《Unstable ▾ a.s》22{Home}


Aizaw was back at the hospital the next day. (Y/n) was being released and he told Hizashi he'd pick her up. He helped her carry her things down to the desk as she signed some forms before the two walked out.

"Feels nice to be out," she sighed as the two stepped out.

"The staff's happy your finally out, they've missed you," Aizawa explained as the two got in the car and started heading to U.A.

"I'm sure they do," (Y/n) said, "something's been on your mind since yesterday, what is it?"

He knew she'd figure it out sooner or later. They both knew how to read each other.

"Seeing how you were with Eri, made me start thinking what it be like for us to have our own kids," Aizawa admitted, "I didn't think that was something we should talk about while you were in the hospital and healing."

"You sure you want some little heroes running around?" She asked

"Not at the moment, but maybe after we're married," He said

"You know that means we have to get a house. I'm not raising a kid in the U.A. teachers dorm," (Y/n) told him as they got the the dorms.

"I still have my apartment from before we were living on campus," Aizawa said as the two got out.

"How many bedrooms?" She asked as he grabbed her things

"One," he stated as they joined hands and walked towards the staffs dorms

"My point from earlier still stands," (Y/n) sighed as he opened the door and Eri, Midnight, Present Mic ran over to the two and immediately hugged (Y/n).

"Welcome back (L/n)! Oh we missed you so much!" Midnight yelled

"Please be more careful on patrol next time!" Mic also yelled

"Can we do some of my new books?" Eri asked hugged the pros legs

"Why don't we give Ms. (L/n) some space," Nezu suggested

The two pros stopped hugging their friend as the little girl was picked up by (Y/n) and placed her on her hip that didn't get a bullet shot above it.

"It's good to have you back, (L/n)," All Might said

"Yes, all of us on the staff has missed you these past two weeks, and some of the students have missed your presence around campus," Nezu commented

"Well, I might not even have been able to come back here. The therapist thought I wasn't stable enough to continue working as a hero and as a counselor," (Y/n) explained

"They obviously didn't know who they were talking about," Power Loader commented

"Yeah. Even though your still new around U.A., the kids in every department hold you on a high pedestal. You've helped them a lot," Snipe added


"Yes, everyone would have been upset if you had to leave U.A.," Vlad King said

The staff told (Y/n) what had happened over the two weeks she was gone. The conversation would have gone on longer, but she excused herself as she needed to rest.

She happened to walk by Eri's room, where Aizawa was putting the girl to sleep, she heard the two talking, "Will you and Ms. (L/n) live happily ever after now? There won't be anymore bad guys," the child said

"There will always be bad guys. But I can protect her from it as best as I can. Then we'll live happily ever after," Aizawa explained to the girl.

(Y/n) smiled at their short conversation before walked out of the room and looked at his fiancée. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she rested her hands on his chest. "You're going to protect me?" She asked him

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?" Aizawa asked

"No," she smiled as the two headed to her dorm room to sleep


Aizawa took the rest of the weekend off from hero duties to be with (Y/n). Her wounds still weren't fully healed so there were certain things she couldn't do still. And he didn't want to leave her for hero work with Midnight and Eri or have her parents or his do it since it was such a little thing.

The couple sat in the common area as Eri played with her toys with Togata, who decided to come help with Eri. Saying he didn't really have anything better to do.

"(Y/n), you've been quiet for awhile," Aizawa pointed out

"If your worried about me dissociating, I'm not. Just thinking about something," (Y/n) assured him

"Which would be..." Aizawa asked

"Eri's quirk," (Y/n) stayed and Togata looked over confused

"What do you mean, sensei?" The blonde asked

"Well, it's called Rewind, right?" The heroine said

"Yes," Aizawa confirmed what they all knew

"Well, if she rewinds something, over time, wouldn't it just, go back?" She asked

"What do you mean by that?" Mirio asked

"Well, I'm thinking of it like rewind button. If you rewind say, a movie, to a certain spot, and when you stop rewinding it, it'll play. So, if thinking of it like that, knowing what we know, if she doesn't rewind to far to the point a person isn't in existence, could it just undo itself?" (Y/n) explained her theory

"She still can't fully control it. It's also nothing that resembles her families lineage in any way shape or form. But if it can work like that, it could be good or bad, just like any quirk," Aizawa said

"Yeah. I was just think back to the raid and it crossed my mind. It'd be amazing if it worked like that. And if it did, we know it only works on living beings, so if a building was destroyed, she could rewind it back to a its previous state, we wouldn't have to worry about the building going back to its destroyed state when it gets to it point again. And if she touched someone and it took their quirk away like Togata, it's play out to the point where they got their quirk."


"But I was shot with the quirk-destroying drug. So if it did, it wouldn't work," Togata said

"No. The drug targets a person quirk factor, evidently destroying it," Aizawa said

"That's why I think it's unlikely. But if Eri gains control of her quirk, she could be able to undo it. It's ultimately an injury and she can undo thought. It would rewind your body back to before you were shot and it'd stay that way," (Y/n) said

"That does seem more likely. But she doesn't need to do that! I'm happy the way I am now!" The kid smiled at everything

"You're not going to miss being a hero?" (Y/n) asked

"Well, Yeah. I guess I will, but anyone can be a hero just by doing little things. Like helping someone carry their things to their car or helping an old woman cross the street. Don't need a quirk for that!"

"I think that's the attitude a lot of pros could use," (Y/n) said

"I agree. A lot of us have lost sight of what it really means to be a hero," Aizawa added

"I want to be a hero some day!" Eri joined the conversation

"I'm sure you'll make a great hero one day Eri-Chan!" Mirio laughed along with the two pros.

The day continued on as normal. Or as normal as it could be for pros taking time off. It wasn't often any of them could relax. They were either teaching, grading, or on patrol. They could also be called in for an emergency at any moment. So anytime anyone in that profession was able to get time away from it, every moment counted.

And as the day came to a close, everything seemed to settle down once again. (Y/n) was filling out paperwork she had missed while she was away as Eri was getting put to sleep. The heroine offered to do it instead of Aizawa, but he said he could handle it. So she told him she'd be in her dorm room.

She sat on her bed filling out paperwork and catching up on some wedding things that needed to be done. She noticed while she was gone, Aizawa had done something's as well. Probably asked his mom on some of it, but she was glad something had gotten done.

A knock on her door came as she finished the last of the school paperwork. She told the person to come in as she got up and set the papers that were on her bed, back onto her desk. The door opened and Midnight walked in.

"What do you want?" (Y/n) sighed as she sat back down on her bed

"I can't spend time with a friend?" She asking sitting next to her

"You never come to my dorm at night."

"You're rarely in your dorm. You're mostly in Aizawa's, getting busy from what Yamada says," Midnight wiggles her eyebrows

"My relationship and sex life are none of your business, Kayama," (Y/n) told the hero

"Aizawa's more fun to tease about it," she said and fell back onto the bed

"Because he's used to being more closed off."

"He was never like that with you, let's be honest. He has always open with you about things, we'll except when he had a crush on you back in high school. Never seen him so lovestruck!" The r-rated hero laughed a bit.

"Did you just come in here to tease me?"

"I need to make up for the two weeks you were gone. And I need material for my maid of honor speech."

"I'm scared to let both you and Hizashi make your speeches."

Another knock came from the door then Aizawa walked in, "I'll leave you two alone then," Midnight smiled and got off the bed, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"What was she doing in here?" Aizawa asked

"It's Kayama and we're friends with her. And we're engaged. What do you think?" (Y/n) responded

Aizawa simply shrugged and let to topic go as he got into bed with his fiancée. Since she got out of the hospital, he's been keeping her closer. Not wanting her to get taken again. He knew she was fully capable of protecting herself, but he was just taking an extra precaution.

He wasn't hovering over her. He gave her space when she needed it, but those two weeks when she was gone, it felt like those fourteen years they didn't talk or know what the other was doing. He hated that feeling.

"Goodnight Sho," (Y/n) said as she cuddled into his chest

Aizawa wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as the two could get. "Goodnight (N/n). I love you," he said

"I love you too," she told him before drifting of to sleep.

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