《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Homesick


I paced around the small room thinking of escape. My mind was processing a million thoughts currently. The room was so small, it was driving me crazy. I hated being confined to such a small room with nothing to do but stare at the walls and suffer from my own thoughts. My stomach growled loudly, snapping me out of my self-pity. I hadn't remembered when the last time I ate. I didn't even know how long I'd been here for. Then I wondered if I could even eat anything here. What if he drugged my food and sent me back to how I was feeling when I first arrived here.

My eyes widened when I heard faint crying coming outside my door. I ran over to it and pressed my ear against the metal door. It was a girl's cry. The room may be soundproof or at least harder to hear since the walls were so thick and if that's the case, the girl must have been bawling.

"Please let me go!" The girl screamed, tears still loudly present.

That was the last thing I heard from the girl. She must have been a new victim of the man. He had kidnapped again. Minutes later after the crying and screaming had stopped, my door opened. I was sitting on my bed waiting for him to come in holding a plate of food, figuring it was bound to happen. I hoped he would just give me my food and leave but I knew that was unlikely. He probably wanted to talk to me and stay awhile, which was the last thing I wanted.

"Hello, Kelly." He said holding a plate as he closed the door. I had forced myself to stop flinching when he said my name. I still hated it though. He would say it so calmly and casually.

"Hi." I whispered.

I had said it loud enough so that he could barely hear me. He set my plate down in front of me as he sat down on the end of the bed. I stared at the food like it would kill me. I wondered if this was the food that would make me sick or even kill me. I knew if I didn't eat, I would starve to death, but he could have put something in it to kill me. Then I thought, if he wanted to kill me he would have done it by now. That wouldn't stop him from drugging me though.


"What's wrong?" He asked.

He must have noticed my staring. I didn't answer because I didn't want him to know that I was wondering about the food he was giving me. For all I knew, he could just stop giving me food. He could get angry and let me starve. I stared at the food, ignoring him and refusing to make eye contact.

"Are you wondering if I drugged the food?" He asked, causing me look up into his eyes. I nodded because I was and I wanted to know the answer to his question. I wasn't even sure if I'd believe what he said.

"It's not drugged. Trust me, if I was going to drug you, I would simply just do it. I wouldn't waste the time by putting it in your food." He said, frowning. For some reason, I believed him. Something in his voice said that he wasn't lying. I looked at my sandwich and picked it up and took a bite, not realizing how hungry I actually was.

"See no drugs or anything, just a sandwich." He said.

I was nervous because he sat and watched me eat my sandwich. I didn't like that he would just sit and watch me like he did. I finished my sandwich and sat back and stared back at the man. I was extremely self-conscious right now. Why did he keep staring at me and not saying anything?

"You are very beautiful Kelly." He said smiling.

I looked away from his stare because I knew he kept staring at me and how I looked. His smile would haunt me forever. I would never be able to forget it. The way his smile filled his face and how he looked so calm and normal. If I had seen him on the streets, I would never have guessed that he was a kidnapper and killer. He looked like an average man. I didn't even think before asking but I asked anyway, hoping he wouldn't get mad at my question.

"Will I ever get to go home?" I stared at him again waiting for an answer. I was scared to find out the answer. He hesitated before he answered.


"I'm not sure yet. Probably not but you never know." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

I felt myself get teary eyed. I would never get to go home, who was I kidding. Unless I escaped, he would never let me go, I've already seen what he looked like. He must have seen the tears in my eyes because he moved the plate and sat closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me in a comforting way, causing me to tense, and said, "Things will change soon and you may get to come out of this room. Don't cry, everything will be okay. At least you're still alive." He said, and his last sentence worried me.

This last words didn't make me feel any better like they should have. This just proved that he could kill me and that he's done it before, so not with me? What if he did kill me? His touch made me want to cry even more. He was so warm and caring, yet I knew it wasn't true. I missed my dad's warm hugs so much right now. I missed my parents so much. I wanted to go home but couldn't. I knew it would never happen. I needed to get out of this room. I needed him to trust me. I had to show him that I was trustworthy. In order to show this, I did something that I wouldn't have ever done if I wasn't missing home so much. I hugged him back.

I wrapped both of my arms around his waist. He seemed shocked but hugged me back. A horrible thought came to me. I actually liked his warmth and hug. Why would I enjoy this? It must have been the loneliness getting the best of me. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I wanted to leave so bad but was making the best out of it while I was here. I pulled away from him and wiped away my tears. This was the first time I'd let him see me cry since I got here. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I was either in shock or was still living in the moment of our hug because I didn't pull away at first. I let him kiss me for several seconds before pulling away. I was just happy that I hadn't kissed him back. If I had, I would have hated myself.

If it was between leaving and staying here, I would do what I had to do to get out. If that meant kissing him in the future, then I would but not today, only when I needed to. I would not have feelings for him. He was my kidnapper. He was a killer and had no feeling for me. My dad's words came into my head, "A kidnapper may act like they like or love you but they don't, it's all an act Kelly." He actually seemed to care though.

He was either a wonderful actor or that he really cared about me. He smiled and got up from the bed. He said his goodbye and left. The way he smiled after the kiss worried me. Was this all a trick? Was he playing me? I stared at the plain walls wondering how I got into this mess. Why me? Why me? I plopped down on my bed and laid there thinking of the mess I was in. If I could just see my dad one more time, I would be happy. I missed him so much. I was daddy's little girl.

"Please God, if you have time to hear my prayer, please help me. I miss my family and need help. I'm so scared and want to go home. I miss my old life where everything was normal. Please let my dad find me. Let this be my last request ever to you. Just let my dad find me here." I prayed. Hopefully, God would answer my prayer and help me.

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