《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 8 - Soup
"Aunty Rachel so lately Kye has been spending time with us. He and Kyle were discussing what we should do for Thanksgiving- and Kyle, tell Aunty Rachel what he had the nerve to say."
Kyle starts shaking his head as he walks to the kitchen table and sits next to me.
"He said that we should have a big thanksgiving dinner in the house he wants us to live in, but in the process he basically said his cooking is better than your's and Lai's."
"Wait! What house?"
Haley shouts from the couch in the livingroom.
I then look at Aunty Rachel and see that her jaw is dropped.
Oh shít!
I so forgot to tell them about the house.
"Uh oh"
I mumble to myself.
"We will talk about this later."
Aunty says while giving me a pointed look.
On perfect timing the front door opens and Henry walks in.
Kyle and Khlo both shout as they run up to him and hug him.
"Hey you monsters!"
He shouts as he hugs them back.
"We missed you so much! Where have you been?"
Kyle asks.
"I missed you guys too! I have been busy lately."
"To busy for us?"
Khlo asks surprising me with her statement.
"I'm sorry. I will never be too busy for you guys. Come on tell me about your day."
He states as he grabs their hands and walks them to the living room.
He looks at me and smiles sadly from the living room. I in return lazily wave back.
I forgive Henry, but I still want to be mad at him. I'll probably have a talk with him with in a few days and everything will be cleared up.
Haley sits next to me at the table.
"Okay now is later. Talk."
She states and, in addition, her mom takes a seat and anxiously waits for me to speak.
"The other day I left here, Kye drove me to a beautiful Victorian house."
I start off choosing to leave out the Henry part, and Kye basically blackmailing me into letting him drive me away from the scene.
"He told me that he wants me and the kids to move there, but I refused. He still has not told his fiancée or anyone about Kyle. He is not going to come into our lives and dictate to us how we should live."
"Why hasn't he told anyone yet?"
Haley asks and I shrug my shoulders in response.
"This is also allot on him too. So take that into mind. A couple of weeks ago he did not know he had a child. Let him transition, give him some time. It is not an easy adjust. From this gesture alone, it seems that he does not just care about Kyle, but all three of you guys. He'll tell everyone, but give him some time."
Aunty Rachel says surprising me because she's taking his side.
Am I being too hard on Kye?
"I want to see what this house looks like."
Haley says taking me out my train of thought.
"I have the key."
"Let's go."
Aunty Rachel responds surprising me, and she is the first to put on her coat.
"Wow! This is a beautiful neighborhood."
Aunty Rachel says.
"Mom, forget the neighborhood. Look at this house! It is huge. How much rooms does it have?"
"I don't remember."
I answer Haley as I search for my keys to open the door.
"And this is just the outside."
I mumble.
As soon as I open the door, I hear gasps behind me.
I ignore it as I take off my uggs and walk towards the kitchen.
"Wow, This is huge!"
Aunty Rachel says.
I watch Haley hug the dishwasher.
"Oh my god! You don't have to wash your dishes!"
She shouts making me shake my head.
"Look at the marble counter."
Aunty Rachel says with just as much excitement as her daughter.
We are practically in that kitchen for half an hour. You would swear that these people never saw a fridge before. I spend over an hour showing them the rest of the house because of them wowing over every tile and corner of the house. At a certain time Aunty Rachel even called Henry to tell him order dinner for the kids if we are not back soon.
"I can't believe Kye would do this for all three of you."
Haley says as she puts on her jacket.
"I am just so grateful that he is not taking Kyle away from Khloe and I."
I mumble while putting on my boots.
We all put on our stuff, and I am about to open the door to leave when I am face to face with a coughing Kye.
He says with an arrogant smirk; he does not seem surprised to see us here.
He then kisses the hands of Aunty Rachel and Haley.
He is such a pretender.
"Sweetie if you are sick please do not spread your germs by kissing my hand."
Haley says while taking out sanitizer from her bag and putting some on both her's and her mother's hands.
"I apologize greatly."
He states while taking a step inside.
Kye looks like death. He looks pale. He sounds congested. His eyes look weak- why is this man not in bed drinking some soup? Why isn't his fiancée taking care of him?
"What are you doing here?"
He asks while pulling a tissue out his pocket and loudly blowing his nose.
"I was showing Aunty Rachael and Haley where we will be cooking for Thanksgiving. Since you felt that it was necessary not only to tell Kyle about this place before I did, but in addition to that, you basically told Kyle that you cook better than us."
He does not respond with words and all he does is chuckle.
"What are you doing here?"
"-while sick as a dog?"
Aunty Rachel adds to her daughter's question.
In return Kye is silent and looks down uncomfortably. He clearly doesn't want to answer the question.
"Well you don't have to speak about it if you don't want to. Haley and I are going to the supermarket to get some ingredients for the beef soup Lai will be making for you."
I am about to hesitate until I look at how weak and helpless he is and I actually feel remorse. I don't know what it is about his looks today, but he looks so in a way broken.
I respond and Kye's eyes widen.
"You don't have-"
Kye cannot even finish speaking because he starts coughing.
I hand Haley my car keys.
"Be back in a few."
She states smiling at me.
The door closes and I turn to Kye.
He looks like he is about to drop at any moment.
"Oh come on Mr. Big baby."
I pick on him as I help him take off his coat.
He walks to the couch and just throws himself over it.
"You look like shit."
I mumble making him laugh.
"I guess your rubbing off on me then."
He mumbles back making me laugh.
I observe that he is wearing a gray sweatsuit and is still shivering. I go to the closet and take out a quilt blanket. I adjust his pillow and throw the blanket over him.
"Thank you."
He states and I gasp.
He responds confusedly.
"I did not know you knew what manners were."
I respond making him roll his eyes.
"At the age of 9 my mother made me attend etiquette class. I was the only boy in my class. They all thought I was gay."
He laughs while reminiscing about it.
It is nice to see him laugh for once.
I sit on the couch next to his feet.
"Tell me about yourself Mr. Tanner. I don't know anything about my child's father."
"Our child."
He says looking at me and I am the first to look away.
He starts but is cut off by a cough.
"I am an only child. Once my parents had me, they did it right and realized there was no need to make another child. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas-"
"Let me hear you turn on you accent then."
I say cutting him off
He says in a non compromising tone.
"Oh you suck!"
I respond while getting up and walking towards the closet. I need to take off my jacket and shoes since I will be staying here for a while.
I also decide to text Haley and tell her to bring some Vic's chest rub to help with Kye's cold.
When I finish I walk towards the same spot and sit next to Kye's feet.
"So what brings you to New York? Do you live here? Do you work here? Or was it just Kye that caused you to stay here?"
He takes a deep breath before answering.
"Truth is I mainly came here to take the paternity test. I did come here to work on a few businesses I have, but I already took care of that. In addition I also came to visit my parents."
"So where do you live now? Texas?"
Kye nods.
He states while bringing the blanket closer to himself.
He looks helpless it's weird. I go to the closet and comeback with a blanket to cover Kye again. Now he has on a quilt and blanket on yet he is still shivering.
"So when do you plan on going back?"
I say as I walk next to him and put the back of my hand on his forehead.
"I don't know. I don't want to leave you gu- I mean Kyle now that I found him."
He says awkwardly.
"You're burning up."
I say to him.
"I'm actually freezing my ass off its so cold."
He says surprising me because it is actually quite warm in this place.
"Did you go to the doctor today?"
He shakes his head.
"Nope I was home and then decided to come here."
"Why didn't you stay home?"
Your fiancé is not home to take care of you?
"I just wanted to get out."
He say dismissively.
I just shake it off and sit back down.
"I know we don't like each other and all, but if you ever need someone to vent or talk to I'm here."
Kye's POV
"So how's the soup?"
I think it is Haley who asks me.
I'm still trying to remember names I know she is the sister to that fúcker, and the daughter to Ms. Rachael.
"It actually is not that bad."
It actually is really good. But I can't let Laila know that.
Haley in return shakes her head and walks away with a smirk.
Laila then walks up to me
And checks my temperature again.
"How are you feeling? You're not as hot as before."
She states.
"Of course I am as hot as before. Look at me."
I say playfully cause her to actually blush? Is she blushing?
She fixes her face quickly before I can find out.
"Well I'll take that as a ''you are feeling better."
She states while taking my empty bowl of soup from me.
"I have Vic's. If you want to rub your back and chest to breath better. I know you have a stuffy nose. I have to leave now and go get my kids from Henry."
"What? They are with Henry!"
I say angrily.
"Don't make us go back to day one I will black eye a sick person. They are safe. They have known Henry their whole life. He's a father figure to them."
"So why don't you date him already!"
I snap at her not knowing where this rage is coming from.
"Glad to see you feel better. Asswhipe."
She mumbles calmly but I see the disappointment on her face while she turns around walking away from me.
She and the rest of the ladies put on their clothes and get ready to leave. Everyone says bye but Laila. I actually feel a little bit bad.
Just a little.
I end up taking a hot shower and putting on my warm PJs I have stuffed in my duffle bag. I make sure to use the Vic's rub Laila gave me, and I sleep like a baby on the couch.
I hear and jump out in my sleep.
I look at the time and see that it is 12:27 pm.
I am surprised when I get up and see that Laila is in the kitchen. She is currently grabbing her right hand and it looks like she has burn herself.
"What are you doing here?"
I startle her when I speak.
"I am on lunch break, so I wanted to check on you if you were still here. Plus I made you breakfast."
I look and see a tray with orange juice, sliced fruits, tea and a buttered bagel.
It is crazy how sweet this demon lady could be. Not even Diana makes me food when I am sick. She's the one who has made me sick, and Laila is the one who has selflessly been taking care of me.
"I really appreciate everything you have done-"
"Shut up."
She says while cutting me off.
"Don't turn all sappy on me now."
She says while holding the tray and walking towards the couch I just woke up from.
I sit down and she hands me the food.
"Thank you."
I say as I take it.
"How are you feeling?"
She asks while checking to see if I have a fever.
She has such soft hands.
"You no longer have a fever. So, that's good."
"I actually feel really good."
It feels like I was not even sick.
"Good! Now, I have to get back. I realized that I do not have your number. You always pop up, but I never have a way to contact you."
She says handing me her cell.
I type in my number. I don't send her contact to my phone because I already know it by heart.
So I am finally meeting with Henry to talk today. He and I are going to meet at his apartment.
"See you soon."
I tell Kyle as I drop him to football practice.
"Love you Lai."
In less than half an hour I am parked in front of Henry's apartment.
I leave my parked car and head towards Henry.
I knock the door and as soon as he opens the door, I walk in.
"Good afternoon?"
He states sarcastically while locking the door behind us.
I take a seat on the living room couch and wait for him.
"Want something to drink?"
He asks me as he enters the living room.
"Nope. With the way you have been treating me these day, I won't be surprised if you put poison in it."
His eyes widen and he looks like he is offended.
"How dare you say something- even joke like that. I would never think about poisoning you."
He acts like he cares.
I stand up and walk towards him.
"Your words are poisoning. They still play in my head. You've been so disrespectful and mean to me. How dare you treat me that way. How dare you call me a gold digger. Most of all how dare you say I know nothing about being a mother."
I get so angry a tear escapes. I quickly turn so that Henry does not notice, but if he did not notice my tear, he definitely heard the pain through my voice.
"I am sorry Lai. I don't mean any of the mean things I have said or done to you. I was selfishly letting out my anger on you, and I know in no way or form does that justifies my behavior."
I walk away from Henry and sit on the coach.
"I did not know if I wanted to come today, because of how angry you are now. I don't know where this is coming from, but I will not be around you nor have my kids around you if this continues."
Henry walks over and sits down next to me on the couch.
"I promise it will never happen again. I am so sorry Lai. I don't know what has been causing me to act this way lately. I just don't like Kye Tanner. He can't just come out of no where and-"
I put my hand over Henry's mouth cutting him off.
"Yes he can. He's Kyle's father, and he will be in Kyle's life from this day forward. Now whether or not you like it does not matter. You don't have to like it but you will respect it. If not, you are choosing not to be a part of our lives any more."
Henry looks angry at first, but ultimately agrees with what I have to say.
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