😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
November 1st
Cameron sighed, turning on her alarm to her studio before making her way out the door. She locked the door, she turned around to make her way to her car but stopped in her tracks when she saw Seth leaning on her hood.
He had a box in his hand with a sad look on his face. Cameron hasn't seen him in person since the break and seeing him now, she didn't know how to feel.
She slowly approached him making him look up "Hey" He slightly smiled, she just blankly looked at him even though she wanted so badly to cry.
"I uhh... I wanted to bring you the rest of the things you left at the apartment" He said, handing her the box. She slowly nodded her head, taking the box.
He really could have thrown the stuff away but she wasn't going to say anything.
She walked past him to put the things in her car. Seth tucked his hands in his front pocket and rocked a little "I wanted to apologize for what happened Cammy" He spoke up as she closed the backseat door. Her heart started racing at him calling her by the nickname you always called her.
"I was mad and I took my anger out on you. I shouldn't have put my hands on you either so I'm sorry" He said as she looked at her feet.
"I'm over it" She shrugged.
"I miss you," He said, she looked up only to meet his eyes already staring at her. "I know what happened between us was fucked up but I can change. We can start over, shit doesn't feel right without you Cammy" He said.
She shook her head "You-you can't change what you said and I can't forget it" She blinked the tears back. She didn't want to cry in front of him, she gave him enough of her tears and wasn't going to give him that satisfaction again.
"Please, I didn't mean it. I said it out of anger. I love you, Cammy," He said with tears in his eyes.
Cameron was trying not to fold. Her dad always told her she deserved the world and so much more than someone that wouldn't give it. But that feeling of still needing Seth was telling her something else.
She had also never seen him cry before and she felt like that was getting to her.
"I-I love you too Seth but I can't." She said quietly, opening the driver's side door.
He stepped forward toward her "We're endgame Cammy. W-We can't let it end like this, please, just give me a second chance. I promise I'll change, I'll go get help, jus— please" He practically begged with tears falling from his eyes.
She nodded "You're right, we were. It's da' past now. Da' game has ended." She wiped her face. "We aren't good fa' each other Seth, neva' have been. We were together fa' da' wrong reasons. We have ta' move on, I have ta' move on. Your words broke me beyond repair, I can forgive but never forget." She sniffed, getting into the car and locking her doors.
Seth stood there just looking at her tinted windows, as tears streamed from his eyes.
Cameron started breathing in and out slowly as she pressed the start button and put her foot on the brake. She felt like that was one of the hardest things to do. She grabbed her phone from the cup holder, opened it, and went to Instagram.
She went to his page, took a deep breath, and blocked him. If she could walk away from him, she could block him. She sighed, closing her phone and putting it back in the cupholder.
She looked up to see Seth was gone before she pulled out of the parking lot.
"Speak" Cameron answered the phone with annoyance laced in her voice after someone interrupted her music.
"Babymama, this ain' how you answa' da' phone" Karsyn's voice came through.
She started laughing "First of all, how I'm yo' baby mama but you tryna get wit' my best friend?" She shook her head, putting her phone of the speaker, and continued to make for sauce for her cajun pasta.
He sucked his teeth "You was my first, she who I wanna marry"
Her jaw dropped before she started laughing even harder "You're a slut! Dats why she doesn't want yo' ass" She teased. She thought it was funny how bad he wanted Lex but she didn't think Lex would go for it. For one, she was already in a relationship and Syn was younger than her.
Lex liked older men so she didn't think Karsyn really had a chance.
"You ain' have ta' say all allat na'. Jus' wait on it, at our weddin'. I want my credit" He laughed, she just shook her head. She used to think he was just playing but over the years she could see how serious he was.
"Pur, I need'a find me a men wit' yo' typa' energy" She joked.
"Shiid, Kani single na' "
She almost threw up in her mouth and twisted her face up. "Ew, don't ever play wit' me like dat" She shook her head.
"Don't do my bro like dat" He laughed, she just shook her head. The thought of her being with Sekani was nasty and made her head hurt.
"But what's up? Why you call?" She asked, dumping her chicken and shrimp that she already cooked in her sauce.
"My graduation pictures. I can't walk until May and shit but can you take befo' dat? I'm still havin' my lil graduation party in May but" He said.
"Yeah, I'll take dem. You wanna do dem sumwhea' specific or at my studio?" She asked, putting the top on the pot.
"I wanna take a few at UCLA since I'ma be goin' thea' but da' rest ca' be at da' studio," He said, she nodded like he could see her and picked up her phone to look at her schedule to see he already booked with her for next week.
"We can do that," She said and they talked a little while longer, mostly about Lex which Cam thought was hilarious.
🎶 I will wait for you, for you🎶
Wait for u by Future started playing, Cameron bobbed her head to the music while making a Ceasar salad. She was really getting into the music until her doorbell rang. She groaned, putting the knife down, and went to answer the door.
She looked out the peephole and rolled her eyes when she saw Leon's face up in it. She unlocked the door and blankly looked at him, wondering why he was there.
"I can hear your tears when they drop over the phone, Get mad at yourself 'cause you can't leave me alone. Gossip, bein' messy, that ain't what we doing" Leon rapped, she chuckled at Kareem hype him you.
"World was endin'. Would you cry, or would you try ta' get me? Tell me now, I want you ta' be clear, yeah" Kareem sung. Sekani came from behind them with no shirt on, shaking his head before pushing himself inside.
Cameron was too caught up singing with Kareem and Leon to even notice.
"Mane, Future kno' he rocked that shi. You gotta play it over" Leon shook his head, walking inside. Cameron chuckled as Kareem kissed her forehead.
"What y'all doin' hea'? And why you not wit' yo' fiancé?" She asked and looked at Kareem after closing and locking the door.
"She went ta' see ha' mama and I didn't wanna be 'round dat loud lady ta'day" He shook his head, sitting on her couch.
"Ha' mom is niceee" She chuckled, He nodded "She is but she still be loud fa' no reason," He said, she laughed knowing he was right. She honestly didn't know why Wynter's mom was so loud but she was.
"Why you ain' make enough fa' everyone?" Sekani came out of the kitchen mugging her. That's when she noticed he didn't have on a shirt and mugged him.
"Why yo' ugly butt in my house wit' no shirt?" She asked and he blankly looked at her.
"It's an apartment," He smiled.
"Bitch" She was about to run up on him until Kareem grabbed her. "I can't stand you! ouuu" She stuck her middle finger at him, he laughed watching Kareem carrying her to the kitchen.
"Y'all are so annoyin'. Y'all don't have y'all own homes" She huffed watching Leon pour the noodles into the strainer in the sink.
"You still neva' answered my question" Sekani came behind her, mushing her hand. She quickly reached back and slapped his chest making a loud sound.
"Dayummm" Leon instigated while Sekani glared at Cameron, who had a yikes expression on her face. She smiled sweetly before running away laughing and he chased after her.
"They sum big ass kids" Kareem shook his head watching his sister beg for Sekani to stop tickling her.
Los Angeles, California
November 2nd
"Sekani, shut up damn" Cameron fussed while pushing the buggy out of Walmart.
"You da' one dat jus' had ta' come ta' da' sto wit' me" He mugged her, stepping on the outside of her so she wouldn't be walking by the passing cars.
"Cus I needed some stuff!" She argued as they approached his car. "And you could've gone on yo' time not mine nigga" He shook his head, unlocking the doors and popping the truck.
"I'on like you" She rolled her eyes, about to help him put the stuff into the car before he popped her hand.
"I'on like you eitha' li' nigga, na' get in da' car. I got it" He shooed her off. He learned from going to the store with his mother while younger that women take absolutely too much to pack up the car.
She flicked her middle finger up at him before going to the passenger side. Sekani quickly and neatly packed up the trunk. He separated his things and Cameron's stuff so it would be easier to grab than closed the trunk.
He took the buggy to where the other ones were before walking to the car and getting inside. "You kno' Sekani, I'on kno' why you don't like me so much," Cameron said after he started the car and put his seat belt on.
He sucked his teeth "You da' one dat says it all da' time. I jus' match energy" He shrugged, taking the car out of park and speeding out of the parking lot.
"That's a lie! I only started sayin' dat cuz how mean you used ta' be ta' me when we first met" She argued "You used ta' literally pick on me and try ta' leave me out of everythin' when I didn't do anythin' ta' you" She explained.
"Used to hurt my li' 5-year-old feelins," She said, sounding a bit hurt.
Sekani laughed "I used ta' think you were puttin' on dat nice front and was fake" He shook his head, still can't believe how he used to act when they were 5 and 8.
"You didn't even try ta' get ta' know me!" She chuckled "You was jus' nice ta' everyone but me and it was like no one saw it but me" She shook her head.
He chuckled again "Everyone was mean, Zay, Reem, even Pookie, and Lex. Then thea' yo' ass was jus' nice as hell wantin' ta' share and shit. I thought it was a trick" He laughed.
"Dats messed up. You really bullied me cus I was nice and wanted ta' share wit' you. Jus' ain' shit" She shook her head, looking out the window.
He sucked his teeth "I did not use ta' bully you"
"You did tho. Always used ta' try and leave me out of things wit' everyone else. Always used ta' talk 'bout me. Always used ta' call me names' and even tried ta' drown me once when I was 7" She scoffed.
Sekani came to a red light, licking his lips "Damn" He mumbled. All that wasn't even how Sekani was raised nor how his parents raised him to treat people. He felt bad now, especially with how sweet was being and is. He would be pissed if he had a little sister and someone did that. Hell, he would be mad if someone treated him like that.
He looked over at her as she had her head on the window. "Why you neva' told Zay or Reem?" He asked. One thing Xzavier and Kareem didn't play about was Cameron. He couldn't count on his fingers how many niggas they jumped when they were younger and messed with him.
She shrugged and looked at him "I knew you were nice even doe you weren't ta' me. I didn't want ta' see you get jumped either and you stopped bullyin' me when I was like 8 or 9. I'm not trippin' " She said as they stared at each other.
She broke the stare of and looked forward but he was still looking at her "Da' light is green" She spoke up, snapping him out of his daze of staring her in the side of her face. He focused on the road and pulled off.
"I'm sorry 'bout dat doe forreal Fats. You didn't deserve dat" He said genuinely, glancing over at her and then back at the road.
She smiled "It's okay. It was years ago and we were kids. I'm kinda ova' it." She nodded. "Besides, if you try dat now at our big age, we fightin', " She said seriously.
He chuckled "Don't hurt me na' " He joked making her laugh.
Los Angeles, California
November 4th
"She mad cause I fucked her best friend but how was I supposed ta' know?" Leon ranted as they walked out of a tiring practice. If Sekani was being honest, he didn't think the team would make it to the super bowl this year.
They had a lot of work to be done, more so of the team depending solely on Kareem, Leon, and himself like they were the only ones on the field. The energy is off not just on game day but in practice too.
He thought they needed a little more work done before they could get to the super bowl. He was thinking maybe next year.
"Nigga you need'a stop stickin' yo' dick everywhea' " Kareem shook his head.
Leon sucked his teeth. "Ion even do allat. I'm a hoe but I'm an honest and clean ho" He chuckled.
"He not lyin'. He doesn't sleep wit' jus' everyone but he does tell em what it is an ain' "Sekani shrugged. He had a lot of respect for Leon for not leading women on and playing with their hearts.
He was bluntly honest with them. He never showed different intentions nor lied and said something different. He told them he didn't want a relationship and he didn't want anything more but sex with them and women still slept with him.
Honestly in Sekani's opinion, if you still slept with Leon after he told you all of that, your feelings were on you because he told you upfront before anything ever went anywhere.
Sekani witnessed it with his own eyes. It was crazy to him how they still did it and then wanted to act crazy later but it was on them.
"Thank you!" Leon mugged Kareem "Nigga think jus' cause Wyn locked his ass down then everyone else should be" Leon laughed.
"Nigga fuck you. You just mad you ain' got nobody ta' go home to wit' yo' ho ass" Kareem mugged him back. Sekani started laughing at them going back and forth.
As they got closer to his car, he saw a figure leaning on his car. He scrunched his face up a little then his smile dropped when he saw it was Rebecca. He instantly mugged her as he looked up at him and faintly smiled.
"Aw hell, here this crazy bitch. You need me ta' get the scissors so you can get yo' money back?" Leon said, Kareem, busted out laughing. Sekani tried to hold in his laughter too while Rebecca just mugged him.
"Nah, she needa beat his ass and ha' surgeons ass cus dey did shorty wrong ass hell" Kareem laughed even harder. Leon started running down the parking lot laughing.
Sekani started laughing. Everyone always did her wrong when it came to her body and when he was looking at her now, he could see why. She overdid it for sure.
"Your just gonna let them talk about me like that?" Rebecca snapped, stepping closer to Sekani. He chuckled, backing up "Watch out," He said seriously.
"And you said you love me" She scoffed "Lying ass nigga, your pathetic" She spat at him.
"Says da' ho dat was sleepin' around wit' my agent in my house and bed. But I'm pathetic? Get a life Becca" He rolled his eyes, stepping past her as Kareem and Leon were still dying laughing.
"Not she finna cry" Leon laughed "This is why I can't stand you hoes" He chuckled, walking back to the car.
"Kani I'm pregnant" Rebecca blurted, with tears streaming down her face.
Sekani looked at Leon and Kareem and unlocked the doors before they all started laughing "Congrats? You should be talkin' ta' Frank. Not me shorty" He said nonchalantly, about to get in the car.
"It's your you fucking bastard!" She yelled.
He laughed again "We neva' fucked raw but I'll get tested if it makes you feel betta but that thang ain' mines" He scoffed and got inside the car.
The first thing about sex was always using protection is what his dad taught him and never have raw sex unless your are in love or deep in the relationship and comfortable enough to do raw with someone. Sekani has never been with anyone, that's how he knew it was his.
But he also knew the risk of a condom breaking. That's the only reason he'll get the test but he was certain that the baby wasn't his.
She finally blocked him, prada her!
Not Sekani used to bully my girl. Just ain't shit😭
Condoms do be breaking tho🫣👀
230 votes for an update!!!
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