all parents an obedient son like you, I know you'll never regret on this decision.. She's best for you" I witnessed the pride and happiness in his eyes for which I was thankful but I knew I would regret marrying Hania.

Dad patted on my shoulder and went from there...

I was shocked when she kissed me, I wanted to reciprocate her but I was in deep guilt and sorrow that what if she would know about her child that it was not mine what would she do....

I thought that now Ahtisham is gone and if he appears I would give him money in order to get lost from our lives but now I was frightened that he succeeded in killing this innocent life then he would also tell Hoorain the truth....

What would Hoorain do after listening the truth, she would definitely leave me...

I didn't want her to leave me but life never gave me what I desired from it and maybe Hoorain was not my destiny....

My chest felt heavy as I kept my hand on my heart...

I loved her but at the same time I knew she would hate me for the cause of her destruction...

I was here in cafe waiting for Faraz to come, He called me this morning asking me if I could come and meet him as he wanted to talk to me about something.

I knew what he wanted to talk about, maybe he wanted me to say no to this marriage, and I would do that, no more selfishness I would show..

He clearly didn't like me so why should I forcefully be his wife..

I was in my deep thoughts when a snap of fingers scared me..

"Who are you thinking about? " Faraz asked playfully.

He never talks to me in this happy mood. Maybe he wanted to end this relationship on a good note.

"Yeah I was thinking about the love of my life" I said with sad expression. He cleared his throat and nodded.

"So who's that unlucky person" He smirked and then grinned. I was literally hurt by his reaction, I thought he would be angry at me for loving someone else but here he was not affected at all.

"He's very lucky Alhamdulillah that I love him because I'm very hard person if it comes to love. Not everyone can impress me." I said flaring the end of my hijab.


" Then why are you marrying me?" He asked in a serious tone. I gulped. I wanted to confess my feelings to him but I won't do that because then he would think low of me.

"Because he is married now and he loves his wife so much. Besides uncle Ismail told me that it was my parent's wish to tie us in a knot so I thought to fulfill their wish and make their souls happy" I lied but it was half lie and half truth. Obviously it was our parents wish.

He nodded.

"Let's order something" he said trying to make environment light. I smiled.

Then he ordered black coffee for both of us. Yes I love black coffee.

" Umm do you love someone?" I was hesitant at first to ask him this but he also asked me about my love life. What if I lied him.

"Actually yes but she's no more in this world. I still love her like you still love him" my heart broke when I saw his eyes glint. I wish he had said no he doesn't love anyone but I'm not that much lucky.

I cleared my throat.

"We both are stuck in same situation. We both are marrying each other for the sake of our parents. I came here to ask you to break this engagement but you are also bound like me"

He sighed. He was unknowingly hurting me continuously but of course he didn't know anything.

"I'm not liking this coffee. Can we please excuse each other, I've to go home Khala Aasia is waiting for me"

My mood was ruined, even my favourite black coffee was not satisfying me. I really needed a space away from Faraz.

"Yeah yeah sure you can go. Should I drop you? " he offered. It was breaking my heart to see him so blind about my emotions or maybe I had become a pro at hiding my feelings.

" No Thanks I've my own car" I smiled and rushed to the exit of the cafe whilst he was still sitting there drinking his coffee.

I quickly sat in my car and cried my heart out, it was never easy for me but at that moment I knew I was killing myself from inside, after sitting there and shedding tears, I started driving the car..

As I was in empty road, a bike appeared out of nowhere in front of my car and the most dangerous part was that two bulky men were on it.

I was shivering in fear as they descended from the bike and strode towards my car. They were having guns in their hands.

Please Allah save me.

One of them raised his gun towards my car window and gestured me to come out.

I was frightened as hell, today was my last day I thought.

I got out from the car and the other man sat behind the wheels, while the one with gun kept the pistol on my temple and pushed me to back seat.


When I realised that they were kidnapping me, I screamed and tried to run from there but he in an instant grabbed my waist and practically threw me in the car and sat with me.

"Don't try to act smart or else we'll do something you would regret your whole life" He growled making me gulp the lump that formed in my throat.

I didn't know where they were taking me but in whole journey he kept his gun on my temple whereas other one was calmly driving my car with high speed.

Oh Allah please forgive me for my sins but I don't wanna die so soon....

I was continuously praying in my heart, fear crept in me for thinking about the worst consequences...

Finally car stopped in between woods and there was a old house. I sighed in relief.

"What kind of joke is that?" I shouted at him and shoved the gun from his hand.

" Sorry Ma'am it was an order from Sara Ma'am" he replied and they both got out from car. I also decended from car.

There came a Slim figure of Sara, smiling wickedly at me.

"Hey sweet heart" She smiled while I just smirked at her....


I can't believe that he is back in my life, those eyes, that smile, those features, nothing had changed about him...

"Aaliyaan" I whispered not believing my sight.

"Missed me? " He asked, a known emotion flickered in his eyes. Tears stung in my eyes.

"Did you abscond from lock up? " I didn't answer his question but instead I asked him.

"Yes I absconded from jail only for you" He said wiping my tears with his thumb.

His touch....

"How did you know that I'm in hospital" I asked in confusion, he helped me to sit up straight and he sat on the chair beside my bed and grabbed my hand carefully in his.

"I know everything diamond" my heart tore apart at his endearment.

"I missed u alot" he said, his eyes glistened.

"Everything is changed Aaliyaan" I reminded him.

"Don't worry I'll make everything same as before, I only want your cooperation" He pleaded, I frowned at him.

"No Aaliyaan it's wrong and you don't know what happened to me after Naila's death" I sobbed.

"I know everything but there is something you don't know" He clenched his jaw remembering something.

"What do you mean? "

"Means that Fahad didn't rape you but it was Fahad's driver who raped you and Fahad made it happen and then killed your child" I was flabbergasted.

"You're mocking me? Just because you know that I was raped that doesn't mean you would make me feel low about myself by making up these false stories" I whimpered, he immediately stood and sat on my bed.

"No diamond why would I mock you? I'm just stating the truth" he said cupping my face.

"Look in my eyes" he whispered. I slowly looked up and was surprised to see him in tears as well.

"I can ruin this whole world but can't think to even see a scratch on your body,, I love you so much Hoorain please believe, Fahad is taking revenge from you" He said.

"Do you have any proof? " I asked.

"Yes I know where that driver is, I'll make him to spill the truth in front of you after that Fahad will also say the truth" he said with determination while I was hurt immensely.

"Will you cooperate with me? " he asked. I nodded while he hugged me.

"Ma'am your breakfast is ready" Nafeesa said, I nodded at her. I slowly stood on my feet and walked to the dining area and sat on the chair.

I was discharged from the hospital after 16 days and now 3 weeks had passed since I came home, thanks to Allah that I was recovering fastly. Fahad was always by my side. Now he was talking to me normally. but his care made me think that how can a person fake himself that much.

Like you and Aaaliyaan faked yourself, Fahad is doing the same....

My inner voice spoke.

As I was doing my breakfast, Fahad came in his office suit and sat on the opposite chair.

After breakfast I walked to my room but he stopped me.

"Take care of yourself" He said as he tugged my hair locks behind my ear, he kissed on my forehead.

"And eat your all meals. Ok?" he said, I smiled nodded at him. He then grabbed his keys from table and went from there.


It was evening and I was sitting on the bench in the garden when my phone rang, I frowned at the unknown number but still I picked up the call.

"Hey diamond" I was startled that it was Aaliyaan. There were servants walking in whole house and he was calling me at that wrong time so I quickly discarded the call.

After going in my room and locking it I called at his number, after few rings he picked up the call.

"Are you upset with me? " He asked me as soon as he picked up the call.

"No it's just there were servants around me so I came in room to talk to you" I explained.

"I wanna meet you so that I can show you the truth" He said.

"Aaliyaan give me few days to recover besides Faraz bhai is getting married in few days, it will be difficult for me to get out of the house because Fahad keeps his eye on me everytime" I reasoned. He was silent indicating his disappointment.

"Believe me Aaliyaan I also want to meet Ahtisham and punish him severely but right now it's impossible. Try to understand"

"OK I understand but after the marriage I would not wait for your and Fahad's divorce. You're only mine" he said making me smile.

" Yes I'm yours only" I replied....


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