《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The Gathering
I heard the rattling of the lock as it was being unlocked. The door opened slowly and the man walked in. I was sitting on my bed and had just woken up from a nap a couple minutes ago. I brought my knees to my chest as he sat down in front of me, wishing he wouldn't come any closer to me. My heart rate started to pick up in pace as he got closer to me.
"Hello, Kelly." He said.
"Hi." I whispered, causing him to smile.
"Okay, so we are having a guest today, a friend of mine. I have asked everyone to put on a dress and you'll be able to come out of this room. If you don't dress up, you'll stay in here and die. You won't see me again." He threatened, his stern voice echoing the room.
This was my chance to get out and find an escape route. All I had to do was put on a dress. Who was his friend though? Was he someone like the man who abducted me? There was the possibility of turning the friends against each other, that is if the friend wasn't a kidnapper and killer.
I was happy and nervous by the offer the man gave me. Sure I didn't want to die so I wouldn't hesitate to wear a dress. I needed to get out of this room and see other people, make sure my friends are safe. Then there was the chance to see the other girls who had been abducted for longer than I have. If we all charged him and his friend out there, we could escape? No, they probably have guns and wouldn't hesitate shooting us. I would just have to wait to see where I was once I was out of this god awful room.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, catching me off guard.
I had got caught thinking of a plan, hadn't I? I didn't say anything so he said, "When you go out there, I'll be with you the whole time. I know about your fighting skills. Kelly, you aren't escaping."
That's what he thinks. He got up and said, "I'll be back soon for you." Then he left my room. I really didn't want to put on a dress but I had to. I walked over to the closet and tried to figure out what dress to wear. I didn't want to wear a long dress that I would trip over if I walked so I went with one of the shorter dresses. If I could escape, I didn't want to be running away while tripping on a dress. I had an advantage of running track, if there was an opening for an escape, I'd take it.
I looked at the short dresses, I decided with the dress that was royal pink that had the ribbon and a flower on the waist. It was a cute dress and I would be happy to wear it if I wasn't forced too. I pulled the dress out of the closet and started to take off my clothes. I worried that he would walk in so I quickly rushed to get the dress on. Once it was on, I ran my fingers through my hair to get some tangles out, not sure who I wanted to look better for the man but maybe I could get on his good side and lower his suspicions of me.
I didn't have to wear heels thankfully; I wore my gym shoes that I had on when I was taken. I was just happy he didn't have a pair of heels for me to wear because there was no way I could run in heels. The dress went just a little over my knees, a normal homecoming dress maybe. The reason I went to homecoming at school was because Maddie made me. I smiled, remembering when Maddie told me that she would disown me as a friend if I made her go to homecoming alone. Knowing it would make her happy, I sucked it up and went to the dance.
I sat down on the bed and waited for the man to come back and get me. As much as I wanted to leave this hellhole, I needed to play this smart. I couldn't rush into things that would get me killed. Just being out of this cramped room would give me a sense of relaxation. I swear it seems as if the walls of the room keep closing in on me. I normally didn't have claustrophobia but the longer I'm in this room, the worse it gets.
The door unlocked and the man reappeared. Nervous suddenly got the best of me as my hands started to shake. I quickly hid them behind my back, not allowing the man to see me scared. I wasn't sure what to expect when I got out there and who to meet as the man's friend. The man's eyes wandered up and down my body, shamelessly checking me out. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the ground, refusing to make eye contact. He walked over and put his arm around my waist as he guided me out of the room, not saying a word.
My body tensed up when I saw the friend's dark, brown eyes locked on me, examining my body. Suddenly, a wave of self-consciousness hit me. I shouldn't care what this creep thought of me but I couldn't help it as the friend and now the man were both looking at me like I was a piece of meat. There were five other girls, all dressed up, sitting on the couch. Maddie was one of those girls, looking thankful to see me, yet terrified of the situation we were in. I scanned the room and Ethan was nowhere to be found. A wave of panic hit me, wondering where he was. The man wouldn't kill him, right?
We were in a living area, but what surprised me was that there weren't any windows. With the coldness in the air, I had to guess that we were underground. There was only one main door out, which had locks on it. There were six rooms behind me, which was where I came from and surely wasn't looking forward to going back. There was no escape. There was no way in hell I was getting out of here.
It took everything I had not to start crying. Ethan could be dead and escaping or even being found by my father was looking impossible. I wanted to enjoy being out of the room but I couldn't find any joy in this situation. The man sat me down on the couch on the end of the couch along with the other terrified young girls.
"Marcus, this is Kelly." The man introduced causing Marcus to smirk towards me.
Marcus reminded me just like the man, which ruined my plan of turning them against each other. His toned body and tall demeanor where a scary combination. It would be harder to outrun and fight him and the man if I needed too. The man and Marcus stood in front of us, everyone's eyes locked on them.
"Hello girls, this is Marcus. He's visiting since he just was released from jail." The man said.
Everyone greeted Marcus but I remained quiet, not wanting to show any ounce of respect for this man. I realized that Marcus was a criminal just like the man, which made this a thousand times worse. I wondered what he did to get in jail? One of the other girls in the room must have been thinking the same thing because she decided to boldly speak up.
"Why was he in jail?" A blonde girl who was wearing a short, strapless silver dress asked.
"Oh, Brooke, good question. Marcus, remind me again of your charges." The man chuckled.
Marcus smiled and said, "I believe it was fifteen counts of murder, twenty counts of kidnapping and fifteen counts of rape. The funny part is that those counts are probably just a fourth of what I've actually done. They just never found the bodies." Marcus said making sure to make eye contact with every girl, including myself.
What stood out the most to me was the rape part. My dad had never mentioned rape being part of the kidnappings, yet the police hadn't known much before I was taken. Had the man raped any of these girls? All the other girls' eyes widened at his jail statement. Marcus was way worse than the man, which concerned me.
"How did you get out? The police wouldn't have let you out." I spoke up, surprising myself that I had the nerve to say something.
"Let's just say thanks to you girls the police were willing to release Marcus." The man said, taking note of my question.
"Now, I expect you all to listen to him like you do me." The man added on.
The man was crazy if he thought that pervert was going to tell me what to do and I'd happily obey. Marcus isn't aware of my fighting skills unless the man told him so I could use that as an advantage if needed. The man whispered something to his friend and then look at each one of us.
"Who should I pick to be my lucky date tonight?" Marcus asked, looking back and forth between the six of us until his eyes set on the blonde girl who had spoken earlier.
"Brooke, is it? How would you like to be my date?" He asked, but I knew he wasn't really giving her a choice.
The man came over to me and told me that he picked me for the night. I was worried that I'd be picked but I'd rather be with the man than Marcus. I just hoped the man didn't make me regret those words. I hated to admit it but I really wanted to back into my room, not caring about the loneliness and smallness of the room. Marcus and the man took the rest of the girls back to their rooms, leaving Brooke and me alone.
"I'm so scared. He wants to rape me. Did you see the way he was looking at me?" Brooke said, tears in her eyes.
"Everything's going to be okay. My dad is a police officer; he's going to find us." I whispered, trying to stay positive for her.
I knew she was probably right about her fate but what could she do about it? Nothing at all. I'd tell her to keep fighting but that could result in her getting killed if she fought Marcus. I couldn't just sit here and wait for Brooke to get hurt. I got up from the couch, the man and Marcus in the rooms with the different girls. I ran over to the main door, trying to pull it open.
There were several locks which prevented me from opening it. Then I had seen that Brooke had a bobby pin in her hair. Quickly, I grabbed it from her and tried to pick the lock, knowing my time was limited. I had unlocked the deadbolt and just needed the last one unlocked by the bobby pin.
"What are you doing?" The man's voice echoed, causing me to jump.
I whirled around, hiding the bobby pin in my hand behind my back. Brooke could have at least told me they were coming. I remained quiet, not sure how to respond to his question. He repeated his question, wanting to hear my answer. Not even having to think, I replied, "I was trying to find the bathroom."
"Interesting. You could have just waited for me to come back. I'm curious, why did you think the door with the locks on it was the bathroom?" The man asked.
"There are locks on most of the doors around here, I was just guessing." I replied.
"Since we have a guest here, I'm going to pretend I didn't see anything and you're going to hand over whatever you have in your hand." The man said walking over towards me as Marcus went and sat down next to Brooke.
The man stood in front of me holding his hand out like an angry parent. I reluctantly handed over the bobby pin to him, staring at the ground. The man grabbed me by the arm and walked me over to the couch. It seemed like an hour or so of watching TV before Marcus got bored. I looked over to see Marcus kissing Brooke, who remained unmoving as he attacked her with his lips. He suddenly stopped kissing her and turned to the man.
"I think we will go to her room." Marcus said, smirking at the man.
My heart broke into a million pieces at his words because I knew what was going to happen. Marcus got up and grabbed Brooke's arm, yanking her towards the rooms. She looked back at me, tears streaking down her tanned skin. I noticed that she tried to pull her arm away from him but his grip remained.
The man was watching them go too. I turned and looked at the man fearfully, not wanting that same fate as Brooke.
"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you." The man said, reading my mind.
He knew exactly what I was thinking. I guess I was a little less tense when he said that. I felt so bad for Brooke. She didn't look that much older than me. She didn't deserve this, none of us did. I sat there, staring at the TV but not really watching it. I just kept thinking about Brooke and what was happening to her. I heard a door unlock about an hour later, assuming it was Marcus. The man leaned over and whispered, "Let me kiss you or you'll end up like her."
I didn't want to be like her so I nodded. Whatever it takes to get out. The door opened and the man leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He put one hand around my waist and the other on my back. Then he leaned closer so that I fell on my back and that he was now laying on top of me. I wanted this to stop desperately but I would rather this than my clothes being off. Marcus came over and the man stopped. He got off of me and I sat up, my body already feeling violated by the man and all he did was kiss me.
"Sorry to interrupt." He said smiling. His shirt was in his hands and he just had his pants on. I wanted to cry just looking at him. He disgusted me. There were so many things I could say to him, but that wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. I wanted to go comfort Brooke, knowing she needed someone right now.
"It's alright. I'll just take her back now." The man said, and I had to admit, I loved that he was protecting me some from Marcus.
"Why are you such in a hurry? We've got plenty of time." Marcus said sitting now next to me.
Bile had risen in my throat when I smelt Brooke's scent lingering all over his body. He terrified me, yet I tried my best not to show him that. He couldn't see how weak me made me just by being in the same room as me. If I had to pick between him and the man, I'd pick the man in a heartbeat. Marcus scooted closer to me and I backed up into the man, who didn't move.
"You're very pretty, just like Brooke. I always had a thing for blondes." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.
My eyes widened, but I stared anywhere but Marcus. What if he wanted to rape me now? Would the man allow that? I prayed that Marcus was just messing with me and not intending to do anything. He placed his hand on my thigh and I quickly pulled away from him. At this point, I was practically sitting on the man's lap, just to get away from Marcus.
"I know you're capable of speaking. I want to hear your voice again. It's beautiful." He said, waiting to give me the opportunity to speak.
"Fine, if you're not going to talk, then I'm going to do what I want until I hear a stop from you." He threatened. I looked back at the man and Marcus grabbed my cheek, making me look at him.
"Don't look at him, look at me. He won't help you." He snarled.
He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He pulled me close to him, away from the man, so that I was basically on his lap. He went from my lips to my neck and I couldn't take it anymore. I was on the verge of crying in disgust and hatred. I'd never been touched or kissed like this before and I hated it. All I wanted was to take a shower and scrub my skin and lips from the touch of these monsters.
"Stop." I whispered trying to pull away from him.
I was so sickened by him and wanted to him to get away from me. I really wanted to kick his ass right now but I knew that was a bad idea to attempt. The idea of fighting became more appealing despite knowing that the man would stop me from kicking Marcus's teeth out.
Marcus pulled away from kissing me and said, "There's the voice I wanted to hear."
He smiled at me and said to the man, "Okay, take her back." The man nodded and took me by the arm and then by the waist and walked me to the room, a sense of relief taking over. I never thought I'd be happy to back to my room.
"Good job." The man whispered into my ear.
I should have tried and escaped while Marcus wasn't there, tried harder to fight back. If I could have knocked the man out, I could figure a way out. I should have just tried. Now I have to go back to my room, alone and bored. I was walked into the room and the door was shut behind me. I plopped myself on my bed in sadness. I needed to get out of here. Where was my dad?
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