《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Twenty One


I know you guys are probably like, “FINALLY. WHAT TOOK THIS MOFO SO LONG?” I lost all my documents on my computer due to a horrible update and I got hacked on wattpad idek how. But lemme shut up and write the story fr fr.


I woke up to the sound of pans clinking in the kitchen. My eyesight was blurry I struggle to open my eyes. A faint figure hummed softly in near the sink, I push myself off of the couch and walked into the kitchen. It was Maria I sighed, “What are you doing here?” I asked annoyed.

She seemed startled. “Good Morning to you too. I made you some pancakes.”

She pushed a plate full of steaming pancakes in front of me. I stared at it desperately wanting to wipe that plate clean, but I hesitated.

“What do you want?” I groan.

Her eyes dropped. “Your brother.”

She stopped and stared at me. “H-he wants to live closer nea-“

“No way.” I say cutting her off.

She nodded. “I know you were going to say that so I got him a small apartment.”

“With what money?” I asked her sternly.

Her eye contact drifted away from mine.

“I used a little from your account.” She said softly.

I snickered. “What?”

“He can’t buy his own fucking apartment?” I asked loudly. “I don’t understand why he always runs to us for every shit he needs.”

Her eyes turned glossy. “Don’t you have a damn heart, he's your brother for godsake.”

I shrug. “That doesn’t mean he can’t get a job.”

“I hate it when you people think its okay to take money from me.” I yelled.

She raised her hand to slap me but I dodged.


“Don’t you dare” I glared at her.

“I made you like this. You wouldn’t be anywhere without me.” She cried. “All that money is because of me.”

“Charlie made you so damn spoiled always giving you what you want.” She screamed at me.

How could she speak of my father like that? After everything he’s done for her.

“Get out.” I yelled at her.

She stood there not moving one inch.

“I will call the police if I have too.” I warned her.

“This is my house, my money and my life.” I say sternly, anger ringed in my voice.

“And don’t you ever talk about my father like that. You better be gone by the time I get back downstairs.”

Her mouth was agape. I ran upstairs to take cold shower, which at the least can help me stay mellow.

As the cold water pour out, I thought of Maya. How she smiled through all the pain she was going through.

I changed my clothes and put on a black v-lined t-shirt and some jeans. I put my sleek, black IPhone into my pocket.

Maria had left, the now cold pancakes till stood lonely on the counter. I stared at them maybe I could eat one.

One soon turned to two, and two turned to three and soon the plate was empty.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

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