😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
September 8th
"It's game day boys!" One of his longtime best friends, Leon, exclaimed into the group facetime while Sekani was getting his bag ready. "Nigga why you so loud?" His other longtime best friend Kareem mugged the camera. Sekani shook his head at them going back and forth.
Kareem has been like a brother to Sekani since they were 8 years old. Their dads were good friends back when they lived in Baton Rouge. Both of their dads started a Tech company and wanted to move to Los Angeles for better opportunities for their business. Once they moved here to Cali when they were 11, they met Leon because he lived in the same neighborhood as them and they have all been friends ever since.
They all played for the same football team since they were younger. In middle school, high school, and all through college. Even got drafted into the same team back to back. Sekani was first, Kareem was second and Leon was third. It was a really dope type of experience for them.
Recruiters back in high school always loved the trio together. It was never a dull game with them.
"Yall ass betta' be outside when I pull up" Sekani hung up since they were still going back and forth. They all lived within maybe 5 minutes from each other and to save gas they carpooled to all practices and games unless something else came up.
Sekani made sure he had all his gear packed before fixing his gold chain around his neck. He grabbed his phone off the charger on the nightstand, he put his duffel on his shoulder before walking out the room.
"Girlll, I will be there damn" He heard Rebecca say while he jogged down the stairs to the kitchen. He grabbed the protein smoothie he made earlier out of the refrigerator.
"Okay girl, bye" She hung up the phone "I'll see you lata' bae." He said and kissed her cheek.
"I'll be at the after-party maybe but I can't make the game," She told him, stopping him in his tracks on walking out of the kitchen.
"What? It's da' first game of the season and my first time gettin' back in da' game and you ain't comin' ?" He turned around squinting his eyes at her.
Last season Sekani sprained his ankle really badly and had to sit out for the rest of the season. He worked really hard to get better for this season and was finally going to be back on the field. He thought she would at least come out and support her man.
She cut eyes at him "Kani everything isn't just about you. I have a life too that doesn't always revolve around you. You're going to have other games anyways." She rolled her eyes.
"I neva' said that but why can't you just come and support me? What is so important that you can't come just ta' show you care?" He asked, now getting upset. He always supported her in everything she did even though it wasn't much he still showed his full support yet the energy again isn't reciprocated.
"I'm going to a pool party with my girls" She shrugged.
He scoffed, "Rebecca, you deadass bruh?" He asked.
"Yes. You act like you won't have other games. So what if I missed this one? You have other games and I have other things to do Kani, you'll be okay. I don't even like the shit, it's boring as hell. Why waste my time" She started laughing, he just looked at her in disbelief.
"You always bitching about something. Man the fuck up. Always acting like a little pussy" She mugged him.
He shook his head "Bet" He nodded, walking out like he was doing before. He wasn't about to argue with her nor let her ruin the good mood he was in.
Sekani's problem was he always had a big heart and never knew how to let go after someone has shown him more than once who they really are. His heart wouldn't let him, he always saw the good in people more than the bad. He always believed in people could change but he never saw that some people change for the worst.
He was getting to his breaking point with her though. He was starting to mentally and emotionally check out of this relationship.
🎶And don't take this personal But you're the worst, You know what you've done to me. And although it hurts I know
I just can't keep runnin' away🎶
The worst by Jhené Aiko played as Cameron drove to a tailgate for her brother's first game of the football season. She was sadly reminiscing on her and Seth's relationship. Today they would've made 4 years and she was stuck.
She was so confused about how everything changed with him. In the beginning, everything was perfect. He was perfect, a sweetheart so patient with her. Showed her so much in what she thought was love.
But they're always like that in the beginning and show their true colors in their true colors later.
She first met him the summer before her sophomore year in high school when she was going through a dark time in her life.
The summer before her sophomore year, her mom Michelle, passed away due to stage 4 breast cancer. Cameron was so lost during that time. She felt alone that she lost her #1 best friend. She felt so alone after losing her mom like her world came crashing down on her. She honestly felt like her life was over after losing someone so important to her.
But he was there. He found her crying at the playground one day. She didn't mean to be in public just crying but she couldn't stay in the house anymore. Her dad wasn't himself and was clicked out, her brothers were never home they were also out and she felt so alone.
He helped her grief in a way. He always checked up on her to see if she had eaten or how she was feeling or if she just wanted to go on a walk to clear her mind. He was there all the time and she was what she thought Michelle sent for her. She thought he was the savior and angel she needed.
They were friends for a good minute before he finally expressed his feelings for her Junior year and they started to date. He was perfect, he never changed. Always brought her flowers, and gifts, and showered her with love and affection.
Then after they graduated, Seth changed. Everything changed. They slipped up and she got pregnant but lost the baby a month after they found out and she was only 2 months. They didn't tell anyone but it hurt them because even though they didn't plan for it they were happy. He said he didn't blame her because they honestly didn't know what happened.
Skip maybe a year later and she got pregnant again after a drunken night with the two. They thought it was maybe it was God giving them a second chance but when she hit 3 months, she miscarriage again. That's when their relationship changed for the worst and Seth started getting more verbal with her. He started picking fights with and wanted to argue all the time.
Cameron never was one to argue, it was a waste of breath in her opinion so she always ignored him and that didn't do anything but make things worse. He always found a way to pick at her in hopes she would entertain his foolishness.
But she most of the time didn't and just continued to ignore him. Some call it nonchalant but she just didn't care to argue when they could sit down and talk it out without all the yelling and cussing at each other.
The last time they got pregnant, Cameron didn't want to. She was too scared as well as she didn't know if she could survive another heartbreak like that to lose another baby. But Seth didn't care and got her pregnant anyway.
She didn't understand if he loved her as much as he say why say the things he said. She hated even more that she still loved him, it wasn't easy to let go of the love you had for someone for years no matter what they did.
She wished it did though. She wishes she could erase him from her mind and memory. She honestly wishes she never met him and never let him be there for her. She wishes she didn't love him still.
She wishes her mom was there to help her get over the heartbreak that she felt some days that she wasn't ever going to survive.
She wished Michelle was their period.
"Nanny, please stop" Cameron chuckled as Lex's mom Veronica also one of her Godmothers, was trying to get her to dance with her.
"Cam! I gave you some crawfish" Veronica frowned. "V, leave ha' alone." Anaya, Crystal's mom, and her other Godmother laughed.
"I just want my God baby ta' smile. You look so sad peanut" Veronica pouted. Cameron sighed to herself "I'm fine Nanny. I promise" She half lied.
She really was okay but when everyone was asking if she was okay, it made her want to cry.
Anaya and Veronica both looked at her, seeing right through it. They were like second moms to her mainly because they were her mom's best friends and acted just like her. They could read people without even trying. Sometimes Cam hated it because sometimes she just wanted to be sad in peace.
"Just leave ha' alone. For right now. When you wanna talk, you know whea' we are peanut " Anaya kissed her forehead before dragging Veronica away who was just pouting.
She knew her being sad made her family sad. She was a very happy person filled with laughter and cheer after her mom died, that laugh and cheer girl disappeared. Seth somewhat brought it back but now it was gone again and it broke everyone's heart to see. She was the Sunshine of the family and seeing their sunshine have a dark cloud wasn't pretty.
Cameron looked around and saw Crystal going towards the coolers "Pookie, can you get me a cold drink please?" She asked Crystal. She nodded before going inside the cooler.
"I freakin' love y'all accents. How do y'all keep it so well even though y'all moved here?" Wynter asked as she sat down next to her in a lawn chair.
Cameron chuckled "I'on know. But you don't have ta' live somewhea' ta' keep your accent and we still visit back home durin' the summers when we were younger." She shrugged and Crystal brought her a sprite before sitting on her lap.
"Open it please," She asked since she just decided to sit on her. She was lucky she wasn't heavy. Crystal opened the bottle before handing it to her "Thank you." She took it.
"Girl but y'all accents be coming in thick a lot of the time. Especially Kareem and Kani's. You can't even tell y'all lived here for years" Wynter chuckled.
"Heavy on da' Kani. Speaking of him, where is his old lady?" Crystal scrunched up her face looking around.
Cameron and Wynter both heavily rolled their eyes "I'on know why he stays wit' that girl. She just is usin' him" Wynter grumbled.
Cameron agreed, she thought Sekani deserved so much better than the girl he was with now. Cam never liked his girlfriends because they always did him wrong when he was a sweetheart. She grew up with him and knows for a fact that he treats women with the utmost respect yet they didn't treat him so dirty.
Cam really didn't like the girl he was currently dating. You could tell she was a gold digger and when Cam first met her, she rubbed her the wrong way. She didn't understand why he was still with her but she thinks he was just blind in love.
"Chileee I can't get over how ha' body is dawg. I want my body done but she makes me not want it. It's like ha' doctor mess ha' all da' way up" Crystal gave a disgusted look.
"Who?" Lex came over with a plate in her hand and sat in the nearby lawn chair.
"Kani old lady" Crystal chuckled. Lex shook her head. "She is so pretty but I think she overdid it wit' da' ass"
"Yes! It makes ha' look weird but she is still pretty. I just don't like how she treats Kani. Like why aren't you here? I'll understand if something came up but you on Instagram shaking yo' ass but didn't come to support him," Wynter said.
"Dis his first time gettin' back on the field too? I'on know. That's not right ta' me." Lex shook her head.
"That's my dawg and all but he doesn't know how ta' pick 'em." Crystal shrugged, and they all nodded agreeing.
"Where is Logan?" Cam asked Crystal, referring to her girlfriend. "She had ta' work but where da' after-party is later is at her job," She said, Cam nodded.
"You comin' ?" Lex raised her eyebrow. Cam only shrugged "I'on know. I wasn't really plannin' on it" She replied.
"Come out girl. You finally single and can let loose have a good time fa' once" Lex rolled her eyes. "Exactly" Crystal agreed.
Of course, Lex and Crystal being her best friends, she told them everything. They knew about the whole breakup and how he was treating her over the past year. They honestly never liked Seth but because Cam was their girl, they tolerate him. They saw how happy Cam seemed and was glad so they kept their opinions on him to themselves. Until after the break up of course.
"I'll think about it" She shrugged, she honestly wanted to get in her bed tonight but a little dancing seemed fun too.
Aston Martin Music by Rick Ross blasted through the speakers of the club. Cameron sat in one of the lounge chairs, sipping from the drink that she has been sipping on all night. She still had to drive home and didn't want to drink too much to not be able to do so.
She was up dancing with Lex and Crystal but got tired. Her social battery was starting to get low. She was ready to go home but wanted to make sure she had a good time due to recent events.
It was also starting to get more crowded than she would like.
"Fats!" She heard someone call out, she instantly rolled her eyes already knowing who it was. The only person that called her 'Fats' since she was a child. "Hello Sekani" She straight-faced him as he walked over to her with a smile on his face. She already knew he was finna come mess with her like always.
"Why you always gotta attitude when I see you lil girl" He mugged her while sitting next to her.
"I'on have an attitude lil boy but na' that you said somethin'? I do" She mugged him back. She never understood why he and Leon always get on her nerves the most out of anyone else.
"Dis why i'on talk ta' you na'. Always on yo' shit" He continued to mug her. She started laughing, remembering how they were talking about his accent earlier. It does come in thick and they've been living in LA for almost 13 years now.
"No, because whea' were you when I was movin' in? You said you would put the lights behind my tv and neva' came" She frowned.
His eyes widened "I forgot. Somethin' had come up, My fault but you can put dem up yourself Fats"
"You said you were going ta' do it. AND we locked pinkies so you broke a promise!" She fussed.
"No we didn't— Yes we did. We were at mama Lena's house and you asked about my apartment. I asked you if you could do my light just like the ones at your house and you said yes and we pinky promised on it" She mugged him. She hated when people broke pinky promises because she took them seriously and to heart.
She always remembered pinky promises and she remembered that day perfectly because they were at his mom's house eating Crawfish and Shrimp all night
His face went into a yikes expression "Damn we did. I'll do it dis week. When I got time probably on Saturday," He said.
She just shook her head "If you're lyin' again Sekani, i'on care" She shrugged, drinking the rest of her drink before grabbing her purse.
"I'm not. i'on have anythin' ta' do dis week so it might be befo' Saturday" He stood up with her since she was now standing to leave.
"I'll believe it when I see it" She shook her head, throwing her trash away in the nearby trash can.
"You 'bout ta' leave?" He asked. she nodded "Yeah, I'm ready ta' get in my bed and I got a photoshoot to do tomorrow," She said, looking around for Crystal and Lex, when she couldn't find them, she decided to just text them she was leaving.
She popped his hand when he grabbed her hand and looked at him funny. "Girl bring yo' ass. Yo' brothers and pops would kill me if they knew I let you leave alone without makin' sure you got ta' yo' car safely" He fussed, grabbing her hand again.
She rolled her eyes, letting him put her in front of him and he walked closely behind her to the exit.
I'm going off the dome with this one so bare with me😀
70 votes for and update!!!!
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