《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Nine


"He did it," They both said in perfect harmony.

I rolled my eyes, trying to avoid eye contact with Chase. My hand ran against my mouth, the same annoying feeling was still there.

"Here you go, Maya." The nurse handed me a small pill, and a paper cup filled with Luke warm water.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I made my way back to the door. I turned around once more, eyes meeting with Chase. I quickly turned my head, and closed the door.

Finally fresh air, the hallways weren't as clammy as it was before.

The lockers lined up so perfectly. I smiled at the sight,

Then, suddenly Chase face immediately pops up, I shake my head trying to remove the thought.

My dark face, feels flush as I scurried down the hallway, in search for the Biology Science room. I make a sharp turn down the hallway, nearly slamming my face against the door.

My hand turned the knob, as I braced my self. Picturing what my punishment was going to be.

Hm, maybe detention?

Or, suspension?

Wait, I was only a couple minutes late, and plus I had a legit excuse.

"Maya." My head turned around, at the loud yell.

Of course, it's Mr. Samuel, he's always giving me these weird looks.

I sighed, and push the rest of my body inside the room. The stares of the many nerds of the class, gawk at me, with widen mouths.

"Where have you been?" Mr. Samuel asked, his voice much softer, and kinder.

I was about to open my mouth, but the door opened, and drowned my small voice out.


His bruises was fading, but still visible. My mouth made this weird noises as he pushed past me, and tossed the chair to sit.


Whispers raised from the class,

"Quiet," Mr. Samuel screeched, pointing his chubby finger towards me. "Maya, is telling us why she's late. Now continue you, Maya." He added, with a small wink.

Damn, this teacher, Damn him all the way to hell.

"I needed to go to the nurse," I whisper, my voice sounded weak, and scared.

"For what?" He asks, his bushy eyebrows raising.

My nervous head pounds rapidly, as I my eyes searched franticly around the classroom for help.

My gaze then turns too Chase, pleading for help.

I didn't need to be called the pill girl, I'm already called Mimi, and trust me that's enough nicknames for me.

Chase smirked, and stood up,

"She was with me," He bravely said, and sat back down. I stared at Mr. Samuel waiting for his reaction, at first he seemed surprise, but then it quickly faded.

"Well, then, I guess that okay." He cleared his throat, and sat back down at his desk.

I couldn't believe it, did Chase just tame a lion?

I made my way to my seat, which was literally next to Chase.

I sighed, and pulled out the chair, and plop down unto the small metal chair.

"You owe me." I heard Chase's whisper softly from the chair across, "You owe me, big time."

What did he mean?

"Okay class, today we are going to be watching a video about reproduction." Mr. Samuel said, giving me a small smirk.

"Maya, would you like too explain to the class what reproduction is?" He asks, with that annoying smirk plastered unto his annoying face.

He just had to pick me, just had too.

I stood up from my chair, and faced the class. Nervousness boiled in my blood.

"Sex,' I blurted out,

The class instantly started to crack.

I gasp, at my self in disbelief,

"Maya, How dare you speak of such things in my classroom." Mr. Samuel hollered, I could see pieces of spit flying out of his mouth.

"Oh, I didn't mean to say that." I said, trying to cover it up.

"Wow Maya, I didn't know you were that brave, save that for the bed." Chase beamed.

My life was over, before it even started.

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