《Two Brothers》Chapter 19


It’s been one week since me and Mr. Varma had that conversation. During this week I took every opportunity to make him uncomfortable in front of everyone. I tried to bring all the wrong decisions he made about the management in front of other board members. I was able to befriend some of the board members, but I should gather more members as much as I can against Mr.Varma before the annual board meeting. Then only it will go as I planned.

But I still don’t know how to make this plan work without her. I really don’t want to drag her to this mess but it looks like there is no other way. But how get her where I want her is the question. The plan should be flawless. So that she won’t doubt it till the annual meeting.

I was in deep thought when my phone rang. I looked at the ID. It was Sid. I smiled and attend the call. “Hey, Sid. What’s up? Everything alright?” I asked.

“Yeah. All is well. I, I just wanted to talk to you.” He said. His voice was so low. It lacks the usual energy.

“What is it Sid? Are you OK?” I asked curiously.

“Yes, yes. I’m fine. I just want to know when you will be back. I would like to take a vacation. You know, it’s been very hectic and I feel exhausted.” He said.

No, this is not Sid. I can sense it. There is something wrong with him. Did anyone do something to him? I feel the protectiveness taking over me.

“Sid. Tell me. What happened?” I said raising my voice.

“Nothing, brother. I’m Ok. It’s just without you the work has been really hectic. And I really miss you. I just want to relax.” He said.

“Are you sure?” I asked concerned.

“Yes. I’m damn sure bro.” He said.

I was not fully convinced but I let him be. There is something bothering him and I think he need sometime before telling me. I understood that much.


“OK. I will take that for now. But remember this, if you want to talk about it I’m here.” I said.

“I knew that Ved. You will always be there when I need you.” He said with a pleasant voice.

I chuckled. “OK, I can’t leave here for next month. This is something very important to me. So please put up with this for some more days. I promise I will be back soon.” I said.

“Yeah. OK. But keep this in mind; you have lot to explain to me.” Sid said.

“I know Sid and I will do the explanation once it’s all over. I promise.” I said to him. He hummed in response and we disconnected the call.

After that I left the office. I was near my car with my phone in my hands, checking the new mail I just received, when I was about to put the phone back into my pockets I saw a disoriented figure walking towards the parking lot.

Niharika. She was wearing a black pants and white shirt. Her hair was put up in a messy bun behind her back. Her eyes were blood shot and puffy because of crying. I don’t know why but her look disturbed me a little. What happened to her? Why was she crying? I had this urge to console her. She passed me without looking at me. I went behind her and hold wris and turned her towards me.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

She pulled her hands away immediately. She looked at me and was about to say something but stayed silent. “Just live me alone. Please.” She said gulping. She got into her car and drove off.

I looked at the way she went. I felt there is something wrong. She looked so vulnerable. Like she has seen some ghost. I wanted to go after her and check if she is ok or not, but I have a business dinner to attend. So I pressed that thought behind my mind.

It was almost midnight when I reached back the apartment block. I looked at the door opposite me before going into my apartment. Should I check on her? No need right, she must be sleeping. I sighed and turned to unlock my door. But my instinct was telling me to check on her. Scoffing I walked towards her door.


I rang the bell two times, there was no response. She must be sleeping. I thought and turned back. Suddenly I heard something breaking from inside. I turned around suspiciously. I again went and knocked the door. There was no response. Kept my ears on the door and I heard some muffled voice.

“Niharika. Niharika. Are you there? Can you please open the door?” I asked loudly.

The muffled voice increased. I feel there is something wrong happening to her. I banged the door. Still no response. I had no other options. I took two steps back and with all force I barged into the apartment with my body.

The scene in front of me made my blood boil with anger. Niharika was pressed against the wall with a man closing her mouth with one hand and holding her both hands above her head with his another hand. Now they both were looking at me with shock. Her face was covered in tears and half of her shirt was ripped opened and fear evident on her face. I felt a heavy stone is placed on my chest.

I looked at the man with green eyes. Evil is written on his face clearly.

“Who the hell are you?” he shouted at me without taking his filthy hands off her.

All I see was red. I took two fast strides towards him and pulled him off her. He touched her. He was about to hurt her. I punched him hard on his jaw. He fell backwards. I kicked his stomach before he could respond. He fell with his back on the floor. I jumped upon him punched him continuously. Blood started oozing out from his mouth and nose. But I was nowhere to stop. I want to kill him then and there. He put his hands in front of him in defence. I couldn’t stop myself. I started punching him nonstop.

That’s when I heard someone calling my name. “Ved. Ved. Ved, stop it he will die. Please stop it.” That brought me out of my trance.

I stopped punching and turned around. I saw a fear filled Niharika sitting on the floor like she is glued to the wall. She was holding her ripped shirt closely to her body. Tears were falling down from her eyes. I felt a knot in my stomach watching her like this.

Suddenly I was pushed to the floor, it was unexpected I fall on my side. I was trying to steady me up when I heard the green eyed man saying “This is not the end Harika. You won’t escape me this time.” Then he disappeared through the door.

I was about to follow him but I couldn’t leave Niharika like that. She was crying. Her head is on her knees and her hands are wrapped around her torso. I walked up to her. “Wear this.” I said handing her my coat. She looked up and stared at my eyes, but didn’t move from that position. We stared each other for some time. I sighed and slowly sat on my knees beside her and put the coat over her.

I looked at her and slowly removed the hair fell on her face. Her sobs became heavy. I don’t know how to console her. So I put my hand on her back slowly rubbed. “It’s okay, he is not here anymore. Don’t worry.” I said and slowly pulled her towards my chest with one hand and still rubbing her back with other. She laid her head on my chest and cried wetting my shirt with her tears and clutching my shirt with one hand. We sat there like that for a long time.

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