😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
May 24th
Sekani closed the car door with the back of his foot while holding grocery bags in his hands. He started walking to the door of his parents' two-story house. Before he could ring the doorbell, the door swung open with his father mugging.
Sekani mugged him right back "You jus' gon' look at me or help me? Old man" He grumbled. Santana sucked his teeth, grabbing the bags from his left hand. "Told Lena we shoulda' move ta' get away from y'all" He grumbled behind him when Kani walked inside.
Sekani laughed "Pops, na' you kno' you missed me." Sekani chuckled, walking into the kitchen. He furrowed his eyebrows a tad bit when he didn't see his mom like he usually would.
"I didn't actually. Always cuttin' into my time wit' my ol' lady." Santana shook his head, putting the bags on the floor.
"As I should. Whea' Syn?" Sekani asked, starting to take the groceries out and Santana helped him, already knowing how his wife would fuss.
"He still gettin' a haircut. He should've got one befo' he walked the stage yesterday"
Even though Syn graduated in December, he finally was able to walk the stage yesterday. It was a bittersweet moment for everyone, he was the last one in school out of the family. Today was his graduation party and Sunday he would be officially living with Sekani.
"He said he didn't want to cuz he was wearin' his cap da' whole time" Sekani shrugged as Lena came into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. She dragged her feet on the floor slightly, walking over to her husband.
"You slept, okay mama?" Santana wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. She yawned and nodded, snuggling more into his chest.
Sekani smiled while looking at them. One day He thought to himself.
"I'm surprised you didn't bring yo' best friend" Santana raised his brow at his son while rubbing his wife's back to help her walk up fully.
Sekani's smile quickly faded away. "She wit' ha' li' boyfriend" He scoffed, continuing to put the groceries up and some on the counter for Lena to use when she started cooking.
"Boyfriend? Please don't tell me she's back wit' Seth?" Lena twisted up her face in disgust.
"Nah, you 'gettin ta' kno sumone' name Salami" He rolled his eyes. They both busted out laughing "Salami?!" Lena laughed but Sekani looked at them with a straight face.
He didn't see anything funny nor was he happy that Cameron blew him off to hang out with Salvador today until the party at least.
She's been hanging out with her less and less the past 3 weeks and it was very annoying. He's seen Salvador and he didn't think he was anybody to be blowing him off for.
"Aww dooda are you jealous she made a new friend" Lena cooed. Sekani rolled his eyes "He will neva' be a betta' friend den me and I hope she knows it" He shrugged.
"Sounds like your madder 'bout ha' hang out wit' him instead of him jus' bein' ha' friend" Santana smirked at his son.
"I'on wanna talk 'bout it" He mumbled, walking out of the kitchen.
Outstanding by The Gap Band played throughout the backyard. Some people were taking pictures with Syn and giving him graduation gifts. Little kids were running around playing tag, three spades games were going and men were at the grill.
Sekani slightly smiled looking around. A few cousins and aunties and uncles flew out to celebrate Syn today. He couldn't wait to go back home in 2 weeks to see the rest of his family for Kareem's wedding.
"Mama Lena kno' she put her big toe in these meatballs" Leon exclaimed, shaking his head as he stuffed his face.
Sekani chuckled but stopped when Kareem and Xzavier started walking over to the table. "Hell nah, y'all niggas needa' gon' somewhea' " He mugged the both of them. They both sized him up "Fuck you do ta' yo' ass?" Reem asked.
"Y'all messed everythin' up. I was doin' jus' fine until y'all brought dat shit up at da' gym" He huffed. Ever since they brought it to his attention about liking Cameron, he couldn't get it out of his mind. No matter how hard he tried to deny it to himself, it just wouldn't work.
They started laughing "It took yo' blind ass a month ta' realize it?" Xzavier laughed at him. Sekani just shook his head, he swore he would never even think about another relationship after Rebecca but now he's realizing he had feelings for Cameron this whole time.
"You like peanut?" Leon covered his mouth with fist.
"I like fuckin' Cameron. What da' fuck" He said more to himself as it was like reality hit him and he really has feelings for his best friend's baby sister. Someone he used to pick on as a child, a person he used to bicker with all the time.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing. My sister a blessin' nigga" Reem mugged him.
Sekani shook his head "Y'all ain' mad? That's y'all baby sister" He turned to look in between them. He knew they didn't play even a little bit about Cameron, they also never liked her dating or with boys but that was typical big brother things.
"Nigga we da' one dat told you." Xzavier chuckled, sipping his drink. "We kno' you ain' gonna hurt her. We kno' she in good hands witchu' " Reem nodded.
"But if you did hurt her, We'll beat yo' ass," Reem said seriously now. "Bro or not. If dey ain' happy tears, I'on wanna see any on ha' face from you" Xzavier added.
"And I'll jump you 'bout that one too" Leon added making them all look at him before laughing.
"Nigga shut up and eat yo' meatballs" Xzavier chuckled.
"You gonna shot yo' shoot now or what?" Reem raised his eyebrow. Sekani sucked his teeth and waved all of them off "Y'all must not kno' she messin' wit' someone now" He scoffed.
He didn't even know if Cameron even liked him back. He was kinda glad she was talking to someone in the hope it would make his feelings for her fade away but it just made it worse.
He had to listen to her giggle and talk about him all the time and he admitted he was very jealous. It didn't sit right in his soul and it slightly started to hurt to even watch it. She flooded his smile constantly even when she wasn't around. Her soft but slightly squeaky voice, her warm hugs. He felt so cared for when he was in her arms or around him, sometimes no other woman had made him feel beside his mother.
Reem sucked his teeth "If she ain' bring him home, dat ain' ha' nigga. I'll beat his ass if you want" He gave him a serious look, and Sekani couldn't help but laugh at him.
They were all the rider type of homeboys. If you liked someone or were trying to mess with a girl, the other would befriend the girl to steer her to him or sabotage whatever she had with someone else. They have been doing it since forever, that's why Xzavier was so close to Wynter and Kareem was so close to Sam.
Sekani shook his head, looking around and his eyes landed on Cameron. She was laughing with his mom and her Godmoms. He felt his heart flutter while watching her smile, causing him to smile himself.
"So you whatchu' gon' do? We all kno' how you are when you want someone?" Leon raised his eyebrow. Sekani wasn't the type to really say it out loud but his actions always spoke for him. Jealousy was the first part of it but he never hides it. You were going to see every bit of it but he didn't care.
It might be easier to just say it but his thought showing his actions was even easier.
"I guess we should see," He mumbled, still staring at Cameron. She finally looked up and turned her head to meet his eyes. She smiled and waved at him and he just winked at her before turning back around.
"I still say lemme beat dat nigga ass but aight" Keem sighed.
"Are you bringin' a plus one ta' da' wedding?" Cam asked Lex while she was sitting on Samara's lap.
Lex pinched her eyebrows together "No. Who would I bring?" She asked confusedly. Cam just shrugged "I'on know. I was jus' askin' since I was thinkin' of bringing Salvador" She slightly smiled.
"Absolutely not" Samara spoke up and shook her head. "Now why da' head would you think dats okay?" Lex twisted up her face, looking at her best friend like she had two heads.
"Why not? What's wrong wit' it?" Cameron asked, not really seeing the problem. She and Salvador have been getting along very well the past couple of weeks. Going on dates, talked on the phone regularly and she honestly liked him.
At least that's what she thinks.
"Why would you bring someone you barely kno' 'round all of our extended and immediate family?" Crystal furrowed her eyebrows while Logan rubbed her thigh.
"I do kno' him. We've been talkin' fa' almost a month I think" Cameron shrugged. "I like him" She tried to reason and they all started laughing at her. Cam just looked at them all funny, she didn't see what was funny.
"No you don't" Logan chuckled.
"Yes, I do. Why are you gonna tell me?" Cam raised her eyebrow.
"Okay, Ray Charles" Sam mumbled, Cam, turned around to face her and squinted her eyes "Why yall keep callin' me dat? Do I look like a man ta' y'all?" She rolled her eyes. Everyone has been calling her that and she thought they were making jokes out of her since she's been wearing her glasses more often now. Instead of her usually wearing her contacts all the time.
But they were really calling her it because they knew the truth.
As intelligent Cameron is when it came to seeing things like someone having feelings for her and she having the same back, she was slower than a turtle.
Everyone could see she had feelings for Sekani but her. The ways she was territorial over him, the ways her eyes light up just at the mention of his name. The way she goes out of her way to make him happy even with small things. The way the biggest smile is on her face when she is around him or how happy she seems to be. Cameron couldn't even stand to be around Sekani for long periods yet she loves when they have sleepovers or they watch movies together.
But she didn't see any of it.
Everyone didn't know if she was doing it on purpose or if she truly didn't see it but Cameron genuinely didn't.
Nobody wanted to say anything since they knew how Cameron was. She would do everything to prove someone wrong. She was hard-headed in a way.
"He's not invited Peanut. Sorry" Wynter shrugged. Cameron sighed, not even going to say anything about it now. It was her wedding and if she said he wasn't invited then she couldn't argue it.
They started their own conversations and Cameron ignored them while pulling her phone out.
When can I see yhu again?
Lowkey miss yhu lol.
when it gets high key then we can work something out😘
She chuckled, exiting the text thread. She had been having fun with Sal over the past few weeks but if she was being honest. She still felt like something was off.
She had this voice in her head telling her to stop talking to him. That what she feels for him isn't real and she is just overly excited since this is the first boy she has talked to that wasn't Seth.
She looked around and saw Sekani sitting at a table with her brother and on his phone so she decided to text him.
Y? Mind yours li' girl
mmcht😐 you just rude for no reason.
what I dooo?☹️ why are you bein' mean again?
don't make me come over there Ezekiel 😒
Come over here then Zoeli😏 if you bad👁👄👁
She busted out laughing making everyone look at her "I can't stand his ass" She giggled and stood up from Sam's lap and walked away from them.
"Stop playin' wit' me boy" She slapped the back of his neck causing him to turn around and mug her. "Hit me again, ima fuck yo' ass up" He warned.
"oNly iF yOu BaD" She mocked him and playfully rolled her eyes.
"Oh hell nawl" Both Kareem and Xzavier said before getting up and leaving the table. Leon looked in between the two before pointing at Reem and Zay and left with them.
Cameron frowned before sitting next to Sekani and he was back on his phone. "Umm, hellooooo." She tapped her acrylic nails all over his screen. "You barely seem me and weeks and na' you ain' gon' say nothin'?" She asked.
"Nah, don't talk ta' me now. You have been blowin' me off fa' Salami fa' weeks. Keep dat same energy love" He shrugged, and she frowned. She didn't notice she was blowing him off nor was she purposely trying to.
"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry" She said, he scoffed making her smile "Aww, is Sekani jealous?" She pouted.
"I am. Now what?" He raised his eyebrow. She giggled "You kno' you're my one and only boy bestie" She cooed, trying to hug him but he pushed her away and slide down the bench some.
"Sekani, give me a hugggg. I said sowwy" She whined, tugging on his arm. "Nope. Go hug Salami" He popped her hands from his forearm.
She started laughing "Stop callin' him dat"
"Or what? Whatchu' gon' do?" He said. She stared at his face, she could see he was actually jealous and that hurt her feelings. She never meant to make him second or like someone else to replace his spot.
"Whatchu' want me to do? Stop talkin' ta' him?" She chuckled.
"Actually I do. Do it now" He grabbed her phone, typing in the password before giving it to her and waiting for her to do it.
"I- I wasn't serious. I said sorry" She frowned, taking her phone and putting it on the table.
"I won't kno' you sorry until you stop talkin' ta' him" He shrugged, getting back on his phone. "Why don't you like him? You haven't even met— Cus I don't Cameron" He cut her off.
She sighed, moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around his torso before he could stop her. "Move Cameron" He huffed, trying to pull her arms away.
"Noo, I'm sorry foreal and I won't cancel on you and stuff no more for him again. I promise" She held him tighter until he gave up and just hugged her back.
"Why can't be a normal person and jus' say you missed me?"She looked up at him, catching him already staring down at her.
"Cus I ain' normal" He chuckled while they stared into each other's eyes. "Well I missed you too Sekani," She said while they still stared into each other's souls.
Candy by Cameo started playing, Cameron gasped, breaking eye contact with him. "This is our song!" She let go of him and stood up.
"Come onnn" She started pulling him so he would stand up. He chuckled, standing up with her and letting her take him to where everyone else was already dancing at.
"Sekani. I promise you if you let me fall. I ain' gon' be yo' bestie nomo' bitch" Cameron giggled while they got off the elevator to their floor.
"Watch yo' mouth Zoeli" He warned, holding onto her by her waist and guiding her drunken self down the hall.
She wasn't sloppy drunk but she was drunk to the point that everything was funny and she couldn't walk alone. She didn't know how everyone let her get drunk since she wasn't much of a drinker. But tonight she stepped out of her comfort zone and let loose.
"Yes Sekani sir," She said before bursting out laughing. Sekani chuckled and shook his head at her as they made it to her door. He couldn't be mad at her since she wasn't sloppy and she was being kinda and funny.
He typed in her key code to her door before letting her walk in first. He shook his head at her walking past the alarm and not even turning it off. "Fats what's da' code?" He asked.
"Oh!" She giggled "My mommy's birthday" She replied, stumbling her way to the couch. He turned it off before going over to the couch "Nope, get up. You needa be in da' bed" He said pulling her back up by her arms.
She gasped "You are really cute. You kno' dat?" She looked at his face and started poking him. He chuckled "Thank you love" He helped her down the dark room.
"You can love dis pu—" She covered her mouth and started laughing even harder. He furrowed his eyebrows a little, wondering what she was about to say but brushed it off when they got to her room.
He turned on the light before helping her to her bed. He went into her bathroom to get her makeup wipes. He came back and saw her in a lace bra and panties and quickly covered his eyes. "My fault," He said.
She giggled "All dis smexy chocolate. Boy stawpp" She waved him off and put on one of the old high school jerseys that she stole from him a while back ago.
She put on her boyshorts after struggling, trying not to fall onto the floor. She looked back at him, seeing he still had his eyes covered. "I have clothes on Sekani" She walked over to the bed.
He uncovered his eyes before walking over to the bed. He took one wipe out before placing the pack on the bed and grabbed her chin to look up at him. He gently rubbed her cheek, letting the dark brown makeup cover the white wipe while she started up at him and admired his facial features.
She started laughing at him looking so concentrated. "Why do you wear makeup every time you go out?" He blurted. He understood a lot of women wore make-up for themselves and didn't judge that but he never really saw her without it unless she was home.
"So I can be pretty, duhh" She giggled, letting him finish. He shook his head "You are pretty Cameron" He frowned, going to her vanity and grabbing her bonnet.
"Wit' makeup on duhh" She playfully rolled her eyes and started lightly rocking her body side to side.
"Yes you are pretty wit' makeup but you're jus' as pretty without it," He said truthfully while putting her bonnet over her head.
"You don't have ta' lie Sekani. Enough people told me I'm only pretty wit' makeup and dats okay" She nonchalantly shrugged, crawling into the middle of her bed and getting underneath the thick white comforter.
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