《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Eight


"He kiss you?" Randi nervously asks, shaking her blonde curls. My gaze went over to the table across from us, looking for Chase.

"So, Did you like it?" Diana asks, raising her black eyebrows. "Oh yeah, wasn't this like you're first kiss?" She says, as she chomps on her ham sandwich small pieces of food flying out.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my salad and pulling it closer too me.

"Come on, what was it like?" Randi says. "Did feel sparks, did you-

"No, no, no." I reassured them. "I didn't feel anything, it just felt like skin against skin, okay?" My voice ranged.

They nodded, not speaking. "I'm leaving, I don't want to be late for class again." I picked on my small Cesar Salad I brought from the school café, and made my way to the garbage. Where was he?

The lunchroom was fairly quiet, something wasn't right, my head was spinning, I felt as if I was going to faint.

My legs, wobbled as I slowly walked toward the nurse, for a Tylenol. My small hands, snatch the doorknob as twisted it with force.

"So, Chase, you have a slight concussion cause your head collided with the bookshelf." A soft voice whispered.

"No, I can't afford this, My fans would be so mad, and, and I bet this is all ready all over the internet." A deep voice pouts. I open the door wider, my heart be quickens it's pace, Chase and David was in the nurses office.

I turn my face, trying as best as I could trying to avoid unwanted attention from either one of them.

"Um, Nurse Jackie?" I cracked, "Could I have a-

"Pad?" Nurse Jackie blurts out, My face felt red, although it would be hard to see it under my thick caramel skin.


I shake my head,

"Not a pad," I reassure her.

"Can I see you're face?" Her soft voice asks. She just had to ask, just had too. I removed my small hand from the side of my face, revealing my self.

"Oh, Maya." She smiles. "What can I do for you today?" She asks, her dark gray hair pulled up into a neat bun.

My head slowly turned facing, Chase and David.

"Maya" David mumbled, his face slightly bruised. My gaze turned to Chase, he was in a small neck brace his plump lips, swollen purple, and small green bruise above his left eye. My heart snap into two at the sight, of these poor pathetic boys.

"What the hell happen to you guys?" I mumbled, they both exchange glances, and opened their mouths to speak.

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