《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Ten



Not the best place to be on a warm, Monday afternoon.

Not that I'm complaining, it's just I don't think I deserved it. Well, I did answer the question correctly, yet the old man gives me a two hour detention. The classroom quietly clicked, making only the slightest noises. I sighed, as I gaze around the small, but neat science room. There were other people, I wasn't the only human in the room with the creep. Thank god.

There were a couple freshman's, who didn't seem to care at all about life. But me, I never get detention.

When I say never, I mean never.

Well, I take that back. There was this time Hannah, and I stole candy from the teachers desk, and she got me in the act. Funny thing, she only caught me, and not Hannah. Racist bitch. But anyways, I never ever get detention.

I feel like a total idiot hawking around the classroom, like some stupid looking owl. My head slowly nods off into a small nap. Before the door opens,

A small thin woman with small rim glasses high up on the tip of her nose stood at the entrance of the door. She hold a small notepad with small cursive letters, too small to read.

She move swiftly to the front of the classroom, and raised her hand.

"Quiet!" She screeched, I pulled a face, is this lady slow ? Does she hear anyone talking. I giggled, and instantly put on a serious face.

"There is nothing funny here missy." She points a od wrinkly finger at me, and narrowed her hard cold gray eyes.

I straighten my back, and looked to see if anyone saw that total embarrassment. As usual, they were in there freshman's gaze.

The lady open the small notepad, and took a quick scan around the classroom, and looked at the notepad.

"Amy Cooper?" Her stern voice raised.

There was no reply, I'm assuming it's one of the freshman's in the back.

Her head snapped up, her cold eyes blazing.

"Shall I give you a extra hour?" She smirked.

"Here," A tired voice said from the back.

She simply nodded, and went on until she reach the last of the names.

"Chase Walker?"


Once again that creepy silence, like the one's in the movie when something about to pop out.

"Chase Walker?" I repeated scrunching up my nose in confusion. Why would Chase be here?

"I never ask for an echo." She narrowed her eyes at me, giving a glare that could kill. I nodded, and lowered my head, obediently waiting for my name.

The door opened, this time louder, and more powerfully.

And instantly I could tell who it was.

"Alright, let's get this shit over with." Chase mumbled under his breath, while walking to the desk behind. totally un noticing me.

The woman's eyes widen,

"Oh my, I should have known by the name." She giggled, slightly blushing.

Ew, what a sight.

I turned to him and mouthed, 'why the hell are you here?' He smirked, when his eyes met mine.

Why do I care, anyways?

"Maya Chambers?"

"Here," I said in a shameful low voice


A couple minutes passed, I could feel the tension of the room.

Curiosity merged in my mind growing bigger by the second. I desperately wanted to know why Chase was here.

I stole a quick peek at him, his large hand was racking through the clumps of his golden blonde curls. He shifted in his seat, as I quickly turned my head.

I sighed, looking at the clock now and then. My head softly drooped into the cup of my hands.

Moments later I felt a soft tap on my right shoulder. I slowly lifted up my head, a small note was on the side of my desk.

I quickly un raveled it.

Hey Maya! Its me the hottie across from you. Chase!

Why do you look so bored? Detention supposed to be fun.

Well, I'm really tried, and I have some sexy ass girls waiting for me. So, I really can't sit around here.

Are you with me?

I scanned the note reading it inch by inch. My mind hummed awaiting a valid answer, I could be listening to music, or getting my home work done.

I slowly cranked my head towards him, and gave him a quick thumbs up. He nodded and stood up,

"Um, Some people in here actually have lives and right now it's calling us." Chase blurted out. He turned to me and winked several times, but I completely dumbfounded struggled to removed my small body from the chair.


I slowly made my way to the door, hiding behind Chase large built body.

"and where do you think you guys are going?" A low pitch voice said.

Without turning around,

"Our life needs us." Chase deeply chuckled.

I felt myself giggle, did I actually pull this off?

We quickly scampered down the hall, stopping when we reached the front of the school.

I was out of breath, literally gasping.

"Shit Maya, It was a little run, and you're already out of breath. Damn, you must be out shape." Chase green eyes stared intensly at my curvy body.

"Stop." I said, trying to invert his eye contact with my body.

"Oh, someone is embarrasses" He teased, grinning widely.

There was a quick silence between us, before Chase quickly broke it.

"So, are you going ho-

"Nope." I quickly cut him off. He looked confused.

"So, your going to stay at school?" He said pulling a face, looking around the school in disgust.

I shrug, " Anything is better than home."

A large grinned pulled on his face,

He grabbed my small wrist and dragged me out into the warm Monday air.

"I have a fun place." He said in a low voice.

"I hope it's not your room." I mumbled. He turned to me with a serious look on his face.

"You have a very dirty mind, you know?" He pressed. "Why do always think I'm trying to get into your undies?"

I felt embarrassed at the unnecessary comment I made. I looked down at my shoes, avoiding shame.

"Why do you always do that." I looked up slowly.

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"Look at the ground, when someone says something." He chuckles.

I shrugged.

"Anyways. Where's you magical place?" I asked adding as much enthusiasm as I could.

"I don't have car, though." He sighed.

"I do." I said in a small voice. "But it's not as expensive, as your probably used too."

He nodded. "I'm driving."

"I never agreed on this." I said defensively.

I handed him the keys,

"Nice car." He chuckled.

I sighed,

"Are you going to get in?" He nodded, and move quickly.

"Close your eyes." He whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want it to be a surprise." He pouts, making shut my eyes.

"Shank You." He said in a small voice.


I fell into a deep sleep, only to waked by a soft shake to the leg.

"Wake up, I said close your eyes not go to freaking sleep." Chase breathed.

I opened the car door, and started to inspect my surroundings. Nothing looked familiar.

"Are we still in New York?" I yawned. "Are you a creepy kidnapper?"

He chuckled. "It's a cabin, stupid."

I looked in astonishment, It was a huge wooden cabin, with an amazing view.

"Come on." He urged.

We walked to the door of the cabin beautiful deigns lined the cabins exterior walls. The door was a made out of mini bricks, everything was detailed perfectly.

"Is this yours?" I asked.

"kind of, well, It belongs to my family." He mumbled, as he fumbled through patch of keys.

"Oh. So why did you bring me here?" I asked.

He looked at me, this time more serious and more intense. His light green eyes, were now a forest green color. He crept closer...

"A-are you okay?" I asked, moving away.

It as if nothing happened, his eye color brighten to it's original state, and a smile spread across his flawless face.

"You should have seen you're face." He laughed, "You were like, 'are you okay'. Oh, God." He said wiping his eyes.

I laughed nervously.

He opened the cabin door, reveling a huge living room space.

"Whoa." I mumbled. He was leaning in the doorway, his tight black tee showed of his chiseled toned body. If he wasn't such a jerk, I would have already pounced on him.

"So." I said in a low voice. "Like board games?"

He smiled, "Nah, I like movies."

I nodded, He went into a small room, and came back with a collection of movies.

"Choose one." He demanded.

I giggled, "Okay."


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