《Her love & her regrets》chapter#9 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

One week later

I was tapping my foot on the red carpet in the drawing room, currently I was in dad's house in Islamabad, I came here yesterday and today after breakfast dad told me to wait in the drawing room so that he can discuss something with me.

I knew what he wanted to discuss but I didn't argue and silently obeyed him, as I had nothing to do other than waiting so I started to scanning the room which was same as it was before 10 years.

After mom's death I never came in this house and went to my maternal uncle in Karachi, he was single but as soon as dad handed over his half property in my hands I bought new house for me there. Dad used to come to me every month for few days and to say those days always ended up irritating for me and my dad both, would be true. Maybe because we never understood eachother and what he did to my mother, I would never forget that.

As I was dozed off, door clicked open making me sit straight on the lavish sofa.

Dad made his presence wearing a casual light green T-shirt and trousers, wet grey hair indicated that he had a shower. His strong perfume took whole room in it's effect.

He sat opposite me on a sofa and crossed his legs, he gave me a soft genuine smile before licking his lips. " Why is he nervous" the thought that crossed my mind.

"Faraz I know that you're angry with me for finalizing your marriage without your consent but this girl Hania really deserve someone who would support her through thick and thin, who would understand her no matter what because she has been through a lot and I know that you are the best thing that will happen to her"

Dad's words left me speechless for a minute, but then thought of selfishness crossed my mind that 'What about me'? 'Am I that much useless that no one thinks of me'? 'Will there be anyone for me who would love me and cure me or Am I the only one to heal every one?

"What are you thinking? " He asked, breaking the chain of questions which my heart was bombarding on my mind.

"She's the amazing girl, trust me, you are lucky that you're getting married to her " I chuckled sarcastically at this joke.

"Dad the way she talked to me was not an amazing thing at all, she's the headache" Dad glared at me, making my mouth shut but my emotions were taking there best.

"What about me? Have you ever thought about me? Or you think that I am living a super happy life where there are no worries, no tensions and problems? Just tell me one thing that did you understand my mother when she expected you to support her? Did you stood by my mother when she needed you the most? Just because of you I lived my 10 years without my mother. You can't understand the pain of a 15 years old child when his mother was declared dead, when he has to live his entire stupid life without his first love, his mother.... You just can't understand me because there are so many people around you whom you love and support.. "

I was unable speak more because at that moment I realised that I was standing up, shouting at my father, who was sitting there in shock and tears were glistening in his eyes. I was too shocked at my outburst. I was unable to meet his gaze because I was regretting already, I quickly stormed out of the room and went outside of the house.


I was roaming around the streets like a lost child, don't know why but as soon as I took out all my anger, my mind and heart were at peace. I was now tired because I was walking since morning and now my legs were also hurting, so I went in nearby park and sat there on the bench.

Thank God I was having some money in my pocket so I bought 2 sandwiches in the evening. I looked at my wrist watch and my eyes went wide because it was 10:00 pm. My eyes were closing on their own so I didn't torture myself more and slept there on the bench.

The Chirping sound of birds, light of sun which was making it difficult for me to open my eyes and chattering of people woke me up. There was a canteen on a little distance from which I bought tea and biscuits. As I finished eating biscuits, I took out my mobile from my pocket, I had switched off when I went from home so that nobody could call me but I was surprised when I saw 50 missed calls and 20 messages of dad asking me where am I?

I instantly felt guilty for stressing him that much so I dialed his number, on the first bell he picked up the call.

"Where are you Faraz, do you have any idea how much I have been worried about you?" I felt true worry and concern in his voice, which made me remorse over my oblivious attitude.

"Dad I'm fine but I don't know where am I" I was confused because I didn't know the address of my house, obviously there were many buildings constructed so it was difficult for me to find the house.

"OK ask from someone then message me the address, I'm sending the driver to pick you up from that place" I did what he said me to do and within 1 hour I was in dad's house.

Dad was doing his breakfast while I was just sitting there, pretending to do something very important on the mobile but in the reality I was just scrolling up and down my facebook ID.

Dad finished his breakfast and maid cleaned the dining table, now we were alone in the dining area because dad sent all servant's to the servant quarter.

"Dad I am ready to marry Hania" As soon as those words escaped from my mouth, a huge grin plastered on his face, I genuinely smiled at him.

" You're such a great son Thank you so much Faraz my boy" I was surprised at his excitement, I thought he would be angry with me but no he hugged me and kissed on my forehead.

"And one thing more I'll answer all your questions that you asked yesterday but someday other not now" He patted on my shoulder and went from there leaving me dumbfounded.

It had been a week since Hoorain disclosed the truth of her innocence in front of me. Still I was keeping the same behaviour as I used to keep with her. Yes I was ignoring her because I had no guts to face her when I was the cause of her pain and misery. She used to come to my room daily in the night thinking that I'm drunk and she would share her feelings, her problems with me but the truth was that I had stopped drinking because I wanted listen her with my senses but I acted like I've drank whole bottle of wine and I would not remember a single thing.


It had been only 4 months to Naila's death and my whole life was changed in these 4 months. I was again falling for Hoorain. I knew she trapped me in her friendship but it was also true that she never confessed or pretended that she loved me and what I did to her was miserable and torturous. I feared What if she leaves me for what I did to her.

I was just waiting for Faraz to come, I wanted tell him everything, only he would solve my problem.

I was going to office, assuring that Hoorain did her breakfast properly or not, because of nausea she was skipping her meals but I strictly instructed Nafeesa to make sure that she eats properly.

I was so oblivious about my surroundings that I didn't know when car stopped in the middle of some unknown street, there was no any other car or human, I frowned and looked at the driver.

"Is there any problem with the car?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No sir I want to tell you something important" He said to which I rolled my eyes.

"Ahtisham are you gone mad? I'm getting late for the meeting and you've stopped the car to tell me about your issues" I Snaped but I was shocked when he got out of the car ignoring me and stood on the side of the road. I also came outside and stood in front of him. Maybe his issue is more important than my meeting and right now I was not in the mood of getting angry over anything.

"OK tell me" I sighed. He looked at me and gulped.

"Sir you didn't rape Hoorain Ma'am that night" It was like someone has smashed my head into a very hard thing. " I didn't rape her then who did this, what if she already slept with Aaliyaan and now was forcing his sin on me" my heart was pounding like it would come out of my chest any time.

"Are you in your senses? What are trying to say" I yelled while grabbing his collar and punched him, he stumbled a bit.

"Yes I'm in my senses just listen to me, I'll tell you everything" He pleaded, I remained quite, taking it a signal he continued.

" Her father had a heart attack that day when he listened that his daughter was in lockup, Faraz Sir told me to keep an eye on her and stand on her gate so that she doesn't runaway or do something, I was making calls when you came there, but I didn't know that until I listened screams of H-Hoorain Ma'am, I hurriedly came in the house when I saw that her clothes were torn and you were trying to force yourself on her but you didn't see me because I was peeking through the door, As you were already not in senses so when I hit you with wooden stick on your head you became unconscious but I don't know what took me and I also hit Hoorain Ma'am, She thought that you hit her because her back was facing me... Sir I'm s-sorry my inner wild animal woke up seeing her in that condition and I r-r-"

"Shut up just shut up" I yelled at him, it was enough for me to tolerate any word now. I fell on my knees as tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Whyyy? Why did you do this?" I was screaming on the top of my lungs. I was feeling like everything around is suffocating me and I was going to die any minute.

"S-Sir I'm sorry I know you hate her and now knowing this that child in her bump is not yours, you would probably kill her but don't worry I don't want you to go in lockup, I'll kill her and nobody will know about this" He said while crying, How dare he touch my wife?

I started beating him and punched him so much that his nose started bleeding, my whole body was trembling..

"Don't you dare touch my wife, you've done enough damage now if anything happens to Hoorain I will kill you not fearing any outcome" I was top of him and was beating him when he punched me back making me fall on my back, he suddenly came with the pistol in his hand and without any second thought he shot me in the leg and went from there taking my car with him.

Warm thick liquid started oozing from my leg, my pant was red from blood. Hoorain's image was going in my mind. It was so painful to handle that my vision blurred and darkness invaded me.


I woke up when I listened some murmurs near me, I slowly opened my eyes and saw doctor in front, I frowned and slowly looked around me when I realised that I was in Hospital.

"I-I" My throat was hurting , nurse kept the glass of water on my lips which I drank and I was somehow feeling better but my leg was still hurting. I laid down and again closed my eyes a little when all events from morning replayed in my mind which jolted me.

Doctor looked at me with concern.

"Sir you were shot in the leg and we've operated you, you cannot move your leg freely for a awhile"

He was saying but I knew that if I didn't go home anything could happen to Hoorain. I removed the drip and tried to stand up but ended up whimpering.

"I want to go home please my wife is not safe please try to understand" I was hopeless and I wanted to cry my heart out.

"Sir please calm down your wife is here in hospital, you were found on the road in critical condition so we had no option other than contacting your family through your mobile phone" he informed me, I was relieved listening that Hoorain was fine.

"please call her" I pleaded. He nodded and signaled nurse to bring my wife, while doctor helped me to sit on the bed.

Hoorain came hurriedly with tear filled eyes. At that moment I realised that how much pain this beauty had gone through just because of me. I was so burning in revenge that I didn't think once before murdering someone's soul completely.

At that moment realised that I was weak because I didn't handle these circumstances with care but I destructed each and every thing. I completely forgot that I was going on wrong path. I was so much drunk that night and I'm unable to remember that how I went in Hoorain's house and how did I rape her. Who took me to Hoorain's house when I was not in my senses.

But still I'm the reason today that she is in immense pain. I know that She and Aaliyaan both were making fool out of Naila but I misunderstood that she knew about Naila's pregnancy and she herself killed my sister.

How much I was wrong and I was now guilty that why I gave her so many punishments when she was innocent.

Tears were falling from her eyes, it pained me to see her like but I was weak and wrecked. My heart was about to explode thinking that just because of me she was raped.

The nurse attached the drip on my arm, and gave me medicines, All the while I was just looking at the Hoorain who was staring at my leg like she has seen a ghost.

After everyone was gone, Hoorain came near my bed and very carefully sat beside me. I was just looking at her and then suddenly I hugged her with my arm which had no drip attached. She stiffened and it was enough to wrench my heart, I was about to get away from her when she hugged me back, making me feel alive again.

"I'm Sorry for everything" I snuggled in the crook of her neck, my voice was breaking but I controlled on myself. She stroked my back.

"It's OK I forgive you for everything" She said as she sniffled. She broke the hug taking away the warmth that I wanted to feel more.

"You need some rest it's almost night, tomorrow you'll be discharged" a small smiled appeared on her face, I nodded. I was also tired, She helped me to lay down and then I don't remember anything.


So how was the chapter?

New twist in their lives but what if Hoorain knows about the truth? What would she do?

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Stay blessed :)

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