《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Seventeen


“Fuck you, Chase Walker.” I mumbled under my breath.

“I love you too, Maya Peirce.” He said back.

I smiled slightly too myself, and quickly snapped out of it. My mind reminds me of the disappointing tweet I received. Amy Balford played Jessica in Chase last movie they shared a kiss scene and ever since there has been buzz about Chase and Amy. Chase never denied in the interview so I guess it’s true. I stopped suddenly, causing me to jerk forward.

“What happened?” Chase asks worriedly.

“You happened.” I mumbled. I pull my hand out of his grip and pull it close to my heart. It was doing it again, beating rapidly fast. I couldn’t keep up with the beats.

“Maya?” He raises his eyebrow.

“I’m fine. Let’s get this over with.” I sighed.

“Are you sure?” He pushes.

“I said I’m fine.” I said sternly pushing past him.

He opens the door for me.

“Yay, another bad thing on my record ditching school.” I chuckle sarcastically.

“Trust me; you’ll be doing way more worse stuff when with me.” He gave me his little wink.

I nodded. Not quite sure of what he meant, though.

We talked towards his expensive car in quiet. I had nothing to say, and he had nothing to say. So we both stayed quiet. He opened the passenger door for me, pushed him out the way, and sat down. His car had a sweet, tangy scent. I could scene a feminine presence had been in the car. I grimaced at the thought. He got in on the other side and turned up the radio.

“Oh, I love this song.” He beamed.

Turn down for what was blazing on the stereo. He bobs his head and taps his finger to the beat. When the song was finished All Of Me began. I listened to the lyrics carefully; somehow, I felt that the lyrics pertained to me in some matter.


My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

I hummed along to the tune quietly.

“You like that song, Mimi?” He asked quietly. I could barely hear him.

I ignored the fact he called me my nickname. I answered him with a simple “It’s ok.”

He smiles. “You’re really different from other girls.”

I shrug. “I know.”

He chuckles, and giggle a little bit.

He pulls into a large building named Limelight Bar.

He stares at me while pulling in.

“Ok. So what’s the plan?” He asks me.

I shrug. “This is your shit, not mine.”

He grins. “You can try to sweet talk him.”

“He’s a big guy, bald tattoos on his face, neck, and arms. A couple piercings on his face. You’ll find him.” He raced out.

I listen is disbelief. “Who am I talking too? A freaking drug dealer.”

He laughs. “No, He’s a friend of my-

“Never mind.” He grits his teeth together.

“Chase, tell me.” I try to force out of him. He shakes his head.

“He’s better off not mention.” He runs his hand through his hair.

So, the person a he, Could it be the person in the picture at the cabin?

“Text me, If you need help.” He says pushing out the car. “Good luck.”

I curse silently in my head. How did I get myself into this?

I slowly walk to the door. The door was cover with pictures of strippers, and hooker numbers.

What was Chase doing at a place like this?

I opened the door. A huge stage greeted me, and a bar was on the far right side. There was a skinny girl with red hair wiping the bar counter. I walked over to her.


I give her a smile. “Looking for a big man with tattoos.”

She laughs. “You must be talking about Victor.”

“Are you the new pole dancer?” She asks. “You look pretty young.”

I shake my head quickly, “No, no. Victor is a friend of my friend.”

She nods, even though her face looks confused.

She leads me to the back of the bar. There was a door that said Do Not Enter. She pushes it open.

“Victor. You have a visitor.” She grins. “A cute one too.” The small red headed girl leaves, and closes the door.

The man was exactly how Chase describes him. I felt like a mouse compared to him. He towered over me.

“Who the hell are you?” He groans.

“I’m here for Chase Walker.”

He looks at me for a while. “Chase Walker, that drunken kid who punched me and left without paying.”

I cursed in my head. “Yep, that will be that Chase Walker.”

The man looked angry. “I don’t care what you have to say.” He pushes me away.

“Tell that boy to bring Wyatt.” He spits out. “Or else there’s gonna be trouble for you.”

“Who the hell is Wyatt?” I ask confused. “Please sir, you misunderstood I have nothing to do with this I’m just simply here-

He pushes me down. “You kind of cute.”

His weight pressed against me. I felt suffocated.

“Get the fuck off of me.” I screamed.

He did not budge.

“Shut up.” He shouted in my face. His breath had a stench of liquor, and fish.

I winched at the smell.

I tried to push him off me, but he would move. He began kissing me down my neck and towards my chest.

“Help” I screamed. His fat hand clamped around my mouth turning my screams into mumbles.

He tears my top exposing my bare stomach, and black lace bra. He licks his lips. I tried to scream but the hand muffled my voice. I felt tears rolled down my face and down to my chest. He moves his large hand to the hem of my shorts and pulls them down roughly.

He laced his hand around the hem of my panties, but then the door opened with a slam.

The man got off me in a hurry. Chase stood at the doorway literally fuming.

He hits Victor with a metal chair in the head causing him too slowly fall to the ground moaning. His body made a huge thump on the ground. He runs over too me.

“Maya, are you alright?” He asks wiping the last tears with his thumb. I felt comforted, even though I was half exposed to him. He pulled me into a hug, and repeatedly said I am sorry. I cried into his shoulder. He takes off his coat and put it over me. I pull up my shorts, and picked up the torn up shirt of the floor.

We silently leave the room, leaving Victor unconscious. Chase had his arm around me, I did not mind since I needed someone.

We sit in the car quietly.

I opened my mouth. “Chase, who is Wyatt?”


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