《Her love & her regrets》chapter#6 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

"I love you Hoorain" he kissed at the back of my hand. I blushed and looked down, unable to meet his gaze.

"Will you not say anything" he asked, I glanced at him and my face turned crimson. He laughed whole heartedly making my heart go wild. His mere laugh was melting my heart. I lightly smaked at his arm and he engulfed me in his strong arms.

I kept my head on his chest and trust me I never felt that much secure and comfortable before.

"I love...." I was cut off by the voice of gun, pain and shock erupted in my body, his grip loosened around me and he fell on the ground, my eyes went wide. When I saw ahead, Aaliyaan was standing there, gun in his hand, again I looked at the ground and there was Fahad lifelessly laying down. I gasped.

I jolt up, breathing heavily I looked around me and was relieved that it was just a nightmare.

"Relax Hoorain it was just a dream" I calmed myself.

"I wanna see Fahad if he is alright"

My heart protested. But I stayed in my room because it was 7:00 am in the morning.

Fahad must be waking up and if he would see me then it would be a big problem for me.

I took the glass from side table, filled it with water and drank it.

I got up from bed and went in bathroom to take bath. After bath and changing my clothes I took out the Qura'an from cabinet and started to recite, I already missed today's Fajr prayer.

After reciting Qura'an, I went in dining area where Fahad was doing his breakfast, my breath hitched, his eyes were focused on his mobile. His hair were not messy like yesterday night, they were gelled, In formal dress he actually was looking Millionaire which he really was. With one hand he was using mobile and in other hand he was holding mug from which he was taking sip.

"If you're done checking out your husband then please come have a breakfast" Faraz bhai's voice pulled me out of the chain of thoughts and my eyes went wide. "Why didn't I saw him" I thought. I glanced at Fahad who glared at Faraz bhai but he chuckled in response.

Embarrassed is the small word to describe the feeling that I was going through at that moment.

"I was just joking Hoorain. Come sit and have a breakfast" Faraz bhai called me, so I slowly went to the dining table, as I sat on the chair, Fahad stood up leaving his breakfast unfinished. I looked up at him but his gaze was fixed on his blue coat as he buttoned it up and was about to go when Faraz bhai stopped him.


"Fahad stay in living room I wanna talk to you" he said and patted his mouth with napkin. He stood up, smiled at me and went from the there.

Nafeesa served me food, I did my breakfast and then again went in my room. This was my routine to come and eat the food then again go to room or if I was not feeling well then I had living room to sit.

I headed towards living room and Fahad was standing there, hands in his pockets, patting his shoe on carpet. When he saw me he raised his eyebrows.

"just say please. I'm already late" he said annoyingly. I smirked. I don't why but today my mood was good.

"keep your rudeness to yourself" I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the couch. He clenched his jaw.

"What are your thoughts about your behaviour? When you cut the call on my face" he sarcastically replied. I sighed.

"OK I apologize but their was a reason behind it" I said, his facial expressions changed into questioning one.

"What reason?" he spat

"Seriously Fahad I'm not here to fight with you over petty things" I was tired of this all drama. He also sighed and sat on the chair opposite me.

"I've taken appointment from doctor for Hoorain" I continued and he looked at me like I've grown two heads.

"Why? " he asked

"Because she is pregnant and every pregnant lady goes to Dr for check up every other month" I explained, although I was also feeling awkward.

He also shifted in his place.

"I'm here to make you go with her" I said because I knew he would never go with her. He shook his head

"No call doctor here because I don't trust her. What if she runs from there" he kept his doubts in front of me.

"I want to strangle you Fahad. How can you think something stupid? Where will she go?" I was irritated by his childish behaviour.

"I'm seeing that you are pouring your all sympathy on her. Is everything alright?" he narrowed his eyes at me.

That was enough for me to go wild.

"Mind your language Fahad otherwise you'll regret" I threatened him but he seemed careless about my words.

"Are you taking her to doctor or not?" I asked and he stood up and without answering me he went from there. I glared at his back but he didn't even glance at me.

So I decided to take Hoorain to doctor for check up.


She agreed and we were in car, she was sitting in the front seat looking outside and lost in her thoughts, while her arms were crossed. I was driving the car.

"So should I tell everything to Fahad?" I asked and she startled abruptly looking at me. I felt guilty for frightening her.

"I'm asking if I should tell Fahad that you were not involved in Naila's pregnancy and death" I repeated myself, as I took Naila's name I felt broken. If only she knew how much I loved her. If only she was alive.

"No Faraz bhai, I want to tell him by myself. I wanna clear all misunderstandings between us.... I know he hates me but give me some time I'll try my best to vanish all his hate" she replied. I nodded. We reached at hospital.

I was nervous and my hands were shivering when lady doctor was doing my ultrasound. Faraz bhai was sitting outside in lobby.

"Relax. Is it your first baby?" doctor gently stroked my hand and asked. I nodded. She smiled.

"It usually happens with first baby. Mother becomes nervous" she said. I was silent.

"MaShaAllah your baby is fine and healthy" she assured me, I also saw the screen of ultrasound machine but wasn't able to comprehend anything.

"Is it boy or girl" I asked curiously, she chuckled.

"it's only your 2nd month of pregnancy means your baby's legs are not developed fully so that we recognize the gender" She calmly replied. I nodded. Doctor went to sit on her seat and gestured me to come.

I slowly descended from patient bed and sat on the chair opposite doctor while she asked the nurse to call Faraz bhai. He came and sat beside me on the chair.

"Who are you to her" she asked politely.

"I'm her brother" he replied. Small smile crept on my face. I had no sibling yet today I was feeling like 'yes I have a brother'.

"Um where is her husband" she asked confused.

"He is out of town that's why I came with her" he lied.

"Okay so baby is Alhamdulillah fine...... still your sister needs some mental and emotional support.... I don't know what disturbs her but this stress and anxiety is not good for child" she said. I looked down, Faraz bhai glanced at me and then again at doctor.

"InShaAllah from now on we'll try our best that she doesn't take any stress" he assured her while she nodded gladly.

"These are the medicines which you've to take regularly without any delay" she said while writing the medicines on the paper.

We bought the medicines which doctor prescribed. We were in car.

"Faraz bhai I want to meet my parents" I timidly requested him. He smiled and nodded. He took a turn and we reached at another hospital in which my father was admitted. We asked the room number from reception and went near the room.

It was my first time meeting my father after he went in coma. I slowly took steps towards the room and slightly opened the door. Ami was reciting Qura'an while Baba(father) was laying on the bed with eyes closed. My heart wrenched upon looking at them like this.

I timidly with hammering heart went near Baba. With grey beard and hair , wrinkles on his wheatish face, he was looking very peaceful with closed eyes. cannula was attached on his one hand while his other hand was on his stomach.

Tears were stinging my eyes, bitting my lip I kept my hand on his hand.

"Baba" I whispered.

"Hoorain?" I looked at Ami as she took my name. Shock and then pain was expressed from her eyes. I nodded while sniffling. She quickly came towards me and took me in her warmth. I sobbed uncontrollably as she started stroking my hair.

"Shhh it's okay. It's okay" she mumbled with cracking voice and pulled apart.

I sat beside Baba and took his hand in mine.

"I..I'm s... so... sorry Baba" I wasn't able to control my sobs and tears. Ami kept her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not a... a g... go... good daughter, I.. I've hurt yu... you so.... much" I kept my hand on my mouth.

Door opened and Faraz bhai came into the room. I wiped my tears and slowly stood up before kissing my father's hand.

Ami looked at Faraz bhai in confusion so I told her about him. I hugged Ami and assured her that I would come again.

We came out of the hospital and sat in the car.

"Sometimes a wrong step in life effects our loved ones more than us" Faraz bhai said. I looked at him and a tear slipped from my eye.


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