《Her love & her regrets》Chapter#5 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

Faraz pov:

After hearing those filthy words from Fahad's mouth, I was restless whole night. I didn't sleep, it was very difficult to believe that he raped Hoorain. That word was so strong to frighten someone so easily and he committed that sin.

At morning Nafeesa served breakfast so I told her to call Fahad at dining table. He made his prosperous entry in dining room and I rolled my eyes at him. He kept his hands on his head maybe he was having headache.

"Nafeesa bring lemonade for Fahad sir" I ordered her and she silently obeyed me.

After drinking lemonade Fahad did his breakfast. After breakfast we went to his room which was still messy. I took all things from his couch and threw them on floor and sat there. Fahad was frowning at me.

"Why are you so angry" he asked and I silently looked at him. He gently took his clothes to the other side of bed and sat in front of me on bed.

"Do you remember what you said to me last night" I interogatted and he shook his head. He was testing my patience.

"You said you've r-raped Hoorain" I stuttered and his eyes went wide. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at me in horror. That was enough, I stood up and grabbed him by his collar.

"Do you have slightest idea what you've done" I yelled at him. He tried to say something but stayed silent.

"Faraz I-I was dr-drunk" he uttered in a low voice. I released him.

"So this was your avenge? To robe someone's respect? Tell me? " I shouted but instead of being ashamed he glared at me.

"You are talking about that cheater Hoorain and what about my sister. They both also robed my sister's self-respect, her pride, her smile, ended her whole personality" He shouted back, I just looked at him

"It doesn't mean that you would destroy her" I spat

"Listen Faraz I will destroy her in every step of her life till she dies like my sister died" he emphasized every word, pointing his finger at me.

"You are not my friend Fahad, you can't be" I whispered, shaking my head slowly. He just bitterly smirked and barged out of the room.

I sighed heavily.

"Jamal" I called the servant

"Yes sir" he hurriedly came.

"Clean up this mess" I said, he silently nodded and started to do his work, I was also helping him to put the things on their right place.

He was cleaning the room and removed the covers from bed to change when a white folded paper fell on the floor. I took the paper and checked it if it is important to keep in Fahad's cabinet or not.

When I opened the paper it was Naila's letter, it meant she wrote two letters for both of us.

Fahad my brother I love you so much but I know you would not love me after knowing that you're sister is pregnant with alleged child.


There is a guy Aaliyaan who was employ in our company he trapped me in his fake love for our property and it'll surprise you that a girl like me also became his target.

This child is not my fault, believe me. One day Aaliyaan called me in his apartment saying that he is not feeling well and he needs me. I quickly went to his appartment so that I can check on him and call Dr if needed. When I reached at his apartment, he made me drink a juice, he also drank that juice. After drinking juice I was not in my senses to realize what sin I was commiting.

Faraz knows about my situation and I'm thankful to him that he kept my secret.

Today I've handed fake property papers to Aaliyaan and now I'm going to his apartment. He is very cruel, I know he would harm me. If I die then plz forgive your sister and If I remain safe and secure then I will go somewhere very far and will never show my face to you because I can't face you.

One thing more which is very important for you to know is that Hoorain the girl whom you love is not innocent, she is Aaliyaan's fiancee and they both are involved in this plan to ruin us.

Your sister Naila.

I read the letter, folded it back and kept in Fahad's cabinet where he used to keep all his important document stuff.

So that's why Fahad was drunk and raped Hoorain because he read Naila's letter. I dropped myself on his bed and palmed my face.

"Sir" Jamal called me.

"Hmm" I responded.

" People are coming in garden for condolence" he said, I nodded and went in the garden where people were sitting on chairs and when they saw me they immediately stood up and met me.

All people were gone by 8:00 pm, Thank God Fahad came home at evening and sat with them, otherwise people were torturing me with their stupid questions about Naila and Fahad.

Where are you? " Fahad asked over phone. I sighed.

"I'm at office" I answered. Today was the second day of Fahad and Hoorain's marriage.

"I'm also at my office, listen when you wind up then I wanna meet you"

He said,I really didn't want to meet him so I dismissed the call.

"Faraz dismissed my call, he doesn't want to see me, my best friend is against me just because of that girl" I gulped. 'Back then that girl was your Hoor" I shook off that thought. She's nothing to me.

After work driver stopped the car in front of an old house, I got out of the car and knocked at the door. A 40 years old man opened the door and many other people were there. This was the place where I used to go to drink alcohol after Naila's death. I daily used to go there and after an hour driver used to make me go with him. Maybe he didn't like me drinking alcohol.


When Naila died I was roaming on streets when this 40 years old named Abbas met me and welcomed me in his old house where there were around 15 people and they all were drunk so I also drank and I became addicted to this drink.

I only remember that driver made me sit in the car and then I slept there.

It was 10:00 pm and I was waiting for Fahad in living area. I wanted to make everything clear with him, after waking up in morning the first thing I asked from Nafeesa was about Fahad but she said that Fahad went to office. I didn't have his mobile number nor I had the mobile phone because I left my cell phone at my parent's place. In this house there was telephone but I was not permitted to use it.

Finally Fahad came at 11:00 pm, I abruptly stood up from couch but what my eyes saw was unbearable. Fahad was drunk and by servant's help he was going upstairs in his room. He didn't saw me but I followed him, as I took step on stairs Nafeesa stopped me.

"Ma'am you can't go in Fahad's Sir room" she coldly said to me.

"Please let me go he needs me, look at his condition" I pleaded but she rolled her eyes at me. She was servant but she used to treat me like the one.

"Ma'am this is not the first time and I'll not permit you to go upstairs" she again ordered me and her attitude was boiling my blood.

"I don't need your permission to go to my husband" I glared at which she became silent.

I slowly ascended the stairs and reached at Fahad's room. One of the servant made him sit on the couch and was coming outside. He was about to close the door when I silently stopped him from doing so and went inside. Servant went from there closing the door.

Fahad was sitting on the couch, his condition was wrenching my heart, he was at this stage of his life just because of me. Guilt was eating me up.

I took slow steps towards him and with frightening heart I sat beside him, I was afraid of his reaction, what if he sees me and slap me or what if he kick me out of the room, of course he was not in senses, he might do anything with me like he previously did.

"Hoor? " I was lost in my thoughts when Fahad spoke.

That endearment did something to me which I wasn't able to understand.

" Hoorain you were my Hoor" he looked at me and a tear slipped from his eye. My heart skipped a beat. He was looking so innocent. Tears welled up in my eyes

"Hoor means pious but you aren't pious at all" He sarcastically laughed.

"Fahad I.. "

"Sshhhh" he cut me off by putting his finger on my lips.

"Just don't talk, I don't wanna listen your voice" he said and kept his head at the headrest. He hates me that much? I thought, my eyes became teary and I bit my lip.

I silently stood up and was about to go when Fahad grabbed my wrist, his mere touch made my heart beat so fast. What was happening with me. I glanced at Fahad and he gestured me to sit down so I again sat beside him.

"You know what I hate you" he blinked and brought my hand to his face then pushed away my hand. Pain erupted in my wrist.

"Fahad you need some rest" I kept his one arm on my shoulder and tried to make him stand but he didn't even budge and pulled me towards him. I was feeling nauseous due to the smell of alcohol from his mouth. I wriggled in his grip but he was not leaving me.

"please Fahad leave me, you are hurting me" he stared at me and smiled at me, I frowned at him.

"You are so beautiful" he said and I stopped trying to get out of his grip.

His gaze was not making me uncomfortable anymore. Whenever Aaliyaan used to come near me other than holding my hands, I used to be uncomfortable and then he used to keep the distance but with Fahad it was not happening, maybe because he was my husband.

"What was my fault? Am I not handsome? Was not good? Or ever misbehaved with you? Tell me? What was my fault that you destructed me and my sister?" His all questions were piercing through my soul. I was silent unable to form any kind of word. He took the strands of my hair and started to play with them.

"I loved you with all my heart and you loved my money with all your heart" he loosened his grip on my shoulder, stood up from the couch and directed towards his bed. dropped himself on bed and laid down. I also stood up and made him sleep properly and put covers on him.

He was in slumber so I sat beside him on bed and was staring at him.

He was looking so innocent while sleeping, his light beard and moustache was adding charm into his personality, his smooth hair were messy making loose strands fall on his forehead. I slowly moved strands from his forehead and ran my fingers into his hair.

"I did wrong to you Fahad but you've also hurt me so much, I hope that you realize your mistake like I did" I whispered to his sleeping self, then I stood up and went into my room.


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Stay blessed :)

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