《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The Threats


The man watched as his friend left the jail and started to head north. He was excited to reunite with his friend, who he hadn't seen in six months. The man made sure the police stayed away and that Marcus wasn't being followed. The police weren't stupid enough to risk the girls' lives by tracking Marcus. Despite being friends with Marcus, the man's true identity wasn't known by Marcus. He only knew who the man was with the disguise. No one knew who he really was and he wasn't planning on anyone finding out.

The man began to think back to earlier with Kelly. He was surprised when Kelly had hugged him earlier. Was she really starting to like him? She was most likely tricking him, but sooner or later she would start to like him. The man had seen what he needed with the police and got into his Mustang and raced back to the woods. He parked his car and walked the four miles to the cabin. Once he got there, he decided to visit all of his girls before picking Marcus up. He was probably going to kill the boy because he always needed to be tied up and there wasn't room for him but he would ask Marcus about him. The man went into Jessica's room where she was reading.

"Hello, beautiful." He said closing the door behind him. She seemed more scared of him because of what happened last time he had come in her room for no reason. She wouldn't talk so he was going to rape her, well act like it at least, so she would talk. The man wasn't sure if he would go through with raping someone, but everyone is full of surprises. The man was very unpredictable.

"Hi." She whispered so softly.


"Today is a special occasion, Jessica. We have a visitor coming so I would tell you to put on a dress but you already have one. I want everyone to look nice for my friend." He said. She nodded and he left, needing to hurry and talk with the other girls so he could go meet his friend.

He went to the next room where Christina Perry was. He managed to take one dress while he was at her house so he told her to wear it. The man knew eventually he wanted the girls to dress up so he had to remember to get one of her dresses since it was short notice. The man was always thinking ahead. She was little so she would listen that whatever the man said.

He entered the next room of Brooklyn or Brooke Williams. She sat on her bed and retreated to the corner of it. He sat on the bed next to her and told her about the guest.

"If you don't dress up, then you'll be locked in here and you will die." He threatened.

He didn't like being mean, but he didn't like repeating himself. He needed to be authoritative and make sure the girls listen to him. He put his hand on her thigh that wasn't covered because of her short shorts. She managed to get up from him and said, "Don't touch me!" Her long blonde hair swayed from side to side as she backed away from him. There wasn't really anywhere she could go. He wasn't sure where her sudden outburst came from because she normally didn't act this way towards him. The man suddenly got angry, not liking her betrayal towards him. She was one of his favorites before Kelly but now she's ruined that. He got up and backed her to the wall and into the corner.


"I can do whatever I want." He snarled, his anger building up.

He ran his fingers through her hair when she tried to hit him, he blocked her punch. He held her arms against the wall and got so close that his body was pinned up against her. He leaned over and kissed cheek and then her lips. When he was done, he back away and said, "Make you wear something pretty." He said and left the room.

He went into the next room where Anna Murphy was. He walked in and she was curled up in the corner of her bed. He hadn't seen her much besides when he gave her food. She wasn't one of his favorites. She was a practice kidnapping, which didn't have any value towards him.

"Hello, Anna." He said walking over to her bed.

"Hi." She whispered just like the rest.

The man told her about his friend and that she needed to dress up and he threatened her too. She nodded at his request and he smiled. He was glad that one of the girls was good and nice to him. He left her room and went to see Maddie. When he entered the room, she was sitting on her bed, not crying this time, thankfully. The crying from the girls could get extremely annoying.

"Hello, Maddie. I see you are doing better now." He said as he sat on her bed.

She sat not looking at him and twirled her shoulder length brown hair. He told her about his friend and to dress up. He enforced his threat with her more severely because she wasn't on his good side and he hadn't had her that long. She wasn't trained yet to obey him, so he had be clear with threats. She didn't nod or say anything to him the whole time.

"Do you understand?" He asked, sternly.

She nodded and he left the room. He was at the last room where Kelly was. He wondered how she would react to him. He got his keys out and inserted them into the lock and turned the key he opened the door and went in, hoping she wouldn't try and fight him.

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