《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 2: Abigail


Morning Coffee


It was early in the next morning when Naomi woke up, her eyes looked over to the clock. She still had three hours till she had to go to her new job. She was deciding if she wanted to get up now or go back to sleep, but her phone answered that for her. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Naomi walked to her bathroom where her phone was on the floor next to the toilet. How does it always end up her? she asked herself.

Putting the phone to her ear, “Hello?” When she didn't hear anything she moved the phone away from her face and saw that there was still someone on it.

Putting in back to her ear, pushing it a little closer. “Hello, girl.” Naomi knew who it was. “Are you almost ready? I want to get there early.”

Sighing, Naomi answered her best friend, “Hello Julia, no I just woke up.” She responded. “I'll be ready in about 15 minutes.” Naomi hung up the phone on her best friend before she could respond. Walking to the shower, she stripped and hopped in; today was her first day at her new job. Thank the heavens she got this job because she needs to pay bills, she is behind in almost all her bills and she does not want to lose her home.

Hopping out the shower, Naomi choose a black pencil skirt and a white blouse, black heels.She put her hair up in a bun. She stood in front of the full length mirror, I still look like a fat cow, she thought to herself, but it will have to do, until I can get paid.

Going to the kitchen, she grabbed her keys and walked out the door into Julia's body, “About time girl, you were taking forever.” Julia grabbed her hand and ran down to her car with Abigail. The girls live across the hall from each other and clicked the second they meet. Both fresh out of college the girls worked together and help each other out often. Naomi would babysit Julia's 4 year old daughter, when she needed a break. Abigail was a beautiful girl with bright green eyes that reminded you of summer grass. They first dropped Abby off at daycare. The little bubbly girl skipped all the way in.

The girls laughed and headed to Pierce Industry, Julia was the new advertisement director. Naomi was the new industry's accountant. “Your job is going to be harder than mine.” Julia pointed out to Naomi.

The woman looked at her, “What makes you say that?” Julia laughed.

Still staring out the window she spoke, “Well you're going to be working next to the owner and the CEO of the company. You're handling his money. I’m more then sure he will want you close and to be at the top of your game non stop.” She had a point, Naomi thought.

Gripping the steering wheel, “Well then it looks like I will have to work hard then. Which will not be a problem.” When they made it to work, Naomi was a little scared. The tall building was amazing and the men out in the front were a little intimidating to her.

Though Naomi held her head high and walked in. Looking around, it’s beautiful, she thought. Naomi watched her friend walk off to her new department. Naomi then walked to the elevators and push the button for floor number 12 the highest floor. Getting off she went and knock on her bosses door. “Come in.” She heard, taking a deep breath she opened the door.


Sebastian heard the door open to his office, looking up he was surprised to see the girl from the coffee shop walked in. “Hi again.” Her voice still sounded like a soft song to him.

Sitting up in his seat, “Hello. You’re my new accountant, no?” His eyes were trained on her as he watched her nod her head. “Please take a seat.” He nodded his head in the direction of the chair in front of his desk. Naomi walked up and took it, crossing her legs. When she did that Sebastian’s eyes shot up to her long thick legs, he could already feel his pants getting tighter by the second. Shaking his head I will have her soon, he thought. “Well your desk is right there.” Naomi turned around and saw the desk next to the windows.

She turned and faced him, “I will be in here with you?” The confused look on her face was adorable.

He nodded his head still looking at her papers, she was more then qualified for this position. “Yes you are handling my money, I’d like to know right away if anything is different.”

Her face looked even more confused. “Are you the owner or the CEO?” Her brown eyes were distracting him he would admit.

He looked away from the beauty, “Both. My last name is Pierce.” It all clicked then meaning she was working with him and for him. I wonder what he would make me do, she thought. I would love for him to command me; make me do his every will. Not hearing anything from her Sebastian looked up, she was in deep thought. “What are you thinking Amour?”

Her eyes snapped to him, his voice took her out of her dirty mind, “N-nothing.” Sebastian smiled, he stood up and walked over to her.

He was standing behind her, he lowered his head to her ear. Licking her lobe, “Do not lie to me angel.”

She shook her head, “I'm not lying.” His hands came down to her shoulders.

He ran his hands down her arm, “I want you to tell me what you were thinking.” His hands were making her mind cloudy he was making it very hard for her to think. “If you lie I will punish you. Do you understand Naomi?” The sound of her name coming out of his mouth, made her moan out loud.

Nodding she answered, “I understand.” Sebastian smiled against her ear, licking it one more time, he went and sat behind his desk. Smoothing his suit jacket out, he looked into her brown eyes. Then pointed to the desk across from him.

Naomi turned and looked at it again, “You will be working there every day, with me. I can assume you understand how to do your job?” Naomi nodded. “Good then get to it.” She did just that.

The whole day the pair could barely work. Naomi finished everything but she knew she had looked in his direction over a million times today. Sometimes she would look and find him already staring at her. When the end of the day came, Naomi could not be any happier, though knowing that tomorrow would bring this game of catch eye back. She didn't know what to feel, it was kind of hard for her to think while she was around him. “Have a nice day sir.” Sebastian look at her.

Taking in her body he nodded, “You to Naomi. Also please call me Sebastian.” She nodded to him and practically ran out the room. Going down to her car Naomi saw Julia leaning against her car looking at her phone.


She looked up at her friend approaching, “I met this guy today.”

Naomi smiled, “That's good.”

Julia shook her head, “No he is my baby's father. I didn't want to meet him again, he doesn't even know we have a child together.” Julia explained to her friend.

Naomi looked at her, “You should tell him. He has a right to know. Abby is 4 now let him choose if he wants to be in her life or not.”

Julia started to cry, “What if he meets her, she gets so happy then he leave? She wants a daddy, she puts that on her Christmas list every year. What am I going to tell her when he leaves? How am I going to explain, why she gets gifts from him and yet he didn't even know she was alive?” Naomi didn't know how to answer, every year Julia would buy gifts, for every holiday and write from daddy on them for her.

Naomi felt bad for her best friend, “I'm sorry I don't know. Though I still think he has the right to know but that decision is all up to you.” The conversation stopped when they made it to the daycare to pick up Abby.

Julia pick up her kid and kissed her all over her face, after putting Abby in her booster seat. Julia turned to her friend. “Naomi thank you for driving me everywhere, I will be getting my own car soon.”

Naomi hushed her, “Don't worry about anything, I have no problem doing this for you.” Naomi smiled at her best friend. The girls stopped and got dinner at Friendly's but what they didn't expect was to be in the booth next to Sebastian's and his family, and Jeffery and his family. The girls still kept the smiles on their faces, but Naomi noticed her friend stiffen a little more every step they made it to the table. We all sat down and gave our drink orders.

Not wanting to be rude, Naomi turned to Sebastian, not surprised he was already watching her. “Hello sir. Jeffrey.” Kicking her friend under the table. Julia looked up and greeted the men also.

Jeffrey looked at Abby then back to Julia, Jeffrey parents were also looking at the small girl. “Who is she?” Jeffrey‘s mother was the first to talk. “She looks just like you Jeffrey.”

Jeffrey stood up when Julia didn't answer, “Jules, who's child is that?” Jeffrey looked ready to kill he was beyond pissed, Naomi thought. Looking between them she put the pieces together.

Abigail looked confused, “Mommy why are you crying?” She looked about ready to cry also. She turned her head to Jeffrey and his table. “I don't like you guys, leave my mommy alone!” She screamed to them.

Naomi, watched everything until this point Naomi stood up, “Abby why don't you go pick out some ice cream for later?” The little girl nodded her head, and ran off. “Julia explain everything why your child is not here.”

Julia wet faced looked up and her eyes met Jeffrey eyes, “She's yours. Once I found out, I was going to tell you but you left. Without notice and I never went looking, when I saw you today I knew this would come up. I just didn't know it would happen so soon. You should notice she looks just like you, green eyes and all.”

Jeffrey just looked at her, “Why didn't you look for him?” Jeffrey s mother asked Julia.

Julia face cleaned now, “You guys never liked me anyways, what would you have thought if you found out I was pregnant? You would have made me leave anyways. So what was the point?”

Jeffery’s fathers deep voice surprised everyone, he usually never talks. “We would have never made you do that. Yes we didn't like you at first, we were scared you were just going to hurt our son. But, you have his baby we would have never made you leave, she is our grandchild. The question is what happens now, because I refused to go on with life and not know my grand baby.” Julia eyes were trained on his not looking down.

The stare stopped when Abby came bouncing in, “Mommy, Aunty. I found some.” Julia looked at her, “My favorite.” She held up a tub of rocky road.

Julia smile, “Sweet.” All of them place their order and were move to a bigger table, Julia next to Abby. Jeffrey next to Abby then his parents at one end of the table. The other end had Sebastian parents then Sebastian next to them, Naomi sat next to Sebastian. Still looking at Abby, Julia gave her answer, “I don't know what will happen next. I will not give her up, or lose her to anyone. You have a right into her life and I would never stop that, ever. So it is all up to you, what you want to do?”

Jeffrey looked at her, then to the little girl next to him. “What's your name sweetheart and how old are you?”

Abby looked up, “Abigail, I’m four.” She held up four fingers and smiled at him. The conversation was light after the food came, Jeffrey helped Abby out with cutting her food. And every so often Julia would look up and smile at them. As for Sebastian and Naomi, well when they went to the bathroom, Naomi came back with a red face; Sebastian came back with a smile on his face. Julia looked at her friend, her eyes saying you will tell me later. Nodding, Naomi sat down eating, well aware of the stares from Sebastian's parents, when dinner was over, the girls left. Before the car could pulled off they just burst out in laughter, not stop, just laughing. It was their way to relive everything that just happened in there. “What's so funny?” Abby was asking.

Naomi looking back at the girl, “Life baby.” Still looking confused, she just nodded. The ride back to the house was quite, Abby fell asleep and as soon as the girls got home, so did they.

~The next morning~

Doing the same thing as yesterday, the girls made it to work. Though this time, Jeffrey’s parents met the girls outside. “Where is Abigail?”

Julia looked at Jeffrey mother, “Mrs. Princeton-”

Mrs. Princeton, stop her there. “Angelina, please and my husband’s name is Ashton.”

Julia looked at them, “Angelina, she is at daycare.” His mother's face fell.

Ashton was the one to speak, “We have nothing to do all day, do you think we could watch her from now on?” Julia looked kinda weary on that idea, deep down she knew they would never hurt her.

Naomi jumped in, “You could use that money to bills and catch up.”

Julia looked at her, biting her lip then turned to the parents and nodded. “I am still going to keep her spot there and if you need to do something you can drop her off anytime.” They nodded to her.

Aston spoke again, “You behind on your bills?”

Julia just looked at him, “Yes, but I am fine.”

Aston looked like he was not backing down, “They don't pay enough here?”

Julia looked at Naomi to explain, “We lost our jobs before and we just got jobs here yesterday.” They both nodded.

Knowing what they were going to say next, Julia spoke again, “No I don't need anything. We have to get in.” They didn't say anything, the shocked look on their faces said it all. She didn't want any money even though Julia knows they are richer than god. Jeffrey s mother smiled at that, she really is one in a million, she thought. The girls walked past them and into the building, “Bye Naomi see you later.” Julia called over her shoulder walking to her department.

Naomi nodded and bid her a farewell, going up to her floor she walked into Sebastian's office. “Good morning sir.”

Sebastian looked up from his paper in front of him, “Good morning. I have a question for you.”

Setting her papers on her desk, “What is it sir?”

He stood up and came behind her, Naomi would be lying if she said to him simply being behind her didn't turn her on. Putting his hands on her sexy hips, “First I told you to call me Sebastian.” When he said his name his hips slammed into her ass, letting a moan slip, before Naomi could say anything he did it again. She could feel him, he is very large she thought. “Second will you have dinner with me at my house tonight?” Unable to speak she nodded her head to him. “Good.” He walked to his desk and started to work again. Naomi sat down and took sometime to herself trying to cool her body down.

Gosh why did he do that, she asked herself. Does he not know how my body reacts to him, or he does and just loves seeing me all hot and turned on? After a few minutes Naomi was back to work, finishing up what she started on some paper work for tomorrow. “Si- Sebastian there is 500,000 missing in account 209-142-8674.” Naomi saying that she walked over to his desk and showed him the documents.

Reading them over, “I know who it is. Thank you I will deal with it myself. You’re doing tomorrow's work?”

Naomi nodded, “Yes I finished today's, already.” Before she could walked away Sebastian pulled her into his lap. Making her ass hit his hard on a deep moan left his lips and Naomi could not help but do the same.

Pulling up her black dress, Sebastian ran his hands up her thighs. “Naomi you are so beautiful. I can't control myself around you.” Naomi gasped when she felt him bite her neck, with how hard he was doing it. She knew there was going to be a hickey there in the morning. Gripping her ass in his hands, Sebastian growled. Naomi went under her body and squeezed Sebastian's hard on. Picking her up and putting her on his desk he looked down to her, his eyes dark with lust she didn't know his eyes could get any blacker. “Don't do that unless you want me taking you here Naomi.” She moaned, she loved hearing her name come out of his mouth. “I want you so bad.” Leaning down he kissed her lips. She looked down his white hands on her brown body, he is so beautiful, she thought. She knew she wanted him too but didn't know what would come of it. She wanted a relationship and someday a family. “What are you thinking about Amour?”

Looking into his black eyes, “I am thinking about if we do this. What comes after? I do not just give sex to men and then leave.”

He kissed her again, “I know, I want so much more than just sex.” His hand slid up to her panties, rubbing her through them, Naomi could not hold in the moan that slipped her lips. There was a knock on the door, Sebastian growled letting Naomi up. She ran to her desk and sat behind it, Sebastian watched her every move. Still back down in his chair, “Come in.”

Though what walked in made Sebastian wished he never spoke.

Naomi looked up and saw who walked in, “Hi Sebastian long time no see?”


Abby to the side --->

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