《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 6 - Drunk
Is how I respond to his little speech.
"It was not a question-"
"It was a dictation."
I correct him.
It just baffles me! Who does this MoFo think he is?
"So now because your the spérm donner you think your going to dictate to us how to live our life? You're so cute."
I say smiling at him and brazenly leaning over to pinch his cheeks.
"I'm 6'4." Theres nothing cute about me."
He states while grabbing my hands from his face.
"You're dumb as a doorknob if you think that I am going to move all the way here with my kids when I don't even know you, nor frankly like you."
He lets out a grunt.
"Why must you complicate everything?"
"I'm not complicating anything, you are just too small minded as stated before. Lets get to know each other first, as for the security and protection, you have not claimed your son anyway so no one knows he is yours. When or If you ever chose to grow a pair of balls- the same balls you used to create Kyle and tell people about him, then we'll worry or plan accordingly, but only then."
My phone rings and I look and see that it is Henry calling. I go to settings and block his number.
"So who's that guy to you?"
I look up and roll my eyes.
"I'm not talking about this with you."
I say pushing my chair back to get up.
"Why not? We Are stuck in each others life's from now on since we share a child, might ass well share with me."
I roll my eyes.
"Don't you dare say it like that."
"Like what?"
He asks smirking and I just suck my teeth at him.
"You know what I am talking about. You're make it sound like we slept together to have this child."
He bursts out laughing and I actually feel embarrassed.
"Give me my keys. I want to go"
I say getting up.
He gets up too.
"First let me show you a tour of your future house first."
He then walks with my keys in his hand and I follow him.
"Well this house has five rooms, four bathrooms, two floors, a basement, kitchen and backyard."
"So do you have any idea what to do for the fashion show?"
I ask my boss Ms. Gladys and she shakes her head.
"I was thinking of a back from the future theme. This way we can use allot of color, and there would be a large range of hair styles. We can have pixie cuts to ponytails to Afros to straight hair to curly. There would be no limit."
I say actually getting a little bit excited.
"I actually love that theme."
She states smiling.
"Yea I was watching the movie with my kids and it just came to me."
I respond happily that my boss likes it.
"I'll go tell the other about it."
She states.
"Laila, Alicia your client is here."
Anthony the secretary tells me.
"Thank you."
I walk over to my returning client and smile.
"Hello Alicia."
I make sure not to call her mam again. I know how much she hated that last time.
"Hello Sweet Stuff. You look beautiful."
She compliments me making me smile.
I actually put effort in my outfit today. I am wearing leggings with hints of leather and a white and black stripe top. My hair is in a high ponytail today, and I have my bangs out. To match my look I have on brown thigh high high leather boots.
"Thank you beautiful. You know I have to look good for my imaginary boyfriend."
I say causing us both to laugh.
I then take her expensive looking coat and hang it up for her.
"A beautiful girl like you is avoiding relationships because?"
She asks as she takes her seat by the sink.
"Don't have time, I have always been taking care of my niece and nephew and now since their mother died I am the legal guardian."
"I'm sorry for your loss. However your still young, you should find time for yourself everyone deserves love. How old are you?"
"I turn 24 in a couple of months."
I wet her long hair and then start shampooing it.
"I have the perfect guy for you when you have time to date."
She says and I just shake my head.
Alicia goes on and on, but it does not matter what she says. Truth is I feel like I am not meant to be in a relationship with anyone. I have too much problems and nothing lasts forever anyways. So why go through the trouble.
"Honestly I don't know why Henry acted that way. He never has said anything like that before. I think he's just being over protective, and seeing that he does not like Mr. NFL yet he's stuck in your life now makes him angry."
"I don't even want to talk about him."
I respond to Haley as I curl her hair for her date tonight.
"Okay. He feels really bad though. He has not talked to anyone not even mom since then. He feels really down and regrets what he said."
Well that's just too bad.
"He should."
I respond while pin curling her hair.
"So are you guys going to move into the new house?"
I let out a sigh.
"Eventually but on my terms not his. I am not having him run my life or my kids because he found out he's the spérm donner. Plus he needs to tell people he has a son first."
I respond while taking off my iron.
"It's been how long since he found out? A month and he still has not said anything?"
Haley says shaking her head.
"When are you going to tell Kyle?"
She asks the big question.
"I don't know, but sooner than later. I was going to do it once they became close, but if Kye can't even claim him how are they suppose to be close?"
"Yea I agree, but it will work out"
My phone rings and I go get it. I don't recognize the number, but answer it anyway.
I answer my call.
"Hey you there- hey you there- you there."
I am about to hang up when I realize that this voice belongs too Kye.
"Why are you calling my phone-"
"I'm so drunk I-I can't see s-straight. Please drive me h-home. I'm at the 40/40 club."
He says with slurred words causing me to roll my eyes.
"Why are you drinking so much-"
He then hangs up the phone.
I walk to my closet and put on my jacket.
"Haley can you stay here for fifteen mins. I have to go pick up Kye. He's drunk and I need to drive him home."
I say while putting on my boots.
Kyle and Khloe are sleeping and I can't leave them by themselves.
"Be careful. You don't know what he's capable of doing when he's drunk."
"I know but I have my mace and pocket knife to protect me."
I decided to take a cab since I would have to drive Kye back in his car regardless.
The cab drops me infront of the renowned 40/40 club and I look around to see if I find this 6'4" man. The cab goes around the block twice and when I call Kye he doesn't pickup.
I am about to lose patience when I see Kye in a fancy tux sitting at the edge of the side walk holding his head.
I thank the cab driver and tip her.
I hurriedly walk towards Kye sine it is cold and dark outside.
I say to him as I help him get up.
It's not easy lifting this heavy man. I put his shoulder around me and use my whole body to support him.
"You came."
He says smiling towards me with druken hooded eyes.
"Where's your keys?"
"I don't know."
He says smiling.
I roll my eyes and pat his pockets.
"Ohh you moving on to third base already sexy?"
I don't know why my cheeks redden. It is not like he is aware of what he is saying, or is he giving me a compliment. He's drunk.
I find his keys in his pocket and take them out.
"Stop talking and close your mouth. If you throw up on me, I'll run over you with your car."
He starts laughing and I roll my eyes.
"Which car is yours?"
I ask once we are in the parking lot.
"The black one."
He says smirking.
"That narrows it down to everyone black one here. Come on you're heavy and I have to get back."
He lets out a grunt.
"Fine. You're no fun. The Lamborghini is mine."
He responds and my legs give out on me making us both fall.
We both say at the same time as we hit the ground.
"I can't drive that!"
I squeal while getting up and helping him get up too.
We walk towards the Lambo and my eyes widen.
"Please like I would trust you to drive my Lambo."
He says laughing hysterically causing me to scowl.
"Did you faint?"
He asks slurred and I get embarrassed.
"No I tripped."
I respond.
"On what?"
He asks laughing at me.
"Which car is yours!"
I snap at him and he points to the Bentley next to us.
I walk him to the passenger's side and buckle his seatbelt since he seems to be too drunk to do that.
He whistles as I lean over to buckle him in, and immediately I raise my finger to his face.
"I have no problem driving you to the middle of nowhere and leaving you there to find your way home."
I say while slamming the door behind me.
"So feisty Firefly."
He responds as I walk to the Driver's side.
I ask chuckling at his name.
"Yea now your turn come up with a name for me."
He says smiling at me.
I respond as I put the keys in the ignition.
"Wipe these testicleś over your m-"
"I will circumcise you if you finish that statement. I don't give a rats ass how drunk you are!"
He starts laughing at my comment, and I actually start laughing too.
"What's your address?"
I ask.
"I'm not going home. I don't feel like seeing Diana."
He says irritatedly.
I respond.
"You can leave me at a hotel or whatever but I am not going home."
Hmm. I wonder why he's so upset.
"I don't trust to leave you by yourself in this state that you're in."
I then turn my head to face Kye to see he is knocked out.
I park his Bentley in my apartment's parking lot. If I leave it on the street, it won't be there tomorrow.
I go to the passenger's side and unbuckle this man's seatbelt.
I say trying to wake up.
"Good morning to you. The birds are chirping Ahh ahh ahh ahh."
He starts singing.
Oh gosh.
"Let's go."
I say as I help get him out the car.
Thank good for the elevator.
I buzz my door instead of using my keys, because I don't have the strength to hold Kye with one hand as I search for my keys.
As suspected, when Haley opens the door, her jaw is dropped.
She is speechless, and just gawks at us.
"Are you going to catch flys or help me?"
I say struggling to hold this man up by myself.
She takes his other side and leads him to the couch.
He seems to be bigger than the couch, but if he does not like it he can use the floor. Immediately I take off his shoes because I hate shoes on in my house.
"Go get ready for your date!"
I tell Haley as she just stands and stares at the man sprawled out sleeping on my couch.
She does not say a word as she leaves.
I go get ready for bed. I have work tomorrow.
I climb in my bed, and as expected, my babies are already laying down in my bed.
I kiss them both on their foreheads as they continue to sleep.
Kye's Point of View
I wake up to a sharp pain in my head. Oh great I have a hang over. Oh shit! Where am I?
I open my eyes and see that I am in Laila's apartment. Why am I wearing my suit from yesterday? I sit up from the couch I'm lying on and try to remember what happened last night.
I remember getting into an arguments with Diana. I asked her how does she feel about kids, and her response was "never"
She always hated kids. I knew from the jump not to expect having kids with her in this relationship because that was a big no and impossible. She can't have kids. She took out her uterus at the age 21 just so she would never have to worry about menstrual cycles or children again- which is pretty selfish if you ask me. Now she's thirty and already has force menopause.
I for one never really cared about kids, but after metting Kyle and Khloe I can't help but to love the idea. Those two are so precious, and loving. I do have to commend Laila for the way she raised them. She's only 23 but has done and accomplished so much. I will always regret those things I said to her when I first met her.
She's so different compared to Diana. Diana does not work nor did she go to college. She dresses up with the latest fashion, but it is only her parents money or mine. Nothing she's worked for.
However I still love her.
Last night she was suppose to attend the 40/40 with me, but when I asked her what she thought about kids being in her life, she annoyed me with her answer. She never wants responsibility over anything. She's very selfish. She's my fiancé so I know.
She told me that the thoughts of a child is so unappealing to her and is a deal breaker in our relationship.
I did not even get to tell anyone about Kyle yet. Will she leave me when I am ready to tell her the truth?
She wouldn't. She can't.
I look to my left and see that there is a note on the table next to me.
I smile when I read the note. That was nice of her.
My eyes widen when I see the big breakfast. I have fruit salad, yogurt, granola, eggs French toast and bacon. I also have orange juice and black coffee.
I forget about my hangover when I see how good my breakfast is.
I go to the bathroom and shower first and end up wondering who these clothes belong to. The sweats and shirt fit me a little smaller than I am used too, but they don't look bad on me.
I end up smelling like Laila.
It's not a bad smell, in fact it is a really nice smell, like vanilla and lemon grass.
I go to the kitchen and eat my food.
I'm starting to wish Diana knew how to cook or do anything. Maybe Laila can teach her, if she ever forgives her for taking Khloe's Hand dryer.
My phone rings and I go back to the couch and answer it. I recognize the number as Laila's.
I answer smiling.
"Just checking to see whether or not you are dead."
I can hear her smirk through the phone.
"Unfortunately for you, not yet."
I respond making her laugh.
I wish she did that more often she's so much more attractive when her face isn't scrunched up together as if she has to take a shit.
"Well I just got off work so I should be there soon. Feel free to leave before then."
She says rudely and then hangs up.
I just shake my head and go back to my breakfast.
I would leave, but I want to annoy her and see my son and Khloe.
My phone rings again and I don't look at the caller ID expecting for it to be. Laila again.
"You just love hearing my voice don't you-"
"Where are you?"
My angry fiancé cuts me off.
"You chose to call me now? How long did it take for your realize I'm missing?"
I respond bitterly.
"Answer my question."
She says annoyed.
There is suddenly a knock on the door.
That was quick of Laila.
I then hang up the phone and walk to the door opening it.
I come face to face with the same man who was banging Laila's car last time.
He has an I'm sorry teddy bear in his hand. He looks at my clothes and then my face, and his smile drops.
Next thing I know, I feel his fist connect to my jaw.
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