《Her love & her regrets》chapter#7(unedited)


Hoorain's pov:

I was doing my dinner when Fahad barged in the dining room, pushed my plate aside and grabbed my wrist pulling me up due to which I stumbled a little. His grip was so strong that I winced in pain but he ignored it and dragged me into my room while slamming the door behind him.

"Did you seek my permission before going with Faraz" He growled, I was frightened by his tone.

"Answer me" he shouted making me wince again. I slowly shook my head while looking down, to which he left my wrist. He was silent for few seconds then again spoke in dangerously low voice.

"Listen if you are planing to use Faraz in your game then forget it because I'll not let you do this" he threatened me before storming out of the room, leaving me in tears.

All my appetite was vanished due to his behaviour. I closed the door of my room and sat on the bed hugging my knees and crying like no end.

Doesn't he see any positive change in me... He makes every possible effort to make me feel low in front of him....

I don't know when sleep invaded me but when I woke up it was 5:30 am so I performed Namaz. After praying I sat on the sofa staring outside the window in the sky and was lost in my thoughts.

I looked at wall clock and it was 6:30 am now.

Yesterday night when Fahad talked to me rudely, I wanted to runaway from this house but where would I go? To my parents? Who were tensed and miserable, how could I give them more trouble with my presence?

Never in my life someone shouted at me like that, my parents were always nice to me, they raised me like a princess, we were not poor nor rich, my parents never gave importance to money but still they always fulfilled all my desires because I was only one child they had. I was very thankful to them and was very grateful child until Aaliyaan came in my life.

Aaliyaan was always behind fame and money, he also dragged me in his deceiving world where money became everything for me, where my parent's house and their love seemed nothing in front of this materiastic world.

All these past memories were suffocating me, I wished I could go back to my mom, my dad and tell them how much I loved them, how much I hated this life and how much I wanted to go in my old life where there was no Aaliyaan and no Fahad.


My vision blurred and my heart beat became fast, I wanted to cry for help but my voice was stuck in my throat. I fell unconscious as I tried to stand up.

Today I didn't drink alcohal because Faraz told me that he took Hoorain to hospital and it was enough to boil my blood, I didn't listen to his other rambling and dismissed the call. I decided to go home and punish her for breaking my rules.

When I reached at home she was doing her dinner, I shoved the plate from which she was eating and dragged her towards her room.

I shouted at her for not taking my permission before going outside and I wanted to shout at her more but when I saw her in tears, I was unable to even stand there so I stormed out and went to my room.

I was standing infront of the mirror.

"do you still love Hoorain?" someone spoke within me and I shuddered.

"No!!!!" I screamed and threw all my belongings from dressing table and heaved like I had been running. Then I gazed at the floor where all my perfumes bottles, my watch, a glass vase were broken. I closed my eyes for a moment and went in the bathroom crossing all the mess.

When I came out of the bathroom changing into night suit, all mess was still there.

"Jamal" I called him, he came after few seconds.

"Clean up this mess" I said, he nodded and started doing his work. After he went I tried to sleep but was unable to sleep due to disturbing thoughts. All my night went into turning and shifting in bed.

Next morning I was getting ready for office as I took bath and changed into white shirt paired with brown pants, brown waist coat and neck tie. Black shoes were matched with black belt while I wore brown socks matched with brown pants. It was 6:45 am and I was ready.

Yesterday I broke all perfumes so took out a new perfume from cupboard, gelled my hair, took my mobile and headed downstairs towards dining room.

As I was doing my breakfast, Nafeesa came tensed, I frowned.

"Sir ma'am is not waking up, I fear..." She gulped and stopped, fock dropped from my hand and I ran towards Hoorain's room where Hoorain was laying down on couch. I hurriedly took steps towards her and slightly tapped her cheek, sprayed water sprinkles on her face but she was not waking up.

My heart was racing.

what if she has done something to herself, what if my child is not safe.


All these thoughts were drying my throat.

"Open the car" I yelled, carried her in my arms and directed outside the house towards my car. I very carefully laid her down on backseat and sat on front seat while driver started the car.

Whole journey was tensed for me, as I reached hospital I quickly carried her in my arms again and went in the hospital, every one was giving me weird looks but I ignored them and went to the reception. They called the nurse along with strechter and carefully laid Hoorain on it.


I was waiting in waiting area when doctor called me in her office. I sat on the chair.

"Who are you to patient" she asked very politely. I cleared my throat.

"I'm her husband" This mere sentence pulled Strings of my heart. She nodded.

"Yesterday your wife came with her brother and I told him that stress is not good in pregnancy but still she has come in this condition, her blood pressure was high when you took her here, maybe you people are not understanding but these little things can lead to major complications for your child and wife both" Her voice was laced with concern.

I was shocked at the revelation, of course I never knew that a woman becomes sensitive in this time period.

Maybe I over reacted last night.

I tightened my jaw, Faraz and Hoorain both didn't tell me anything. But I relaxed myself.

"How is she now? " I asked hesitantly, she moved forward in her chair and interlocked her hands while resting her arms on glass table.

"She's fine but we have given her drip so it would take at least half an hour to complete till then you can wait outside in the waiting area" she said as she gave me tight smile. I nodded and went outside.

As I was sitting there so I thought to do some office work on mobile. I was done doing that and in that mean time nurse came.

"Now you can take your wife with you and this is your bill that you've to pay on reception" She gave me receipt, I took it and payed the bill and now was waiting for Hoorain.

Hoorain came with slow steps lost in her thoughts, my eyes diverted to her hand where there was a small bandage attached. I didn't want to do what I was about to do but I convinced myself to act calmly for the sake of my child.

I stood in front of her, she lostly looked at me, I swallowed and gently took her fragile hand in mine while wrapped my other arm around her shoulder. She stiffened while coming out of the trance.

I don't know why but her gaze was making me uncomfortable. She was looking at me continuously.

"Look ahead" I cleared my throat. She quickly looked down and that calmed me down.

We reached home, she headed towards her room while I instructed Nafeesa to take care of Hoorain and after that I headed towards office.

I was writing an email and sipping from my coffee when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes come in" I said. My secretory came inside. I gestured her to have a seat and she sat on it.

"Sir there's a girl outside, she wants to meet you. She says she's your relative" she said and I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Okay let her in so that I also see who's my relative " I clenched my jaw. I was confused as well as curious because I didn't meet my relatives for last 10 years, they live in Islamabad while I lived in Karachi.

Maybe she's here to find some job.

She went out and a girl in her 20's come inside, She was wearing sky blue top paired with black long skirt with black and light blue hijab tied neatly on her head. The thing that surprised me was that she was wearing no makeup. Usually I see girls with lot of makeup no matter they're wearing hijab or not.

She sat on the seat and gave one look to my office then looked at me and smiled. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Who are you?" I know it was rude to ask directly this question but I had not the full day to give her time to become comfortable.

"Since you don't know me, first let me introduce myself to you. My name is Hania and I'm your uncle Ibrahim's daughter, who is your father's brother" I recalled and nodded at her.

"Our parents want us to get married" She broke the bomb on my head by her words.

"Excuse me?" I wasn't able to form any word due to immense shock.


So what do you think about Fahad's behavior towards Hoorain?

And what are your views on the new entry Hania?

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Stay blessed.

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