😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
September 12th
"I should have the edits done by Saturday or Sunday and will have them to you right afterward" Cameron smiled at her client after she just finished up doing a birthday photoshoot.
"Thank you so much! you really saved my 18th birthday" The girl hugged her, catching her off guard but she ended up hugging her back. "It's no problem love," She told her. They talked for a little more before Cam walked her out and locked the door behind her so she could clean up.
Since Cameron could remember she loved taking pictures of things. She got it from her mom, she was a photographer herself. Cameron would always go on little adventures when she was younger to the park and they would take pictures of random things. They always would come out beautiful.
That's where they started, taking pictures of nature. It was the sweetest bonding moment between them. Cameron always wanted to be a photographer, just like her mom.
She did photography all through high school, her own business. Once she graduated high school, she didn't want to go to college because she felt as if she already was doing what she loved. She used the money for her college tuition to start up her business and opened up her own studio.
She was a well-known photographer for her many photos shoots with lots of celebrities. Being in La gave her many opportunities and her business flourished.
After every shoot, she knew her mom was proud of her. She knew she was looking down on her with a smile on her face, that's what really kept her going especially pushing through her business after wanting to quit so many times.
After she spent 30 minutes cleaning up and turning the lights off. She packed up her computer and camera, cutting the lights off in the studio before turning the alarm system on and leaving out the door. She locked the door before she looked around her surroundings. Something her father and brothers told her to always do. No matter if she is on the good side of town, some people around are always up to no good.
She used her keys to unlock her blue 2021 KIA K5 Gt with black tinted windows. She got inside, putting her things in the passenger seat first before closing and locking the doors.
Smiled and answered, letting it connect to the Bluetooth of her car once she turned it on. "Hiiii Bear" She greeted her oldest brother Xzavier.
"Wassam angel. I missed your call earlier, everythin' aight?" He asked as she pulled out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot.
"Oh yeah. I was callin' ta' see if you wanted ta' go to lunch earlier" She said.
"Damn, I was in a meetin'. My bad, we can do it tomorrow if you're up for it" He said, she nodded as if he could see her "Yeah, I think Bubs doesn't have practice either so we can do it like a sibling date" She said excitedly.
She and her siblings were always close even though there was a big age gap between them all with Xzavier being 27 and Kareem being almost 24 and her being almost 21. It never stops them from always being close though. Their parents really enforced it because none of them could go anywhere without the other.
"I'ma add his ass ta' da' call. How he gettin' married in 6 months and still doesn't kno' what colors he wants us ta' wear" He ranted, she laughed waiting for him to at Kareem.
Sekani stepped off the elevator after hearing the bell ding that he was on the floor. He looked back at him and Cameron's messages to see if he should make a right or left turn. After reading that he should make a left turn, he walked a few doors down until he got to apartment H34.
He knocked first before putting his phone in his pocket. After waiting a few seconds, he heard the locks turning and the door opened with Cameron's hair in a bonnet, grey sweatpants, and a Nike sports bra along with her nerdy glasses.
"Aww, you didn't lie dis time" She smiled brightly. For some reason, Sekani felt something weird in his heart and clucked his chest with his hands. "Sekani, are you okay?" Cameron asked concerned, quickly rubbing his arm in comfort and he felt the weird feeling in his heart again.
"Uh, yeah. I'm straight fats" He assured her, standing up straight and shaking off the feeling that he still was confused about but wasn't about. "Come sit down, I'll get you some water," She said letting him walk inside and he followed behind her.
He walked inside and the smell of Vanilla hit his nostrils. Forrest Gump by Frank Ocean played lowly.
He was impressed with the black and grey decor she had. This was his first time seeing her apartment. She had it nice for her first apartment, when he got his first apartment, it didn't even look as close to this nice. Even his house now, he had his mom decorate because he didn't know the first thing about it.
Cameron came back with a water bottle to give to him "Thank you." He took it. "I like dis," He said.
She started smiling "Thank you! I was nervous at first but I think it came out cute. I was goin' ta' do black but Wynter said I should just ta' make things pop" She said.
"I still gotta get me a goldfish or somethin' " She added, chuckling. He looked down at her short figure, he never realized how short she is until now. He was 6'4 even so everyone looked short to him. She was probably only 5'7 ½ but still short compared to him.
"A goldfish fa' what?" He chuckled, taking his slides off since he forgot to when he walked in. He was surprised she didn't fuss at him.
"Because dis is my first time livin' alone ya' know? I'm not used ta' comin' home ta' nothin' " She shrugged and turned to face him before sniffling him.
He moved looking at her weirdly "Yo' ass always on sum weird shit" He mugged her, and she laughed.
"I was gonna offer you a seat but I didn't know if you stank or not." She laughed "You ain' finna stink up my new couch" She curled up her nose.
"I'on even smell that bad, see" He tried to hug her but she ran to the other side of the couch. "Sekani! that is nasty" She pinched her nose and looked at him in disgust.
"Why didn't you take a bath befo' you came hea' ?" She frowned, grabbing the air freshener and spraying it everywhere.
"Now you just doin' too much. I'on even smell that bad." He mugged her, putting his phone and water bottle on the couch. "And I came straight from practice or I was gonna forget so whea' da' stuff at?" He asked, ready to get this over with so he could go home and get in his bed for the night.
Although the practice was still not as bad as it usually was, he was still tired.
"How rude but it's ova' thea' in the corner" She pointed to a small box in the corner. He nodded, going to the corner. He picked up the lights but his eye caught the other box next to it.
He saw the picture frame of her and her ex-boyfriend in the box. "Fats," He called out.
"Hm?" She hummed looking up from her computer and pushing her glasses up a little "You good?" He asked, unpacking the box of lights.
She chuckled "Yeah, why you ask?" She tilted her head to the side. He just pointed to the box with all the clothes and jewelry and pictures in it.
She blankly stared at it before clearing her throat and smiled "Yeah, just gonna sell or pawn dat stuff" She shrugged and looked back at her computer.
He could tell she definitely wasn't okay but was putting on a brave face. He remembers her doing the same after her mom passed away.
Sekani couldn't lie, it pissed him off. He didn't know the full situation with her and Seth, really no one knew except her and her pops. Knowing that her pops had fought Seth was enough to know that the breakup ended badly and he had to do something to Cam.
He's been around her mostly all his life and she was probably the sweetest, calmest girl he's known. She stays to herself but she is a person who gives out love and joy. Even when he first met her, he didn't like her for a good year or two because he thought she was putting on that nice, quiet girl act but she was really that type of girl.
To know someone hurt a person that would give their last just didn't sit right with him.
"I can't believe you" Sekani shook his head waiting for Cameron to lock her door to her car as they were in the driveway of his home.
"What?! I like gumbo and you and mama Lena da' only one that makes it just like homes" She happily walked up to him and smiled.
"You are so fat. And you wonda' why I call you that" He grumbled, locking his car doors before they walked into the garage. He gave her the nickname of fats because of how greedy she always has been.
"Boy just gimme my gumbo so I ca' go back home" She fussed. She drove all the way to his house because he slipped up and said he made gumbo and had a whole pot left. He didn't think she was serious about coming over just to get some.
Gumbo was his specialty. It was the first thing he mastered to cook and perfected. He knew his mom's, memaw, and grandmother's recipes like the back of his hand.
"Your girlfriend is here?" She asked as they walked into the house and he closed the garage. He nonchalantly shrugged "Don't know and I'on care eitha' " He mumbled as they both walked into the kitchen.
She just nodded, turning the lights on and washing her hands first. Sekani shook his head realizing Rebecca didn't even have the alarm on. He didn't think she understood how unsafe that was and it didn't matter what type of neighborhood you lived in.
He wasn't going to say anything to her about it because she was just going to have another argument and find a way to blame him.
It was drop-dead silent as Cameron fixed her a Togo plate and Sekani fixed him a bowl. The only sounds were heard when the spoon hit the pot.
Then they heard another sound causing Sekani to freeze and listen to see if he actually was hearing what he was hearing. Cameron slowly put the spoon down and looked over at him.
"You hear that too?" He asked to make sure he was tripping. It sounded like cries and screams. Not anything that would be on Tv or any killing cries and screams.
But moaning cries and screams.
"Sekani I—" She was cut off by the moaning getting louder the more they stood there.
Sekani started bitterly laughing, putting his bowl down and going into the closet. "Y-You want me to leave? Never mind, I'll just go" Cam said, about to grab her plate to leave.
"Nah, stay. I need you ta' help me pack ha' shit up. It's not a lot cuz she ain' takin' any of dat shit I bought" He chuckled, pulling two big black trash bags.
This wasn't his first rodeo but it was his last. He was officially done with women. He does everything right, he's a gentleman, caring, respectful, loving, and genuine. He had things going for himself, but he always got the short end of the stick.
"Okay," Cameron said, taking her earrings off and her necklace along with her bracelets. She started putting her hair up in a good ponytail before putting her hood over her head. He went into one of the drawers and threw her the vaseline.
He knew how this went, it happened their whole life. They were family, and one thing you weren't about to do was disrespect family. Especially while they were there. It was a vice visa thing, the girls always took up for the boys and the boys always took up for the girls.
Despite Cameron being a quiet sweetheart, they didn't mean she couldn't fight and didn't fight. Fighting wasn't cute but she did do what she had to.
"Don't hit ha' unless she hits me or you first, Aight?" He said before they walked up the stairs, she nodded understandingly before they walked up the stairs to make little to no noise.
He shook his head as the moaning got louder. He was absolutely disgusted with this. In his home where he was letting her stay rent-free, she didn't have to worry about a bill or anything. He took care of her, he loved her and here she was having sex with a random in his bed. Where he laid his head.
"Just nasty" He heard Cameron mumble before she busted in the room seeing Rebecca getting her backbeat in by his agent. "Wow, that's crazy" Cameron's jaw dropped.
"Kani! oh my—" Rebecca jumped up quickly and covered herself as his future ex-agent Frank was too stunned to speak.
"In my bed dawg? In MY HOUSE DAWG?!" His voice boomed throughout the room. Everyone jumped except Cameron because she saw him angry before.
He wasn't going to yell but out of all people he never expected her to cheat with his agent. That pissed him off because not only was she disrespecting him in his own home, she was messing with his money. Finding a new agent especially after being with one and comfortable with one for years was blowing him.
"What way?" Cameron looked up at him after taking the trash bags from him. He just pointed to where Rebecca closest was. "All those bags are stayin'. Dem heels and shit, stayin' she can have all dem clothes." He said keeping his eyes on Frank and Rebecca as they both had fear written on their faces and Rebecca had guilt along with tears in her eyes.
"Y'all should'a been fuckin' inna shower. Y'all fuckin' stink" Cameron shook her head before going to the closest.
"Kani, I'm so— I'on giva' fuck Rebecca. Why are y'all still in the bed, get da' fuck out." He scoffed and Frank did just that. Quickly getting out of the bed with his hand covering his lower half, picking up his clothes off the floor.
"I hope you kno' you fired too" Sekani shouted when Frank ran out of the room.
"Why da' fuck are you still in my face? Leave" He snapped as Rebecca just cried in bed.
"Kani he was raping me!" She cried, getting out of the bed with the cover wrapped around her body.
"I know you fuckin' lyin'?!?!" Cameron came out of the closet looking at her crazily as Sekani did the same. "You're sick" Sekani looked at her in pure disgust.
"Kani you-you"
"Don't try ta' put why you wanna be an easy ass, 2 cent ho' on me! You always blame me fa' shit when YOUR DA' PROBLEM!" He snapped.
"You! You neva' wanna take accountability fa' shit. I always did right by yo' ass even when everyone told me ta' leave yo' trifling ass. You just ain't shit. Whatever you wanted, I gave it ta' yo' ass even that fuckin' body! WHY DA' FUCK IS YOU CRYIN' " He yelled as Rebecca cried while putting her clothes on.
"I loved you dawg, told you 'bout my past bro. I told you and you just turned around and did the exact same. You took me fa' granted but that's aight" He nodded, looking into her eyes with hurt filled in his and you could hear the hurt in his voice.
"Kani, just give me another chance. I'll change bae, I promise, let me fix this. You love me, remember?" She said with begging eyes, walking closer to him, causing him to back up.
"I suggest you keep a distance from me, fa' I rock you in yo' shit," He said calmly. He was never a women hitter but just looking out for her he wanted to fight her so badly. Just to take her frustration on her.
He was so tired of being hurt it didn't make any sense.
"Kani— Cam whateva' you got in those bags bring 'em' out. She gotta leave now" He shook his head trying to remove himself from a situation before he did something he'll regret later. He bought mostly everything in there anyway so he didn't care.
"Okay," Cameron came out with one full trash bag, putting a knot in it before picking it up and throwing it at Rebecca, and knocking her over.
"Really fats?" He chuckled, and she shrugged "Not my fault she can't catch" She chuckled, and he shook his head at her
"Kani I'll kill myself! Please don't do this!" Rebecca sobbed as she stood up.
Cameron busted out laughing "Damn," She covered her mouth from laughing.
"I'on need no mess in my crib, go do that in da' middle of da' street or somethin', " He said blankly as Rebecca looked at him in disbelief.
Sekani has been down with this relationship emotionally and mentally more than he would admit for a while. He usually wouldn't say something so heartless and cold but he was done emotionally, mentally, and physically now.
HEEYYYYYYYYY😃 (say it back😐)
I'll never forget the time I had this ex in 8th grade and she said she was going to herself and I told her to do it😩 good times🫶🏾
Toodalo beckyy😃
Cam a rider already! FRIEND VIBES ONLY!
not the agent. How you gonna do that to someone that writes yo' checks😐
I think i'm going for another weakness book with a hit of 3005 idkkkkkk
80 votes for an update!!!!!!
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