《Urban Divinity》7


The wind cut into my cheeks as the apartment door swung open. Just the simple action of opening my eyes was a bit of a struggle as we descended the front steps. My eyes squinted tightly as I hugged myself tightly. The soft cotton of his sweatshirt tickled my skin as I wrapped it around my hands.

Dion seemed unfazed as he walked with his hands in his pockets. His face calm as he walked on, as if the wind just didn't exist. My eyes began to dry but blinking barely did anything, "Hmph." I pout quietly as before stepping behind him, letting his big frame block the wind. "So you just usin' me now, huh?" His lips fall to a frown and I quickly shake my head, "N-No! I'm sorry.." I step from behind him and brace myself against the wind, hugging myself tighter as I frowned at my rudeness. 'Your so Stupid! Stupid! Stupi-" The wind ceased as his soft chuckles cut away my thoughts. I didn't even notice him watching me until I finally looked up at him, "I was playin'." My cheeks burned but I couldn't help the small smile as he looked forward once again.



The walk that once started as rough and cold turned quick and warm after I no longer had to fight the wind. The whole time I couldn't help my stupid grin as Dion talked about anything. I learned he really likes football and used to play a lot in New York. He also told me that he actually prefers the cold which is why he only had on a grey sweatsuit unlike everyone else with thick coats.

I should have grabbed mine. My sweater was thick but the cold was relentless as it slipped through the strands of my fabric to stab into my skin. My nose turned red and so did my ears as I struggled to stay warm. Dion's sweatshirt was the only thing that did something to battle the cold.

I like it.

Maybe I'll keep it.


Warm air rushed at us as we finally stepped into the small diner. The smell of delicious food more than welcoming to our grumbling tummies and salivating tongues. "Hello!" A waitress smiled warmly at us as we approached her little stand.

I shyly smile back and looked to Dion who was focused on the theme of the restaurant,"Hi. Any window seats?" His eyes land on her and she smiles,"Sure! Follow me." Our shoes squeaked lightly on the tile floor as we closely followed behind her between the narrow spaces between tables. People eyed us warily as we had to squeeze past thier tables in order to get to our own. "Damn." A man curses as I squeeze by and my stomach drops. I drop my head and scoot closer to Dion until I am barely brushing against him.


"Here you are!" She extends her hand to our table with a big smile, "I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders. Anything to drink while you wait?" She whips out her notebook before turning to us as we sit down in the comfy booth. I look to Dion who had nodded his head, "Water 's good." His eyes land on mine and I quickly look at the table, distracting myself with tracing the little ring designs. "And for you?" The waitress turns to me and I look up at her then back at the table, "Water please." My voice cracks and I curse myself inwardly. "Wow.." I cringe at myself and the Waitress moves closer, leaning into me, "Say again? You mumbled it." I slightly lean back and hold my breath, "Water, please ." She hums softly and writes down on her pad. "Okay! Well, I'll be back in a few minutes!" She places down to menus before walking back towards the front.

"You're so shy." My eyes snapped up to look into his. For a moment I could see myself in them. The dark brown was near pitch black as it swirled slowly, letting me sink deeper and deeper...

Glass clinking snatched me back to reality as our waters are set on the table. My skin burned as I looked away, embarrassment filling me from the bottom of my feet to the tip of my head, "Sorry.." I mumble softly and he chuckles, "Ain't nothing wrong wit it.. I was distracted too." I could hear the smile in his voice before a soft cough interrupted us as the waitress smiled, "Are you both ready to order or do you need more time?" I look to Dion who looked back at me, "Dont look at me. Use ya words." I nod my head and look up at the waitress, "I-I'm not ready yet..Sorry." She nods and turns to Dion,"And you?" He scratched at his beard for a second as his eyes scanned the menus, "Yeah I want the King burger and fries.. Wit a Sprite." She nods her head quickly as she wrote everything down.

"She's so pretty." My mind wandered as I looked her up and down quietly. My eyes land on her flat tummy and thin arms. She was athletic and it was obvious by her proud stance and voice. I pull my fluffy sweater out before looking down at my menu on the table.


"I'll be back in a few minutes to give you some more time." She gives me a smile before disappearing once again. Dion looked at the menu with me, "You still deciding?" I look up at him and blush as I nod my head. "Use ya words." My eyes widen, "Yes.. Sorry." His eyes watched me for a moment before a smile broke out on his face, "You're cute." My eyes drop to my lap as my cheeks burned, "Thank you." My voice was barely even a whisper as I looked back at the menus to distract myself.

My hand reaches into my purse before grabbing a napkin and using it to turn the page. I read down the selection before pointing to the Fries and chicken tenders, "This one." I mumble and look up at him. His eyes watched me with a weird look, as if he was staring at a puzzle piece.

My lips drop to a pout, "What?" He laughs softly into his hand, "You." I frown and lean back into my seat, "What about me?" He shakes his head, "You and your lil ass napkin." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped past my lips, "I don't want any germs." He leans back just like me, his arms crossing over his chest as his hand played with his beard, "I had a feelin.. You don't touch doors or buttons." My eyes widen but I quickly fix my face as I take a sip of my water. I nervously play with the menus, flipping the pages back and forth, "Because they're nasty.. and germy.."

Dion's plate hit the table, filling the air with warmth and the delicious smell of good food. "You ready to order?" The waitress took out her pen and pad as she gave me another smile.

I felt like a stupid child as I nodded my head and looked back at the menu only for my page to be gone. My eyes frantically scan for the food I wanted but the words became blurry and jumbled as I stupidly leaned in closer. My eyes snap to hers and she leans in for my order and I quickly look back down.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry u-

I could feel the tears start to fill my eyes as I struggled to find it as I flipped the page but still fail to find it. I look up at the waitress who eyed me, the impatience shining in her eyes but her smile still bright in her lips, "Still not sure?" She asks and I nod my head quickly before looking at my lap.

"She wants the chicken tenders and fries." Dion speaks up before shoving a fry in his mouth. The waitress writes it down before turning to him, "What drink?" He clears his throat and taps the menus in front of me, making me look up, "Tell her what drink." I nod my head and look to her, "L-Lemonade, please." I mentally punch myself as my voice comes out weak and quivering. She smiles nonetheless and nods, "Okay! Be back soon with your order." With no more to say, she's gone.

"If you need help, ask." Dion grabs my attention and I quickly nod my head. "Words." He snaps gently and I sit up straighter, "O-Okay.." His lips turn up in a smile as he puts another fry in his mouth before pushing his plate near me, "Go 'head." He nods towards the plate but I shake my head, putting my hand up, "It's okay.. I can wait." I give him a small smile but he shakes his head and pushes it closer, "I know you hungry. Go 'head." My tummy knots up as my eyes land on the hot steaming plate. I reach across and take a small fry before biting into it, letting the salt and warmth soothe my nerves.

"See? I gotchu." He smiles as he takes another fry.

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