《Walking With Jesus A Daily Devotional》Day Sixteen


Day Sixteen.

Verse: "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

Psalm 34:8 NIV

Maybe right now, you are facing a storm. Maybe you have lost a loved one, battling a mental illness, cancer, or chronic illness. No matter what storm you are facing: God is so good and He will help you through this storm.

Lately I know I have been struggling. As you all know, I am battling chronic illnesses: fibromyalgia and arthritis. It's been really rough and it's been hard on me. I have been feeling very down because of it. I am newly diagnosed with both of them and I am having a hard time accepting my diagnosis. Because before chronic illness: I was in musicals, plays, I played golf, and did karate. Now I know I can probably never do any of those things again. It's very sad and it's hard realizing that. My whole world has changed but I have to learn to start looking at the positives. I have to be grateful and thankful. I know that God is good even when life isn't.

When we are struggling, it's hard to focus on anything but our struggles. But we have to focus on how good God is.

Here is proof that God is good:

God will love you forever. (Psalm 136:1)

God will never leave you. (Hebrews 13:5)

God will always comfort you. (Isaiah 49:13)

God will always help you and always be there for you. (Psalm 121:1-2)

God is always faithful. (Psalm 33:4)

God keeps His promises. (Deuteronomy 7:9)

God sent His only Son to die on the cross for you because He loves you so much. Death couldn't even stop God's love for you. (John 3:16)


God is good, always. God is good even when life isn't because God will carry us through life. He may not save you from your circumstances but He will help you through it. God will always be there for you.

God hasn't saved me from mental illnesses or chronic illnesses, but He has helped me through it. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for God's grace and goodness. God didn't save me from my struggle but He has given me His strength to face them.

You don't have to go through life alone. God is here for you. He just wants to help you. All you have to do is grab His hand. He is there waiting for you. He can't wait to see you. He can't wait to bless you.


Dear God,

Help me stop focusing so much on my struggles and instead focus on your goodness. Because God I know you are good so please help me to always be thankful and grateful for you. I am running into your arms God. I need you so please wrap your arms around me and carry me through this storms. I can't do life without you God so please come and grab my hand. Help me walk through life with you by my side.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen.


Hey beautiful❤️ I hope you are having a wonderful day! I love you so much and thank you for reading❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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