《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Where Am I


My eyes opened up to the room spinning rapidly around me. A wave of nausea hit me like a freight train. I quickly covered my mouth, preventing myself from vomiting all over the place. My head was pounding like a drum and any logical thoughts I had would vanish in less than a second. I tried to look around but saw nothing but a blur. I wasn't sure where I was or what had happened to me. After being awake for a few more minutes, the spinning of my head went away, allowing me to look at my surroundings. There were four dark, concrete walls. It appeared like I was in a cellar, with only a few lights, barely illuminating the room. In the corner of the room was a bathroom without a door. Inside a toilet and sink only. There was a small closet in the other corner of the room. Besides the bed, I was laying on and the main door, there wasn't anything else in the room.

I didn't want to get up because I would probably just fall over from how terrible I was feeling. The room started to spin some again but that was probably from throbbing headache. It even hurt to think which is what I'm doing a lot of. The last thing I remember was being in my house. Oh my god! I remembered what happened. I was in my house with Maddie and Ethan and someone broke into my house and took me and my friends. He used chloroform to knock us out.

I remember hiding from him in the basement and under my bed. We had hidden behind the couch in the basement but I was the first to be yanked out from behind the couch. This had to be the same man my dad told me about. Tears lingered in my eyes when I fully realized the situation I was in. My stomach started to churn at the thought of being locked down here with some creep. I wondered where Maddie and Ethan were and if they were safe. It was my fault they were here. The man had wanted me, he wasn't after them. They were just collateral danger; in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This monster had other girls here; my dad had told me that from his investigation. He told me that they had no clue on how to find him. I had no idea where I was and if the police would ever find me. They would probably find my dead corpse here. Tears filled my eyes at the thought. I didn't want to die. What did I do to deserve this?


I wanted to yell for help but I knew it was no use. He was probably out there and wasn't going to let me give away his hiding place. Seeing how thick the walls were around me, I'd be surprised if anyone could ever hear me in here. I wanted my friends by my side because I was terrified of being alone, especially right now.

I sat up in my bed with a great amount of force and tried to stand up but couldn't. The chloroform must have given me some bad side effects. My limbs felt like jello, barely able to hold myself up. My headache and dizziness weren't getting better like it should. It got so bad that I laid back down because my head was hurting so bad. If I wasn't so terrified, I would try to sleep it off, but what if the man came in while I was sleeping and hurt me? There were too many things that could happen if I fell back asleep.

I heard the door unlock to my room, resulting in my body stiffening. I was terrified. What did the man want from me? I didn't want him to come in and see me in such a vulnerable state. He walked in and closed the door behind him. I tried to focus on him but it was hard to concentrate. I could make out his blonde hair and brown eyes. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just a pair of jeans. He was pretty tall, maybe six foot or so. I wanted to take in everything about him so when I escaped, I could help catch him. And yes, I had when I escape. I wasn't going down without a fight. I tried to sit up again but it hurt too much. I groaned in pain.

"No, no, no. Don't move, Sweetheart." He said pushing me back down onto the bed.

He sat on the bed next to me and just stared at me. I probably looked terrible because I felt terrible and isn't that how it works? You feel terrible, you look terrible? I had put up a decent fight before the man took me, which probably didn't help with my appearance. What did he want? Why was he just staring at me? There were several things I wanted to do and say but since I was weak, I stopped myself from doing anything stupid.


"I wanted to welcome you here." He said with a smile.

"Where am I?" I asked still groggy. It felt weird to talk and my mouth felt dry.

"Oh, my secret place. You're safe here." He said brushing my hair out of my face. I would have fought back but I was too weak and needed to save my energy as much as I could.

"Now here are my rules. No fighting me. No trying to escape. Listen to what I say. I'm very brief with my rules, aren't I? Obey them and you will be safe and I won't have to hurt you so just listen to me." He said sternly, staring deeply into my eyes. I nodded and he smiled at me.

"I knew you were a smart girl. Now I have to go. I'll see you later when you are feeling better." He said, rubbing my hand with his calloused fingers.

He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. Then he left the room and locked it behind him. I was now more scared that I had ever been. I felt myself shaking and felt bile rising up my throat. I managed to fall onto the floor and crawl my way across the cold floor to the toilet. Vomit sprayed into the toilet, sending me into a coughing attack as well. At this point, I could have sworn that I was dying, that's how bad I felt. The horrendous odor from the bathroom caused me to throw up the rest of the contents of my stomach. It seemed like the bathroom hadn't ever been cleaned.

I crawled from out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall, the coldness actually helping my sickness. I closed my eyes and prayed that someone would come and rescue me from this place. I missed my dad and my friends. I missed my normal life, where nothing extraordinary happened. I should have asked the man about my friends, hoping that he hadn't hurt them. Had he taken them too? Maybe he was generous and just left them at the house, unconscious. Probably not.

Escape was my main priority right now. I was so terrified of the man and I needed to figure out how to escape. I needed to show my dad this place so he could help everyone else here. I wondered how long the girls had been here and if they were just as scared as her. I tried again to get to my feet so I could walk back over to my bed. I had managed to take a few steps before falling again. I felt like a new baby trying to take its first steps.

I sighed in frustration. I guess I had taken walking for granted. I crawled the rest of the way to my bed which was a thin sheet and a dusty old blanket on top of it. I kept thinking about the man. I needed to remember how he looked and how he talked. His appearance wasn't anything out the ordinary. Looking at him you wouldn't expect a ruthless kidnapper and killer. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He was very fit and stood tall.

His voice wasn't easily detectable either, voices had never really stuck with me before. Given a few choices of voices, they would sound similar to me. It was never a trait of someone that stood out to me. There wasn't much to tell the police if I escaped except his appearance and this place I was being held; if I could even remember where it was at. When he talked, he talked calmly and sounded in control. The man sounded caring, which I knew was unlikely because he had kidnapped me.

My dad always told me that murders and kidnappers never cared about their victims. They may act like they do but they don't. I needed to remember that he doesn't care about me. I can't escape yet. I needed him to trust me and to figure out where I was before I planned my escape. Maybe he would let me out of this room so I could see where I was. I knew it was unlikely but maybe I could work with him. I could convince him too. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. I needed to sleep so I would feel better. I hated falling asleep here but I needed too. I fell asleep thinking of the man. I would never forget him.

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