《Wildfire (a Stiles Stilinski fanfic)》If you say Allison I'm going to punch you in the head.
Well, the town might be as bad as I expected but at least my room is nice. Our new house is two stories tall with a basement. The backyard backs up to woods and it's in a small suburban neighborhood. All my furniture is put together but everything else is still in boxes. It's Sunday so I guess I'll start unpacking this weekend. I'm starting school tomorrow because my parents don't want me to miss much.
I pulled an outfit out of my suitcase and set out my curling iron for tomorrow morning. I really want to make a good first impression. It's midnight so when I'm done I go straight to bed. I'm so not ready for school tomorrow but I don't want to disappoint my parents. Hopefully it won't be terrible... oh who am I kidding it's high school, of course it will be terrible.
• • •
My house is really close to the school so I end up walking. I don't really mind though, it's pretty peaceful. Right up until some goofy guy riding a bike with a lacrosse stick strapped to his back almost smacks into me.
"Hey watch it!" I say, annoyed. "I uh... sorry sorry! I didn't mean almost hit you! I wasn't paying attention, I..." He keeps rambling until he realizes I walked away. Heck of a first impression.
But when a cocky guy actually hits me with his car? That's when I really get pissed. but before I can say anything the guy looks at me and says "Hey new girl, watch the paint job." "Are you serious right now?" I scoff, "You just hit me with you car!" He rolls his eyes and mutters "sorry" but I can tell he doesn't really care. I stand there staring dumbfounded the guy. He's cute in a pretty boy way but he's obviously a jerk. As he walks away I yell "Asshole!" and angrily stomp off. Ugh what is it with the guys at this school?
As I start walking towards the school I see the guy with the bike from before standing with another boy. They're both kind of cute in a nerdy sort of way. The one who almost hit me has olive skin and longish brown hair. He's average height and still has his lacrosse stick. His friend is a little taller, kind of lanky with short brown hair and paler skin. He also had a lacrosse stick. The first boy wast showing the second some sort of bandaged wound. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I heard the taller one scoff at what the first guy had said. They glanced over and I quickly walked away. Ugh why am I so awkward?
• • •
When I walk into the front office I already know I'm going to be late. I look up to see a girl my age sitting it a chair by the door. She had dark brown hair and pale skin. She looks like she's waiting for something. My guess is that she's waiting for the same thing I am, a schedule. I walk up to the desk and tell the woman my name. She tells me to sit down in a chair by the girl and that my schedule will be out shortly. As I head to the chair I notice the girl looks nervous. I decide to introduce myself. "Hi I'm Persephone but you can call me Seph. What's your name?" Sho looks up, startled. "Oh I'm Allison. Nice to meet you Seph." "So..." I say, "Are you new too?" curse my awkwardness. "Um yeah, how'd you know?" "Oh you looked a little nervous and I'm thinking I probably look the same." I say hopping I don't offend her. She pauses and began to giggle "You're very perceptive." "Um thanks." "This is so embarrassing but I forgot a pen." I laughed saying "Its ok I forgot paper." we both started giggling just as the front desk lady brought us our schedules. "You to have the same first period so you can walk together.
Mr. Adams will take you." A tall man walked up and escorted us to our class. As he opened the door he announced "Class these are our new students, Allison Argent and Phersephone Novak. Please do your best to make them feel welcome." The Guy with the bike from before was staring at Allison as we walked in but she didn't notice. The other boy from earlier was there too but he was obviously not paying attention. We walked in and took a seat next to each others which just so happened to be right behind the guys. The fist one leaned back and handed Allison a pen. She smile and said "Thanks." Then class began again. The teacher announced that we would be doing bookwork today. This should be fun.
• • •
When The bell finally rang we all filed out of the classroom and into the crowded hall. Allison and I walked together to find our lockers, which were conveniently right next to each other.
The bike guy (bike guy is his new name since I don't know his actual name) was staring again. I nudged Allison but when she looked he quickly glanced away.
Just been a short redhead walked up to us. "That jacket is absolutely killer," she said to Allison. "And I am in love with your skirt." This comment was directed towards me. "Where'd you get them?" The girl asked. "Oh my mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco," Allison stated. "I got mine in Greece. That's where I moved from," I say. "And you two are my new best friends." The girl says with a smirk.
"Hey babe," it's the cocky guy who hit me with his car. "Hey Jackson," the red head says as he kisses her casually and I try not to gag. Allison and I exchange a look. "So this weekend there's a party," the girl says. "A party?" I ask. "Yeah, Friday night. You should come." Well he obviously doesn't remember me. "Oh I can't it's family night this Friday," says Allison. You go girl! Dodge that cocky bullet, I think to myself. "Thanks for asking." she says. ""Yeah I can't go either I've gotta unpack. maybe next time?" I say. Jackson raises a brow, "You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." "You mean like football?" Asks Allison. "Football's a joke." Jackson scoffs. "The sport here is lacrosse. we've won the state championship for the past three years." Allison and I shift uncomfortably. The red head who, apparently, doesn't feel the need to state her name croons "Because of a certain term captain." She brushes a bit at Jackson's hair out of his face. "Well we have practice in a few minutes, that is, if you guys weren't doing anything." "Well I was-" I start to say but the red head beats me to it. "Perfect. Come on."
• • •
Allison, Lydia (she finally told us her name), and I walk up the bleachers to watch practice. As we do the two guys from this morning walk by and blatantly stare at us. It's uncomfortable to say the least. Oh well I'm kind of excited to watch this. I've never seen s lacrosse practice before. I've made two friends today and they both seem nice enough. Maybe I'm starting to like this school.
• • •
Scott and I walk onto the field just as the new girl Persephone, Allison, and Lydia walk up the bleachers. I only know her name cause Scott told me. He was starring all doe eyed at Allison when she walked into class but I was kind of off in my own world.
Anyway, I hadn't really noticed her at fir because I was sort of staring at Lydia's back but I noticed her now. She was very pretty. I mean VERY pretty. She had long brown hair that was lightly curled and blue eyes. Her skin was tan and and she was slender. Her body moved fluently. She was hypnotic. Just then I felt someone whack my arm. "Stiles!" Scott practically yells in my ear. "Ow what are you trying to do? Make me go deaf?" "Sorry you were staring at Lydia," Scott says. Stiles snapped back into focus "Lydia? No I was staring at Persef- Persa- Persofe-," "Persephone," Scott corrected. Stiles groaned "Damn it I can't even say her name." "Scott" their coach said, throwing the lacrosse gear at Scott "You're goalie." "But- but I've never played," Scott stuttered. "I know. You'll suck and give the boys a Little confidence boost. It's the first day back." "What about me?" Scott asked. "Just try not to take any in the face."
• • •
I watched as the bike guy got ready to play goalie. He looked scared which worried me. "Who is that?" Allison asked Lydia. "Him?" She answered, "I'm not sure who he is. Why?" Allison shook her head "He's in me and Seph's English class." Just then the referee blew his whistle and the guy freaked out, covering his ears. When the girl lacrosse player chucked a ball his way it hit the guy square in the face. I winced. That looked painful. The whole teem burst out laughing. The poor guy got just as another ball was thrown but this time he caught it. He looked so surprised it was almost comical. He caught the next one too, and the next and the next. In fact he didn't miss one. "Seems like he's pretty good," Allison speculated. "Apparently," Lydia and I agreed in unison. Even Jackson couldn't get one past this kid. His friend jumped up and did a goofy little dance, making me laugh. Lydia jumped up and cheered. Jackson just glared at her.
• • •
When I got home my dog was lying on the floor and her back leg was bleeding. I imediatlu dropped to my knees next to her "Oh my God what happened?" I exclaimed to no one in particular since my parents were both still at work. I quickly grabbed me phone and called my mom. My mom answered on the second ring. "Hi honey what's up?" She said in a breezy voice, "How was your first-" "Mom, Kenji was on the floor when I walked in with her leg bleeding! It's bleeding a lot mom what do I do?" "Okay okay it alright. I want you to calm down, take a deep breath, and go get a towel to wrap her leg with. My car is in the garage and my keys are on the counter. You need to take Kenji to the vet down the street okay? I'll get off work right now-" "No mom it ok I can take her. It's your first day and you want to make a good impression," I say because I honestly don't want to cause to much drama. "Are you sure honey?" "Yes, yes I'm sure but I've got to go. I need to take her fast." My mom sighs, "You're the best daughter a woman can have honey. I love you." "Love you to mom.
• • •
When I got to the vet the sign said closed but I knocked anyway. It's raining. Hard. So I really hope someone comes to the door. But when Alison came to the door I was surprised. How did she get a job here so quickly?
"Persephone?" Allison asked. "Yeah my dog is sort of bleeding in my car so can I come in? Please?" She pause for a second, speechless, then said "Oh sure of course! Scott!" I was very confused for the few seconds it took for bike guy to walk into the hall. "Seph this is Scott. He works here," then to Scott she said "This is Persephone. He dog is bleeding in her car. She need help." "Oh yeah of course. How big is your dog?" I was caught of guard but answered "Big." Then "She's a German Shepard." Scotts eyes widened for a split second. Then he said "Oh well I'll go get the stretcher."
"So," I started, "Why are you here?" This was directed towards Allison who answered "I uh... hit a dog... with my car." She saw the look I had on my face and added "It was an accident!" I laughed "Well I figured you didn't do it on purpose."
• • •
"Well her leg is broken but other than that I think she's okay." Scott announced. "I set the brake and but a cast on so she can walk but she need a lot of rest." "Thank you so much you are a life saver!" I say, petting my dog affectionately. "No problem. it's actually closing time now though so... sorry to kick you guys out..." I was about to say it was fine but Allison beat me to it. We all waked out of the vet and got in or on to our respective modes of transportation. Right before I got inter my car though Allison whispered that she had to talk to me tomorrow.
Driving home I wondered what had happened before I got to the vet. Something about Scott and Allison seemed different. It wasn't a bad different, but defiantly different.
• • •
Allison and I decided to go to the lacrosse scrimmage on Friday. She told me what happened at the vet with them and that Scott had asked her to go to the party. I was happy about this because frankly, they are adorable and Scott seems like a good kid.
Anyway, as we walked up the bleachers Allison and Scott waved which I found adorable. As we were watching I saw Scott catch the ball. However, Jackson promptly tackled him witch pissed me off. I really can't stand that guy.
Jackson's victory was short lived though. The next time Scott got the ball he scored within five seconds. No seriously I counted. He literally did a flip over three guys. Alison and I jumped up, cheering loudly.
After that the coach yelled at Scott, and then told him he made first line. I so don't get that man. When I looked over at Scott's friend, Stiles, whose name I had finally learned over the course of a week, he looked dumbfounded. He rubbed his chin and I looked away. Allison had said earlier the we would be cute together. I had said no. I mean he was attractive I'll give him that but I barely new him. Right?
• • •
Allison had asked me to go to the party other her so I said yes. We decided to get ready at her house since mine was a boxed up mess. When the doorbell rang we opened the door to a flustered Scott and an unhappy Stiles. Why is Stiles here you ask? Well I can tell you why. It because Allison and Scott decided that they would pair their lonely single friends together and hope it works out.
Anyway, I was wearing a tight skirt with a red and orange diamond shaped pattern with a ivory shirt, black jacket, and some brown leather Micheal Kors wedges. Allison wore jeans and a white button down with a black blazer and a pair of black boots. When we got to the party it had already started. Music was playing and people were dancing by the pool. You gotta understand, I love parties. So when my "date" aka Stiles decided to sit down, I was bummed. Well right up until Allison saw my face and decided that we had to dance.
We had been dancing for a while when some guy came up and asked me to dance. He was cute and I said sure. Allison started dancing with Scott and all was find until Stiles walked up and cut in.
"So uh, I don't think we've properly met, um, I'm Stiles Stilinski." He said with no confidence and lots of awkward pauses. "Oh well I'm Persephone-" he interrupted me. "Like the goddess?" "Um yeah I guess," I say. He quietly muttered "Lord knows she looks like a goddess," but I still heard it which made me blush. "But everyone calls me Seph." "Oh ok Seph so uh-" Stiles started to say something but never finished. Before he could, Allison was saying something and then Scott walked up. Well more like staggered up. "We need to go." He said, sounding drunk. "Ok well I'm kind of in the middle of something here," Stiles said. "Now," Scott deadpanned. I thought I saw Scott's eyes glow yellow but I hadn't seen a werewolf in California since the Hales.
Well either way they stumbled out together. Allison and I went after them but as we ran outside they drove off, taking our ride with them. Just then a tall man spoke from behind us. "Hi Persephone, Allison. I'm a friend of Scott's. My name is Derek. Derek Hale.
• • •
I could tell he didn't know I was supernatural, let alone a samodiva. You see, samodivas have no problem with werewolves. If they want to run around on all fours chasing deer and rabbits that's fine. Be our guest. But the Hales, well let's just say we have a history. Anyway he said he could give us a ride. Allison said it was fine and I wasn't worried. It's a freaking werewolf for goodness sakes. I mean they may be strong and fast but I'm that are nothing against a samodiva.
Well he drove us home safely, lord knows why. I was spending the night at Alison's and my stuff was already there. We had eaten diner and her parents were asleep so we went upstairs to get ready for bed. Just then we heard a loud banging and the doorbell rang five times. We ran downstairs but Alison's mom was already there. We got down in time to hear Stiles say "Mrs. Argent! Um, you have no idea who I am, uh I'm a friend of your daughters and this is gonna sound kid of crazy, um really crazy actually, you know what? Crazy doesn't even begin to describe-" Mrs. Argent cut him off "Allison? It's for you. "Oh look whose alive and well that's great ok well bu-bye now take care lock your doors. Okay then." Stiles rambled until we finally shut the door. Allison's mother looked confused and exhausted. She simply said "I will never understand teenagers and I'm going to bed."
• • •
"You know what actually worries me the most?" Scott asked as we rode home in the Jeep. "If you say Allison I'm going to punch you in the head," I warn. "She probably hates me now." Scott says. "Ugh, I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or you know you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a fricken werewolf," I say. Scott looked at me as if I had two heads and I rethink my sentence, "Okay bad idea." Scott sighs and looks out the window. He seems worried so I try to help, "Hey we'll get trough this. Common if I have to I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once I could do it." Scott looks at me, trying to figure out if I'm serious or not. When he sees that I am he scoffs. I laugh because it feel normal, Scott McCall laughing at Stiles Stilinski's crazy ideas. We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive home, both silently hoping that this will actually be okay.
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