《Her love & her regrets》chapter#11


Aslam o alaikum guys

Faraz came back last night from Islamabad and today in the early morning he came here to create a drama for not telling him about my leg injury.

I was better now so thought to shift in my room again, last night after Hoorain's reaction I decided to move back to my room in the morning. Alhamdulillah now I was walking properly without any pain.

Right now we were in my room, drinking coffee when I told him that Hoorain told me everything and Ahtisham shot me in the leg but I didn't tell him about Ahtisham's story because he was my friend but still, Hoorain's respect is much more than our friendship.

So I lied him that for the car, Ahtisham did that act. He was confused that Ahtisham was a loyal person so why did he shot me just to steal the car.

"I'm so disappointed with him, how can he stoop so low just for the fu****g car" He said, I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Will you please stop this drama of yours? OK fine he did that but I'm fine and I don't care about the car. That's it. Now tell me why you went to Islamabad so suddenly" I was annoyed at his continuous argument about Ahtisham, so I changed the topic.

"Oh yeah. Dad called me and informed that he had finalised my engagement with my cousin" I choked on my coffee, tears came into my eyes by continuous coughing and this bastard was just looking at me like he is watching a cartoon. I took the glass of water from side table and took a sip to settle myself.

" Who is she? " I asked when was relaxed and back into my senses.

"Her name is Hania. Dad never told me that he had this purposal when I was a child. Can you believe it? " I was shocked as well but chose to remain silent because I didn't want to go against his engagement to make matter worse for him and his new relationship.

"It's good that she agreed to marry you. I'm impressed by her guts. Otherwise you are getting old and I know no girl on this planet would marry a annoying man like you" I smirked on which he threw a pillow on my face, making my hair mess. I laughed to make him irritated.

"I'm serious Fahad, I know I should get married but I don't even know about her and I'll be living my whole life with her. I mean how will I do that, I only remember that we used to play games in the childhood, never knew that she'll come back in my life to play this game of life together." he tried to explain me. I sighed.

"I understand bro but just trust your father this one time. He is your father, he'll never think bad of you. I dare you this girl will make your life a heaven" I was giving him hope but I was also scared like him. After all he was my best friend who meant everything to me. He nodded.

We headed downwards to have breakfast, Hoorain was already sitting there while Nafeesa started serving food.

Upon seeing us Hoorain said Salam to both of us, I sat beside her, she started fidgeting her fingers when I kept my hand on her hand and smiled but she looked down at her plate so that I couldn't talk to her.

I appreciated her efforts of ignoring me but poor girl didn't know that I won't let her go away from me, not now when especially I realised my unconditional love for her and when I knew that she's only mine.


I want her to forget her past which includes Aaliyaan and especially that horrible night.

"If you are done with your one sided romance then can you please pass me this butter"? Hoorain pulled her hand slowly out of my grip while I closed my eyes and tightened my jaw. One sided romance? Seriously? Ashole. Bloody intruder.

I ignored him and started eating, Hoorain gave him the butter.

"Hoorain this weekened my engagement ceremony is taking place, I'm inviting you there and want you to look beautiful" He grinned at her, Hoorain smiled broadly at him.

"Congratulations Faraz bhai. I'm so happy for you. In Shaa Allah I'll come there" She replied. She was looking so innocent and cute while smiling. I wanted to kiss her but she wouldn't let me.


I winced as my whole body was screaming in pain.

"Hoorain my child" it was my mother's voice. I slowly opened my eyes but not fully and stared at her face with frown. She was crying, I wanted to ask her but was unable to speak a word, was unable to comprehend anything.

She brushed her hand on my head and kissed on my forehead.

" Thanks to Allah, you are fine" as more tears esacped. My frown deepened, my head was hurting badly so I closed my eyes again. Cold thing touched my lips and again I flickered my eyes open to see a glass of water, I quickly opened my mouth and gulped the little amount water.

As soon as I was stable enough to remember everything I jolted.

Fahad barked in our house....

He forced himself on me....

He hit me on the head...

"Ya Allah" I kept my hand on mouth. My gaze diverted towards ami who was crying as well.

I shook my head in denail not believing that Fahad took my virginity and made my life hell in just one night.

I was sobbing, ami looked at me then she went out from the room not even glancing at me that I was torn apart.

I was feeling so much lonely at that moment, like someone has snatched my soul from me and I'm unable to even defend myself.


One month later

"It can't be happen" I was pacing in my room, not believing to what doctor said.

"No!!!!! " I screamed and threw all things in my room, fell on my knees in and was holding my hair tightly.

My brain was about to explode, I can't be happen. How can I be pregnant.?

Is this karma.

What Aaliyaan did to Naila happened, why it happened to me?

"Why" I again screamed and cried.

"Now why are you crying" ami's voice startled me. I looked at her and for the first time in my life I saw venom in her eyes for me.

"Ami I didn't do anything, trust me I never knew that Aaliyaan did something horrible to Naila. Why it happened to me. I didn't encourage him to rape Naila then why Fahad did this to me" I ran towards ami and stood in front of her, explaining myself but in vain because her expressions told that she had no trust on me.

"I don't trust you, what you both did was a sin, you both destroyed someone's life and in this process your life is too destroyed. Aaliyaan is in lock up waiting for his death and you are raped and pregnant. You both are punished but what was our fault that your father is in hospital." she yelled as I started sobbing.

"I will abort this child" She slapped me. That mere slap was like a curse on me.


"don't you have done enough sins that one more sin you are going to commit" She shouted.

"Next month I'll get you married with Fahad. I've talked to him and he has agreed to marry you" She blasted another bomb on my head while she went from there, again leaving my alone.

I sniffed as past memories again came to haunt me.

Knock on the door pulled me out of the trance. I quickly wiped my face and gulped the water from the glass which was on the side table.

"Yes come in" Fahad made his presence in his casual T-shirt and trousers.

He took steps forward and sat beside me on the bed.

"Sorry I was busy whole day as alot of office work was there to complete" he took my hand and started messaging my knuckles. I was staring at him, how can a person change himself overnight.

"Why are you doing this" I said calmly. He frowned.

"What are you talking about" he asked not understanding my point.

"I mean what happened that you are showing so much affection to me. Before a week I was nothing to you, you were treating me like a servant" I kept my thoughts in front of him. He gulped and averted his gaze.

"I'm sorry Hoor" My heart skipped a beat at this endearment.

"I was changed when you told me the truth that night thinking that I'm drunk but I was in my senses... I'm sorry I ruined your life, raped you and forcefully married you" His eyes were glassy and all of the sudden I wanted to slap him. Slap him so hard that I forget all my pain. He was pretending for whole one week and was testing my patience and faith?

"I don't care. Anyways we'll be separated after birth of this child" all colours from his face flew away but he deserved that.

"Hoorain please don't do this to me. I'm already suffering, it was a mistake a grave mistake please. We will together raise this baby because he needs our love" a lone tear escaped from his eye as he pleaded.

"Please forgive me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He cupped my face and touched his forehead with mine. I closed my eyes.

"What will I do with your sorry... Your sorry won't be able to amend things" I whispered and bit my lip from crying. He silently pulled away from me and again grabbed my hands.

"I'm your sinner and I will amend all things. I promise just trust me for once. You know me I was never like this and I can't even imagine to

hurt any woman. I was just not in my senses that night please forgive me" His eyes were holding so much fear, regret, guilt and desperation.

Now I was unable to hold back my tears, he immediately took me in his lap and hugged me. For some unknown reason I was feeling comfortable in his warmth.

He was stroking my back gently and kissed on my hair. I was silently crying in his embrace. He was saying random words to soothe me like a lullaby.

I was confused because I didn't want to live with him anymore but for the sake of my child I had to do that.

At first I wanted his forgiveness, I was regretting that I ruined his life and it's true but he also ruined my life and now I wanted him to ask for my forgiveness.

I appreciated his efforts to get closer to me but I needed some time to accept everything.


I woke up but felt something on my leg, I frowned but then realisation hit me that it was Fahad's leg. Last night I slept in his embrace and maybe that's why he also slept here on my bed.

His one leg was on my leg and his hand was gently placed on my stomach while his other arm was under my head. I wonder how was he sleeping in this awkward position whole night.

No no we didn't do anything, we were just sleeping. I slowly removed his hand but his leg was of iron, I didn't push him because my pregnancy was not allowing to do something beyond my energy.

"Fahad" I tapped his chest but he didn't respond. I huffed.

I again laid down on his arm, turned towards him and stared at him. Taking every feature of his face.

Thin nose, long lashes, thin lips and a cut on his right eyebrow. I touched his light stuble.

I gulped.

"What if Allaiyaan didn't do that to Naila and we were living a happy life"

That thought crossed my mind but I suddenly dismissed that.

"Fahad wake up you are hurting me" I said in desperation. He abruptly woke up making me flinch at this sudden act.

"What? What happened to you? Are you alright? " his face was morphed into a fearful expressions. Giggle erupted from my mouth.

" You are looking cute" I blurted out. He stopped at stared at me, I was also frozen for a moment. Stupid me.

"Nafeesa is calling us for breakfast" I said and was about to get up when he caught my wrist.

"You are also looking cute while blushing" he complimented and kissed on my cheek. My face was for sure turned beetroot because of blushing hard.

He laughed and went from the room leaving me face palmed.


When we were done with breakfast, I came in room to get ready. Yes Faraz bhai called Fahad this morning asking if we could come and join them(him and his fiancee) at lunch and then shopping, for some reason I was so excited to meet his fiancee.

So I tried to dress simple yet elegant, my stomach was still flat because it was my 3rd month.

I picked my brown Kurti with golden floral embroidery on it and off-white trousers. After marriage it was my first time that I was wearing this Kurti because usually at home I used to wear long frocks.

I applied face cream, lip balm, mascara and like daily routine left my hair open.

And I was ready. slight knock on the door made me turn towards it. I stepped forward and opened the door.

There was Fahad wearing black shalwar kameez. His sleeves were folded neatly and his hair were gelled back, his stuble was adding charm to his personality.

"you are looking beautiful" I came back to my senses only to blush on his compliment. He chuckled and offered his hand, at first I didn't want to hold his hand but then again I didn't want to ruin someone's day just because of something irrelevant.

I was unable to understand myself, maybe it was pregnancy or what? But I was becoming hypocrite. At first I wanted him to treat me like a wife when he was mistreating me, I know he never raised his hand on me or never forced himself on me like other sick husbands do but the way he used to ignore me was humiliating. And now that he was giving me extra care and love, I was being reluctant. It was all confusing.

In the end I subconsciously admitted that it was not Fahad's mistake, even that night when he raped me was a part of his unstable emotional state or maybe he drank too much but I didn't deserve that treatment.

Aaliyaan and me created those situations which brought terrible outcomes for both of us.


During whole driving we were silent, although it was not awkward silence but it was peaceful one, for which I was glad because I wanted to feel the nature.

Windows of the car were rolled down and it was soothing feeling whenever cold yet fresh air was hitting my face, my hairs were swaying and I was loving it.

Car stopped in front of the beautiful five star restaurant. For a while I uncomfortablly shifted in my seat because I never had been to these kind of restaurants before.

Sensing my discomfort, Fahad grabbed my hand, I flickered my gaze towards him.

"What happened Hoor?" I shook my head.

"Nothing it's just nervousness?" I was also not able to explain myself. He raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"My dear wife you are absolutely looking gorgeous, just be confident and bring that beautiful smile on your face. Your all nervousness will diminish and I'm here with you so don't worry" Maybe he was reading my mind. I was feeling myself on the seventh sky at that moment. He made my day. I smiled at him and nodded.

He kissed on my knuckles and we got out of the car.


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