《Her love & her regrets》chapter 12


Aslam o alaikum guys

Hania's pov:

Tapping my foot on the floor while checking the mobile for missed call from Faraz I was waiting for him.

Today Faraz was taking me out for shopping for engagement and then lunch. Yesterday he called me saying that it was Uncle Ismail's order for us.

When he called me, there was a awkward silence on the other side but then he finally decided to talk which saddened me but I was happy that he was taking steps in our relationship.

I was so much nervous as what to wear because he informed that his best friend along with his wife are also coming so I was pretty much nervous.

Maybe they'll ask nasty questions from me? Maybe they'll dislike me?

Oh my God I was going insane due to continuous war in my mind.

I was so confused as what to wear, my Khala suggested me to something decent so I wore baby pink silk top with white long skirt along with white hijab and white sandals.

I had no obsession with makeup, so I just wore sunscreen and a baby pink lipstick.

"Relax Hania" Khala Aasia patted on my shoulder. With nervous smile I nodded.

She went into the kitchen when maid came in the living area.

"Ma'am there is a man outside claiming to be your Fiancee" she informed me, I abruptly stood up.

"Tell him to come in" Khala's excited voice boomed in the silent living area. I pleaded Khala to not be that much excited but she ignored me and went to pull him in the house.

After few seconds Faraz entered, grinning and talking to Khala. As usual he was looking handsome but his smile was another thing at which my heart skipped a beat.

As soon as his eyes landed on me, I gave him blank stare.

"I think you both should go now other wise I would not stop talking" Khala laughed.

"No Aunty it's my pleasure to meet you. In Shaa Allah I'll come again" He politely smiled at her. Again he looked at me and cleared his throat.

"Shall we go?" he directed his question towards me and I nodded.

We walked towards his car and before sitting in the car I waved at my Khala who was glowing with happiness. I inwardly giggled at her but outwardly showed no expression.

10 mins of our journey went in pure awkward silence but then I decided to break the ice.

"Car is nice" I complimented, it was admirable because of course it was expensive.

Alhamdulillah I was not poor to not afford this kind of life style. My Khala was a lecturer in one of the top universities of Karachi and the property which my dad owned was now mine so I was living a luxurious life. But still I was looking at Faraz's car like I don't have one.

"Thank you" he just uttered a word. I gulped but still continued to talk. He must be nervous like me.

"Where are we going? "

"Okra" I nodded in appriciation.

"It's a nice restuarant, your choice is good" I smiled at him but he kept his face blank.

See! I knew it he won't let his ego die. He's not interested in you Hania then why are you forcefully talking to him.

I was the lively girl in love with this grumpy idiot, I wanted to enjoy this journey, play the music and sing with him but looking at his mood and ego I listened to my mind and kept my mouth shut during other half journey.


When we reached at the restaurant, instead of nervousness, excitement crept in my skin.

"You may go, I'm coming after parking the car" He said like he owns this world. Usually boys opens the door for their soon to be wives and he was treating me like a stranger. I was also the stubborn girl.

My mind decided to play a trick, I was never like this but friends turned a innocent girl like me into an evil prankster.

I opened the door and again shut the door followed by my fake screams.

"Ohh ouch my finger, arggh oh my God it's stuck in the door" I screamed and faked the tears, he immediately got out and came to my side. He was looking like a scared kitten. I inwardly laughed

"Let me take you to the doctor I'm so s" as soon as he opened the door, I laughed loudly. Shock, realisation and then anger appeared on his face.

But I was not scared by him at all.

" Are you insane" he snaped but I was still laughing at him.

" Yes I'm" I shrugged. Due to his fire blazing glare I covered my mouth to stop the laugh and sobered up.

"I just wanted you to open the door for me because usually all husbands do that" I got out of the car and winked at him.

" Listen Hania we're not married yet and stop acting like we are in love. Be mature" He shouted at me, all people were looking at us and I seriously felt so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry" I really was guilty because who does that with their fiancee on their first meeting. Well for Faraz it was our first meeting, for him I'm like other strange girls. But I was also hurt because he overreacted.

"I'm waiting for you, go and park your car" I said. He was looking at me apologetically but I moved from there and headed towards restaurant.

As I entered in the restaurant, faint rustling of spoons and forks, soft music and chattering of people welcomed me like a warmth. I felt full of life. I smiled and asked waiter for the table which Faraz had reserved for us.

As I reached the table, I saw a couple already sitting there, at first I was confused but then I realised that they must be Faraz's friends.

They didn't acknowledge my presence but what melted my heart was that this guy was holding his wife's hand and smiling at him while she was blushing.

"Allah save both of your love from evil's eye" I complimented and took the seat in front of them. This girl was looking at me with confusion while this handsome guy had both mixed expressions of confusion and realisation.

"I'm Hania, Faraz's Fiancee" I took my hand out towards the pretty girl who happily shook her hand with me. She really was a nice girl.

"Aslam o alaikum how are you Bhabhi? My name is Fahad and she is my wife Hoorain" he already announced the names before I can ask.

"Alhamdulillah as fit as fiddle, how about both of you?" I was so happy that they weren't grumpy or judging, they were so sweet to me.

"We are also fine and seeing a lovely lady like you, I'm so much relaxed now that my brother has found a perfect match for himself" I blushed at his compliment.

How can he tell in the beginning of conversation that I'm perfect for Faraz. This thought crossed my mind but I didn't say anything other than smiling at him.


We were talking when Faraz came and hugged Fahad then he patted on the Hoorain's head like a big brother, I felt warmth at this sweet gesture of Faraz and suddenly a strong desire of having siblings banged on my heart but I waved it off after Faraz sat beside me.

I didn't look at him nor did he tried to speak to me and I was completely fine with it because talking to him was like ruining my self respect.

He was talking to Fahad while Hoorain and I talked to each other.

She is a beautiful lady with so much decency unlike me, I sure am beautiful but not decent like her. I'm egoistic, people call it ego but I call it self respect where I know what kind of place I have in my heart for everyone and where I have to stand in somebody's life. Simply I know my limits. I think ego is completely different thing it makes you brutal and serious but I'm a joyfull, happy and contented person. I hate being serious unless I'm alone.

We did lunch and then we headed towards the shopping mall where we did shopping. I bought a beautiful peach dress adorned with pearls on the neck and sleeves. I loved it. It was simple yet elegant.

Faraz bought the blue Embroidered kurta with white shalwar. I liked it that he was not wearing some western dress on the engagement.

Fahad bhai also bought the black embroidered kurta with white shalwar, and Hoorain went for the beautiful black Saree which sure would be looking breathtaking on her.

Faraz payed for all of our dresses,

it was almost 5:30 pm in the evening and we were so tired especially Hoorain because she was pregnant.

We were in cafeteria and Faraz ordered coffee for all of us.

"Have you decided the menu yet? " Fahad asked Faraz, I also looked up at him to listen the answer, it was my engagement and I really was dying to know about arrangments but Faraz was so unfair that he didn't even discuss anything to me about preparations..

"Yeah Dad is taking care of this all stuff" He replied but his eyes were fixed on the mobile. I averted my gaze as soon as he lifted up his face.

"Exuse me I'm coming back in a while" I said while standing up from the chair and I headed towards the book shop. I took some money of mine with me, I really wanted to buy some books because I needed some break from this stress which Faraz was causing to me.

I was roaming around the shop and I picked up the book named "Forty rules of love" as soon as I turned, someone bumped into me causing our books to fall on the floor.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you" It was grave voice of a man, I shook my head in disappointment at his apology and picked up the books. When I stood up I finally looked up at him. He was smiling which I found weird, I just handed him his books and turned to go to the reception.

He also following me , which I found irritating.

"I said I'm sorry please forgive me I didn't see you" He again repeated. I sighed.

"It's OK brother, there is no need to say sorry. It was my mistake also that I didn't look at you" I said and payed the money to the receptionist.

"Oh thank God by the way don't call me brother" I pushed the door open of the shop but halted in my steps when he said those words.

"Exuse me Mr... He cut me off with his fake sweet tone.

"Mr.Aaliyaan my name is Aaliyaan" he smirked. I just rolled my eyes and headed towards cafeteria.

It was not new for me, I've faced situations like these many times when any boy tries to become friend with me with their lust filled eyes. But this time was different because this guy held so much challenge and danger in his eyes which made me shudder for a millisecond but I ignored the feeling not knowing that very much emotion was an intuition to make me alert.

"You love books" Hoorain smiled at me, I mirrored her expressions and nodded. I felt Faraz's gaze on me but chose to ignore him.

"You guys wait, we are coming" Fahad stood up holding Hoorain's hand, leaving us alone in awkward silence.

I took my cup of coffee, unfortunately it was not that hot now that's why I drank it in a one go like I was drinking water.

Suddenly a tissue paper came in front of my face. I took it from his hand but was confused as to why he was offering me tissue.

"Wipe off your mouth" To say I was

embarrassed would be an understatement.

"I think it's your first time drinking coffee" His eyes were holding amusement as he smirked. Faraz was making fun of me and it was impossible for me to shut up.

"Yeah actually I've never tasted it even. It's my first time, I really liked it" I faked tears and sniffed. Faraz glared at me but soon his lips twitched. I was happy that I made him smile.

"You're such a drama" He chuckled, I also laughed.

"I'm sorry" I said genuinely.

"No I'm sorry for shouting at you" His face was now serious. I gulped.

"It's okay" I said. He didn't know but his smile was fluttering my heart. His handsome face was looking more handsome in smile.

"I know that it's difficult for both of us to get married in this condition that we both are forced and none of us is happy but at least we can be friends because hating eachother would make this relationship even more worse" I said with a bit difficulty because I was so much happy to be his life partner but I knew he was not. It hurt me alot but I had no other choice other than forcefully be his spouse because it was our parents decision and we weren't able to deny that.

"You are right, I was so occupied in my problems that I didn't realize your agony. I'm sorry but don't worry everything will be as we want" Suddenly a feeling of unsettlement rested in me, I was afraid of what would he do. "will he break this engagement" this thought alone was sucking life out of me, call me selfish but I really wanted to marry him.

"I don't know what you are gonna do but for now as long as we are in a relationship, I want to be your friend like we were in childhood" I hopefully said, he grinned and nodded.

"I'm glad that we are already friends" He winked, I just playfully glared at him. But trust me I was so happy that he was very understanding.


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