《satoru gojou x reader | Wanted for pleasure | Jujutsu Kaisen》Chapter 10: Pleasure



To be continued...


Also, read this in a serious manner. Like chapters, 1-8 are meant to be read in a joking way but not for this

These thoughts occupied my mind while I was mindlessly walking from my dorm room :

"Is Gojo ganna pick me up?

Why am I stressing about this?

Unbelievable honestly.

I should run away."

the moment of realization that I had missed a step down bought me back to my senses.

(Idk if this makes sense lol. Like when you're not paying attention and like you thought there was a step but there was no step like yk?)

I have found myself in the school's garden.

Losing my balance with nothing to hold on.

"I'm really in no mood to deal with my clumsiness,"

Just as I thought of that, I felt a breeze.

I was expecting to fall hard on the floor, but instead, I felt an arm resting on my back.

"Holy shit, did I just die and I'm currently in the arms of an angel?"

I opened my eyes to be welcomed by a blinding light. Not long after and my eyes started to adjust themselves.

I was prepared to see the presence of a beautiful angel, welcoming me to heaven.

But instead, I saw gojo.

When I realized that, I wanted to dropkick him and insult him with the worst cuss words I could think of.

But strangely, I wasn't able to bring myself to do it. Was it the atmosphere? Or was it because of the other day?

Gojo said in a dull tone.

Did he just call me fat?

I jumped onto my two feet from hearing gojo's words. I looked away in embarrassment, trying to keep a straight face, and said

The man "teleported" in-front of me, slightly bending down to meet my eyes, and nodded with a forced smile.

he said. Normally he would get excited over this. But there's no reaction.

"Why is he being like this all of a sudden?

Wasn't he just mocking me yesterday?"

I placed my hand on him and we got teleported deep into a forest. Behind us lies a huge waterfall.

I could tell it wasn't near the school's campus because there isn't any waterfall.


the man said.

I shook my head, left and right.

the blindfolded man said, gripping onto my hands, tighter and tighter.

I would love to do this with you, gojo.

I said, being interrupted by gojo.

He turned around.

I replied.

So Gojou's not ganna force me to drink the water? That's very unexpected of him.

The grown man said in a monotone yet commanding voice.

Am I your dog? I don't recall being a dog.

This isn't the time to play 'simons says',gojo.


For 2 hours straight, I was sitting down with my legs crossed, obeying all his orders as best as I could.

This felt nothing but like torture. But I guess this is what it takes to become a special-grade jujutsu sorcerer. (Y/N's a grade 2 sorceress)

(Author's note: reminds me of dangaronpa)

I wonder what he'll do to me.

I'm guessing his ganna ask me to kiss him or have sex with him. Or even drink the waterfall's water. I won't be surprised at this point honestly.

Gojou took my hand.

"*sigh* he's probably ganna ask me to drink the waterfall's water," I thought.

But instead,

He teleported me back to the campus's garden.

He said in a monotone voice.

Did I hear that right?

Is it just me or does Gojou look depressed?

I said, expecting to get one in return but silence followed.

I walked back to my dorm and threw myself onto the bed. Exhausted. Mentally exhausted to be specific.

"Why is he depressed?

Is it my fault?

What have I done.

I'm sorry Gojou.

I like you, I do.

Should I just run away?

I would be better off dead anyway,"

I said, half awake. Woken by the cries of a familiar voice.

"Is that gojo?" I thought.

The voice said.

Damn. I must have been very mentally drained.

2 whole days? ...

I realized I had to attend gojo's class. After being rejected by him, attending his classes was the only and last thing that I could hold onto.

I looked up to see gojo with a concerned face on. He spoke in such a dull tone.

I grab hold of his wrist.

What am I doing?!



"y/n, leave him alone he doesn't like you."

"Please stay,"

What am I doing?!

Now I just look like an idiot.

Silenced followed.

Gojou left the room.

I said.

As soon as I laid back down, I heard a knock on the door.

As I turn my head to the door.

I said sitting up.

He was carrying a white plastic bag with his left hand.

He went and placed the plastic bag onto the table and pulled out a bottle of water and a pill.

He walked towards me with the bottle in his left hand and the pill in the other.

He sat next to me and placed the water on the floor.

He looked back at me and covered my eyes with his left hand.

The few moments were so quiet and awkward. The atmosphere was so uncomfortable.

Before I knew it,

I felt a soft fabric tied around my head.

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a thumb on my tongue.

Gojou started moving his thumb in my mouth, running it across my jaw, feeling every nook and cranny of it. From my vestibule to my frenulum, I could feel his fingerprints, gliding across my muscle. Saliva began to build up in my mouth. I felt so sensitive to his touch. Was I because I couldn't see.

I began to feel hot. I felt my chest tighten. It was extremely hard for me to breathe, I tried to pull away but it's as if I had no control of my body. And soon I realized, I am possessed by the pleasure his giving me.

"Don't stop, Gojou,"

He made a zigzag line down across my tongue, touching every single taste bud. Down to the tip of my tongue, he applied a certain amount of stress. It wasn't too hard nor was it too soft. It was perfect. I let out a little moan and stuck out my tongue. I arched my back as I felt saliva drooling down both sides of my mouth.

I felt my heart beating faster and soon, it started throbbing. Fiddling with my bedsheet, I knew I was turned on. Emotions I have never felt before whelmed up inside my body. All this because of the pleasure he's giving me. And soon, the pleasure halt to a stop. So did my fiddling. He pulled out his thumb and a feeling of emptiness was felt in my opening.

My mouth felt empty. It hasn't even been a second and I'm already desperate for him to put his thumb back into my mouth. My arched back slowly turned into a slouch.

"Don't stop,"

As if Gojou could read my mind, I felt something entering my mouth.

A pair of fingers, gojou's index and middle to be specific. I could tell.


Nonetheless, I felt like this wasn't enough. I want more.






More of this pleasure.

But it stopped.

It stopped.

I felt him grabbing my right hand and placed them on his cheeks. I couldn't tell what was happening because I still had the blindfold on.

I said. I waited for a response. Whether it was verbally or physically, there was none. However, I heard him let out a soft whimper.

"Is he crying." I thought.

I pushed the blindfold down to see a sorrowful sight.

The 'cheerful Gojo' I knew became cheerless.

The 'playful Gojo' I knew looks hurting.

I wanted to say those hurtful hurts he said to me before like;

"What are you bipolar."

"Someone's a crybaby,"

And etc.

But I knew seeing him upset would break both of us.

To be continued...

Author's note:


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :))

I traced the Gojo drawing from @ ever_netetaiman on Twitter if I'm not wrong. Please let me know.

It's my first time writing NSFW so I hope it was okay.


means the thing that's hanging down over your throat at the back of your mouth

means is the thing that's under your mouth the thing that connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth.

means the inside of your cheeks.

I hope y'all read every single word because ill probably take another 2 weeks to update lol. Idk. Depends on my mood.

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