《Her love & her regrets》chapter#8


Aslam o alaikum guys

The words which were escaped by this girl Hania were pricking my head. I thought my world would stop.

How can dad decide about my life when he was the one who ruined me and my mother? How can he send some random girl to tell me about my marriage? I mean yes I know she is my cousin and we used to play when we were children and we used to live in same house but I don't remember any other thing about her and I never imagined that she would be my life partner? Is this how marriages should be planned? I don't know what would I do to myself if my father doesn't stop provoking me and torturing me like this. What if I don't live with my father, still he could've call me and tell me that he has decided to get me married to some stupid girl who don't even know how to talk and when to talk. I already hate this girl so how would I spend my whole life with her.

These thoughts were not letting me sleep.

Excuse me?" I said, wasn't able to say anything else. She rolled her eyes at me. How dare she?

"If it's some kind of prank then let me tell you girl that I won't think once before kicking you out of my office" I threatened her but she didn't even blink.

"Ouch!! You're being rude to your soon to be wife" She smirked which infuriated me more. Ignoring my anger she continued. Her nerve!

"Mr. Faraz I'm not going to tolerate any kind of misbehavior..... Anyways coming to the point, I was living in Dubai but from few days I've been living here with my maternal Aunty. Since our marriage has been already decided so Uncle Ismail asked me to tell you about this new relationship by myself so that's why I'm here in front you... I hope I've cleared all your misunderstandings." She gave me fake smile.

"oh wow you cleared my all misunderstandings... Miss Hania people take years to understand each other and even take decades to decide whether should marry this person or not and you're here to tell me that we're engaged like a freaking news!!!" I Snaped at her but her confidence didn't alter a bit.

"Yeah you're right that normally a girl and boy talk to each other and blah blah but I'm not normal neither this relationship, and yeah I took almost two days to decide whether to marry you or not now it's your turn to decide." She calmly replied. How this girl was so much relaxed.

"Seems like you're in love with me that's why you've said yes to this purposal and then you're here to make me fall in your love but don't make fool out of your self because I will never marry you" I sugar coated my poisonous words to make her furious but instead she chuckled.

"Seems like you've so many misunderstands about your self which I've to diminish right now other wise they'll disappoint you so much" I felt like someone has punched me. She's so smart to play with.

"If you're not interested in me then why are you here to waste my time" I was irritated by her. She just sighed and gave me blank look.

"Told you that this marriage has been decided by our parents" she calmly replied. I ran my fingers into my hair. "Why my life is so mess" I whispered to myself but guess what her hearing sense was super strong.


"Life will not be mess if you'll understand the unpredictability of life and will adjust your attitude and behavior according to it" Her words were not so deep but still those words touched my soul because this is what life demands "Change".

She stood up while removing the invisible creases from her skirt with her hands then took her purse from table.

"If you wanna back off from this marriage then it's totally fine but if your answer is yes then we'll figure it out" I frowned 'What does she mean by figure it out' I thought but was late to ask because she was already gone.

I immediately called my father.

"What is this dad" I asked impatiently as he picked up my call.

"What happened" His voice was laced with worry, I felt guilty for a moment but again anger appeared.

"That girl Hania came Uncle Ibrahim's daughter and said that she's my fiancee. Why are you making decisions about my life in my absence dad? " I


"Faraz" He roared making me flinch. I mentally face palmed for making him angry. I was scared of his anger because making him angry means inviting an earthquake. I gulped. My anger was nothing in front of his wrath.

"Are these your manners? I'm not your servant and I've full authority to make decisions about your life because I'm your father" He yelled, I felt like my phone would explode by his volume. My all anger was vanished in a second.

"Sorry dad" I timidly said. There was a silence on the other end.

"It's ok" He said to which relief washed over me.

"I want you to come to Islamabad so that I can talk to you about your sudden engagement" He continued. I reluctantly nodded which he wasn't able to see.

"OK dad after a week I'll come because I've some work to do in office" I replied.

"OK Allah Hafiz" he hung up. I was feeling devastated at that moment. Tears were stinging in my eyes. 'Why am I so unlucky'

I wasn't able to work in office because of today's event.

I've to be careful now other wise I'll lose my child in this hate. I don't wanna regret. Already everything is so stressful now I can't risk my child's life for my ego. I love my baby as much as I hate Hoorain but I've to keep her happy, to see her happy instead of knowing that she was reason of my sister's and my pain.

Life would've been so beautiful if we were married in different circumstances, if she was what I thought about her, if my sister was alive. I shook these thoughts because reality was much more strong then this imaginary life.

So keeping my ego and hatred aside I called home. Nafeesa received the call.

"Give the receiver to Hoorain" She obeyed me.

"H.. Hello" It was Hoorain. Back then this was the most soothing voice to my ears..... Why my heart aches all the time I face her.

"Get ready by 6, I'll pick you, we have to go somewhere" I said but deep down don't know why I was nervous.

"Can you tell me where we will be going so that I can dress accordingly" she asked.

"j-just dress casually, it's not the special place" I stuttured at beginning of sentence. What the hell is going on with me. I thought.

"OK" She muttered. It was my misunderstanding or what but I felt disappointment in her voice. Why is she sad.

"Allah Hafiz" I said and hung up the call. A mere call was that much difficult for me.


At first I was disappointed a little that he told me to wear casual clothes but then I smiled to myself that even he is taking me out, it means he is taking a step in our relationship, I know he still doesn't like me and doing this all because of our child but I know one day when he'll know my innocence he'll definitely forgive me. I thought.

It was 3:00 pm already so I thought to take a 2 hour sleep then will get ready at 5:00 pm. I already had lunch and prayed my salah. so I quickly headed towards my room before telling Nafeesa to wake me up at 5:00 pm and laid down on my bed. I think it was my first time in these few months that I was genuinely smiling.

I woke up but when I looked at the clock, my eyes became wide with horror. It was 7:00 pm, I hurriedly took off the covers from my body and went in the kitchen where Nafeesa was making dinner.

"Why didn't you wake me up" I asked standing behind her. She was startled and the spoon dropped from her hand with which she was stiring the curry in the pot. She abruptly looked behind with her hand on her chest. When she looked at me, relief washed over her. I felt guilty but was angry as well at her.

"You frightened me Ma'am.... I came to wake you up but you didn't even budge" she said and again I felt guilty for being angry on her when it was all my mistake. I silently sat on the chair and face palmed. Now what would I do, how would I face Fahad, why always I mess everything, now he must be very angry with me, why my happiness ends up with tears. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about consequences.

"Don't worry Ma'am, it happens in pregnancy, it's normal to have more sleep" she assured me while taking the spoon from floor and washing it properly then again started stirring.

"Fahad must be very angry.... Where is he?" I asked her.

"No he was not angry when I told him too that it's normal and he is in his room but I would suggest you to not go upstairs because he is drunk" she warned but she was late because I was already ascending the stairs. She didn't stop me and I was thankful to her for that.

Fahad's room was slightly opened so I peeked through it, Fahad was sitting on the couch while taking a sip from his wine. I slowly opened the door and then closed it behind me, upon that creeping noise Fahad looked up at me, I was afraid as hell but ignored that feeling and headed towards him.

He didn't say anything just looked at me and small smile appeared on his features. My heart skipped a beat as I stood in front of him, I was doing everything like someone was making me do this and I'd no control over myself.

He placed his glass on the side table, gently took hold of my both hands and made me sit beside him.

Nafeesa told me that Hoorain came in my room the day before yesterday when I was drunk, I was furious that why she let her come in my room so she told me that Hoorain was persistent to see me.

Today I placed a camera in my room so that even if I'm not in senses, camera would record her every move and if she comes in my room with her some plan then it'll also get recorded because I don't trust her.

As she sat beside me I felt like everything is stopped around us, time is stopped for a moment, today I didn't drink that much alcohal that's why I remember everything, because as I took few sips Hoorain came in my room, so I acted like I'm drunk.

"Why you are here" I asked, she looked down at her hands then stared back at me, tears welled up in her eyes. Her tears always made me uncomfortable even when I never wanted her to be in comfort.

"I wanted to see you" She was stealing my heart again but in new and different way, her innocence filled eyes, her words and her beauty all were attracting me towards her, I terribly wanted to hold her in my arms, I wanted to wipe her tears, I wanted to erase the past which was hanging like a sword between our relationship but as soon as I thought about the past, Aaliyaan's face came in my mind, which was like a knife in my back.

"I'm not Aaliyaan whom you wanted to see" She stiffened , she was my wife, it was really very difficult for me to utter someone's name in front of her, Oh my God! What if she goes back to him after giving birth to my child, what if that bastard runaway from the jail, then what would I do. These thoughts were suffocating me.

"Doctor forbade me to take any stress and you're torturing me by taking his name" Tear slipped from her eye, wrenching my heart in the process to see her like this.

"So you don't love him anymore? " I know I was making her vulnerable with my questions but I wanted to know her feelings, I wanted to spend my life with her, I really wanted to move on with her, I don't know how would I do that and how would I forget the past but I can't love her like I used to.

I was also a human, I hate her but at the same time I can't deny my feelings for her, I was weak in this situation. Fahad you hate her because she killed your sister, don't forgive her, she'll never be loyal to you. Everything was mess, my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions all were mess and I hate myself as well for that.

I wiped her tear with my thumb and started caressing her cheek.

When her small fragile hand came into the contact with my face, then I realised that I was also crying, she also wiped my tears.

"No I don't love him anymore, the day I found out that Naila suffered due to him, I started loathing him." She sobbed, I frowned because I didn't understand her statement.

"W-What do you m-mean" I untangled our hands and looked at her searching for an explanation.

"Fahad I--I was in-involved in Aaliyaan's plan but I n--never knew that he took her v-irg--inity, he kept me in darkness b--y betraying both me and N-ai--la. The day when he killed her is the day I k-n-ew about his si-n-s. I stopp--ed him so m-uch and told Naila to run-aw-ay but she was so stubbo--rn that she stood there and Aaaliyaan sh--Shot h--her" she was sobbing and sniffling but my world was torn apart, She didn't look in my eyes, silently stood up and went out from my room.

I was shattered into pieces, my whole world was crushed in front of me.


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