《Wildfire (a Stiles Stilinski fanfic)》Orange eyes
When I got up on Friday I was so not ready for school. But then, when am I ever ready for school. It had been a week since the party with Stiles and he hadn't spoken to me once. He was acting weird, distracted. Oh well maybe I'll talk to him today I though. I got up after hitting snooze on my alarm clock a few times (seven times to be exact). As I stumbled into my bathroom I caught s glimpse of myself in the mirror. I immediately became focused. This was not happening, not today. I leaned closer to the mirror and examined my face. I looked fine, I mean I looked find considering that I had just rolled out of bed. The only problem was my eyes. See, samodivas have naturally orange eyes. I don't mean brown, green, or blue with a little bit of orange, I mean full on orange. It's said that the brighter your eyes, the more powerful you are, and mine were a particularly bright shade of orange.
Well, samodivas can't just walk around with orange eyes, we'd look like freaks. There are two ways we can cover our natural eye color. We can do it manually, which isn't hard once you learn how, or we can use colored contacts. I personally prefer to change mine myself, it looks more real that way. Only vila samodivas can do this, they are the most powerful. The vilas are leaders. That what me and every woman in my family are since the beginning.
However, we can change our eyes during the third week of fall. It's when we have the least power because we're gathering energy.
Anyway, today marks the first week of fall so I should have expected this. I reach into my drawer and grab my blue colored contacts. I put them on quickly and jump in the shower.
• • •
After I shower and brush my teeth I put on my customary light gold eyeshadow and a little bit of mascara. I pull on a a nice pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a slouchy gray sweater. Rolling up the sleeves and adding bracelets to complete the look. I put my favorite short brown boots and grab my book bag.
I run downstairs because I know I'm late (I'm almost always late), and grab the chocolate shake my mom makes for us every morning. "Thanks mom!" I say briskly kissing her on the cheek. "I've gotta go I'm late! Love you." "Love you to honey. Have a good day!" She yells after me as I run out the door.
• • •
Allison and I met up before first period like always. After class we ran into Scott. It was so cute because both their faces lit up when they saw each other. "Hey are you busy?" Allison asked him. "No, it's just my mom, nothing. I mean it's nothing. I'm never busy for you," Scott stuttered. Allison gave a small smile "I like the sound of that," she said. "Well we have to run to French class but I wanted to let you know that we are coming to see you play tomorrow," Allison told Scott. Honestly the amount of classes I have with this girl is crazy. Anyway, Scott gave a worried look "Really?" He asked. "Yeah and we're all going out afterwards," I cut in, "You, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, me and Stiles if he wants to come." "We'll see you at lunch. Gotta go!" Allison said.
As we walk off I give her a look. "What?" She asks. "Oh nothing it's just that you guys are so adorable it's making me nauseous." I say with a laugh. Allison mutters something about how they're not even together but I brush it off. They're just so cute I can't take it.
• • •
I end up forgetting to grab my notebook out of my locker before French so I tell Allison I'll be right back. When I get my locker it takes me two tries to open it. When I finally do, my black jacket I left at the party is sitting there. I suddenly get this feeling like someone's watching me. Then the bell rings, making me jump and I head to class.
• • •
After science I walk down a hall and do a double take. My dad is talking to the principle along with another deputy. My dad's the sharif of Beacon Hills so he usually doesn't come to the school unless there's a problem. I see Scott and run over to him, grabbing his shoulder. "What are they saying?" I ask him by way of greeting. I roughly pull him over to the corner so he can hear the best. There is a short pause and then he says "Your dad wants everyone under eighteen to be home by nine tonight. He's making a curfew because of the body." "Unbelievable," I say, "My dogs out looking for a wild animal while The jerk off who killed her is just walking around, doing whatever he wants." "We can't do anything about it Stiles. Just try not to worry about it." Just then I get an idea. "I can do something." "Like what?" Yep, Scott is going to hate this plan. "Like find the other half of the body," I say. "Are you joking?" I hear Scott say as I walk off. Yeah, he's definatly going to hate this plan.
• • •
When I got home from school my parents weren't home. This is pretty typical since I get home at three thirty and they get off work at five. I started to unpack some more. I still wasn't done with all of my cloths but other than that we were done. The painters had come last Saturday and painted my room a soft peachy color. My bed spread was aqua and peach. My bed itself was white and made of wood, just like all my other furniture. My ceiling was painted aqua. I had a large walk in closet that was already almost filled. I'm kind of a fashion guru if you haven't already noticed.
After I unpacked some more I flopped on my bed and drifted of to sleep I had no homework. I woke up what seemed like seconds later to a loud scream. I looked at the clock and it was six forty-three. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. My dad was already there standing next to my bleeding mother. "Oh my God what happened?" I ask, worried. "It's fine, you mom just cut her hand while she was chopping celery. I think she need stitches. I'm going to drive her to the hospital." My dad said sounding calmer than he looked. "I'm coming with you." I say matter-of-factly. I expect him to protest but instead he says "Alright get in the car."
• • •
Four hours later I'm still sitting in the ER waiting room. I have no idea why it's taking this long to stitch up one small cut. Oh well. I start to dowse off just as Stiles busted in. "Oh uh hey Seph what are you doing here?" He asked me. "Oh my mom cut her hand with a knife and had to get stitches." I say. "What about you?" "Oh uh just um hanging out, ya know, at the hospital," he says. This boy never stops surprising me with his level of weird. "Okay..." I say, slightly confused. "So, um, I heard you're coming to the game on Saturday," he says. "Oh yeah Allison and I are going." "Cool so I uh guess I'll uh see you there." He says. "I guess you will," I say, laughing. "Oh, Stiles!" I say before he can walk away. "Yeah?" "Um after the game Scott, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and I are all going out after the lacrosse game and I was wondering if you would want to come?" I ask as nonchalant as possible. "Yes! I uh I mean sure, of course, yes, I'll be there. Ok we this has been nice, um by Seph." He rambled as he walked off. "Bye Stilinski." I say rolling my eyes at how goofy this guy is.
• • •
She was running. Running faster than ever. This wasn't normal, she new that. It was as if she was moving at the speed of light. Her feet were suddenly off the ground an now she was flying. She looked down to see her dress was made of white feathers. She continued to hurtle through the air thousands of feet above the ground. She looked behind her to see a ray of fire. Everything she passed began to burn until all she could see were flames. Suddenly, he world went black.
I jerked awake, out of breath and sweating. There was a horrible ringing in my ears and it wouldn't stop. I rolled over, falling out of bed. My mom had set a coffee mug filled with black coffee on my nightstand and I dumped half the contents down my thought. It was hot but I felt good. The ringing stopped abruptly and I stood up. My memories of the dream I had just had were already fading. I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as it could go. It would've burned most people, but I'm not most people. After my blazing hot shower I brush my teeth and dried my hair. The lacrosse game was tonight and I wanted to look nice. Still in my robe, I walked into my closet to pick out something to wear. I ended up settling on my favorite distressed skinny jeans, a silvery gray tank top, my black blazer, and boots. I added a mint green statement necklace and some silver earrings. When I got downstairs my parents were already having breakfast. "You want something to eat hon?" My dad asked. "We're having bacon and waffles," my mom said, trying to entice me. "It's fine I'm not that hungry," I say. "I'm going to go walk Kenji." My mom gave me a bright smile and said "Okay you two have fun!" I grabbed the leash and my dog and I walked out of the house.
• • •
Since Allison lives so close to my house she picked me up to go to the lacrosse game. Her dad ended up coming to. We met up with Lydia when we got there and walked up to the bleachers. The energy was high. It was Beaconhill's first game of the season and everyone was excited. We saw Scott and Stiles walking in but Lydia ambushed them before they saw us. She said something we couldn't hear and walked back over to where we were sitting. "What was that about?" I asked her. "Oh that? Just a little pep talk before the first game," she said smugly. Just as the first whistle was blown Stiles looked up and saw me. He did his awkward little waved and I waved back, smiling. I have to admit he was pretty cute.
• • •
I looked up to see Persephone staring at me. She was so increasingly beautiful. That fact that she was named after a goddess was really fitting. I waved and she waved back, flashing me her jaw dropping smile. Then I realize the whistle had just blown, signifying the beginning of the game. I'm so worried about Scott. Derek might be a killer but I think he was right about this. Scott shouldn't be playing. As I sat there chewing on my glove my dad walked up behind me. "Hey kid do you think you'll see any action tonight?" He said. "Action?" I say, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Scott could change, hurt himself, hurt someone else, kill someone, or get killed by Alison's dad. "Maybe." I say, hoping that none of that kind of action happens at all.
The team start to set up. "Common," I mutter. Jackson sees that Scott is going for the ball and starts racing for it. He knocks him over, hard. This can be good. "No. God no," I say to no one in particular. I look back and see Lydia, Allison, and Persephone holding up a sign that says "WE LUV YOU JACKSON". Scott looks over and sees it. He looks officially pissed. "Brutal," I mutter. "Oh this is not going to be good."
• • •
"Which one is Scott again?" Allison's dad asks. "Number elevon," Lydia practically growls, "Otherwise known as the only player who hasn't caught one ball the entire game." "I hope he's okay," Allison says sounding worried. "He doesn't look to good," I say, because he doesn't. He's hunched over, breathing heavy. He honestly looks super pissed. It's three to fire and we're loosing. "We need to win this," Lydia says. She stands up holding her sign. I just rolled my eyes. Like one sign is going to make them win the game. Lydia looks down at Me and allison and says "Guys, little help here?" Sounding annoyed. Allison and I exchanged a look and stand up with Lydia. Instead of "WE LUV JACKSON" this sign says "JACKSON IS #1". Because he definitely needs the confidence boost... note the sarcasm.
The ref blows his whistle and the game starts again. The ball shoots into the air for some unknown reason and Scott catches it for the first time during the whole game. He freaking jumpy over two guys. TWO! He dodges everyone who tries to block him and makes the goal. Everyone cheers except Lydia. Stiles is yelling so loud I can hear him from here. The second time a guy from the other team gets the ball and passes it to Scott. What even? Once again he makes the goal but this time it goes right through the goalies lacrosse stick, shredding the net. The ball was moving so fast most people wouldn't notice but samodivas have better than 20/20 vision. Something is going on here.
Scott gets the ball for the third time in a row, but instead of running to make a goal, he just stops. "You can do it Scott," I hear Allison whisper. There are six seconds left on the clock and if he doesn't make this we tie. Justice two guys start charging him, he chucks the ball. The goalie misses it and the Beacon hill side of the bleachers cheers wildly. Everyone runs onto the field but when Allison and I get there, Scott is running toward the school. Allison and I go after him.
When we get to the guys locker room we stop. We can hear him groaning inside. The next thing we hear is smashing glass. Allison starts to walk in and I follow. "Scott?" she says. "Scott are you here?" "Allison... maybe we should leave," I say. Something's wrong, I can tell. "I just want to make sure he's okay," she says, and I know there's no way that I'm getting her out of here. We walk farther into the locker room and see a broken mirror. I guess we know where the breaking glass sound came from. We hear creaking from the ceiling and we both look up but don't see anything. I have this creepy feeling like I'm being watched. I grab Alison's hand and move towards the wall. We back up to it and get very still. "Scott," Allison says. "We've got to be quiet, there's something here," I whisper but she walks around the corner anyway. "Scott?" she asks again, voice quivering. We walk to the showers and that's when we see him. Scott is leaning against the wall, his back towards us. "Hey, are you ok?" Alison says. She seems to have calmed down but I'm still on edge, this isn't right. "Scott," Allison says again. He abruptly turns around and she gasps a little "You scared us! Are you alright?" Allison says, clearly no longer afraid. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry I just got kind of lightheaded for a sec." He stuttered. "Maybe it was the adrenaline. You were pretty amazing out there." Allison complimented. I felt like I was intruding so I walked out of the locker room and waited in the hall. Stiles came charging in a second later. "Persephone, fancy seeing you here. Um where's Scott?" "He's in the locker room but-" before I could finish Stiles ran into the locker room.
When Allison walked out she had the biggest smile on her face. "So?" I ask. "So what?" She says trying to dodge my question. "What happened?" I ask again, getting right to the point. "We may or may not have just kissed," she says and we laugh as we go to find her dad.
• • •
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Meme z anime
Fajne memy z anime i mang.
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