《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Eighteen


I opened my mouth. “Chase, who is Wyatt?”

He eyed me, and looks out into the parking lot.

“No on-

“Don’t fucking tell me no one.” I scream. “I thought it was your problem.”

“I nearly got fucking raped.” I cried.

“Maya, look-

“Who the fuck is Wyatt?” I wipe the remaining tears.

“M-my brother.” He said quietly.

I looked at him in disbelief, and anger.

“What? Brother?” I repeated.

“That’s it I’m leaving.” I opened the door. I took off his jacket and threw it at him.

I slammed the door shut. I covered me exposed body with my hand.

He rolls down the window. “Maya, get in the fucking car.”

I shake my head. “Who knows what else you’re hiding.”

I turn my body, back facing the car. I started walking toward the highway.

He drives up next to me. “Maya, we-

“Shut the fuck up, leave me alone.” I whispered quietly.

“You know I can’t do that.” He grins.

“You think this is all fun and games. The man nearly raped me and you are smiling. Chase, please leave me alone.” I scream.

He gets out of car, and stomps over.

“Maya, did you think I knew that was going to happen?” He yells. “I would have stopped it.”

“I’m not fucking psychic, Maya.”

“Stop fucking yelling at me.” I cried back.

“I’m trying to be helpful-

“You want to help me?” I ask.

He nods slowly.

“Then get the fuck away from me.”

He angrily opens his car door, and slams it and drives away.

I cannot believe his ass. He expects everything to fine, and dandy. I sigh, and pull out my phone. 8 messages.

Maya, why are you taking so long in there?


Is everything all right?

Txt me back.

Maya, you’re taking awhile


Did you find him?

Maya, answer I am serious.

That’s it I’m coming in.

I shut my phone off and threw it on the pavement, causing my case to shatter into pieces. I drop to my knees, and cried reflecting on the pervious minutes.

A car engine blazed behind me.

“Maya, let’s go.” Chase walks over to and picks me up as if I am a bride. I cried into his shirt.

“I was so scared.” I said between tears.

He puts me in the passenger seat and walks around to the driver’s seat.

He drives out of the parking lot leaving only unpleasant memories there.

I drifted off into a deep sleep.

He clamps his hand around my mouth. I could not breathe, or scream. I was being suffocated. I felt as his hand travel to the tip of my pants. I felt warm tears rolling down my face could not wipe them. The man hand was removed, and a sharp metal object punctured my skin of neck. I winch in pain as the blood trickled on the floor. I gave my last breath, knowing it was too late.

I woke up crying, and screaming.

I looked around the room.

Where was I?

The room was huge; it had a flat screen TV and a huge dresser below it. The room was cream color the bed was large with a beautiful carving bedframe.

I got out from under the blankets. I was only in a half of a shirt, and bra’s and torn up shorts.

The previous hours traumatized me causing me to sigh. I open the door of the room. A long hallway greeted me.

I walked closed to the walls.

“You’re up?” A deep voice greeted me.


I turned around startled. “Gosh Dammit.”

Chase chuckled. He slowly approached me.

“Where I’m I?” I looked around confused.

“My house” He grins.

“Your house” I repeated. “How could you have all of this for yourself?”

He shrugs.

“So, Wyatt” I tried to push out of him.

“Why are you so sensitive when I bring him up?”

Chase sighed. “Let’s go down stairs I have beers.”

I agreed. I followed him down the long flight of stairs.

I sat on the couch, and waited.

He came back with a pack of beers.

“Wyatt, Is my twin brother.” He started.

My eyes widen when I heard the word twin. “Not my identical twin but, he’s my twin.”

I nodded. “Is that the guy in the photo at the cabin?”

He nods.

“So, why don’t you like talking about it?”

He shrugs. “Ever since we were younger he’s always been the one who was well like.”

“You were jealous?” I ask confused.

He points to his chest. “Me? Jealous, no way”

“I felt alone, because my step dad and my mom never really acknowledged me.” He sighs.

“Dad was the only who cared. He got me into modeling, and acting.” He runs his hand through his hair. “After that, Dad died he was sick.”

“Wyatt, Was always the one to get in trouble.” He began again. “I would always have to get him out of it.”

“Like today?” I asked.

He nods.

“I’m sorry, Chase-

“Please, don’t pity me.” He cuts me off with a groan. “It was over thirteen years ago, so just leave it.”

I nod. “You know, my father passed away too.” I said quietly.

He looked at me.

“He died in a car accident coming home the store.” I whispered. “I have always blamed my mother for his death.

“I did too.” Chase mumbled. “She didn’t even care if Dad died. She found herself a new man.”

I nodded. I understood how he felt, surprisingly. We have something in common.

“Wyatt, didn’t care either he would laugh about his death.” Chase draws his fist.

“I started drinking, thinking, it would take me away from all the grief.” He continued.

He stared at the pack of beer.

I took his large hand and placed it in mine.

“It’s okay.” I smiled through the tears, “There in a better place now.”

He looks at me, and grins. “Yeah, I guess.”

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