《The Demon's Little Wolf》SILVER EYES?


Analise's POV

*A week later*

A week has passed in the same way, if not maybe even worse. Not a day went by without me having a fight with my family and I am literally one step away from taking my things and leave to live the life I wanted. It is not like there is anything left for me here.

My family does not care about me, excluding my grandmother. My mate does not want me either and for that I consider him the biggest idiot and asshole of all time. The past days, we saw each other a lot but none of us decided to talk. It kept getting more awkward as time went by and resisting the mate bond was even harder as we were staying close to each other.

I have been on edge these past few days and have been mostly keeping to myself as I am kind of scared I might let it all out on someone who is not even responsible for my state. I have been staying in my room or in town mostly.

As for the situation with the vampires, some were saying it calmed down but I would say that it is the calm before the storm. The supernatural and the leaders are all training really hard everyday. From what I heard, the leaders are the one training them all. Each leaders are teaching the other supernatural their own tricks and how to get stronger.

The funny part is that Ivory and Rayna also went to training but rumor has it that they were not able to even stand one hour of the training and it was supposed to be easy training. Maybe it is the first rumor I believed as soon as I heard it.

As for me, I have not been training at all. Instead, I let Cresent out for a run in the forest and train her the same way I did during my free time at school and I practiced my powers in the forest itself or sometimes in the cave. My training might be short but it sure is effective. I learnt it form Malcom earlier and also with some help of other experienced wolves at school.

We were currently in the meeting room where we were about to hear the report on vampires as well as the training. Again!

I am seriously bored Lizzie

'Oh and I am enjoying this a lot Cresent.' I immediately felt bad for talking back to her like that but I could not help it 'Sorry Cresent. I don't know what is wrong with me'

I know what is wrong


You are resisting the mate bond which is not natural and therefore it is affecting you.

'Does it affect only me. Or Alexander also?'

Both of you.

'Did you talk to his demon?'

I did.


He is saying that Alexander and him needs us but Alexander is not accepting it

'Did he tell you why?'


I sighed before turning my attention back to the meeting that was taking place in front of me.

"So, what do we have till now?" Father spoke


"Until now, the people I sent to search for clues have not found anything that could help. We did find some places that seemed like there were people over there. We think that the vampires are near us and are constantly moving." King Tarsal, leader of dark angels spoke first.

"Are you sure they are vampires?" Leader of witches spoke

"Actually no. There was not any scent in the air that the werewolves could identify and also there were no solid proof that indicated they were actually vampires. For all we know they could be rogues or even other supernatural working with the vampires."

"Ok. Anything else?" Father asked

"My people went searching a bit further away from the rest and they found a pack was massacred. There are chances that they were vampires who attacked because they were drained of their blood, which means that the vampires must have fed on them." Alexander spoke

"And what if it was the demons itself who killed them and are saying that they are vampires to lead us to a trap?" Rayan opened his mouth. Everybody looked at him in disbelief for talking to Alexander like that. Even if Rayan was royal and next king in line, Alexander was already king, making him of a higher status.

"Do I need to remind you that my people are also being attacked?" Alexander spoke with a calm voice but the slight hint of menace did not go unnoticed. I saw Rayan gulp and wanted to laugh at his face for being scared so easily

"I- I was just suggesting"

"Well you better stop suggesting"

Father was about to speak when the leader of the light angels spoke. "Please we have more pressing matters in hand right now. As for whether it is actually the vampires who attacked that village or not, I think we should go check it out once again but this time, maybe some leaders can go along."

Father contemplated before giving in. "Ok. How is the situation with the training going on at the palace?"

"The training has been going smoothly. Everybody has been training hard and doing their best." Leader of witches said

"Well most of them" Alexander scoffed while looking at my siblings and Ivory.

Seriously what is wrong with this guy? At one time he is with my sister and now is acting like he despises her. Like seriously, does being a demon also makes you bipolar?

Look who is talking about being bipolar!

"What do you mean by that?" Rayan hissed. Well what an irony right? A wolf is hissing!

Haha. You are not funny. AT ALL!!

At least I try to!

"Nothing. Just that there are some people in general who are not training as well as they were expected to."

Ivory huffed. "Calm down Ryan. We all know who he is talking about. Analise" She glared at me to which I returned with an uninterested look. "She has not been present to the training since the start. Not even once."

As if everybody realised that I was not present all of these days, they looked at me suspiciously. I cleared my throat awkwardly and tried to come up with something convincing. "I was busy with other things."


So convincing!

What? That is the only thing I could come up with in such little time. Rayna smirked before speaking. "Well, why don't we test you?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "Why don't you fight with someone to show us whether you are actually good enough. You know we can't send you out there with no proper training" She faked worry.

I wanted to scoff and I did. I scoffed before speaking. "Care to elaborate sister?"

"Tomorrow, why don't you fight one of our best warriors so that we can see how well you are in training and if you need help, don't worry, we will help you. Also, we can see how well you fight in your wolf form." On hearing the last part, the colour drained form my face. I could not show them that I was a black wolf. It is not like I can't. More like I don't want to. "That is if you manage to have time to shift before getting beaten by the warrior." She muttered but I picked it up.

Before anything could come out of my mouth, Ryan spoke. "Don't worry Analise. Instead of fighting a warrior, you will fight me. I will be most happy to help you with your training." He said but I could hear a bit mockery in his tone. Does he really think he can take me out that easily? As far as I know it, he rarely trains because I quote 'having royal blood make him the strongest'. which is totally not true. I am pretty sure one of our warriors could easily take him out.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't mind." He looked taken aback that I was agreed so easily but then smirked as if he already won.

"Okay then. Tomorrow Analise and Ryan will fight each other and all of us will be present to see it." King Gabriel said. "Anything else before ending this......" He was cut off mid way by someone busting through the doors. A panting guard came in view "A... A vampire is in the castle"

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, his body went limp and his lifeless body fell to the floor. Behind him, stood a vampire. He looked young but I could not really say anything as they age really slowly and they even stop at a time. He was well built and was around 6ft. His skin was pale and I could not help but notice the marks on his face. The heart of the once alive werewolf was now in his hand as he stared at all of us with red, glowing eyes and blood dripping from the side of his mouth. His lips contorted in an evil smile.

"Kill him!" King Gabriel said and everybody got up from their seat at lightning speed but much to our dismay, the vampire used his speed and started moving easily around the room, as if toying with us. By that time, other supernatural had arrived at the spot, all wanting to protect their leaders as well as kill their enemy.

The witches used their magic to move the furniture here and there, trying to hit him and slow him down but he manage to dodge them all skillfully. Even if he was really fast, he still seemed slow to my eyes and I could see most of his movements clearly. "Get him already" King Tarsal said, irritated. His eyes were completely red while the other dark angels had just red pupils. Every leader had a separate eye colour from the other supernatural of their kinds.

Like the witch leader has purple glowing eyes while the others have blue glowing eyes. The light angel leader has glowing white eyes with golden specks and the others have plain white glowing eyes. The oracle leader had entirely white eyes and the others had white pupils with brown specks. As for the wolves, the king had golden glowing eyes as well as Rayan because he was future king and the others had golden eyes but a bit more yellow and brownish, well except me who has silver eyes. Lastly the demons. Their eyes are entirely black and the leader has, wait. I forgot.

I looked around and my guess was right. Alexander's eyes were glowing and they were.................silver! We have the same eye colour! How could I forget this part. Wait! Is it because I am his mate that I have silver eyes? But the leaders are supposed to have a distinct eye colour form the others, except for their child who will take over. Not even their mates have the same eye colour. This is so confusing right now.

Shaking my head, I returned my attention back to the vampire who thinks he is in a playground. I studied his movement carefully and he was about to attack someone....... and that someone is me! He had a smirk as he made his way towards me from where he was. Nobody seemed to realise it as they all busy trying to find out where he actually was because he was just a blur in the room.

Why does he want to attack me though? Does he consider me an easy target? I mean look at my family! For god sake they are hiding behind the guards! I saw him extend his fangs and his eyes continued glowing red as he came towards me. Just before he was about to bite me, I caught his neck in my hands and snapped it, killing him. I dropped his lifeless body to the floor and dusted my hands.

Not waiting for anyone to say anything, I spoke "Well, I guess we will see each other tomorrow then. Hope you will be ready brother" Now it was my time to smirk. He looked at me in disbelief and shock. The others were no different, probably thinking how I, the one who did not train, managed to kill a vampire.....blah blah blah.....

I turned on my heels and made my way out of the room, my head held high and the smirk still on my face, leaving them to discuss about whatever happened since I was not interested at all.

Cocky much.

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