《The Demon's Little Wolf》COWARD MUCH


After whatever we discussed yesterday at the meeting, it was finally time for the fight between my dear brother and me. I was wearing black leggings and black sports bra along with my shoes. My hair was tied in a tight, high ponytail.

I felt super confident in my outfit. My toned stomach was on full display and the leggings made my legs appear longer. My tattoos were on display. The thought of fighting made a sense of adrenaline rush through my blood. It's been a while since I actually fought someone other than to protect myself. Smirking, I made my way out to where everyone was waiting which was outside. I moved through the hallways while thinking about none other than Alexander.

Like, how can we have the same eye color? Every leader of each supernatural has only one eye color and nobody else does. Especially not one from another kind. One more thing, how the fuck did the demons submit to me the other day. I kind of have a theory but it does not make sense at ALL!!

My senseless talk came to an end when I saw everybody waiting for me. There was a big crowd gathered around outside, forming a circle consisting of different supernatural. Not all were here as they had to train as well as go out looking for clues. They parted ways and allowed me to pass through.

I reached the middle of the circle and found my family and the other leaders standing close together talking together. I frowned and made my way towards them since they had yet to notice me.

I cleared my throat "Ready to help me brother?" The look on Rayan's face gave it all away. After I killed that vampire in front of him, I think the poor guy is now scared.

Coward much

"About that." Dad began and I could sense a hint of embarrassment as well as annoyance in his tone. "You will not be fighting Rayan but instead our best warrior, Derek." Okay, this just confirmed everything.

"Why? Are you not willing to help your sister train brother?" I teased and feigned innocence. I heard a few snickers form the crowd and one of them I recognised immediately. Just like I thought, I saw Evelyne standing between the group of people along with the other people of her pack, giving me the thumbs up.

"I decided it would be better to give you someone who would be easier to beat than me. If you manage to beat him then we can say you are good enough since he is not as good as-" Before he could complete his cringe sentence I spoke.


"So. Where is umm Derek? Yeah. Which one of you is Derek?" I said as my eyes scanned the crowd. I heard a cold voice from behind me. "I am Derek"

I turned around and was met with a huge ass man. He was only wearing shorts. He was well built and I would even say that instead of blood, bones, organs and all, he only had muscles. Like seriously. His whole body was toned and I was starting to think that his home is actually the gym or training ground. He had a stern, cold face on but the small smirk did not go unnoticed by me. Multiple scars were on his body and some were covered with tattoos. One glace at the guy was enough to tell me that he was indeed a lot better than my brother

"Sorry to say this little girl, but I do not fight people who I can defeat with just a flick of my fingers." A few gasps could be heard from the crowd. Nobody was allowed to speak to the royal family like that but how could I blame him. Since I never went to training and never saw him at any meetings, he probably does not know about me or he probably just ignored the fact.

"Tell me about it" I said sarcastically, playing with my fingers

"I like people who are more of a challenge to me. Not some weak looking girl" He said with a smirk on him face.

"Well I think you just got yourself a challenge then." I moved closer to him and he towered over me. "A challenge that you will lose" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. I heard a few cheers from the crowd before we made our way to the mat that was a few feet away from us.

Everybody gathered around the mat with the leaders standing in front, followed by the alphas and lunas and then the rest. My dad's second in hand came next to us, in the center of the mat as he was the referee and started speaking. "Derek and Princess Analise, I think I should start by explaining the rules first." I smirked at Derek who had a look of confusion on his face but nonetheless nodded. "When I say start, the battle will start in your human form until I say shift. Then if you want to shift you can. Otherwise you can continue in your human form." I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I had the option of not shifting.


As we took out place on the mat I heard Derek speak. "Princess or not, you are still a weak girl"

"We'll see about that in a while. Won't we?" I winked at him as we got in our fighting stances on opposite ends of the mats. I blocked out everything around us and focused only on Derek. Already, I could see his weak points. His form was good but the positioning of his foot could easily make him lose balance and he seemed to be taking me lightly since I could see his defense a bit low which was actually the most stupid mistake he made. One thing I learnt in school and that is actually true and helpful, is that you should never underestimate your opponent.

"Start" The referee said and we started circling each other. Since he understood I had no intention of attacking him anytime soon, I heard him growl a bit before charging towards me. He moved very fast as he was the best warrior but I easily caught up to his movements. He held his right fist in front of him and he aimed for my face.

As soon as he got near me, I grabbed his right hand by the wrist and moved out of the way while twisting his arm at the same time, earning a growl from him. I twisted his arm behind his back before throwing him on the mat. He recovered quickly and I could see his eyes changing colour. He got back on his feet. With swift movements, he was next to me and lifted his foot in the air, attempting to hit me in the head but I was faster and ducked and swept him off his feet.

He fell down with a loud 'poof' as applauses echoed in the crowd. By the time he was up, I was already on the other side of the mat. I stood there, aloof, waiting for him to attack and he did. The fall he took just manage to trigger his ego. He extended his claws and came towards me. He used both his hands and aimed for my face. I easily dodge them all and grabbed one of his hands. I was so near to ripping his hands away but I controlled myself. At the same time, he extended his other hand towards me but this time aiming for my stomach. Using my speed, I let go of his nearly broken hand and grabbed the other hand, threw him across the mat. He ended up falling outside the mat, against a tree, but did not give up. As he got up, he was limping and the tree was cracked from where he collided. If I am not wrong I might have even broke a few of his bones.

Just as he seemed to be about to collapse, the referee shouted "Shift!" On reflex, Derek shifted into a large dark brown wolf with the typical yellowish glowing eyes. He snarled and bared his teeth at me before running towards me. A few feet away from me, he jumped in the air and opened his jaws, aiming for my NECK!!

The next thing I knew was that I had his jaws in my hands and I threw him across the mat. Again and this time it was the final blow. As soon as he hit the tree, he let out a loud howl and shifted back. Some of the other guards immediately rushed to his side and helped him up. He looked in a really bad condition as they took him away He was limping and had to lean against the warriors to be able to walk. Once he was out of sight, I clapped my hands together and turned towards the others.

"Well, I hope I have showed you all whether I am good enough or not."

"You were great." King Tarsal said and I heard a scoff from my siblings. "I guess this will be over for the time. Since she is clearly very good, there is no need for her to train if she does not want to. Let's go" The others followed him while I looked at their retreating figure.

I turned around to head the other way but I was met with a pair of dark blue eyes that could not get out of my head. He was looking at me, confused and he seemed deep in thought. He was about to speak but I ignored him and continue walking away.

Why? He was about to talk!

Well, I was about to talk too all those times but did he listen? NO!

You. You don't understand! If you two keeps this up, you will suffer because resisting the bond has never benefitted anyone.

Until he does not tell me, I will not waste my time on him. That's it!

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