《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Nineteen



“Hey, I should go now.” I whispered.

He smirks. “Make me dinner first.”

I looked at him. “I’m not your maid.”

He pouts, “I know but you’re friends said you can cook really well.”

“That is true.” I laughed.

“So, you promise you’ll make it for me?”

He shows me his pinky, I intertwine mine with his.

“Promise.” I smiled.

He glaze went down to my torn up shirt.

“I should get you a shirt.” He chuckled.

I feel embarrassed, but slightly happy.

He runs up the stairs, and was down in seconds.

“Here ya go.” He hands me a small t shirt.

I turn around, so he could only see my back and I quickly changed into it. The t shirt was right above my cleavage gradually showing it off.

I turn around slowly, trying not to cause any unwanted attention.

“Wow.” He said. “Let’s go to the store.

I hid a small smile. “Let’s go.”

I follow him out of the house.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Chase face became pale, and flushed, his eyes softly closed. It happen all too fast to recall. A soft thump was heard in the ire night. Chase had fainted, I scrambled to the ground, panicking, I had smashed my phone earlier.

“Chase.” I screamed. I shook his shoulders. “Please, get up.”

My warm small hand went up to his slim, muscular face, Memories drained into my mind, fresh tears sprung into my eyes. I have been trying to choke emotion down for weeks.

I found his IPhone is his pocket, and called 911.

I told them everything in between tears. They told everything was going to be fine. I held Chase lifeless body in my arms. In the distance I heard loud, blazing sirens.


They quickly arrived, and placed Chase on the stretcher. Two police men ran over to me.

“Can you explain what happen these past hours?” The dark skinned police asked me.

I struggled for words. “H-he he um drank a couple b-beers and was going to take me home.”

The police wrote down everything I said, and nodded.

“Are you a family member, or close relative?”

I shake my head.

“Well, I’ll have Officer Jon take you home.” He said pointed to the other cop. “Chase will be fine, we’ll notice his guardians about this.”

I slowly nodded, and gave the officer a small smile.

“Thank you, for calling.” He pats me on the back.

I watch as the ambulance takes Chase away. I couldn’t help but think, that I should had stayed with him.

The police car soon arrives to my house.

There was a usual car park in front, I couldn’t help but feel déjà vu all over again. I open the door and take off my shoes and put them aside.

“Ma, I’m home.” I said making my way up the stairs.

“Maya, Hun. Come here I want to introduce you to someone.” My mom shout out from the kitchen. I turn around swiftly on the stairs and went down stairs slowly.

My mother was holding hands with someone who I would least except to be here.

I choke on my breath, and stumbled backwards catching the fall quickly.

“Mimi, this is my boyfriend, Victor.” My mother’s smiles.

I stare at them in disbelief, mouth open wide. The man had a plastered smirk on his face.

The scar on his head bulged, from the spot were Chase had hit him.

“Hello Maya.” He flashes his yellow teeth at me, and puts his hand out for me to shake.


I stare at his hand as if it’s shit I just step on.

“Maya, shake Victor’s hand.” My mother said sternly.

“No, Ma you don’t know him. He tried-

“Gina, you have a beautiful daughter.” He coos kissing my mother on the lips. “I can’t wait to have fun with her.” He shoots me a wink.

My mother giggled. “Oh, Victor.”

I felt like I needed to vomit.

I grabbed my mother by the arm pulling her out of the kitchen.

“Ma, we need to talk.” I said softly.

“No, we don’t. If this is about your father I don’t want to hear it.” She says. “You better treat Victor with some respect, do you understand me?” She says closed to my face.

I stay quiet.

“Maya Abigail Peirce.” She looks me in the eyes.

“I understand.” I said quietly.

She smiled. “Good.”

“Because he’s staying here from now on.”

“No fucking way.” I yell. She slaps me across the face hard.

I stare at her.

“You’re so ungrateful.” She screams. “How did I even raise you?”

“You never let me be happy.” She says.

I slowly touch my lip. Dark blood formed around it.

I smirked at her. “Are you happy now?”

Her eyes blazed in anger.

“I hate Victor, I will never accept him not even if he was the last man on earth.” I screamed at her.

She hits me in the face again.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me.” She screams.

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the doorbell.

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