《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The Demand


Damn it. The man had been watching the police the whole time. He was hiding in the shadows of the neighborhood. Lurking closer and closer until closer was too close. He had heard Detective Hunter yell that he had found brown short hair and now they knew his real hair color and his fake one. He should have checked for the security cameras after all. He was getting sloppy and that would stop. He needed to ask for his friend before the cops figured him out. He was going to drag out his plan but things have changed. He needed to pick up the pace, let the police know what he wants.

He walked a block over and got in his car. He got what he needed and he went home, back to the cabin. He needed to figure out what to do. Should he kill another girl? No. He needed to get another one. Christina Perry was his next victim, he needed to take her. He needed her. He hurried home to get his things. He was doing it today, as soon as possible. When the girl's mom and dad left for work and left Christina home with a babysitter, he would get her. They would be leaving soon. Was it too early to kidnap someone? No, five thirty wouldn't be early. The parents would be gone and that's all that mattered. There was never a certain time to kidnap someone.

The man got home and was going to feed the girls before hand but he decided not too. They could wait. His plan couldn't wait. He got his cloth, chloroform and gun ready. He was going to strike again. He decided to write another letter in his fast handwriting about his friend. He would leave the letter at the crime scene.

"Dear Colorado Police. I have just kidnapped Christina Perry. Her father helped put my friend away, along with most of the other girls I have taken. Their parents helped put my best friend away. His name is Marcus Linnet. I'm sure you know his sentencing and what he had done but I killed and kidnapped as well but you only caught him. I want him to be released later today. There is no negotiating because you don't know who I am." He stopped for a moment before continuing.


"At four o'clock, I expect him too freely released and no one can touch him. No one can follow him or track him or I will kill every single girl I have and even the boy I took. I think we are on the same page and once he is free and no one is tracking or following him, I will let the girls go unharmed. I think I'm making a very fair deal here so don't screw with me because I will be watching and don't think that I won't kill them because as you can see, I have already killed some girls. So please do as I say and everything will be fine. I suggest you hurry though. Four o'clock today. Oh and before Marcus leaves from all of the police officers give him this other note for me. Make sure he gets the note or I'll kill the girls. See you all soon." He wrote. Then he took out another piece of paper and started to write.

"Members Doe Dreams Fetch. Remain Coefficient. Watch Pier General. Family Chick Call Every Vase. None People Rare Late Fahrenheit. Object Toad Chill Mall. Kite Pioneer. Toward Choice Shoe Daddy Kiss." He stopped writing.

To a normal person, this is a bunch of words but to the man and his friend it's a code. You take the third letter of every word. It translates to "meet me ten miles north jail to woods." The police wouldn't know what hit them. He got his notes and ran back to his car. If he hadn't always workout and wasn't athletic he would be dying right now but he was in great shape.

He got to his car and listened to rock music to pump himself up for his kidnapping. He wasn't going to play around though. Get in and get out. He drove to the house and watched as the parents both left the house. Before he went in, he needed to figure out if he was going to kill the babysitter or not. The first rule in kidnapping is, don't do it without a plan. No plan equals failure.


The babysitter was a twenty year old girl who always came over in the morning for the sweet Christina. He would kill her, he didn't need her. She was nothing, just a girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He got out of his car, he had checked for cameras and found none in sight. He went up to the house and rang the doorbell. Just play it cool. He had his gloves on, but hidden behind his back so that sitter wouldn't see them. The babysitter answered the door.

"Hello." She said, smiling.

"Hi, is Mrs. or Mr. Perry home?" The man asked. He loved playing her.

"I'm sorry they just left for work." She said.

That's all the man needed to hear from her. Sure, he knew they were gone but he wanted to confirm it before moving forward. He pulled out his gun and backed the woman into the house, slamming the door behind them.

"What do you want?" She cried.

He didn't reply, he just aimed his gun and shot the girl in the forehead. He raced upstairs to where girl slept. She had just woken up because of the gun shot. He picked the girl up and held the chloroform cloth to her face and she was out. She didn't even have any time to fight him. He walked back down stairs and left both notes on top of the dead girl. He went outside and put the little girl in the trunk. All the police were busy with Courtney that he could easily get in and out.

Then he went back to the house, grabbed the home phone which sat next to the front door and called nine-one-one. When he heard the operator, he fired a gunshot. Then he set the phone down, listening as the operator shouted for someone to reply. The man had to notify the police immediately so they could get his friend out in time. The police would be there soon if they could figure out where the call came from fast enough. He ran back to his car and drove off. He was going to get his friend back today, the police hopefully weren't stupid enough to cross the man.

The police couldn't risk him killing all the girls. What the police didn't know was that he wasn't planning on giving the girls back. He was planning on keeping them once Marcus was back. Then they would decide what to do. He got to his place but had a problem. There weren't enough rooms. He decided to put the boy in the bathroom next to the living room. He locked him in there until he decided what to do with him. The man wondered if the police were already at the house, reading his notes. He couldn't wait for four o'clock. He didn't want to kill the girls but he would do what it took for his friend to be back with him.

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