《The Demon's Little Wolf》A FIGHT


Analise's POV

He was about to speak but he stayed still. He was here in front of me but it looked like his mind was somewhere else. There was light glaze over his eyes, similar to the one wolves have when they communicate through mind links. When the glaze went away, his eyes held only one emotion....... anger

"What happened?" I asked cautiously

"There is a fight between a werewolf and a demon."

He reached for the door but got pushed back due to the spell. "Open the door." He nearly growled. I walked past his fuming figure and quickly removed the spell without him noticing it and opened the door. He looked at me in disbelief but decided to ignore it as he walked past me to the hallways.

I quickly followed him. "How do you know?" I asked as I matched his footsteps

"One of my warriors informed me through our mind link. Did the guards not inform you in your link that you guys have?"

What am I supposed to say to this now? 'Oh no they must have said it but since I was never considered part of this family and I was not here for like most of my life, I am not included in their mind link?' My life is great

"Umm... They must have told the king directly" I shrugged

"Why do you call your father the king?" He asked out of nowhere and I wanted the ground to just open up and eat me. Or maybe I could use my speed and get out of his sight. No that would be awkward.

"I did not know you guys have mind links" I tried to change the topic and it worked.

"It was done with the help of a witch long ago so that we could communicate easily but not many other creatures know about it" I just nodded my head in response as we reached where the fight was taking place.


A dozen of people were present on the spot consisting of werewolves and demons only. They all formed a circle around the two people fighting. A couple of gasps could be heard from them and I was guessing it was because the two were hitting each other.

As soon as they saw us, the circle parted and allowed us to walk through. We stood behind the two who had yet to realise we were here. Looking around, I could not see anyone from my family around. "What is going on here!?" Alexander's voice boomed in the room as the two parted and stood in front of us.

The werewolf who I supposed was a guard, had a busted lip and a bruise forming on his left cheek. His uniform was a bit torn here and there and dust covered part of it. The demon was no different with a busted lip, a scratch mark right next to his eyes and cheeks. His clothes were in no better condition.

The demon looked down and I could see his frame shivering a bit due to his fear from Alexander. Looking at Alexander, I knew why he was so scared. He wore a stern face and his eyes turned dark blue. The veins in his necks could be seen and his powerful and intimidating aura could be felt all around.

As for the werewolf, he just looked down, showing respect to the king. "Why were you fighting?" I asked

"He started it first." The werewolf guard snapped his head to me as he spoke. I rolled my eyes. Is he a kid?

"And how he started it?" I said sarcastically

"He ordered me around, telling me to do his work because I was a 'servant' in his eyes as I was of lower rank than him. He also broke a pot down and told me to clean it as it was my job." He pointed to the now broken pot lying on the floor with the soil all around it and the plants were in the same condition


Okay. He is a kid. They could have just solved it in another way. "And that is why this big fight started?" Alexander asked, not believing what the guard just said.

"No." The demon spoke. "He started it first" Are we really doing this right now? "He started by throwing our things on the floor, saying that we are evil that it was a bad decision of the king to let us stay here as well as we were worse than the vampires."

"Right. And who are we supposed to believe right now?" I huffed

"Princess. I would not lie." Werewolf spoke.

"You are lying!" The demon accused him. "Ask anyone here and they will answer" He said confidently.

Why do I have to be here already? I am already frustrated from my own stupid life and my mate. Now I have to take care of them fighting like kids?

As soon as those words left his mouth, everybody started voicing out their opinions. Whatever they said contradicted each other and right now it seemed like I was in some sort of fair or market where everybody was just screaming. I started feeling a slight headache and my sensitive ears also hurt due to the loud noise. I turned down my hearing a bit. Soon, the people who were once just voicing out their opinions, were fighting. They lunged at each other and kept fighting each other.

I ordered as Cresent tried to take over, resulting in me using my command voice which is something I rarely do. I looked in front to see all the werewolves standing on one side with the necks shown in submission and what I saw next shook me to the core. The demons were also showing their neck and they were submitting to ME!!!!!!

I looked over at Alexander who looked at me with a surprised expression. I shook my head and looked back at the people in front of me. "Ummm you can stop now" I said in my normal voice and they stood properly. All of them had surprised expression on and some of them even terrified ones.

"Now that you guys are in order, let me get one thing straight. I don't care who started this fight or what you said to each other. The only thing I know is that next time any of you fight, not only among you but also with the other creatures currently residing in the palace, there will be consequences. If you guys want to fight, you do it once this war is dealt with. For now, suck it up because you will be with each other for some time now." I paused to make sure they have processed everything I said. "Am I clear?" The all stayed quiet and kept looking down

I used my commanding voice and hear an echo of 'yes' around the room. "Good. Get back to what you were doing" I said and turned on my heels to go away when I saw the silhouettes of my dear family making their way leisurely to where we were.

"Way to be on time" I muttered sarcastically as I walked past them.

I was tired. No scratch that exhausted! First I have to deal with my mate giving the cold shoulder for three days. Then when I finally manage to talk to him, he behaves like an asshole at first and then all of a sudden he is possessive. As if that was not enough, a fight had to break out and we had to go see what happened. Lastly, why the fuck were demons submitting to me!?

Cresent, I would like some help here.


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