《Urban Divinity》8


My feet padded softly on the cool wooden floors as I ran towards my bedroom. The thrumming if my heart racing as fast as my feet with every step I took closer and closer to my safe space.

I went on a date.

I slam my door shut before letting my body slide down onto the floor.

With Dion.

My cheeks burn as I think about my neighbor. My eyes fall down to the sweatshirt in my hands. I slowly brush my fingers against the fabrics before looking into the hamper basket, "I should wash it.." I scrunch my nose as I eye the sparkling dress with a frown.

With a sigh and a pair of latex gloves, I went to work. Sorting my laundry had to be one of the worst chores I have despite my closet being blacks and whites. All the germs collected in one giant pile created a cesspool of bacteria and illness. Just the thought of touching with my bare hands almost made me put hand sanitizer on my gloves.

My hand lands on the first sweatshirt that he gave me. I quickly make my way to the washer and put it in with my favorite scented laundry detergent. "Jasmine" the label was in a pretty cursive and crisp white bottle. The soft thrum of the washer eased my worries as I made my way back to my bedroom.

My bedroom was truly my sanctuary. Every necessity and need I could possibly need was inside of here. From latex gloves to bulk containers of wipes and hand sanitizer, I truly felt safe and clean.

My eyes land on my plants and I make my way over, checking thier leaves and pots. Despite being little organisms that thrive on sunlight and dirt, I never felt nasty playing with the soil. I smile as I reach my little aloe plant, it's little leaves plump and healthy. I puncture the little plant and feel the juice on the tip of my finger. I slowly rub it in before going to puncture another hole before the washer timer went off.

"I'll just give these back and be done." I sigh softly as I rushed back over to the washer. My mind was at ease as I put the clothes into the dryer until reality finally rushed back. "How am I going to give this to him?!.." I slap my forehead as I groan loudly, the thought of human interaction already draining me. "No you don't.. Leave it on his doorstep." My mind said in a duh tone, making me pout. I tap my chin lightly before walking back to my room. "What if someone takes it?" My heart beats harder at the thought of having them stolen from him. "He'd hate me.." My stomach sinks at the thought.


I look at the dryer, watching the sweaters spin, "I should make it pretty.." My lips turn up in a smile as I rush back into my room, straight to my desk full of arts and crafts supplies. Immediately, I got to work.


The package sat tightly in my hands as I stood at my front door. The box was simple and white with a pretty purple bow wrapped around it. I even tucked a small strand of lavender under the ribbon with a little letter.

I unlock the top lock twice before sliding the chain open and closed two times before pausing as my hand rests on the door knob. "You've seen him like a million times since he's been here. Stop being so annoying and let him breathe." I pull my hand off the knob, reality sinking in deeper and deeper until my excitement I felt sizzled down to smoke in my lungs.

It burned.

My eyes look down at the package, cutely wrapped and carefully executed. It took so much time. "Now your doing too much! You just met him and now your giving him gifts!" My gut screamed for me to go back into my bedroom and just lay in my sheets for the rest of the day. "That does sound nice..." I mumble softly but I knew I had to give this back to him. I look back at the door and with a final sigh, I swing it open and head down the hall to my neighbor.

His door was decorated with football stickers and even had a few glittery ones. I lean in to look at the sparkles and freeze as I hear voices from inside.

"Fuck you mean your can't find it'?!" Dion's anger radiated through the door, making me hug the box closer. "You said it would be here yesterday and now you saying I gotta wait till next week?! How does that even work!?" His voice raises further as his footsteps paced back and forth. I look down at the pretty package and consider just leaving it on the little mat. "Welcome!" In bold black captured my attention for a moment before I looked back at the door. "I want my shit by fucking tomorrow or ya whole company gettin blown up!" He yells loudly before the sound of smashing makes me jump back.


I quickly place my box on the mat and kick the door a few times before rushing back to my apartment. My sanctuary was only a few steps away when his door swung open, "Yeo." He yelled after me and I quickly stop in my tracks. "What's this?" I turn around as he points to the box and I shrug my shoulders lightly, "Stuff.." I mumble softly and look up at him. He looks me up and down slowly before waving me back over, "C'mere."

My feet moved on their own as my eyes dropped to the box that rested in his hands. He examines it closely, his hands flipping the box upside down and around before he finally looked at me, "Say 'gain. What's inside?" He frowns and I shrug like a dummy, "Stuff.." He raises a brow as his face twists with confusion, "You left the box here?" He asks and I nod my head. "You did this?" He asks again and just like before, I nod my head.

He hums softly and grabs the letter from on top. My cheeks instantly turned red as I watched him slowly open it.

"Dear Dion," His eyes move to mine, a small smile on his lips, before looking back at the paper, "Thank you for lending me your clothing and keeping me warm this winter :) I truly do appreciate it." He starts and I quickly look down at my shoes, suddenly very interested in counting the strands of string in my shoe laces.

"I hope you like the Lavender I left. I grew it myself and I think it smells very nice." He squints as he gets to a part of the paper, "Read it." He holds out the meter and points to the scribbled out sentence. My cheeks burned as I shook my head, "I-I just messed up my s-spelling.." I could tell he didn't believe me but he didn't push it as he brought the letter back to his face. "I hope we can be friends in the future and that we can hang out some more soon. From your neighbor, Jocelyn." He finishes with a small smile on his lips.

The hallway was silent as he began to open the box. I watch as he takes out his sweaters with a confused face, "I said you can keep them." He frowns as I look away, "I-I know.. It's okay." I try to wave it off but he only huffs softly before pressing them into my chest, making me hold onto them. "You know it's cold and you too small to be walking round with nothin' thick." He scolds gently as I pout, "I don't w-want to steal your stuff." He shakes his head, "It ain't stealin' if I give it to you." He says in a duh tone as he shakes his head. I look up at him and then back down at the sweaters, "Thank you." He hums softly before stepping closer, making my eyes look up at him.

"Say it again."

"Thank you."

He smiles, "Eye contact.. Good girl." My cheeks burned as my eyes widened at his praise. I ignore the fluttering of my tummy as I take a step back and look at my shoes. "Thank you.." I mumble shyly and he chuckles, "We'll work on it."



What do you think she scribbled out?

What do you think Dion was yelling about?

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