《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Marcus Linnet


Matt was in his car speeding off to the Perry's house. A little girl had been taken and her babysitter murdered. Matt wondered when this guy actually slept because lately, it was a constant battle. He wouldn't let the police rest for a second. Matt had been awake ever since Kelly was kidnapped, almost two days ago. He needed sleep desperately but couldn't ever fall asleep. Adrenaline was keeping him going, well that and coffee, a lot of coffee. Ross was right behind Matt in his police car. They pulled up to the scene and the famous crime scene tape was up. Kyle was there, offering to help since the department was running out of police officers to investigate each crime scene. Any help at this point was appreciated.

"Glad to see you here. So what happened?" Matt asked Kyle.

"The police got a call from the home phone of gun shots. No one spoke on the phone, and it seems that the kidnapper wanted us to come here now because he left the phone on so it was easier to track where the call was coming from. He wanted us to find the dead babysitter and the missing child. It was attorney Michael Perry's child." He said.

Matt knew about Michael, he was a damn good lawyer who worked on many cases Matt would give him. Matt walked up to the babysitter. She had a gunshot in the forehead. On top of the girl was two folded up note. His gloves were making his hands itch but he didn't care as he picked up the notes. Ross came over and Matt read the first letter to Kyle and him.

"Dear Colorado Police. I have just kidnapped Christina Perry. Her father helped put my friend away, along with most of the other girls I have taken. Their parents helped put my best friend away. His name is Marcus Linnet. I'm sure you know his sentencing and what he had done but I killed and kidnapped as well but you only caught him. I want him to be released later today. There is no negotiating because you don't know who I am." He stopped reading for a moment before continuing.

"At four o'clock, I expect him too freely released and no one can touch him. No one can follow him or track him or I will kill every single girl I have and even the boy I took. I think we are on the same page and once he is free and no one is tracking or following him, I will let the girls go unharmed. I think I'm making a very fair deal here so don't screw with me because I will be watching and don't think that I won't kill them because as you can see, I have already killed some girls. So please do as I say and everything will be fine. I suggest you hurry though. Four o'clock today. Oh and before Marcus leaves from all of the police officers give him this other note for me. Make sure he gets the note or I'll kill the girls. See you all soon." Matt stopped reading, his eyes widening.


"Get me a background check on Marcus Linnet." Matt yelled to whoever was listening. He saw several officers ran to do as he said. Matt read the other note that was supposed to go to Marcus.

"Members Doe Dreams Fetch. Remain Coefficient. Watch Pier General. Family Chick Call Every Vase. None People Rare Late Fahrenheit. Object Toad Chill Mall. Kite Pioneer. Toward Choice Shoe Daddy Kiss. What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Matt asked, showing Ross the note.

After fifteen minutes, Kyle came over to Ross and Matt, who were sweeping the floor for footprints and fingerprints.

"Matt, bad news. This guy is a monster. He is in jail for life and was charged with at least ten known counts of rape, fifteen counts of murder, and at least twenty kidnapping charges. There may be more than we know of. If we let this guy go, we may never get him back. Are we going to let him out?" Kyle asked, looking concerned. Matt looked at Ross for the answer.

"We have too. If it gets out that we could save the girls and we didn't then there will be lawsuits and everything. We'll be able to get the girls back so I guess we arrange for him to get released. Then once he is let out and the girls are returned, we will put out an alert for him." Ross said.

Matt wasn't sure if he believed the man but there could be a chance that he would get his daughter back if they released the man's friend. Marcus was a criminal who was sentenced to life, most likely death row. The FBI would probably get involved once they heard about him getting let out. Ross and Matt headed to the Colorado jail to tell the warden the worst news ever. The warden was a tall, muscular man who was feared by many. He was furious by the news, his face turning red and his fists clenched tightly.

"Are you kidding me? Linnet is the most hated guy here. No way in hell can you let this monster out!" He yelled, a large vein popping out on his forehead.

"We have to try and save seven lives out there of children who have been abducted." Ross said.

"You'll be killing thousands by letting him out. You won't be able to catch him again. He could flee the country if he wanted to. He's a runner, once he's out, he won't stop." The warden yelled, unable to control his frustration and anger.


"Mitch, please just fill out the work so that he is released by four o'clock." Ross said, frowning.

"Damn it, you two are making the biggest mistakes of your lives. Have fun explaining to the public why a kidnapper, killer, and rapist is back on the streets." He said pulling out release papers from his desk.

He started filling the papers out. The top line read Marcus Linnet. It was about three o'clock when all the paperwork was filled out. Ross and Matt went outside the jail and all the detectives for each crime scene were there. He saw Kyle, Robbins and a bunch of other police officers, waiting to watch the release. Matt noticed that Detective Ericson wasn't there, which was weird, the whole department was there but a few people. Why would Ericson miss this?Everyone was waiting for Linnet to come out. Three thirty came and Matt heard the jail door open. Kyle came up to Matt and said, "Should we really be doing this?"

Matt shrugged because he wasn't sure if they should be. He wanted his daughter but this guy would take and kill more girls than the six girls that were taken. Then the warden came out with Linnet in handcuffs. Linnet had a huge grin on his face. Linnet was about twenty years old and was very athletic and fit. He had no fat on him and his flat washboard abs stuck out in the plain white shirt he wore. He wore faded, blue jeans and brown shoes. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair, grinning as the warm sun shined down on him.

It seemed as if he stared right at Matt with his dark brown eyes. He knew he was getting out and he knew who was doing it. His smile hadn't left his face. He turned his head and smiled at the warden as he took off the handcuffs. Once he was free, he rubbed his wrists that the warden probably put on too tight.

"It was nice meeting you, Warden." Marcus chuckled.

"This wasn't my choice. If it was up to me, you'd be rotting in that jail cell." The warden snapped.

"Luckily it's not your choice then. You won't be seeing me again." Marcus said, giving the warden the biggest smirk he could.

Matt could tell that the warden was seconds away from punching Marcus in the face. Thankfully, he handed Marcus the note and he walked down the steps, away from the warden.

Marcus read the note, reading the encrypted words. Matt guessed that Marcus knew what it meant. The police had made a copy of the note and were trying to figure out his impossible coding. He walked passed all the police and smirking the whole way. He was full of himself. He had just gotten out of life in prison. Lucky son of a bitch.

Marcus started to walk north probably to go and get a car. No one was going to track or follow him because then the girls would be dead. Everyone watched as he walked off into the distance. The warden gave all of the police officers an evil glare and went back inside the prison. Everyone disputed and Kyle and Matt went their separate ways, trying to decide if this was the right choice. Matt needed some sleep desperately at this point.

He told Ross he was going to sleep at the station and to wake him with any evidence, even something as little as another wig hair. Matt drove slowly to the police station. Before going into the station, he cried. He hadn't been able to cry about his dead wife and his missing daughter, who could be dead as well at this point. Matt missed his wife so much and he wanted his daughter back. He needed her back. She was all he had left.

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