😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
October 19th
"Ma! Pops! Whea' y'all at?" Sekani shouted throughout the two-story home once he walked in. He took his shoes off, placing them neatly on the shoe rack.
"Stop yellin' in my house, Ezekiel!" He heard his mom yell. He chuckled under his breath, following the smell of food. He walked through the halls, hearing low music until he made it to the kitchen seeing his mom, swaying her hips to the r&b music that was playing.
"Hi dooda" She smiled softly, putting her wine glass on the counter, he walked over with the same smile and hugged her. "I missed you" She cooed when they pulled away from the hug and she punched his cheeks.
He started to move his face out of the way "Ma, chill. I jus' saw you last week'' He chuckled, moving her hands away from his face. His mom was so dramatic sometimes, he could see her a day before and she acted as if she hadn't seen him in years.
"So?" She scrunched her nose up then mushed his head away. He chuckled, "Whea' pops?" He asked, about to walk upstairs.
"He went ta' da' sto' wit' Nass fa' somethin'. I'on know" She shrugged, going back to what she was doing on the stove. He nodded before jogging upstairs to see his little brother.
"I'on giva' fuck. Do you and trust I'ma do me" His brother Karsyn or Syn snapped over the phone. Sekani raised his eyebrows while walking into the room, seeing how frustrated his little brother looked.
"You ain' supposed ta' be mad on yo' birthday nigga" Sekani spoke, making his presence known. Karsyn looked up after putting his phone down and chuckled "Mannee," He shook his head and stood up, dapping him up.
"These LA bitches are different bro. Can't wit' 'em" Karsyn shook his head. Sekani just chuckled, he kinda agreed with him. Some of these girls he dated here were very money hungry and trying to get themselves a piece of clout so they could make it.
He wasn't going to speak for all the women in LA but the ones he has experienced were different. And not the good difference.
"What was yall arguin' 'bout now?" He asked, handing him his gift now. He knew all about the crazy girlfriend that Karsyn had yet to let go of over the 2 years.
He couldn't blame him or judge him because they were the same in a way. They were both big-hearted and didn't know how to let go. Growing up in a family of love and care, you couldn't help but want to spread that love and care.
"Mane, she mad cuz she can't come hea' today. She tryna say I need'a stand up ta' mama and shit. I ain' standin' up ta' nobody 'bout shit. If my mama doesn't want ha' in ha' house den she isn't invited." He vented, putting the gift bag on the bed and walking over to the ironing board that hung from his closet door.
"Why Ma don't want ha' hea'? I thought she liked ha' " He asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.
Karsyn stifled a laugh. "Shorty threw rocks at my car windows, two weeks ago" He shook his head.
Sekani looked at him crazily "What?! Da' car you just got two weeks ago?" He asked incredulously. Their parents just purchased Karsyn with a 2021 Dodge Charger hellcat redeye as an earlier gift and early graduation gift since he's graduating early in December.
Karsyn looked up with an annoyed expression "Yes bro. But I wasn't too mad cuz I had ta' get my windows tinted anyways" He shrugged.
"It doesn't matter. What if you weren't able ta' get yo' shit fixed and she doin' reckless ass shit" Sekani twisted up his face "You need'a end shit wit' ha' Syn. It's no reason ta' be still wit' ha' " He said seriously, shaking his head.
"I did!" Syn put the iron down and threw his hands up "Dats da' whole reason she threw rocks at my windows cuz I broke up wit' ha' " He stressed.
Sekani's face scrunched up in confusion "So why you still talkin' ta' ha'? If y'all broke up?" He asked.
Syn sighed "She paid fa' my windows ta' get fixed and I tried ta' give ha' da' benefit of da' doubt but today I'm just done wit' it."
"You should be. You 18 now nigga, got a full-ride scholarship ta' UCLA fa' basketball, graduating early. Don't worry 'bout no shorty dat ain' puttin' no money in yo' pocket" He advised, more so of telling himself the same thing.
Syn nodded listening, taking his shirt off the iron board. "Yea, my main focus is Lex" He smirked, putting his black button-down shirt on.
Sekani shook his head "Niggas turn 18 and don't know how ta' act" He joked, standing up from his spot on the edge of the bed. Everyone knew how big of a crush Karsyn had on Lex for years but was always too young. Lex was 4 years older than him so she always ignored it but Sekani knew his brother.
He was going to work extra hard now that he was of legal age.
"It's my time ta' shine" He laughed, buttoning his shirt.
"You know she gotta boyfriend, yo' time too late youngin' " Sekani teased.
Syn scoffed as he popped his collar on his shirt "She should neva' let a boyfriend stop ha' from findin' ha' husband" He said cockly, Sekani started laughing.
"Nigga open dis so I ca' go back downstairs" Still laughing, he picked up the gift bag to hand to him.
"Ma, go sit down. You have been up workin' all day" Sekani fussed, taking the aluminum pan from her. Lena mugged him "Boy, I'M the mama, don't tell me what ta' do" She looked at him funny.
"Ma" He straight-faced her "I haven't seen you eat or sit down not once yet. Everyone is grown enough ta' get their own food. Go sit down" He fussed.
His mom had a tendency of making sure everyone was good and fed, whether it was a simple gathering or a party. She was always up running around instead of having a good time herself or just relaxing.
"Everyone is good, go eat. I made you a plate and it's in da' microwave. If you'n eat, Ima snitch ta' pops" He smirked watching her heavily roll her eyes. If she didn't listen to anybody, she always listened to his dad no matter what.
"I'm tired of yo' snitchin' ass but Ima go get cus I want to. Not because you told me" She playfully rolled her eyes, he just shook his head at her.
"Go give dat pan ta' yo' dad and Nass ova' thea' " She pointed over to his dad at the grill. He nodded, walking that way with the aluminum pan.
"Ma, wanted me ta' give you dis" He interrupted their conversation. Santana, his dad mugged him, causing him to smile. "You ain' see us talkin' ?" Santana raised his brow, blankly looking at his son.
Sekani shrugged. He didn't know why but he lived getting on people's nerves. He got a kick out of it sometimes. Especially his dad.
Nassir laughed at the look Santana was giving Sekani. "You straight? I heard 'bout you and horse face" He asked.
Sekani shook his head at him knowing nobody but his mom told him that name. "Yea, it is what it is" He nonchalantly shrugged. He honestly was over the breakup, he's been focusing on himself. He blocked Rebecca on everything after she tried to contact him every other day.
He didn't know why she kept trying to get in contact with him when she cheated. She was the one that took him for granted. Now all of a sudden she was sorry but wasn't when she was doing it.
Santana shook his head "Should'a let Peanut whoop ha' ass" He said, Nassir nodded in agreement "I'on like angel fightin' but you should'a. Took da' body back or sumthin' "
Santana started cracking up "Ay, we would'a been right back at dat doctor's office ta' get my shit back" He laughed, and Nassir dapped him up laughing.
Sekani chuckled, everyone has been telling him to take the body back. He didn't see any point in it though, he did it out of the kindness of his heart since she wanted it and wasn't going to take it back just because they broke up.
Sekani walked away from them as they still were clowning. He looked around and his eye caught something red. He walked a little closer to it until he realized it was Cameron. His eyes widened walking up to her "Neighbor, what happened ta' yo' head?" He asked.
Cameron looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes "What does it look like Sekani? I dyed my hair" She shrugged, he blinked his eyes a few times. It looked good on her but he wondered why she dyed her real hair. Usually, she wore a color wig but never dyed her hair.
"I like it." He smiled and sat next to her. She just nodded without saying anything. He looked closer to her face and could see the tear stains.
"You aight?" He asked concerned. She hasn't been looking like her normal self this past month and he was kinda worried for her.
"Yeah," She said simply. "You wanna do me a favor?" She smiled sweetly.
She poked her bottom lip out and rapidly blinked her eyelashes. He sucked his teeth and looked away. "Put yo' lip in yo' mouth fats." He shook his head, trying not to give in to whatever it was she wanted.
"Sekaniiii pleaseee" She shook his forearm, he felt a weird feeling in his chest again making him cringe a little.
He groaned and snatched his arm from her. "What man?" He shook his head. Her brothers and dad and God dads had her way too spoiled in his opinion. He couldn't lie, if she asked for something he always gave it.
It was the look in her eye and how nice she was sometimes that made you just wanna say yes.
"Can you get me some crawfish and fried fish? Pretty please wit'a cherry on top" She smiled sweetly.
He shook his head "You gonna turn into a crawfish if you keep eatin' 'em" He sarcastically smiled.
She shrugged "At least I'll be a pretty one right?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, letting her red curls fall on her shoulder since she had her hair down.
He stared into her face intently before snapping out of it and getting up without saying anything.
"Zoeil, block him now" Cameron jumped, almost dropping her phone when she heard a familiar stern voice. She looked up at Crystal giving her a look with her arms folded across her chest.
"I-I what are you talkin' 'bout?" She put her phone down and fiddled with her fingers.
"She talkin' about you being sneaky by lurking on that man page" Logan, Crystal's girlfriend said, coming over to the bench and sat on Crystal's lap.
Cam furrowed her eyebrows "Lolo, your supposed ta' be on my side" She said.
Logan laughed, "I'm on the side of your happiness friend." She smiled. "Na' block. him" Crystal said blankly.
Cameron shook her head no "Pookie I'm not ready." She sighed. She blocked Seth on everything else but just couldn't block him on Instagram.
Crystal sighed "Peanut, we talked 'bout dis. It's been two months and it's time," She said with a sympathetic expression. "Your movin' on rememba' " She said.
Tears started to burn her eyes. "Go get lex fa' me baby" She tapped Logan's thigh. Logan quickly got up and went to find Lex.
"Come on" Crystal grabbed Cameron's hand and quickly rushed them into the house without showing attention to them so no one would see Cameron crying. She pulled her into the guest bathroom, closed and locked the door, and pulled Cameron into a hug.
"It hurts Pookie" She sobbed on her shoulder. Cameron wishes she was one of those people that could not have emotions and feelings so that this heartbreak wouldn't hurt as bad. She lost her baby and what she thought was the love of her life all in the same day and it hurt.
Cameron didn't realize it but she had a very unhealthy attachment to Seth. She depended on him emotionally, he was always there since her mom died so she started depending on him.
It wasn't as much love as she thought, it was lust. She's lost because she doesn't have that emotional dependency anymore.
A very small part of her wished things didn't end. But who wouldn't even you been 'in love' with someone for years that hasn't left your side. Honestly getting pregnant was her way of giving Seth that thank you for being there for her. She felt like she owed him that.
It wasn't right but she hasn't come to that realization yet.
Heartbreak after heartbreak seemed to be what Cameron kept getting. She just wasn't going to be okay. To be old Cameron.
"I-I know peanut" Crystal started tearing up herself. Seeing your best friend broken like this and not knowing what to do to help was heartbreaking itself.
"Who is it?" Crystal called out when she heard someone knock on the door. "Lo and Lex," Lex said from the other side of the door. Crystal leaned back a little to unlock the door before Lex and Logan walked in.
"Aw, what happened" Lex pouted, and hugged Cameron.
"We were talkin' 'bout ha' blockin' Scalp," Crystal said, going into the closet to find a rag. Logan started laughing "You're annoying"
"She's not ready, you can't force dat on ha' " Lex looked at Crystal funny as she was wetting the rag with warm water.
"I'm not but if she really wants ta' move on, she need'a fully block him. It's the first step" She said, handing the warm rag to Lex.
"It jus' takes time. We have ta' give ha' dat. She needs it" Lex gently dabbed Cameron's face.
In Cameron's opinion, it seems like time was taking forever.
Los Angeles, California
October 21st
Cameron made sure she had her camera bag along with a computer bag. She grabbed a light jacket since it was a bit chilly outside. She grabbed her wristlet, then looked around to think if she had everything. When she did, she turned the alarm on and walked out the door. She was glad her door automatically locks when someone leaves.
She walked across the hall from her door, about to knock on the door until the door opened. Sekani frowned his eyebrows at her as she playfully mugged him. "Let's go ugly" She bucked her eyes at him.
He rolled his eyes before going back inside. He never was a morning person and neither was she but she had a good night's rest and felt good this morning.
She still couldn't believe out of all the free apartments in the building, he chose the one right across the hall from her. It annoyed her sometimes because he just gets on her nerves even more now.
Sekani came back out with a gym bag and in his practice attire before closing his door and walking to the elevator. She followed behind him "Can we get—"
"No." He cut her off.
She sucked her teeth "Sekani, please? I'm hungry" She whined as they stepped onto the elevator. She hated being told no, mainly because her dad or brothers never put it in her dictionary.
She didn't know why he always said no. She didn't do anything to him.
He huffed. "I guess Cameron," He said, pressing the parking garage button.
She frowned a little "So feisty. What's wrong wit' you?" She asked. He was so bland more than usual. And he said her name with an attitude.
"I'm tired."
She nodded as the bell ding they were at their stop "Cus yall got y'all ass handed ta' yall yesterday?" She raised her brow as they walked to his wolf grey jeep grand Cherokee SRT with black tinted windows.
He stopped walking and gave her a look, she put her hands up in defense "Too soon?" She asked with a yikes expression. He shook his head and kept walking, hitting the unlock button on his key fob.
She smiled when his car roared loudly. She loved his car, it was fast. She liked fast cars since she was a little girl and she and her dad used to go to the track. He walked around to her side, opening the door for her "Thank you, kind sir." She smiled while getting in.
He nodded, opening the backdoor to put his gym bag in the backseat. She put her things on the floor, in between her feet then put her seatbelt on after he closed her door and got into the driver's seat.
"What was up wit' yo' game yesterday?" She asked. She's been watching Leon, Kareem and Sekani play football since she could remember and could tell his head wasn't in the game for real. It was like his mind was somewhere else.
"I'on know." He sighed a little, putting his seat belt on.
"Everythin' okay?" She asked slightly, concerned, he slowly nodded his head, taking the car out of park and pulling out of the garage.
"What you wanna get?" He asked, glancing over at her, she shrugged " Chick-fil-A is fine wit' me" She nodded and her stomach started growling.
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