《Call me teacher. Completed》8. Хүлээ
"Надтай үнсэлцмээр байна уу?" Ду Кёнсү Хэсоны дээрээс харан ийн асуух бол Хэсон балмагдан өөдөөс нь харсаар байсан юм.
"Уучлаарай" Кёнсү хийсэн зүйлдээ гэмшсэндээ түүнээс холдоход Хэсон түүний хүзүүгээр тэврэн үнсчих нь тэр. Тэд хэн хэн нь ийм зүйл хийхийг хүсч байсан бололтой нэгнээ хайраар тэтгэх мэт зөөлөн басхүү ялдам үнсэлтээр нэгнээ шагнана.
Тэд амьсгаа авах гээд нэгнээсээ холдох мөчдөө харц буурууллаа. Учир нь тэд төлөвлөж байгаагүй тийм нэгэн тааварлашгүй үнсэлт болоод өнгөрсөнд балмагдсан биз.
"Өнөөдөр ямар хичээл ороосой гэж хүсч байна?" Кёнсү хоолойгоо засан Хэсоноос ийн асуухад Хэсон инээмсэглэн "Өнөөдөр зүгээр л надтай хамт цагийг зугаатай өнгөрөөж болохгүй гэж үү? Ирэх долоо хоногоос би дахиж хичээлийн цагаар танийг өдөхгүйгээр хичээлээ сайн хийнэ гэж амлъя" Хэсон түүний өөдөөс муур шиг нүд гарган суухад Кёнсү яаж эсэргүүцэж чадах билээ зүгээр л толгой дохьлоо.
"Би таньд хоол хийгээд өгье. Би их сайн тогооч шүү" Хэсон нүдээ ирмэчихээд түүний гарнаас хөтлөн доод давхар луу буулаа. Шатнаас буумагцаа Хэсон Кёнсү рүү эргэж харан "Өнөөдрөөс биздээ?" гэж асуух бол Кёнсү юуг ч ойлгохгүй түүний өөдөөс харна. "Юу билээ?" Кёнсү чимээгүйхэн асуухад Хэсон инээмсэглэн "Өнөөдрөөс би тантай үерхэж байгаа биздээ?" гэж асуух бол Кёнсү санаа алдан
"Хэсон аа. Чи бид хоёр сая зүгээр л нэг нэгнээ үнсэхийг хүсээд л үнссэн. Тэрнээс биш энэ хайртай гэдгийг батлах үнсэлт байгаагүй. Чи бид хоёр уулзаад хэдхэн хонож байна. Энэ хугацаанд чиний бодож байгаа шиг зүйл үүсэх ямар ч боломжгүй. Баталгаатай болтол... Үгүй ээ ер нь зүгээр л багш сурагчийн харилцаатай хэвээрээ байсан нь дээр байх"
Түүний хэлсэн үг намайг яг хав харанхуй хонгилруу түлхэх шиг санагдсан юм. Урам минь хугарч, сэтгэл минь урагдах мэт мэдрэмж төрөх хэдий ч түүний өөдөөс инээмсэглэн "Хэд хоноход хайр үүсэх боломжгүй гэж хэн хэлж байна. Хайртай болоход хэдхэн секунд хэрэгтэй. Харин мартахад их хугацаа хэрэгтэй байх. Би тантай санал нийлэхгүй байна. "
Түүнд эрс эсэргүүцсэн үг хэлэхэд тэр толгой сэгсрээд "би ийм зүйлд бэлэн биш Хэсон аа. Би яг л уянгын кинон дээр гардаг шиг сурагчтайгаа тийм харилцаатай байж зовж шаналж, тэмцэх хүсэл надад байхгүй Хэсон аа. Үнэхээр надтай хамт байхыг хүсч байвал намайг тийм зүйлийг хийх сэтгэлийн хаттай болох хүртэл хүлээ."
"Хэр удаан хүлээх байсан ч хамаагүй. Би таныг хүлээнэ. Та харин заавал надтай хамт байх сонголтыг сонгох ёстой шүү. Надтай хооллочхоод явах тухай бодоорой" би түүнд яг л аз жаргалтай тэнэг охин мэтээр харагдах ч би түүний үг, үйлдэл, байгаа байдалд хайрагдан хөлдөж байсан юм.
Гал тогоонд хоол хийж зогсоход минь тэр ардаас минь харан суух жаргал мэт санагдах ч яг л нүцгэн нурууг минь хүйтэн төмрөөр хайрч буй мэт санагдана. Түүнийг илэрхийлэх үгс бол хүйтэн, хөндий, хайрч алмаар...
Халуухан үнсэлтээр эхлүүлсэн хэдий ч хоолны ширээний хойно суухдаа бидний хэн нь ч юм дуугарсангүй. Багаасаа ганцаараа хооллож байсан хэрнээ тэр үеэс илүү одоо ганцаардах шиг санагдана.
"Та аль ахлах сургуулийг төгссөн бэ? Миний бодлоор лав та Элит ахлах сургуулийг төгссөн байхаа. Таны байгаа байдал өмсөж зүүсэн, биеэ авч яваа гээд л та яавч энгийн айлын хүүхэд..." тэр өөдөөс тийм гэхийн аргагүй хачин харцаар харан "Уучлаарай. Хоолоо идэхдээ юм ярихгүй байж болохгүй юу?" гэж хэлэн харцаа хоолон дээрээ аваачлаа.
Түүний хэлсэн үгс бүхэн яагаад ийм гомдмоор бас өөрөөсөө түлхсэн байдаг гэдгийг би ойлгох гээд хичээсэн ч чадсангүй.
Өдрийн хоол асар их аниргүй дунд дуусгавар болж түүнийг үдэхээр үүдрүү хамт алхлаа. "Маргааш миний амардаг ганц өдөр. Тиймээс шинэ долоо хоногт уулзацгаая. Хэлсэн амандаа хүрвэл их сайн байна" тэр ийн хэлчихээд үгийн зөрүүгүй хаалга хаагаад гарч одлоо.
Миний хайртай хүн чамайг буцаагаад хайрлахгүй. Харин Ромье Жулетта хоёр цэвэр тохиолдол байсан юм.
Зүгээр л бүх зүйлийг хэтэрхий их төсөөлөн бодож хариуд нь төсөөлсөн шигээ зүйлийг хумсын толион чинээ ч хүртэж чадаагүйдээ бухимдан сууна. Түүнтэй хамт байх цаг мөч бүхэндээ хаана нь хожиж хаана нь алдахыг тааж чадамгүй. Гэхдээ хожих боломж байгаа гэх хоосон найдвар тавин азаа үзсээр л байх нь хачин.
Author's note: богинохон хэсэг байлаа. Арай гэж зав гараад бичсэн ойлгоорой
Бас хөөрхөн уншигчдаа төрсөн өдрийн мэнд❤️
Red Mantis and Avenger Doll
"Anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough." That is the motto Red Mantis lives by - and she is the bravest of them all. The nymphomaniac inter-dimensional assassin for hire, also known as Olethea Sykoria in most worlds, is on an endless quest to discover the highest form of pleasure, which generally means getting it on with anyone and anything that can give it to her. She has a steep fee and only takes jobs she finds interesting, but when she boasts a 100% success rate, her customers never have reason to complain.Cynicism. Cheek. And a serious personality streak. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect sassy girl. But Meakashi added an extra ingredient to the concoction... Meta Knowledge. Thus, the Avenger Doll was born! With her fourth-wall breaking, Ootsuki Senka has had her life dedicated to becoming the straight girl in this dimension-traveling duo. The only reason she is going along with Olethea's antics is that the author forces her to do so, but maybe she will develop a deeper connection to her new partner. Follow the inter-dimensional misadventures of a resourceful but sex-addicted elf, and a cynical, sassy genre-savvy cursed doll, as they carve their names into the legends of the multiverse - as troublemakers and a menace to society. Maybe the assassin for hire will discover more to live for than just ephemeral pleasure. Maybe the doll girl will finally find the reason for her tortured existence. Whatever the case, the one guarantee is that there will be plenty of cynicism, killing, sex, and breaking the fourth wall. _________________________________ This is a side-project to my main story Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos and is basically a spinoff to it, featuring a character from its supporting cast as one of the two protagonists. Warning: This will have tons of mindless funny gory killing and lots of potentially disturbing casual sex. Updating Schedule: On Hiatus. Disclaimer: The cover picture is by the fan DanP, my eternal thanks!
8 205Vengeance of Carinae
When Ronja Larsen. Marine, Fighter Pilot and all around badass finds herself stuck on an alien world It's going to take more than a little luck to survive. Armed only with a flight suit, some wreckage and her wits she's left bewildered and angry in a foreign world in an alien biome with little to no hope of getting home. Will she be able to escape to take her vengeance? There's nothing to stop her. Well, nothing except a dangerous untamed world and a few thousand light years distance. But what's that to a marine? Hey potential readers! I hope you join me on an adventure in my writing and literary pursuits. This book will hopefully be an interesting read with extreme details on bizarre facts that I find interesting. I will throw in useless knowledge and scientific concepts and facts. Have you ever wondered why glass is transparent? Well I'm sure to throw it in somewhere, so I hope you find my story interesting. - Deflagration P.S If you ever find scientific innaccuracies please PM me. I truly want to know. Other mistakes I'm happy to respond to in comments. A Note on tags: Profanity: Not excessive but where i find appropriate. Gore: Well that depends how well I do my job doesn't it. If I can paint a vivid picture that has the potential to be gory, then my writing may be to an acceptable quality. Traumatising content: Again, this depends on my skill as a writer, I guess I hope you find it traumatising - no that’s not right. Well you know what I mean anyway. Hopefully I can paint a vivid picture in your mind that makes the book all the more special.
8 154Ascension of the Strongest
From Magatsu's birth to his teenagehood, he was taught how to fight to rise to the challenge of defeating a person he had never even personally met before. Things, however, take turns and twists, deconstructing what Magatsu once saw as right as he learns the truth behind what he was told.
8 172Reincarnation of a Dedicated Loser
Hard working smart kid with the determination of a lion suffers his entire life and gives up, but in his last moments he shows his strong will to fight once again. Unfortunately its too late for his life to change. But not to late for a second chance. With his dedication he resolves to never be weak or powerless and decides to live a good life, in a new world of powerful magic and adventurures, with great beasts and challenges ahead.
8 141The Many Blades of Wuxia
Hundreds of years after the Heretic wars ended, life has returned to its blissful ignorant state that only peace could bring. Whilst the never-ending war between Man, Beast and Mutant rages on, most are not even aware of a war that happened between men. Its prophecies shattered, their remnants surviving only in obscure bard tales. One is about to grow. On the cracked face of the world, Essence storms and Beast Waves keep the citizenry locked atop the Emperor city of Qaelang. Knowledge of the past is as rare as the metals that flow into the hands of Sacred Artists and at the root of it all are whispers of a malignant force, ancient and terrible. Holding humanity back from achieving greatness, but hiding too are secrets best left untouched. Balance, discipline and order have held Qaelang secure since time immemorial, the powers within claiming to adhere to them. None are more fearful of change than the ones with the most to lose, but change is coming. Blade of Wuxia is a long character-focused epic fantasy with progression and growth. It's about a boy's quest to become powerful enough to save those he cares most for and give them a better life. It's set in a world of hidden pasts and uncovering them will set him on a path that shakes the Empire. As this is a rewrite that took on a wildly different spin, reviews are most welcome and help me do better. What can the reader expect? A Wuxia society set in a High fantasy world. People are only doing what they know and may have mistaken beliefs. A clever resourceful protagonist with human flaws A far-reaching hidden fantasy world, rich in history. Multiple points of view are used to follow the story to its natural conclusions, not every NPC has all the answers, but there is one MC in this book. Progression will take time and sometimes even unknowingly. MC is not trained in the ways and knowledge must be tempered against experimentation. Release Schedule. 2 chapters a week, family and work permitting. Only if I'm happy with the chapter will I release it. That being said I am open to revision should an articulated critical response show merit. This story is not completed yet but I do have a general idea of what the end looks like for both MC's (yes both) Ultimately feedback will be most influential on the progression of release as it's you guys I'm looking to entertain. Expected Changes None really, I'm writing as I go and have a path planned for 6 books Chapter release rate might change if we take off and feedback starts flowing, but for now, it is just about making sure Arcs flow smoothly onto the next. Cover, yes absolutely! If there is enough interest I will open a Patreon account and use the first proceeds to commission an EPIC cover and hopefully a few scary artworks of our brave Cultivators and the foes they face.
8 179The Last King
Gods, Demons, Roland has friends among both. And enemies. As a person who's strength rivals those at the peak of power, Roland likes to live life at hie leisure. Passive most days, immovable on as a mountain on others. Yet nothing is without a price, and the time to pay up once again is drawing closer fast. *** Four mortals stand inside a large hall. Having reached the end of a long journey, their last chance at survival rests in a dangerous Summoning that could leave them crippled. But they have no other option left to them. Cursed by a mysterious group of beings for reasons unknown and currently hunted by enemies far outmatching them in strength, they gamble everything on the hope that someone answers their call. *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Things like NTR, rape and the like are things i hate so if people are worried about that stuff i want to let you know that those things will not be happening. EDIT(June 18): So I should warn you guys, I have been told that the chapters have too many info dumps. This is a shortcoming that i am now aware of thanks to comments and reviews mentioning that fact. Since i know many readers enjoy the character interactions much more, that is what im planning to increase with my future chapters. I would say only my more recent chapters have decent amounts of character interactions and this is what i will take a larger focus on from now on. Although there will still be information presented, I intend to not make them so long. If you can get past the info dumps, you may like the story. Who knows. EDIT(August 19): The summary above is new. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dont usually do this... but if you like TLK, this story, then feel free to check out my other work: http://royalroadl.com/fiction/5893
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