《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 7 - Mace
Henry has been calling me all day. I sometimes forget how annoying he can be. I have not answered any of his calls or even listened to his voice messages. As a matter of fact, I have his number blocked from my phone.
I don't pick up Kyle and Khloe for a couple of hours, so I'm just going to start on dinner and then if lucky take a teasing ten minute nap.
I expect Kye to leave before I get to my home. He has a fiancé, a job, and family that is probably worried about him so it will be no surprise to me when I go home and see that he has left.
Currently, I am walking away from my car. I have had a long day.
God knows how tired I am. Out of everyone in the shop, I have the most clients, and it is all because of that Alicia lady. Every other day she stops by the shop to say hi, and to introduce a new client to me. It's weird how nice she is. I am so grateful though, because it is not easy to provide for a household of three-
"I'm going to skin you alive!"
I hear yelling as I get out of the elevator and enter my floor.
As I walk into the direction of my apartment, I hear more and more noise.
It sounds like two men are fighting each other. I get scared as I get closer to the noise, and decide to stop to search for my tube sock that has a master pad lock in it. I also take out my mace. I always walk around with something to protect me.
I move slowly as I turn the corner to get to my apartment door.
As expected two men are fighting, but what surprises me is that they are fighting in front of my door.
Is that Henry rolling on the floor?
Kye is rolling on the floor too?
I shout running towards them and trying to get them to stop. However, they both are in a trace and won't listen to me.
Both have blood on them and right now I do not know who's blood it is. Both have each other in a choke hold.
I need to break up this fight before they kill each other, and or before my neighbors call the cops.
I do the first ting that comes to mind, and mace the both of them.
Immediately, they let go of each other and start screaming bloody murder. I laugh a little as both grab their face and rub their eyes.
"What the fuck! I'm blind!"
Kye shouts.
He and Henry are jumping around and running like chickens with a cut off head.
"Hopefully not. However, my mace is some powerful stuff. So, I would not be surprised if you eventually do get blind."
I respond while nonchalantly walking around them and opening my apartment door.
"It burns everywhere!"
Henry shouts.
"It is mace."
I sarcastically respond back.
As soon as I open the door, they both run past me and go to the bathroom.
All I can do is shake my head at their behavior. All of this could have been avoided.
I need to get ready on making dinner.
Henry and Kye have been in the bathroom for a really long time. I wonder if they are fighting again. It's been almost half an hour since they've ran in there.
Let me go check on them.
"See what you fucking caused! What made your bitchasš decide to sucker punch me!"
"Your dumbass knew damn well that was not a sucker punch! I was right in front of you when I clocked you!"
Henry yells back at Kye.
"I don't even know you! What are you punching me for? I can throw you in jail and forget about you while you rot in there if I feel like it."
I walk in the bathroom to see the two men squaring up with each other. Their chest are touching and I can't take on another fight.
"Both of you just get out my house! Gosh! Yall are so annoying! You have two mins to leave or I'm calling the cops!"
I yell at both of them slamming the bathroom door open behind me.
In reality, I don't know why any of them are here! I damn sure don't want to speak to Henry, and does not Kye have a fiancé to go home to?
Like leave!
"You know what I'm too stressed and tired. I'll order takeout food for dinner."
I say to myself as I put the seasoned chicken into the fridge.
I go to my room and close the door behind me. I set my alarm to go off in two hours so I'll have enough time to get ready and pick up my kids.
I jump up in my sleep as I open my eyes and see that it is dark outside.
I grab my phone from the dresser, and see that I have overslept! I should have picked up my kids an hour ago.
"But how? Did I not hear my alarm?"
I run out of my room and am immediately slapped with the smell of food cooking.
"Did I leave the stove on?"
What is wrong with me today?
I run to the kitchen, and I fall down on to the floor in shock as I see the sight in front of me.
Kyle calls my name as he runs to help me up from the floor.
Ky and Khlo shout from the dining table looking at me worriedly.
"Don't worry Sugarplums. I just tripped on some gravity."
I lie.
They laugh at my joke including Kye.
Kye helps me up and walks me over to the dinning table.
I try my best to act calm even though I am freaking out on the inside.
I look in front of me to see Kye and Khloe happily eating.
A plate is placed in front of me and on it is baked ziti, chicken and steamed vegetables.
"So you guys walked home by yourself?"
I say out loud.
"Tan pick us up."
Khloe says and I am speechless.
"She means Uncle Henry right?
I ask Kyle but he shakes his head.
Kye then nonchalantly takes a seat next to me.
"You had a long day and looked tired, so I thought that I would turn your alarm off and let you sleep while I pick them up."
I do not even look at him while he speaks because If I move at all- if I blink!- I will pop a blood vessel. I am so angry right now. This man could have kidnapped my kids and their would have been nothing that I could do about it.
"Lai are you okay?"
Kyle asks me, and I have to count to 100 Mississippis before I can answer him.
I take a bite of my food and it is really good. I wonder where Kye bought it from.
"I hope you like the food."
He has the nerve to say to me.
"Where did you buy it from?"
I ask as I take a sip of my water.
Kye in returns chuckles.
"I'll take that as a compliment, but I cooked the food myself."
He said what?
My hands have a mind of their own and they drop my cup of water from my hand.
Kye tries to play off his curse word when I accidentally spill my water on his pants.
I respond as I go get the rag off the counter and started patting the water off Kye's crotch. There is so much water on his pants and it's hard to get the water out especially when I don't want to hurt his berries- Eww! Fuck! Wait! I'm patting dry Kye's CROTCH!
I immediately drop the rag on his crotch and quickly back away.
I apologize again.
My face is so red, and so is Kye's.
"It's okay, and it's time for me to go anyway. I have to face Diana."
"Wait does she know you're here... of course not."
I just shake my head.
"Have the nerve to pick up my kids and cook for them, but can't even tell your fiancé about your son."
I mumble for only Kye to hear.
He frowns and looks down onto the floor ashamed. I am surprised that an arrogant prick like him can imitate such an expression.
"Hold on let me bring you your suit."
I say when I remember about it .
I made sure to bring it to the cleaners earlier this morning. I forgot it in my car. I go to my apartment's parking lot and get the suit from my trunk.
Kye's eyes widen with an unknown emotion as I come back with the suit.
I just ignore it and look away because I start to feel uncomfortable.
He then clears his throat and looks at towards Kyle and Khlo.
"Well bye you Sugarplums."
My brows knit at the nickname he calls them.
"Well isn't that what they are. That's what you call them."
He responds with a smirk.
"They are my sugarplums."
I say while forcefully poking his chest.
He grabs my hand and we make eye contact.
"Yea you have to be original and come up with your own name."
Kyle says to Kye.
Khlo chimes in.
When I notice how close we are, and that he is still holding my hand while looking at me, I back away.
He frowns but quickly masks it.
"Okay well bye lollipops."
He says making us all laugh.
"Not even Soda Pop could not have sounded worse."
Kyle says making us laugh harder.
Kye gives a hug to Kyle and Khloe and I walk him to the door.
"You're mad at me aren't you."
He says as more of a statement than question.
"You have no idea. Don't ever pick up my kids without my consent again."
I say calmly trying to mask my anger again.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I was just so excited to see them, and I knew you were tired."
He responds.
"Thank you. Don't do it again though."
I respond.
He smiles flashing me his pearly white teeth.
"By the way where is Henry?"
I ask looking away.
"He left as soon as you orderd us both to leave. We also had an argument that made him storm out."
He says irritatedly.
I roll my eyes.
"I don't know what's wrong with that boy."
"He loves you."
Kye responds with irritation still laced in his voice.
"Of corse he does. We are family."
"Well he believes in incest if that is the case."
"No way!"
I respond.
He responds while about facings and walking away.
"So what do you want to do for Thanksgiving?"
I ask Kyle who is snuggling under my arms.
He, Khloe, and I are cuddling together on the couch drinking hot chocolate and watching Cyberchase.
"Well when Mr. Tanner picked us up last week he talked about this house that he wanted us to live in, and we talked about having a big Thanksgiving dinner there."
I can not formulate a response and I am grateful that Kyle is anxiously continuing, because I don't want him to notice my shocked and irritated reaction.
I can't believe he told Kyle about the house.
"I told Mr. Tanner that you and Aunty Rachel would have to do most of the cooking since you guys are basically Chiefs."
"Oh are we now?"
I respond smiling.
He responds making me laugh.
"What did Mr. Tanner say?"
I ask curiously.
Kyle takes in a deep breath.
"He said that he can give you and Aunty Rachel a run for you guy's money."
My jaw drops.
"No he didn't!"
I say shocked.
"Oh but yes he did."
Kyle responds laughing.
"Well I need to call Aunty Rachel and tell her this."
"You sure need too."
Kyle responds chuckling.
I turn to my right side and take the Sippy cup away from Khloe once I notice she is knocked out. I get up and place her in my bed. Afterwards, I walk to the sink and put her cup in the sink.
I go back to the livingroom to find that Kyle is still watching t.v.
I sit next to him again and wrap my arms around him in a big hug.
"So Ky I have to ask you a question. What do you think of Mr. Tanner?"
Immediately Kyle's face lights up.
"It's weird. I feel like I've meet him before. I know he's a stranger and all because I just met him, but I just feel like I have known him for my whole life. Its just so weird."
"You feel connected with him."
I say while observing his big smile.
"Yea I do. I am not going crazy am I?"
Ky asks making me feel so guilty.
A tear escapes from my face.
"You're not sugarplum."
Kyle then wipes my face and kisses my cheek.
"Why are you crying Lai?"
I shake my head.
"Kyle you know I love you and Khloe more than anything in the world right?"
Kyle nods.
"You deserve to know that I am keeping something from you. I don't ever want to lie to you. So, one day I will tell you what it is that I am hiding. However I can't tell you now. I just want you to forgive me for keeping this secret for so long when I finally do tell you."
Kyle looks so confuse, and I don't expect him to be anything but.
"I know whatever you do is out of love, so I forgive you already Lai."
Kyle says while giving me a hug.
Kye's POV
I open the door to the penthouse suite that Diana and I are currently staying at.
I know she won't be pleased to see me.
I close the door behind me gently and lock it. When I turn back around I see Lail- woo! I mean Diana! As in Diana my fiance- not Laila, standing with her arms crossed. Wow get it together Kye. Diana's foot is tapping ferociously and I actually feel sorry for the floor.
"Where have you been? I Have not seen you since last night, and your secretary said you did not come in to work today."
I walk pass her and head to the bathroom. I close the door, and make sure to take a nice hot bath.
I am drying myself as the bathroom door slams open.
"Answer me, Kye Tanner!"
This flaming red head yells as she walks up to me.
I make her even more angry as I walk to the bedroom and lock the door behind me.
I am tired. I have been verbally abused, I have been in a fight today, and I have been maced today. Plus I still have remembrance of this nasty hangover with this migraine.
I am not in the mood to argue. Not now or ever.
I change into my silk pajamas and lie down when suddenly the door opens and a bucket of cold water is thrown over me.
I shout as I jump out of the bed.
Diana shouts back angrily with her nose flaring.
The female is fucking crazy.
"First of all, don't act like you give a fuck about where I was, when the only time you tried to reach out to me was this afternoon. I could have been dead within the time it took for you to remember about me!"
I shout taking of my wet pajamas.
"You did not answer my fucking question!"
She shouts while walking up to me.
She is so overbearing.
"Okay let's pretend you genuinely give a fuck. I was so drunk last night that I called a friend to pick me up and I cruised on their couch."
I respond while picking up my pillow off the bed.
Luckily my pillow did not get wet.
"Their? Was it more than one person?"
She asks angrily.
I respond walking towards the door. Not even caring about changing into pajamas anymore I am so tired.
"So why did you use the pronoun their when it is suppose to be his- oh so it was a female!"
I mentally face palm myself.
"So is this why our stay here is taking longer then intended? I thought we were only going to be here for a few days for you to handle some business at your company and then we would head back home."
I am so tired I do not have the energy to formulate a response.
"Hmm. Can't even deny it huh. Just make sure you get rid of her before I do."
She then walks over to the hotel phone and dials a number.
"Yes I need a servant or maid or whatever it is called to clean up a mess my fiancé made in our bedroom."
I just walk away and go towards the couch to sleep.
I sometimes wonder what I saw in that woman.
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