《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Reunited


Once the man was finished explaining to Kelly what was going to happen, he left the room feeling a bit uneasy. He knew she was smart and would try anything to escape. With her fighting skills, he needed to be very careful with her. The man hoped she wasn't stubborn enough to ignore his requests of dressing up because then he would have to punish her. He frowned, hoping she wasn't going to test his patience.

The man walked out of the cabin to where his car was hidden in the woods. He waited there for his friend to show up, knowing that he received the letter and knew exactly where to go. He watched the police like a hawk, no one was following him and there weren't any trackers on him. The police weren't stupid enough to risk the girl's lives, especially when Kelly Hunter was one of those girls.

It was almost five o'clock when he heard a car come to a stop. The man watched as his friend exited the taxi he rode in and as the unsuspecting driver drove off. The man saw his friend smile and walk over to him. The man came out from behind his car to see his friend who it seems like years since they had seen each other. Nothing had changed. He still had his charming looks, his dark, brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that had seen way too much bloodshed. His tone body was a clear result of working out in prison and his noticeable cheekbones had always been a feature that women found charming.

"God, it's nice to see a familiar face." Marcus said giving his friend a hug.

"Glad to see you again. I'm glad my plan worked out." The man said smiling at the success of his plan.


"Me too. Damn, I hated prison. Every day of those six months was torture. The food was nasty but I was popular there, as you could imagine." He said smirking.

"Tell me all about it while we walk back to my place, it's a bit of a walk." The man said.

"If there weren't any bars between me and my jail mates next to me, I'd be dead. Everyone hated me there, loathed me actually. They said, 'how could you murder and rape teenage girls?' It was quite funny to me. They couldn't last a minute in our minds could they?" Marcus asked, chuckling.

"Hell no. They would be too blown away by our minds. No one could even understand." The man said.

"I have six surprises for you back at the cabin." The man said.

"Are they pretty?" Marcus asked.

"Very. Would I get ugly ones?" Marcus smiled at the comment.

The air was calm, the only noise was the crunching of leaves under the men's feet. They reached the cabin, Marcus complimenting the structure, but he hadn't even seen the secret room. The man lead the way down to the basement and showed Marcus the secret passageway through the bookcase. The man couldn't help but smirk at his creation, extremely proud of his work.

"Very smart." Marcus said as they walked in the passage. When they got in, they went to the living room and sat down on the couch, explaining the situation of Ethan.

"What should we do with him?" The man asked opening the bathroom door, showing Ethan. Marcus looked at the boy, thinking of killing him or not. The man had to move Ethan from Courtney's old room to put Christina in there. The bathroom was the only place to put the boy. There simply wasn't any more room.


"Let him live. Drug him leave him in the bathroom for now. He could be useful later on." Marcus said.

The man nodded and went over to his desk where some chloroform laid with some cloth. He poured some on the cloth and walked over to Ethan. He was panicking and with the duct tape on his mouth, it was hard for him to not breathe in the harsh chemicals. He soon passed out and Marcus put him in the bathroom and closed the door, locking it from the outside. Marcus stood in front of the couch and watched the man with envy.

"I'll go and get the girls then. I made them dress up, just for you." The man said smiling.

The couch was a sectional so it sat about ten people on it. The man got up and went to the first room where Jessica was. He unlocked her door and told her to get up and follow him. She was wearing her long gold dress that she had always been wearing. She was wearing heels but still wasn't taller than the man. He put his hand on her lower back and guided her to the couch.

"Marcus, this is Jessica." He said making Jessica sit down.

Marcus smiled and sat down next to her. He started to whisper in her ear and she got tense. The man went next went to get Christina. He opened her door and the little girl was on her bed about to cry. She was in a red dress that went to her knees. He brought her out and sat her on the couch next to Jessica.

"Marcus, this is Christina."

The man went and got Brooke. When he opened her door, she was wearing a sparkling strapless silver dress that went to a little over her knees. He guided her out and to the living room and Marcus was talking to Christina now. Once Marcus saw Brooke though, he seemed mesmerized by her. He grinned as she sat down next to him.

"This is Brooke." Next, he got Anna who was wearing a short all black dress.

He walked her out and said, "This is Anna." She sat down to Brooke where Marcus was still talking to her. Then he went and got Maddie. She was wearing a long white dress with sparkles. Marcus was still talking with Brooke, completely ignoring Anna and the rest of the girls.

"This is Maddie." The man introduced.

"Marcus, this next girl I'll be watching closely. She is a handful." The man added.

Marcus nodded at him the man went to the last room where Kelly was. She was probably planning something so he was ready. Unless she planned on taking both the men down then she wouldn't be getting out. The man was excited to see what Kelly looked like and was curious to see what she had planned.

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