《Urban Divinity》9


His eyes watched me for a moment before he stepped back, "You want to come in?" I look past him into the apartment before looking back at him, "I can't right now." He raises a brow, "We was just gone watch a movie." The corner of his lip twitched up as my cheeks began to burn, "I have to go look for a job." I mumble softy. His hummed as he nodded his head slowly, his face portraying no emotion but I could tell he was thinking. I stuff my hands in my sweater as my nails began to pierce my palms, "Sorry.." My voice crack makes me inwardly scream.

He waved me off as he leaning against his door way, "Nothin to be sorry for, J." My cheeks heat at the little nickname. I look down at my shoes as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, "I know a place that's hiring." My eyes widen as I look up at him, my feet take a small step closer, "Where?" His lips lift to a smile, "About a three minute walk away.. Heard the boss is a cool guy and looking for a receptionist." My tummy bubbled with excitement as I made grabby hands under my sweater sleeves, doing my best to remain still as he watched me with a smile.

"Ask for Mr. Miller and get an interview with him." My smile drops as he mentions the interview. "I gotta talk to him?.. Privately?" My voice drops to a whisper as I scrunch my nose. I don't know why I expected not to have an interview.. It's a part of the process.

Dion nods his head, "Ain't nothin to worry 'bout." He stands up straight as he leans in, "Do you not trust me?" My eyes widen at his question.

Do I trust him.

Should I?

I nod my head, "I-I do but.. I don't like talking to strangers." He chuckles softly, "As cute as that was, you gotta be brave if you wanna get a job, Jocelyn. The world ain't a nice place all the time." My lips form a pout as I look down at my shoes.

Alicia said that all the time.

"Look at you!" She yells as she motions to me, "Your laying in bed, tears in your eyes, like a dead beat!" Her voice raises with every word as she made her way to my bed, her hands fisted angrily as her finger sagged in my face. "The world ain't a nice place! We both know! But your not going to sit here with a defeated attitude!" The blankets we ripped off my body before I could even try to grip the warm material.


My heart beat against my rib cage as I shrunk back, "I-I know but I just need time!" Her eyes held no remorse as her face contorted with rage, "Three weeks!" She yelled as she pushed her fingers in my face, "You've hidden in this room, drowning in your shitty attitude!" Tears stung my eyes as my head drooped. Her words stabbed my chest as she continued to scream and yell.

Her finger jabbed my arm hard, snapping me back. "I'm not trying to be mean but fuck! You make it so hard, J!" She motions to my state with open hands, "Your a fucking mess and I'm trying to clean it up but you won't let me." I look away towards the window, "I'm sorry." She sighs, "No. you're not... Now get up." Her hand grabbed my arm, making me yank it back.


She fell silent. Her eyes just watching me. Disgust and anger swirled in her brown orbs, circling my reflection that withered in the center.

"Shut up.. Get up. Get dressed."


"I'll be back in fifteen minutes and you better be ready. You're going to therapy." My chest burned but I couldn't even lift my head to watch her leave.

"-It's on fifth Avenue right by the cafe but further down." Dion scratched his beard as his eyes squinted. I stare at him do a moment before blinking a few times, "O-Okay?.." He chuckles, "I'll send the address if you want." I nod my head and grab my phone, "Yes please.." I hand him my phone and watch him put his number inside.

"You gonna be okay?" He asks and I shrug, "I don't know.." I mumble and he shakes his head, "Do you wanna practice?" He leans in closer, his deep brown eyes capturing my own. I nod my head slowly, "Yes please.." I mumble softy and look down at his lips before back up to his face. His eyes darkened as he took a step closer, towering over my body.

His fingers gently brushed against my wrist, "C'mon." His touch left as he took a step back in his apartment. I hesitantly follow.

My cheeks flamed as I finally broke eye contact with him. I hug myself as I look at my shoes, wiggling my toes inside them as Dion closes the door. "You cold?" He nods towards my arms and I shake my head quickly. He frowns, "Words." I pout and open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I sigh softly and look away, "Mm." I hum softly and feel his eye bore holes in my head. "C'mon.. Use your words." He repeats as he steps closer, making me take a step back. I look up to him and let out a shaky breath, "N-No.. I'm warm." My voice quivers lightly, making me inwardly cringe at my awkwardness.


His lips lifted to a smile, "Good Girl. Wait for me on the couch." He nods towards the living room and I nod my head quickly, more than happy to step away. He gives me a look making my eyes widen, "I-I mean okay." I quickly correct myself and he hums before heading towards his bedroom.

I watch him disappear around the corner before taking my shoes off and rushing to the couch and sitting down. The room was a stale quiet as I listen to things rustle around from his direction.

"Now tell me about your wrist." He came back into the room, first aid kit in his hands. My eyes widen as I look away, "Nothin.." I mumble softly and feel the couch sink beside me. He scoffs, "So you magically got a hand bruise on your wrist." He snaps and I wanted to nod my head but we both knew better.

"I'm not going to be mad at you.. Just tell me." I could feel the anger radiating off of him. He reaches for my wrist, making me flinch away. His eyes darken, "Did a man do this?" I couldn't bring myself to look at him any longer. My chest burned as my hands clenched and unclenched around my leggings, "Yes.." My voice was barely above a whisper as I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Is this the only place he hurt you?" He leans in closer, making my chest tighten and my eyes clamp shut. I quickly shake my head no. "Point to where." I could tell he was worried but I didn't need his help.

I don't deserve it.

Tears slid down my cheeks as I tried to hide my face under my hair. I shake my head no again and feel his hand cup my chin, making my look at him. "I'm not trying to be mean or hurt you.. I want to make sure your okay and I can't do that if you don't let me." His voice was calm and soft, making my hands finally still in my lap. I nod my head slowly and watch a small smile lifts at his lips, "Thats better.. Now show me where else." My heart skips a beat as I slowly point to my thighs, making his eyes darken.

I could tell he was furious by the look I'm his eyes but he kept his face stoic. I shamefully look away, "Sorry.." I mumble and he pulls my face back to his, "It's not your fault." He snaps, "Is it bruised? Does it still hurt?" I couldn't deny the attention felt nice.

His worried looks and comments made warmth spread to my chest. I shake my head no but release a small cry as he presses on it. "Yes it does." He snaps gently before looking through his first aid kit. He gives me three little pills, "It's just Advil.. You probably need ice for them too." He gets up but I grab his hand, "N-No.. It's okay." I intervene but he shakes his head, "No it's not." He snaps angrily, "You got hurt and you won't let me help you." My eyes drop to his hand in mine.

I slowly intertwine our fingers, "I'm good." For the first tine today, my voice didn't shake. It didn't come out a weak little wisp.

He looks at me before a small smile lifts at his lips, "Let me help you and I'll be done. Promise." I shake my head with a smile, "Okay.."

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