《Wildfire (a Stiles Stilinski fanfic)》Pouring rain and tornado watches
Monday morning was like every other morning. Right up until got to school. A school bus had been mauled. The doors were open, windows were smashed, and blood was everywhere. Despite this, we still had school. Oh joy.
So School was normal again, up until every single classroom with the window facing the west side of the school jumped up to see the body that the EMTs had found. Whoever it was on the stretcher looked dead. That is until he shot up screaming bloody murder. First I dead girl cut in half and now this? Sheesh this town was weird.
• • •
Later at lunch Allison, Lydia, and I went to sit with Scott and Stiles. Jackson and Danny walked up a second later and so did a few other people from Lydia's click. They started talking about the attack, which board me. Apparently it board Lydia to because she suddenly said "Can we talk about something a little more fun?" Turning to me and Allison she asked "So where are we going tomorrow night?" "What?" I asked, confused. "Allison said she and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night right?" Lydia asked as if the her meaning was obvious. Allison choked on her water and then said "Well we were thinking of what we were going to do..." "Well," Lydia began, "I am not sitting home watching lacrosse videos again so who the six of us are hanging out. Doing something that actually qualifies as fun." "Hang out? Like the six of us?" Scott asked, "Do you, wanting out, like us and them?" Allison looked caught off guard. "Oh uh sure. I mean it sounds fun, right?" "You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork," Jackson said. Lydia grabbed the fork out of his hand and said "How about bowling? You love to bowl!" Jackson rolled his eyes "Yeah, with actual competition." "Who says were not actual competition?" I ask. "You guys can bowl right?" I ask Allison, Scott, and Stiles. "Definitely," Allison says.
• • •
I was walking down the hall getting ready to leave school when I saw Stiles and Scott. I started to walk up as Scott walked away and I heard styles yell "Am I attractive to gay guys? You didn't answer my question." "Should I come back later?" I ask with a laugh. Styles jumped and turned around staring at me dumbfounded for a second and then saying "Oh, uh no now is fine. Sorry about that I was just-" "Wondering if you were attractive to gay guys?" I ask in a teasing tone. "Yeah, that..." he says. "It's fine I was just I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with this whole 'triple date' thing," I say. "Oh yeah I'm excited. Super pumped for Jackson to rip my head off." this makes me laugh. "Hopefully he won't do that. Then who would make me laugh on a daily basis?" Stiles blushes at that. "So uh do you want me to pick you up or..." Stiles asks. "Oh yeah I guess I do need a ride." I say back. "So I can just text you to get your address I guess," he says awkwardly. "Well to do that you need my number," I speculate. "I guess I would, uh..." "Here," I say "Give me your phone.". He hands his phone to me and I enter my number into his contact list. "I'll see you then Stilinski," I say as I walk away. "Yeah, okay, good, great, see you then."
• • •
As I walk home it starts raining. I mean pouring rain. By the time I get home I'm soaking wet. I run into my house and into the kitchen. My mom is siting on the counter.
Sometimes it surprises me how much we look alike. I have her long brown hair, pale glowing skin, almond shaped eyes, pink lips, and slender form. We even chose the same blue eye color to mask our natural orange. "Oh good, you're home," she says. "What's wrong?" I ask because I can tell she's upset. "Oh honey, it's... it's..." she sighs. "Something has come up, back home. Your father and I have to go back to Rhodes." For a second I'm speechless, then I say "That great! I get to visit my friends!" But when my mom looks down and shakes her head I understand. "I'm not coming, am I?" "I'm afraid you're not. Not this time," she says. "Why not?" I ask her. I can feel the rage I've tried so hard to suppress bubbling over. "Why the hell not?" "You just can't," she deadpans. I'm suddenly on a street. I don't remember leaving the house, or coming to wherever I am now. There's a house close by and it's very dark. The only light is coming from the moon and a dim streetlight by the house. It's raining even harder now. I hear something behind me. It's a sort of scratching, growling sound. I begin to run, hating how I feel like I'm in an old horror movie. I'm almost to the streetlight when I run straight into some guy. 'Some guy' end up being (drumroll please) the one and only... Stiles Stilinski.
"Persephone?" He asks. "Um yeah..." I say. "Wha- what are you doing here?" he asks me. He sounds worried. Not like 'I just forgot my homework worried' or 'my favorite tv character just disappeared' worried but really worried. The only thing I can think to say is "Here? Where is hear?" wow I must sound like an idiot. "Uh in front of my house?" he says. "Oh," I start to say something else (lord knows what), but get cut off by extremely loud thunder. "We should probably get inside," Stiles says "My dad will be pissed if I'm out longer than a few minutes what with the curfew and the killer and the tornado watch." "Tornado watch?" I ask. I hate storms let alone tornados. Me and water don't really mix, a side effect of the whole 'I love fire' thing I guess. "Yeah uh do you need me to drive you home?" Just then there was a loud clap of thunder and the rain started to come down harder which I didn't think was possible. "Oh-kay we need to go inside now. Common," Stiles says, and starts pulling me toward his front door. Suddenly there is a bolt of lightning coming right at us. I feel all of the energy leave my body within one moment and then I pass out.
• • •
I watched as a lightning bolt hurtled towards us. Yep. This is the end. The end of Stiles Stilinski. I will be no more. I- my thoughts were interrupted when I felt the weight in my arms grow. I looked down to see that Persephone was unconscious. Weirdly, the lightning bolt had disappeared.
She wasn't very heavy so I got her inside easily. My dad was still at the station and I was just taking out the trash when she came barreling into me. I have no idea why she's here or how she got here or if a psycho killer chased her here. What I do know is that I have the most beautiful human being that I have ever seen siting unconscious is my living room. Oh God that sounded really bad. I mean she happens to be unconscious but I don't plan on doing anything until she gets up- ya know what? Forget it I'm talking to myself. Anyway, she started to move so I watch her for a second. "Where am I?" she asks, opening her eyes. I could have sworn they flashed orange but that's ridiculous. No one has orange eyes... right?
• • •
I woke up to a wild eyed Stiles staring down at me. Wow that would be nice to wake up to every morning. Wait, I did not just think that. Anyway. "Where am I?" I ask because I really have no idea. "In my dreams," Stiles says quietly before correcting himself. "You're at my house. I don't really know how you got here but you were, uh, sort of in my front yard." "Weird," I mutter. "Well I think I can just walk home," I say, standing up. Apparently my body doesn't like that idea because I immediately get tunnel vision and almost fall over. Stiles tries to catch me before I do but he ends up falling on me. "Well this is awkward," he says but doesn't get up. "Hey Stiles?" I say. "Um yeah?" "You can get off me now." His jumps up looking embarrassed and says "Oh sorry about that." I just brush it off. "It's fine. Now what does a girl have do do to get some food around here?" This makes him laugh and he walks off saying something about pizza.
• • •
After we eat and the storm calms down Stiles drives me home. His Jeep is old and smells like fast food. It's comforting.
When we get to my house he offers to walk me to my door but i decline his offer. As I walk up to my front door the lights flash on and before I can knock my mom throws the door open. She pulls me inside and locks the door.
"Where were you?" she questions but before I can answer she says "You know what? It doesn't even matter. I'm just glad you're alive. Go to bed and if you ever do that again I'll kill you myself." And with that she left the room.
• • •
The next day- or rather night -Lydia and I go over to Allison's house to get ready. "Pass," is Lydia's response to every outfit Allison suggests that she could wear. "Your fashion sense is dwindling by the second,". she tells Allison. "Just look at Seph. Wear something like she's wearing." Just then Allison's dad walks in without knocking. "Dad," Allison says. "Oh sorry I forgot to knock," he says. Then "Listen I don't want you going out tonight. Not with some psycho animal roaming around." "But dad-" "Allison no arguing. Besides there's a curfew," her father states. "Just stay in tonight okay?" he says walking out of the room.
"Well, someone is daddy's little girl," Lydia taunts. "Sometimes," Allison says. "But not tonight." Throwing on her beanie, she walks over to her window, opens it and steps out onto the roof. Lydia and I exchange a questioning look. We both walk to the window, look out, and say in unison "What are you doing?" Allison continues to walk to the edge of the roof and jumps off. It's a very short one story drop but still. "Eight years gymnastics. You guys coming?" Is all she says. "Um..." I start. "I think we'll take the stairs," Lydia says.
• • •
Lydia and Jackson bowl first. I don't mean Lydia or Jackson, I mean both of them. At the same freaking time. Jackson does one of those cheesy 'I'm going to guide your hand for you' moves and helps Lydia bowl. Grows. Either way it end up being a gutter ball. Jackson the amazing bowler my ass. They try again and only get four pins. I hear Lydia say "Ugh, I'm so bad at this." Allison goes next. She gets ten out of ten, putting her and Scott in the lead. I go next. I don't mean to be cocky but I'm a pretty good bowler. We used to play on the playground back in Rhodes so I've had a lot of practice. I also get ten out of ten, cousins Stiles to exclaim "Nice!" I blush and sit back down.
Jackson goes after me. He gets ten out of ten. Lydia cheers and he does a ridiculous nod like all is right with the world again. "You're up McCall," Jackson taunts. "You can do it Scott," Allison encourages. He gets up and grabs a bowling ball. He throws it and... it goes strait into the gutter. He tries again. Same result. Jackson starts cracking up like this is the funniest thing he has ever seen. "Are you serious?" I ask him. This makes him shut up.
After that, it's Stiles' turn. He gets up looking like he is anything but ready for this. His first and second throws are gutter balls. Jackson starts cracking up and Lydia giggles a little. "Hey Jackson, mind shutting up?" Allison says. "I'm sorry," he says in between laughs. "He- just said he- was a- great bowler,"
The next time Stiles has I turn he looks even worse than before. Once he gets up to the ally he just stands there. I hesitate for a second but then stand up and walk over to him. "Stiles, you're putting to much thought into this," I say. "I'm sorry it's just that this giant heavy ball really doesn't seem to want to hit the tiny pins for me," he says back. "Just think about something else," I suggest. He doesn't look convinced. "Like what?" I take a deep breath. "I don't know, anything," I say taking his free hand and moving a tiny bit closer. "Think about me... naked," I say finally, and walk back to my seat. I sit down, and watch as he makes a knocks down every single pin. "What did you say to him? A minute ago her couldn't hit a single pin," Lydia says. "Oh I just, gave him something to think about," I respond.
• • •
Stiles and I ended up winning. We beat Allison and Scott by one and Lydia and Jackson my six. Scott and Stiles talked to Jackson for a little while after the game. From what I could see it didn't go well. We left the bowling ally soon after that. Stiles drove me home.
When we got to my house he walked me to the door. "Hey so uh, Seph... I was wondering, maybe, if we could possibly, hang out again, sometime." Stiles stuttered. He was so cute when he stuttered. "Um yeah. I'd actually love to," I start, "But I've got a secret. I'm not really a fan of group dates so next time, just us. Okay?" "Okay, yeah that sounds great! I mean nice! I mean good. Good. It's all good." He's rambling so I open the door to my house. Before I go in though, I grab his shirt and kiss him quickly on the lips. It was electric and for a second I couldn't breath. I pulled away and walked inside saying "Goodnight Stilinski." Just as I shut the door I see him still standing there looking dumbfounded. He snaps out of his daze and I watch him walk to his car as I lock the door. Before he gets into his Jeep he does this goofy little dance that makes me bust out laughing. Yep, that's Stiles.
When I get to my room I shut my door and drop my bag on the floor. I'm so tired I don't even change clothes. I just walk to my bed, turn off the light, flop down, and fall asleep.
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