😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
November 9th
"Well dooda, if dat baby is yours, you need'a step up fa' 'em. No matter yo' beef is wit' da' mammy" Lena said over the phone as Sekani was putting his chain on.
"I am ma. I'm not gonna step up until I get da' test results back doe" Sekani sighed, looking into the mirror.
"Dats understandable considerin' da' circumstances. You did go test yourself on yo' own right? You didn't let ha' do it? " She asked.
"Yeah, dats da' first thing coach told me ta' do" He shook his head. His coach already explained the importance of getting your own DNA test instead of letting the women do it. Sekani is a number 1 football player on top of millions, women saw him as a check and would always try to get a piece.
"Good. I'on wanna have ta' come out of retirement and whoop a bitch if she tries sumthin'." Lena said, and he started laughing at her. His mom didn't play, not even a little. He remembers all the times she used to fight people back at home. It always seemed like people would try her and think she wasn't gonna whoop their asses.
"But I have ta' go baby. Yo' daddy takin' me on a date" She said excitedly. Sekani smiled at how happy she sounded. He loved his parents' relationship, they have been together since their first year of college and still got excited over the little things together.
They still acted like they were in the honeymoon stage of their marriage after 20 plus years together and two kids together. He never saw when they actually had an argument or them not showing affection towards each. He wanted that and hoped to get that one day.
"Aight ma, y'all have fun," He said, turning the lights off in the bathroom then walked back into his room. He sat on the edge of the bed and started to put his shoes on.
"We will and take care of Karsyn please. Don't let him drink too much either Sekani" She stressed, he chuckled while tying his shoes. "He's gonna be aight ma. We got him," He assured her.
Today was Kareem's 24th birthday. They were celebrating since Karsyn always came out with them. His parents allowed him to drink but only with family. They felt as if it was better for him to start off drinking with people he trusted than with people they didn't know. They also knew he was going to drink anyways especially when he started going to college parties, they rather he starts off safe.
"Y'all sure y'all can get him in da' club?" She asked as he fixed the laces to his shoes. "Yea, It's not even a club for real. It's more of a lounge and Leon knows da' owners" He explained, standing up from his bed.
"Okay, well y'all have fun and be safe. Don't call us tonight eitha'. Bye love y'all" She hung up the phone, he twisted his face up.
"She kno' she ain' have ta' hang up on me like dat" He mumbled to himself before grabbing his wallet, and putting it into his side pocket. "Ay Syn! You ready?!" He called out, spraying his cologne on his body then put it back on his dresser and walked out of his room, turning the lights off.
"Yea! Gimme a second doe" Karsyn shouted from the guest room. Sekani walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of water. He always thought it was good to drink a bottle of water before drinking all night.
"Grab a water befo' you leave. Ima be at peanuts place" He told him, before walking out the front door. He didn't need to tell him to turn the alarm on since he could do it from his phone and his door automatically locks when you leave.
He knocked on the door, waiting for a second until he heard the locks turning. Before he could even get a good look at Cameron, she was dragging him down the hall. "Getcha aggressive ass offa' me guh" He fussed.
She turned around and smiled "I need you to take my pictures" She handed him her phone and then posed on the wall with the mini white purse.
He mugged her "You didn't even ask and you want me ta' take yo' pics?" He asked, looking her up and down.
She looked down and fixed her baggy jeans "I must look funny? I should go change, huh?" She frowned a little then shook her head "Never mind, lemme go change. I feel like a highlighter na' " She sighed, about to walk past him to go back to her apartment.
"Wait" He grabbed her arm "You look pretty. I'a take 'em" He said, feeling bad. Recently he noticed she has been down about her appearance without trying to show everyone. Sekani was a good observer, he could tell someone was acting differently without even having to ask.
She has been doubting herself a lot too. He didn't know why though, in his eyes Cameron was beautiful. Her smooth milk chocolate skin that always looked flawless, her pretty smile, how pretty her eyes, or how cute she looks when she curls her nose up when someone tells her no.
"You sure?" She tilted her head to the side and Sekani just stared at her, something he's been doing a lot recently. He didn't know why though, sometimes he just zoned out.
He stopped when he saw Karsyn coming down the hall out the corner of his eye "Yes na' c'mon guh " He mugged her, she rolled her eyes before getting back in position and posed.
"Oh shit na' baby mama! Who tryna look good fa'? I'll be dey ass" Karsyn smiled at her, and she laughed "Shut up Syn" She shook her head, and took her phone from Sekani.
"Thank you" She hugged him, catching him off guard. He felt that weird feeling in his chest again so he pushed her off of him "Go get yo' stuff so we can go" He fussed, opening his water bottle.
"Lookin' like a fine highlighta' " Karsyn said making him choke on his water.
"Dis why we ain' cool na' " She rolled her eyes, walking down the hall while they both were cracking up laughing.
"GAS WHAT I SMOKE NIGGA!" Everyone inside the club yelled as Faneto by Chief Keef blasted through the speakers, led lights were flashing everywhere and everyone was either drunk or a little tipsy.
Sekani laughed after the song was over and looked around for Karsyn to see if he was straight. "I can't believe she brought dat bitch ass nigga" Karsyn shook his head and plopped down next to him on the couch.
"Nigga ha' boyfriend?!" Kareem laughed, Karsyn sucked his teeth "Fuck dat nigga. Lookin' like a clown ass nigga" He scoffed, they all just laughed at him.
Since getting to the club, Syn has been complaining about how Lex brought her boyfriend with her and that nobody remembered his name. This was everyone's first time meeting him and Syn wasn't a big fan of him for obvious reasons.
"Dawg, why don't you jus' get sumone yo' own age?" Xzavier asked, raising his eyebrow and sipping from his cup. Everyone started groaning.
"Don't even get him started bro" Sekani shook his head, grabbing his cup from in front of him that was on the table.
"Cus I'on want dey ass!" Karsyn threw his hands up. "I been wantin' ha' since I was damn 9 dawg. I tried females my age and dey always on da' bullshit. Clearly, me and Lex meant ta' be" He shrugged.
"Or, yo' ass is delusional" Kareem pointed out, shrugging.
Everyone laughed but Karsyn "Ain' shit funny. She jus' playin' and don't wanna see ha' soulmate, ME. Has been right in front of ha' dis whole time" He waved him off.
"Y'all sumthin' else. Den dis nigga over hea' lookin' fa' his next victim" Xzavier pointed to Leon who had his eyes on the dance floor while women were either twerking on their friends or just twerking alone while their friends hyped them up.
Leon waved him off "Yo' shorty been staring mad hard since I got here" He nodded his head towards the floor. Everyone discreetly followed the head nodded and looked to see a pretty darkskin girl already staring their way. Her eyes widened when she saw all of them looking at her and she quickly looked away, trying to walk off but was accidentally bumping into people.
"She bad, surprised you ain' try ta' go talk ta' ha' " Karsyn chuckled.
Leon shrugged and focused back on them. "Not interested. She ain' my type" He said.
Sekani raised his eyebrow "And what's yo' 'Type' " He asked. He had never seen Leon not go after a beautiful girl, this was new to him.
"A girl that's not shy. She clearly is if she's been staring at me instead of comin' over here" Leon shrugged carelessly and sipped from his cup.
Sekani just shook his head "Y'all niggas is beyond me. Nigga every female ain' bold. Hell Wyn was shy when I met ha' " Kareem tried to reason.
"That's yo' type, not mine. I jus' be wanting to fuck anyways, what Ima do wit' a shy girl?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Shit I'on know, treat dem like more den a sex toy" Xzavier straight-faced him.
Leon just blankly looked back at him "I'on want nothin' more from them but what's in between their legs. Other than that, I'm good off em" Leon said bluntly.
Sekani just shook his head. Leon was so bluntly honest, it amazed him how women still slept with him. He knew relationships weren't Leon's thing because he had mommy issues. He didn't trust women nor did he care to try since his mom abandoned him and his dad when he was 13.
He didn't bash women though and the only ones he really trusted were the ones in his circle but other than that. He steered clear from them if it wasn't sex.
"What?" Sekani scrunched his face when Karsyn aggressively nudged him. He was so close to smacking the shit out of him.
Syn nodded his head in a direction in front of him, Sekani looked to see the bottle girl purposely bending over, putting her ass all in his way while picking up things from the table.
Sekani shrugged and got on his phone. He didn't care nor did he like the fact she didn't know him and was putting her ass all in his face. Sekani was focusing on himself, he wasn't worried about women at the moment.
Since the talk with his mom about him not loving himself, he realized it was true. He was too focused on that along with his career to care about any women throwing themselves at him. He was going to stick to it until he felt like he loved himself truly and not for the materialistic things of himself.
Karsyn sucked his teeth "Dis nigga not even out thea' dancin' wit' ha' and she looks dat fuckin' good. He'on deserves ha', I do!" He complained. Sekani laughed knowing he wasn't going to hear the ending of this tonight.
Sekani watched as Cameron quickly made her way over to him. "Chilleeee, why did they have ta' do couple dances? I was havin' fun" She huffed, plopping down next to him on the couch.
Sekani laughed and looked at the dance floor seeing his bros dancing with their wives and fiancés. It made him kinda sad he wasn't able to do things like this but he'll get over it one day.
"Whea' Pookie and Lex?" He asked, turning his attention to her and watching as she was unstrapping the lace to her heels.
"Pookie is dancin' wit' Lolo and Lex is dancin' wit' ha' man whose name I can't remember at da' moment" She chuckled, and he started laughing "Dawg I can't remember either. I think it starts wit'a M of sumthin' " He laughed.
She shook her head "Not even finna stress myself out tryna think of it" She chuckled then looked around "Whea' is Syn?" She asked.
Sekani reached under the couch to get the crocs she brought, already knowing she was going to ask for them "Talkin' ta' dat' girl ova' thea' " He pointed then gave her the crocs.
"Thank you" She smiled, taking them and looked "Mm, and he said he wanted Lex" She shook her head, sliding on the crocs.
"She wit' ha' man's tonight. He jus' tryna make ha' jealous doe" He laughed looking at his brother spitting game to the girl in the corner. He looked like he was getting somewhere too.
Cameron shook her head again and leaned back on the couch "You havin' fun?" She wondered.
He nodded "Yea, glad we are on bye week tomorrow. I know Ima sleep in tomorrow" He sighed. "Same, my schedule is finally clear fa' two days." She sighed happily, putting her shoes together.
"Whatchu' wanna eat afta' dis? I'm hungry" He asked watching her eyes light up at the mention of food.
"Oouu, let's go to— KANI!" She was cut off by someone yelling his name. They both twisted up their faces and looked in the direction of the yelling seeing Rebecca storming over to them.
He instantly mugged her "Really?! This is what you do? I'm 3 months pregnant with YOUR child and your over here akiki with other bitches?!" She yelled.
He smacked his lips "Gon' sumwhea' wit' allat Becca. You doin' way too much" He waved her off. He was very confused why she was even worried about him more so why she was talking to him. He made it very clear until they found out if she was pregnant with his baby, they didn't have anything to talk about.
"Bitch?" He heard Cameron ask, he sighed, already knowing how she got.
Rebecca scoffed, "You're pathetic! I can't wait till our child grows up and see what a pussy ass, pathetic ass, deadbeat you are" She laughed.
"Dat baby ain' mines, stop sayin' dat shit." He looked at her funny. He never understood how she could talk so bad about him but that was the reason they weren't together anymore. She always talked down on others when she was far from perfect.
"Yeah nigga will see and oh and best believe Ima get that check EVERY month bitch ass nigga" She rolled her neck.
"Yo' gon' sumwhea' wit' allat callin' him out his name. He ain' did shit ta' you so watch out" Cameron spoke up, looking her up and down. He saw out the corner of his eye two girls he had never seen before approaching them.
He knew this wasn't going to end well.
"C'mon Fats, let's jus' get Syn and dip" He shook his head, trying to not let this escalate before the Cameron he knew very well for dragging folks come out.
Rebecca jerked her head back and looked at Cameron "I know this blacky ain' talkin' to me" She scoffed, looking Cameron up and down as she stood up with Sekani about to stand in front of Cameron.
The two girls came and stood behind Rebecca and he wasn't finna let any fighting happen because he knew he would have to jump in if they tried to jump Cameron.
Cameron started laughing "Blacky? Bitch grow up and fuc outta hea' " She said.
"Yo' Syn! Let's ride" Sekani called.
"Nah, watch out. Fuck dey stand right hea' fa' like dey finna pop sum shit?" Cameron said, trying to move him out of her way. He could hear it in her voice that he needed to get her out of the lounge now.
Karsyn came over as Rebecca was talking shit with widened eyes "Go tell everyone we finna ride" Sekani told him, he nodded and went towards the dance floor.
"Bitch he doesn't want yo' dark ass! The fuck" Rebecca started yelling drawing attention to them only pissing Sekani off even more then.
"Nah he doesn't want yo' lopsided horse face ass bitch. Easy ass bitches want pop shit like dey betta' den folks. Got folks ova' hea' like y'all 'bout ta' rock shit and ain' on nun dat forreal" Cameron snapped.
Usually, Cameron would walk away but he knew Rebecca coming over there being a colorist and doing all this talking was getting to her.
"Fats, jus' get yo' shit, and let's go," He said, grabbing her purse. Right when he slightly moved to grab Cameron's heels from the floor, he heard someone start to spit. He turned around and saw Cameron had spit on her face with her eyes widened.
It was like everything happened so fast but he saw her eyes turn pitch black "BITCH" Cameron yelled and snatched one of her heels out of his hand and swung in towards Rebecca, knocking her to the floor. Cameron then used the strongest strength Sekani ever saw, pushing him out the way and started fighting her.
He immediately started to get her off her as she was calling her all types of bitches and punching her in the face. Like he thought, the two girls tried to jump in.
"OH HELL NAH!" He shoved one and saw Lex and Crystal running over and both grabbed one of the girls and started beating their asses.
"You stupid bitch! Don't ever in yo' life" Cameron yelled, Slamming Rebecca's head against the table.
"Yo'! What da' fuck happened?!" Xzavier rushed over along with Kareem and everyone else while Sekani was trying to get Cameron off of her.
"Aight Cameron, dats enough!" Sekani yelled as Xzavier tried to help him and security was coming over and everyone's attention was now on them. Some were recording Cameron, Lex, and Crystal beating the three girls up, some were just watching and talking shit and others were instigating it.
"Zoeli! Let dis guh' go. You got it!" Xzavier said, trying to get her grip unloosened from around Rebecca's neck as she was turning red.
Karsyn and Leon were getting Lex from one girl while Kareem and Wynter were getting Crystal off the other girl and Xzavier's wife— Samara was trying to get Lorgan off since she jumped in and was helping Crystal. Lex's boyfriend was just standing around, shaking his head in disappointment at his girlfriend.
"We got ha', Yall don't needa touch ha" Sekani gritted to the security guard that was trying to break up the fight.
"Dumb ass ho! On my mama bitch I'll whoop yo' ass every time I see you!" Cameron yelled with angry tears streaming down her face when Sekani finally snatched her up by her waist and started to carry her out.
"Let me go! I wasn't done!" She yelled trying to get out of his hold, kicking and yelling. It was always best to let her fight until she got tired but he couldn't do that right now. "Ezekiel put me down bro!" She yelled, calling him by his middle name.
"Chill out, I gotchu' " He said in her ear and she started to stop trying to fight him so much while he carried her to the car.
He finally got to the car, pulling the keys out of his pocket to unlock the door. He put her down in front of the passenger side, tilting her head up to see her face. She didn't have one scratch, her wig was lifting a little but that was okay.
"Spit bro? She dead ass spit on me" She shook her head, and he pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry" He sighed, feeling it was his fault. He felt like he should've been walked away and this would have never happened.
"Peanut!" They heard but they didn't pull away from the hug. Xzavier walked over frowning at the two and cleared his throat. Sekani discreetly rolled his eyes and let go of her getting a funny look from Xzavier.
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