《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm


Morning Coffee

Calm Before The Storm

Naomi didn't know what to think, her mind was all over the place. The main question that stood out was, “Who are you?” The woman who stood there turned and looked at Naomi, disgust clearly on her face.

She raised her hand and point at herself, “I am Tiffany. His-”

Sebastian cut her off, “Ex. That is all, now if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?” Naomi took the time to take her in, her long blonde hair was something that stood out. Her shirt looked like a sports bra, her boobs were popping out. Naomi was more then sure she could hardly breath, she came to the conclusion that she had to be among the walking dead in order to have that on. The skirt was more like an underwear. Thinking of that, Naomi was sure she was not wearing any and prayed to the gods she would not bend over. Lastly were those death traps, wait no those were heels, they could stab a vampire through the chest and come out the other side. All together she was a walking STD deposited with a phone card. Though all of that Naomi believe that Tiffany was prettier than the two, and despite this woman being an obvious hoe, Naomi felt below her to the point she was dirt on her shoes.

Naomi didn't even notice when she walked over to him pushing her fake boobs onto his arm. “I am here for you baby, don't you miss me? I know you did.”

Sebastian's snorted, “I thought I made my choice clear, when I kicked you and your parents out my house.” He pushed her away from him. “Now get out, I am calling security. In fact, I had put up your picture and said for you not to be let in at all. Can't they do anything right?”

She pouted, “Well baby all I have to do is flash someone and I can get into anywhere I want.” When she finished the sentence, the security came into the room.

The biggest one spoke, “Miss you have to leave.” Though Naomi was surprised, they were talking to her.

Tiffany laughed, “Yes fat black bitch leave.” Naomi watched as both of the black guards turned and looked at her.

This time the one smallest one spoke, “I see, we are supposed to take you out then. Right sir?”

Sebastian's nodded, “Please get her out, and make sure she is never let in again.” They both nodded and took away the screaming woman. Sebastian turned to look at me, “I'm sorry you had to see that.”

At first she just looked at him, “Who is she sir?”

He growled, “Sebastian. Stop calling me sir. She is my ex and only that now.”

Naomi change the subject, “Are we doing anything for Halloween, it's only a week away?”

His eyes looked up to her, “We have a party every year and stuff will be put up on Monday. What are you going as?”

She surges her shoulders, “I don't know yet, you?”


Looking out the window he answered her, “I have no clue. We still have time to decide.”

Naomi nodded my head to him and looked at the clock, “It's time to go Sebastian, when are you picking me up?” Her head turned to him.

Sebastian thought for a moment, “Be ready at 7:30. Is that enough time?”

Naomi nodded, “Yes that is plenty of time.” With that she walked out the door and walk to her car where Julia was waiting by the car.

Looking up Julia watch as her friend walked closer with a smile on her face, “What has you so happy?”

Naomi smile widened, “Sebastian is cooking me dinner at his place tonight.” Julia smiled at her friend, happy that someone was making her smile. “Now lets go pick up our little girl.” Naomi smiled at Julia, little did Naomi know that simple smile made everything easier. The car ride there they had the music blasting, the girls were screaming... wait no singing off key and horribly. Sebastian and Jeffrey were in the car next to theirs they barely were about to keep from laughing. Stuck at a train passing Sebastian listen closely and knew the song they are 'singing'....

At the end of the song the boys were laughing at the the girls. Clapping Sebastian looked over to them seeing them both with wide eyes. “I think that performance was beautiful girls.”

They both laughed Naomi smiled at him, “Thank you Sebastian, maybe we can sing again for you guys sometime.”

Jeffrey's eyes widened but he quickly covered that up, “Oh no I think we got out fill of your perfect voices.” He flashed Julia a smile that would have girls falling over him. Julia was saved by the train it moved and the brackets (idk what they are) lifted up and they drove off. Heading to Jeffrey’s parents house, Julia knocked and Abby came running out.

Her hair was bouncing and her face had such a glow to it, “Mommy, Mommy!”

Julia bent down and picked up her baby girl, “Oh how I missed you baby, how was your day?”

Abby's smiled got bigger, “So much fun we played games and watched movies and I even learned some Spanish. Mommy can I come back again? Please?”

Abby did her big puppy dog eyes and no one could say no to that, “Of course baby.”

Abby had the biggest smile on her face. “Thank you mommy, thank you!”

Julia looked up to Jeffery's parents. “I hope she was not to much of a handful.”

Angelina walked over to them, “Oh no, baby well see you tomorrow.” She kissed Abby's head and so did Ashton they waved them goodbye and the girls hopped in the car.

At home the girls went to there own apartments and Naomi got ready for her dinner with the god Sebastian. When Naomi was done even she felt she looked beautiful tonight; dressed in a pure white dress with simple white high heels and hair curled down her back. White looked perfect on her skin even Sebastian thought that when he picked the beauty up.


Taking her hand into his, he escorted her to his car. For once in her life Naomi felt special Sebastian treated her right, opening the door for her. She slid into the seat breathing in his woodsy smell, just like the forest she thought. “You look so beautiful today.” His words brought a blush to the black haired beauty.

Looking over to him she took in his appearance, a clean shave he wore a white shirt under his black tux. His black hair was down and look just like he got out of bed it fit him perfectly. Taking in his black eyes next they looked right into her soul. “Thank you Sebastian, you look very handsome yourself.”

He smiled at her taking her breath away. “Thank you Naomi.”

Their it was again his voice speaking her name should be a crime, and him and his sexy body should be locked up. Even though that was what Naomi was thinking she still want to see even inch of his body. Her mind was driving her crazy she did her best ignore the feelings it was only their second date she had to control herself. She didn't want him to think she only wanted sex, she believe that if she wanted that then he was going to have to work for it. “Where is your home at?”

Sebastian turn to look at her, “It is up in the hills sort of deep in the forest.”

She looked at him shock, “Deep in the forest?”

He nodded his head to her, “If you want to go out we can?”

Naomi looked at him, taking him in from head to toes. I think I trust him, she thought to herself. “It's okay we can go to your house, I trust you.”

Sebastian's face lit up, “Then I will not betray your trust.” The ride was quiet and relaxing from then to his house.

Pulling up Naomi could not stop the gasp that left her lips, “Sebastian your home is beautiful.” He laughed at her she had her face pressed into the window, she looked like a kid on Christmas and Sebastian thought she look beautiful. Sebastian help her out of the car and up the stairs, when they made it inside she left go of his hand and looked around her. Everything was gold and silver, the paintings on the walls were filled with such color and emotion Naomi wanted to cry.

Watching her taking in his home Sebastian smiled, this woman has clearly caught his heart. “I take it you like my home.”

Turning around Naomi smiled at him, “Your house is absolutely stunning. I have never seen a house this-this perfect.”

Extending his hand to her, “Would you like to eat now?” His smile drew her in and she took his hand, He lead her to the kitchen and sat her down at the table that was set for two. Naomi watched as he walk to the island bar and brought out two plates, “I made it myself. I hope you enjoy it.”

Sebastian sat the food down on the table, and sat across from her. Taking a bite Naomi moaned, “This is absolutely fabulous.” Taking another bite Naomi thought this would be a good time to get to know him. “So what else do you do other then your company?”

Sebastian looked at her, “What do you mean?”

Naomi regret asking right away, “Oh it's nothing.” Though thoughts ran through her mind, there was no way with just that company that he could afford all of this.

Sebastian eyes watched her take another bite, “I am a few businesses. Tell me about yourself.” His change in subject didn't go un-notice by Naomi.

Though she let it slide she knew she had no right to get into his life, “What kinda things?”

Sebastian thought for a minute, “Anything?”

She was not having that, “You first.”

He nodded, “Well my favorite color is black, I own a pit bull who you might meet someday. As you know I am an only child but Jeff is was in my life so much he is my brother. My life is very simple and plain, I have only a few hobbies and I really don't have much time to do them. Now your turn Naomi.”

Naomi smiled and nodded, “Well I love the color blue and animals. I am very opinionated and truthful, I do not sugar coat anything. Family is a big thing for me-”

Before she could anything out a man in a suit step out of the door, “Sir door..”

Sebastian's eyes went over to him, “Is it important? If not tell them to come back a different day.” The man didn't walk away, “Very well then.” His eyes turned to me, “I'm sorry Naomi I'll be right back I promise.”

She nodded and watched his back all the way out the door, she did her best not to listen but slowly and surly the voices got louder. The part that shocked her was Sebastian's voice always stayed calm, “You owe me Sebastian's.”

What scared her was the sicking laugh that escaped his lips, “You are to leave now, if you don't trust me it will not be pretty.” Then the sound of a door slamming made Naomi jump, she felt nerves and not just because of what just happen. The whole time the man in the suit stood there staring at her, watching her move. His intentions unknown to the black hair beauty, his intention even unknown to himself. He just stood there calm, cool and collected and that is what made Naomi scared. She unsure if she wanted to leave or stay but her mind was racing it could have just been nothing. If it was nothing why do I have a very bad feeling Naomi thought to herself. “I am sorry, where were we?”

And just like that her eyes looked up and lock with Sebastian's everything stop, you know that saying 'the calm before the storm.' Well they could not be more right for what happen next was a storm that would make the gods fear.

Sebastian's house to the side. I highly suggest you watch and listen to the video it's is an amazing song and the movie it's awesome.


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