
The person came out from behind the vines and I just looked at him or should I say her.......... awkwardly. "Grandmother" I said in a low voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Why am I having deja vu. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I spoke "Nothing. Just needed some time alone. You?" I looked at her but instead of answering me, she decided it would be cool to just ignore me and go sit near the water.

She sat in the same position as I was previously. I was about to leave her because maybe she also needed some time alone. I mean who would not need it after spending so much time with those royal assholes?

Her calm and soothing voice stopped me. "I was looking for you"

"Why?" 'so that you can taunt me also?' Even if she has been better than all of them, I still do not not trust any of them. I bit my tongue to make sure those last words don't escape.

She motioned for me to sit next to her and I did, warily. Instead of putting my feet in the water, I just sat cross-legged next to her. "I know you don't trust me." She said and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

Did I actually say the last part aloud. Or can she read mind?

"None of them." She said out of nowhere.


"I don't read mind and you did not say it aloud." Right. She expects me to believe it now that already knows my thought? "I just guessed dear. I know how to read people easily."

If only I could do that for a certain someone.

Since I stayed quiet, she continued. "But don't worry. I don't blame you like the others do."

I knew what she talking about and the feeling of guilt engulfed me. I know I was not responsible for it but still a part of myself actually believed what they said. "I- I am sorry. I did not want that to happen. I could not do anything to help" I said, feeling a bit awkward and emotional as well

She took my hands in her and I looked at her. She had a soft expression on. "I know. I wish I could talk some sense in your parents and your siblings but they just seem too stuck up to realise that they are doing wrong with you and how much they are losing by doing so."


I honestly felt a bit warmed up by her words. Just a bit!

"I really wish they realise their mistakes soon. What will you do if they do realise their mistakes? Will you forgive them?" She looked at me.

Originally I would be taken aback by the question but ever since I had that talk with Cresent about this, I managed to come to a decision. "As much as I would like to, I would not. I think it is already too late. Maybe if the way they treated me these past day were not the same, I might have had forgiven them but I don't think I will be able to do it now. I know I sound very selfish right now and that they are my family but I already gave them a chance. I gave them many chances but each time I was hurt. I do not want to get hurt again so I think it would be better if we both went our separate ways. So, as I had decided, after the war, I will leave and will officially no longer be the princess." I said in a firm voice so that she knows I am serious.

"I do think you made the right decision." What? Is she serious? "If you would have forgiven them, maybe I would actually be kind of disappointed."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. The way they treated you is not the way they should treat anybody especially not their own daughter. I wish I was there instead of being under that spell."

"I guess we all have something we regret doing." I said in a low voice.

"We do" She agreed with me. "Anyway. Tell me a bit about how your life was away from all of us? I never really got to talk your siblings when they were little as they did not like it and now is not a different situation either. So I guessed I would talk to you a bit."

I sighed "Well my life has been basic. Wake up, breakfast, school, go back to the dorms, homework, dinner and sleep" I said, not going into details.

She hummed in response. "You had friends and all?"

"Umm Evelyne is my best friend. The luna of Bloodmoon pack" She nodded as she realised who I was talking about.


"You experienced new things. Like your first shift? How was it?"

I stayed quiet, thinking of the usual story I tell before saying it like every time I did. "I shifted at the beginning of last year when I was eighteen and I am a brown wolf. Her name is Cresent." I know I should not lie when she is just trying to talk to me and make me feel better but I do not want to take the risk of everybody knowing about my powers.

"Hmm. Was it painful?"

"Kind of. I was in the forest collecting things for my assignment when I shifted." I shrugged

"I am sorry. You did not have anyone to help you or guide you at that time." She squeezed my hand a bit.

"I am used to it now."

She nodded a bit "Okay enough with the sad talk now. Tell me you about your love life" She wiggled her eyebrows and I looked at her in disbelief. She playfully hit me in the arms. "Don't act like this. I have been through this stage too. Don't be shy" She teased

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Umm I don't have a love life."

"You have not found your mate yet!?" She exclaimed and I looked at her suspiciously. "I mean it is usually after 16 that you find your mate. And you are nearly twenty" She justified

"I don't know" I said in a small voice.

"If you meet your mate one day, make sure to talk to him and if ever there are misunderstandings, make sure to clear them out as soon as possible." Did she know that Alexander was my mate? The way she was acting kind of seemed off.

"I will do." I smiled faintly at her.

She cupped my cheeks and started assessing my face. I raised my eyebrow questioningly at her. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing just doing the regular grandma things." She replied as she moved my face from side to side before continuing "I never got to act like a grandma. So might as well do it with you because you how your siblings are!" She rolled her eyes.

I hummed in response, warily. The next I knew was that she was pinching my cheeks, earning an 'ouch' from me. "You have change a lot since I last saw you as a kid. Your cute chubby cheeks are gone but you still look like a cutie. Well, except when you are around your family or in the meetings and you go all business mode. Then you look scary and also sexy." I laughed a bit at her words

Was she really a queen? Cresent joked around.

"Umm, thanks?"

She chuckled "I know I am weird but this is how grandmothers behave"

"I guess?"

"I really wished you did not have to go through all of those things but then again, if you did not, you would not be who you are today."

"I know. I think if I had to go through all of those things just to be who I am today, I would happily do it again"

"That's the spirit. Just know one thing. You are strong, independent and intelligent. Don't let their words affect you. They are just jealous."

"I won't." We sat in silence for some time before I decided to break it by asking the question that had been bugging me. "So, when you said 'like a leader' what did you meant by it?"

She looked at me like a deer caught in headlights but masked it quickly with a small smile. She leaned in and whispered in my ears. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." She pulled back and she was smirking

"You are such a tease!" I exclaimed as she got to her feet.

"Patience Analise. You will know it soon enough. I kind of think you already know it but......" She trailed and I just looked at her retreating figure with my jaws long time on the ground.

I stayed there for another hour or so, contemplating what do to. I though about my grandmother's words about clearing everything with my mate and finally decided to go talk to him. Again!

I hope nobody decides to disturb us again or I will rip their heads off their shoulders.

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